Generative Energy # 7: Polyunsaturated Fats In The Real Organism (with Haidut)


Jul 22, 2012
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

Over-estimated myself. :lol:

When I go to where the file downloaded on my (new W7) computer,
it does not have that .cr appended.

It's just after I copy it to my ScanDisk mp3 player,
and go to play it...
it says: "
(and "file format not supported").... :roll:


Jul 22, 2012
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

Okay, I see what you mean, Charlie.
I got it going.
Re-named it "Danny and Haidut" in my computer,
copied it to my player,
listening to it now!


May 12, 2014
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

Just heard the podcast, Haidut. A good bit went over my head, but many things were reinforced or clarified. Thanks so much! And to Amazoniac for transcribing...I'm looking forward to go through that. For some reason, Danny's voice came through very clear, while your voice, Haidut, was a bit muffled. At least on my iPad.

At some point, after my stomach lining is repaired etc. from the H. Pylori, I want to do the insulin reversal 14-day alka seltzer. I also want to do the (14-day?) caffeine plus k2 (I did in the past, but maybe not high enough caffeine) for liver restoration. Or maybe the MB for liver restoration...I'm about to search for a source without caffeine so I can take more than a one or two drops now.

Do you think it's better to restore the liver before doing the insulin reversal? What side effects, if any, did you experience on the aspirin and caffeine protocols?

Thank you


Nov 18, 2012
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

haidut said:
The only excipients in AlkaSeltzer that I am aware of is citric acid. I am not happy about it, but at the time I needed something that was convenient to use on the go so I used it. When I have time, I make my own version of AlkaSeltzer by dropping some plain aspirin tablets in carbonated water and adding baking soda in a ratio 1:3 for aspirin:bicarbonate.
Is the goal just to make sure that all the aspirin has reacted, or is there other need for baking soda? To me that seems to be extra. The 1:1 ratio in moles seemed to result in complete reaction in hot water (about 2:1 weight ratio).


Jan 3, 2014
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

The topic "Moderate doses of aspirin reverse insulin resistance" was this the one where you discuss this study? Or should I say, the third one in the series you mention, lower dose( humans), after high dose (rats), and high dose (humans)?
Would you still choose the 6g/ day x14 approach if you were to do it today not in 2012?
I ask because I can't get k2 in decent doses above 100ug, but I'm prepared to do my best. Searching the haidut's you've posted on the forum has suggested bleeding concerns not only in the gut ( brain was mentioned) maybe overstated. I've tried day or two and with bicarb, little digestive discomfort. Just tinnitus,
also lessening, and some higher temps ( heatwave also playing a role no doubt)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

sunmountain said:
post 102986 Just heard the podcast, Haidut. A good bit went over my head, but many things were reinforced or clarified. Thanks so much! And to Amazoniac for transcribing...I'm looking forward to go through that. For some reason, Danny's voice came through very clear, while your voice, Haidut, was a bit muffled. At least on my iPad.

At some point, after my stomach lining is repaired etc. from the H. Pylori, I want to do the insulin reversal 14-day alka seltzer. I also want to do the (14-day?) caffeine plus k2 (I did in the past, but maybe not high enough caffeine) for liver restoration. Or maybe the MB for liver restoration...I'm about to search for a source without caffeine so I can take more than a one or two drops now.

Do you think it's better to restore the liver before doing the insulin reversal? What side effects, if any, did you experience on the aspirin and caffeine protocols?

Thank you

Insulin sensitivity and liver health go hand-in-hand. In some countries, there is no such thing as diabetes type II. It is called something along the lines of "insulin non-sensitivity secondary to NAFLD".
So, improving liver health should also improve ability to handle glucose as the liver would easily convert it to glycogen and store it instead of the glucose floating around the blood elevated.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

SQu said:
post 103033 The topic "Moderate doses of aspirin reverse insulin resistance" was this the one where you discuss this study? Or should I say, the third one in the series you mention, lower dose( humans), after high dose (rats), and high dose (humans)?
Would you still choose the 6g/ day x14 approach if you were to do it today not in 2012?
I ask because I can't get k2 in decent doses above 100ug, but I'm prepared to do my best. Searching the haidut's you've posted on the forum has suggested bleeding concerns not only in the gut ( brain was mentioned) maybe overstated. I've tried day or two and with bicarb, little digestive discomfort. Just tinnitus,
also lessening, and some higher temps ( heatwave also playing a role no doubt)

No, there is a human study with 6g aspirin for 2 weeks. That's the one I am referring to. And yes, I would still do the 6g aspirin today if needed, but combined with niacinamide and caffeine, you can probably get away with lower aspirin dose.
Combined with baking soda, I felt no GI issues or tinnitus. In addition, I posted studies from the early 1900s showing 5g - 7g sodium salicylate (aka Alka Seltzer) reversed even type I diabetes (but not in all people). Use the Google search option to search for "sodium salycilate".
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

onioneyedox said:
post 103030
haidut said:
The only excipients in AlkaSeltzer that I am aware of is citric acid. I am not happy about it, but at the time I needed something that was convenient to use on the go so I used it. When I have time, I make my own version of AlkaSeltzer by dropping some plain aspirin tablets in carbonated water and adding baking soda in a ratio 1:3 for aspirin:bicarbonate.
Is the goal just to make sure that all the aspirin has reacted, or is there other need for baking soda? To me that seems to be extra. The 1:1 ratio in moles seemed to result in complete reaction in hot water (about 2:1 weight ratio).

The goal is to have it react fully. Sodium salicylate was shown to NOT cause any gut issues.
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Jan 3, 2014
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

haidut said:
post 103067

No, there is a human study with 6g aspirin for 2 weeks. That's the one I am referring to. And yes, I would still do the 6g aspirin today if needed, but combined with niacinamide and caffeine, you can probably get away with lower aspirin dose.
Combined with baking soda, I felt no GI issues or tinnitus. In addition, I posted studies from the early 1900s showing 5g - 7g sodium salicylate (aka Alka Seltzer) reversed even type I diabetes (but not in all people). Use the Google search option to search for "sodium salycilate".

I stopped on day 4, hadn't felt good from the start but migraine started yesterday . I think liver involved due to feeling of nausea, aversion to most things with exception of fruit, milk. Feels like it overloaded me, but what followed was familiar from migraine days - food aversion making migraine worse I imagine through lack of nutrients. I do wonder whether stopping lipolysis has something to do with it. If so i know now what the problem is that's keeping me fat and unwell, but not how to fix it if sadly I can't tolerate this approach. Thanks for your input.
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Dec 18, 2013
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

jaa said:
post 102333

The latest generative energy podcast features haidut. I haven't listened to the entirety of the podcast, but lots of good stuff so far.
A star is born. :) Good stuff. Hip, hip hooray for Haidut and Danny!

ilovewriting said:
Cool history and culture. My initial hunch on the original meaning of the term would be that "cattle drover" is the closest to correct.

haidut said:
post 102459 I think Ray said that he recommends that people eat to keep metabolism high rather than any specific diet.
Yup, I heard him say that in at least one of his interviews.
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May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

haidut said:
post 102459
Dean said:
post 102455 Don't get me wrong, I'm not chastising you at all. If anything, I wish you'd be more vocal about the non necessity of being anal over micromanaging diet and forcing feeding your way through intolerances, etc. I think the vast majority of people who pass through here fail for largely those reasons. I get your caveat about you being in good health and can get away with an "impure" diet, but if people wash out of Peating because they can't tolerate milk (or enough milk), can't find enough ripe fruit, an oj that agrees with them, etc., wouldn't they be better off taking a stab at meat, pepsi, and chocolate before throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Isn't it possible that finding a way to stick to a no starch/low PUFA diet (even if it was nutrient deficient to some degree) be better than just going back to the SAD?

It's interesting w hat you say about greens and calcium. I thought the oxalates in greens prevented calcium absorption?

I think Ray said that he recommends that people eat to keep metabolism high rather than any specific diet. So, if milk does not sit well with you, I'd try meat, shellfish, chocolate, potato soup, etc to find out what gets your temps up. I do consciously avoid PUFA though, so that's still there.
As far as I know calcium in greens is absorbed, Peat even said kale and the green leafs are excellent source of "minerals" and then he specified calcium, magnesium, some trace elements, etc.
I think the milk and OJ recommendation is done as a diet that should be good for most people in the sense that it is easily digestible and a good form of calcium, magnesium sodium and potassium as well as relatively low on phosphorus. Again, even Peat does not stick to the milk diet regularly. He eats what he wants with the constraints of avoiding PUFA.

He's had a gallon milk a day, sometimes more, for over 20 years. He's mentioned this in several places....
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Apr 18, 2015
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

NathanK said:
post 102337 15 minutes in and my mind has already exploded. I'm stoked for when I finally digest it all.
I just finished listening (I'm late discovering the podcast) and my mind is buzzing. I understand what I read better than what I hear, which is why I am here today trying to fill in the gaps.
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New Member
Jul 21, 2015
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

My diet these days is pretty simple. I consume almost no starch and most of my carbs come from sugar-sweetened Pepsi. I prefer Coke with sugar but it's hard to find in DC, so Pepsi does it for now.
My protein comes from whatever is available in the National Geographic cafeteria, which is right next to where I work. It is an organic cafeteria, so they have decent cooked food every day. I eat meat, shellfish and some salad. My fat comes mostly from milk chocolate and the beef fat the cafeteria uses for cooking. If I am on the go, I use cheese sticks. I previously mentioned Sargento's low fat cheese but I get whatever cheese sticks are available in the grocery store. I try to get organic, but the regular cheese also sits well with me (so far).
Supplement-wise, I use caffeine, niacinamide, aspirin, biotin, P5P, and riboflavin. On a daily basis I probably only use the caffeine, niacinamide and P5P.


What are your thoughts on chocolate? During my paleo days, I would have avoided milk chocolate because of the milk and the sugar of course. I would only eat the purest, darkest chocolate. What are some of the metabolic advantages of chocolate and is the milk one preferred? Does it have any of the good properties of others foods discussed in this forum? Is it better to avoid the soy lecithin ones or the ones treated with alkali?



New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

I take 500mg niacinamide regularly. Niacinamide is an HDAC inhibitor and as such is a decent anti-cancer agent as well. So, I use niacinamide in place of aspirin when I am on the go and I don't have the conditions to make myself some aspirin + baking soda mix.
When I was in an insulin resistant state, I took 500mg x 3 daily for maybe 3 months as that was shown to reverse insulin resistance. I also did the 6g aspirin for 2 weeks as that was the human study with insulin resistance as well. That was circa 2012, so I don't do that any more. On aspirin - while it does inhibit lipolysis it forces the muscles to oxidize the fat within them so as per the study I posted today that may be more important for diabetes. And once the stress hormones have been lowered and insulin resistance reversed, you should have no problem losing the excess weight.

When I take b3 I can't go for more than an hour or two without eating lots of sugar ( I get cold feet, hands and nose, AND super impatient ). It makes me very very Hungry. Should I just eat more to satisfy my hunger until my insulin sensitivity is restored? Or will I just get super fat from eating all the extra food? Thank you!!
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon

What are your thoughts on chocolate? During my paleo days, I would have avoided milk chocolate because of the milk and the sugar of course. I would only eat the purest, darkest chocolate. What are some of the metabolic advantages of chocolate and is the milk one preferred? Does it have any of the good properties of others foods discussed in this forum? Is it better to avoid the soy lecithin ones or the ones treated with alkali?

Absolutely. Unsweetened chocolate + cane sugar is your best bet. Even then, the iron content is high.

Never felt good until I started consuming extra sugar.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
When I take b3 I can't go for more than an hour or two without eating lots of sugar ( I get cold feet, hands and nose, AND super impatient ). It makes me very very Hungry. Should I just eat more to satisfy my hunger until my insulin sensitivity is restored? Or will I just get super fat from eating all the extra food? Thank you!!

If the extra calories are mostly from sugar and protein it should not have fattening effect. Small doses niacinamide limit the conversion of sugar into fat. Keeping caloric intake high enough to keep metabolism going and stress low is much better than than trying to starve yourself to "health".


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Keeping caloric intake high enough to keep metabolism going and stress low is much better than than trying to starve yourself to "health".
I completely agree. Well said haidut.


Feb 29, 2016
New Generative Energy Podcast With Haidut

No, there is a human study with 6g aspirin for 2 weeks. That's the one I am referring to. And yes, I would still do the 6g aspirin today if needed, but combined with niacinamide and caffeine, you can probably get away with lower aspirin dose.
Combined with baking soda, I felt no GI issues or tinnitus. In addition, I posted studies from the early 1900s showing 5g - 7g sodium salicylate (aka Alka Seltzer) reversed even type I diabetes (but not in all people). Use the Google search option to search for "sodium salycilate".
Hello, Haidut. I was wondering, if someone wanted to take Sodium Salicylate to help overcome insulin resistance, would it be best to take 5-7g at once or in divided doses? Also, should it be taken with food or on an empty stomach? Would morning or night work best?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hello, Haidut. I was wondering, if someone wanted to take Sodium Salicylate to help overcome insulin resistance, would it be best to take 5-7g at once or in divided doses? Also, should it be taken with food or on an empty stomach? Would morning or night work best?

Always in divided doses. The human studies used an 8h dosing protocol, so taking at morning, noon and evening seems optimal. I would do it with food to minimize irritation of gut.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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