Gbolduev Q And A - Non Peat


Dec 20, 2016
And (probably) just as importantly, is now a full-blown Peatarian, though he refuses to acknowledge it. Recommending aspirin, niacinamide, caffeine, thyroid, vitamin E/K/A/A, DHT/Anavar, aromatase inhibitors, etc on various forums for the last 2-3 years, even though he spent a lot of effort initially (when he first started posting here) bashing all of those.

Would love to see where he’s posting this stuff.

“Thyroid comes last.” Was something he’d say but last does happen eventually. Dht/ anavar were for PFS and he talked that stuff in 2018.

Of course fat solubles are ok by him they’re required for balance.

Really would like to see these posts the last 2-3 years you’re talking about.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Would love to see where he’s posting this stuff.

“Thyroid comes last.” Was something he’d say but last does happen eventually. Dht/ anavar were for PFS and he talked that stuff in 2018.

Of course fat solubles are ok by him they’re required for balance.

Really would like to see these posts the last 2-3 years you’re talking about.

They are mostly on Russian forums, some were from HackStasis (not sure if that one is still aroun). I will try to get some links.
Mar 24, 2018
@haidut I don't believe in supplements but the Peat style I think is aimed at fast oxidants.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
They are mostly on Russian forums, some were from HackStasis (not sure if that one is still aroun). I will try to get some links.
Moone Boy Waiting GIF by HULU


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

If this is a reference on waiting for me to post links - no need to wait. The change in his position is visible on this forum too. You can read some of his earlier posts where he argued with me, bashing niacin/niacinamide, saying PFS can be cured by raising estrogen (or even with some kind of weird protocol actually using finasteride as "treatment"), to never take androgens (for PFS or otherwise) but actually take anti-androgens as a therapy for hypogonadism, progesterone/pregnenolone are crap and raise cortisol, DHEA is crap as it can create "imbalances" with cortisol, cortisol should never be modulated as it is never dysregulated, etc. All of those claims changed about 180 degrees and now he is posting on forums about using 1,500mg niacinamide to raise his testosterone (something posted on the forum first, years before he joined), using oxandrolone (a DHT derivative) for PFS (mirroring the discussions here on the forum by myself and others that DHT and its derivatives may help PFS) and other issues related to male health, using RU486 to handle elevated cortisol, using progesterone for high cortisol, suggesting pregnenolone/DHEA for PFS, etc. Nothing wrong with changing one's mind. It's just that he went from pure anti-Peat and pro-Wilson, to essentially 90% pro-Peat, copying stuff verbatim from the forum and passing it elsewhere as his own advice, while simultaneously denying any of that was influenced by Peat or the forum community/discussions.

Btw, here are some particularly egregious examples of "early" gbolduev, as opposed to his "latest" transformation where his claims about 180 degrees opposite of the ones below.

"...So if you have high cortisol and you take thyroid , you will just turn your t3 into a reverse t3 as much as you can. That is why thyroid hormone will work only with pregnenolone taken together in this case. Since pregnenolone will increase your cortisol."

"...Cortisol calms people down. it provides sugar. Highly stressed peoplehave pressure on cortisol. Cortisol lowers adrenaline obviously"

"...First it will lower progesterone and potassium retention , since potassium is thryoid receptor in the cell. body will lower progesterone this will of course lower cortisol, but increases it sensitivity 10 times."

THIS IS CFS syndrome. ( this is why this is helped so much by methylation) but should be helped by forced exercise and copper chelators and contrarian endocrinology. Anyone with chronic fatique can snap out of it in year if you just force crazy exercise."

"...This is why when you eat sugar cortisol will be downregulated and its receptors will diminish."

I have colored in red the absolutely absurd claims. T3 cannot turn into reverse T3, only T4 can. Cortisol calms people down? Yeah, he can tell that to the people with Cushing syndrome who would kill for a good night's sleep and insomnia being the most common symptom of high cortisol, years before obesity/diabetes (secondary symptom) develop. Cortisol lowers adrenaline? Nope, they always go together, which is why high cortisol = high lipolysis (by elevated adrenaline from high cortisol). Corroborated by the fact that anti-adrenaline drugs such as clonidine lower cortisol as well, and vice versa (RU486 lowering lipolysis, the latter being an unmistakable sign of high adrenaline: Direct Effect of Glucocorticoids on Lipolysis in Adipocytes). I don't know how somebody can write that cortisol lowers adrenaline when they are both integral parts of the HPA axis and the "fight or flight" response...CFS can be cured by forcing exercise? I don't even know what to say to that except that it has been tried and led to people getting into cardiac arrest. Surely the best remedy for people with mitochondrial dysfunction is to "force crazy exercise" to stress their cellular machinery even more. Like telling people with depression they can just "snap out of it". /s Moving on. When cortisol is lowered its receptors will diminish? I have to actually do a "LOL" here, as the effect of lower cortisol, adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, etc is the exact opposite to his claims - i.e. receptor expression/number will increase, to compensate for the lower levels of the ligand activating these receptors. Multiple studies with RU486 or emodin showed increased glucocorticoid receptor density, which results in higher sensitivity to cortisol. Lowering cortisol, resulting in increasing GR density is the proposed antidepressant mechanism of action even for the SSRI drugs (Successful Antidepressant Drugs Are Glucocorticoid Antagonists). At least the ones that work better than placebo, that is.

"...That was not the issue at all. The problem was that he was insulting people who were asking him perfectly legitimate questions. We were asking for sources or examples of people he has cured. He refused to provide any information. Look at his posts on other forums. He claims to have cured thousands of people of a number of obscure diseases, and he viciously attacks anyone who asks him these questions. He continues to say everything is elementary biochemistry, and anyone who questions him is stupid. It is beyond me how some of you guys take him this seriously."

Yeah, I could go on and on, but I think it is quite obvious that his initial approach was hardly based on anything even remotely resembling biochemistry. Thus, he eventually changed his approach significantly from what he was originally preaching (above). Good, nothing wrong with that. His latest postings I have seen on other forums were all about niacinamide, androgens, occasional T3 usage, pregnenolone/progesterone/DHEA, oxandrolone, etc. I think he takes it easy now on the fasting recommendations too. There are comments from others on this forum about his postings as well and how pro-Peat they have become over the years. I have many emails from people who he consulted asking me where to buy oxandrolone, progesterone, etc, what doses niacinamide to take, etc based on his recommendations. Maybe he developed some kind of fusion between Peat and Wilson/Eck. Again, nothing wrong with that. But his original claims (above) are provably absurd and wrong, and (thankfully) not what he seems to be recommending lately.

And lest I forget, he eventually admitted (on this forum) that he has/had Cushing's of adrenal origin, and that despite all of his dietary and "crazy exercise" efforts his endocrine profile did not normalize until he had surgery to remove the adrenal tumor that was giving him the high cortisol...and all the mental symptoms that come with that (such as his crazy "early" period writings above). Now, imagine a guy with Cushing's who also recommends multi-week fasts and "crazy exercise", with the latter two upping cortisol even more. If he did practice what he preached above, I would not be surprised if he was clinically psychotic (due to the high cortisol) and ended up hospitalized, probably repeatedly.

And here are some links from other places, as promised. There used to be more, but since he seems to have stopped posting after 2019 a lot of the stuff that I had seen before seems to have been 404-ed.


"...Gbolduev said he got his [testosterone] levels to 1300 with niacinamide."

"...slept pretty good last night. I cranked up the volume in pink noise + 3 grams niacinamide (gbolduev recommended me it for sleep) gets my sleep to like 95%. Just two quick wakes."

And since I have seen a lot of comments lately here that seem to conflate @gbolduev with @tyw - it actually looks like the latter disavowed the former's ideas.
"..."I see zero utility in generic concepts like "slow oxidiser vs fast oxidiser", especially when there is no verifiable clarifying context at all, and when the diagnosis for each category are a bunch of subjective metrics." -tyw"
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Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Feb 26, 2018
Thanks. Do you know if he or TubZy still post there and, if yes, under what aliases?

Looks like Tubzy still does post there along with some older members. Not sure about Gbol....he was posting under the alias Helen. From some of his work though he did bring up the copper and Vitamin A concern due to metabolic issues many times. If metabolism is low and detox pathway not open copper and vitamin A accumulate in the liver and become toxic as they cant be used

Seems there is also a HS discord server that is very active and people post there and the forum.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
If metabolism is low and detox pathway not open copper and vitamin A accumulate in the liver and become toxic as they cant be used

Even that point is very pro-Peat as Ray repeatedly warned people that in hypothyroidism even 5,000 IU vitamin A can be anti-metabolic and thyroid-suppressive. Same for copper, the utilization of which also depends on thyroid/ceruloplasmin.
Mar 24, 2018
He never denied that fast oxidants were good for Ray Peat's eating style (calcium, copper, vitamin A). I remember that Haidut had considered it a fast oxidizer which does not necessarily imply having low body fat but that it uses carbohydrates better than fats.


Jan 10, 2023
If this is a reference on waiting for me to post links - no need to wait. The change in his position is visible on this forum too. You can read some of his earlier posts where he argued with me, bashing niacin/niacinamide, saying PFS can be cured by raising estrogen (or even with some kind of weird protocol actually using finasteride as "treatment"), to never take androgens (for PFS or otherwise) but actually take anti-androgens as a therapy for hypogonadism, progesterone/pregnenolone are crap and raise cortisol, DHEA is crap as it can create "imbalances" with cortisol, cortisol should never be modulated as it is never dysregulated, etc. All of those claims changed about 180 degrees and now he is posting on forums about using 1,500mg niacinamide to raise his testosterone (something posted on the forum first, years before he joined), using oxandrolone (a DHT derivative) for PFS (mirroring the discussions here on the forum by myself and others that DHT and its derivatives may help PFS) and other issues related to male health, using RU486 to handle elevated cortisol, using progesterone for high cortisol, suggesting pregnenolone/DHEA for PFS, etc. Nothing wrong with changing one's mind. It's just that he went from pure anti-Peat and pro-Wilson, to essentially 90% pro-Peat, copying stuff verbatim from the forum and passing it elsewhere as his own advice, while simultaneously denying any of that was influenced by Peat or the forum community/discussions.
This isn't true he wasn't 90% pro peat you are mistaken, if you go hackstasis the last forum where he was seen posting under the name Helen he is mainly speaking about HTMAs/mineral balancing and TEIs programme.


Feb 26, 2018
Even that point is very pro-Peat as Ray repeatedly warned people that in hypothyroidism even 5,000 IU vitamin A can be anti-metabolic and thyroid-suppressive. Same for copper, the utilization of which also depends on thyroid/ceruloplasmin.

No, there is a difference though. Gbol breaks it down based on metabolism not based on dosage like how you/Ray are saying. If you are in a slow oxidation state, adding in any amounts of copper or vitamin A will wreck you even more regardless of dose. It's much more complex than just the dose, Peat doesn't distinguish any of these things when it comes to fast or slow oxidation. Most people are in slow oxidation state hence the accumulation of copper and vit A in the livers since its not being used up


Mar 31, 2021
If this is a reference on waiting for me to post links - no need to wait. The change in his position is visible on this forum too. You can read some of his earlier posts where he argued with me, bashing niacin/niacinamide, saying PFS can be cured by raising estrogen (or even with some kind of weird protocol actually using finasteride as "treatment"), to never take androgens (for PFS or otherwise) but actually take anti-androgens as a therapy for hypogonadism, progesterone/pregnenolone are crap and raise cortisol, DHEA is crap as it can create "imbalances" with cortisol, cortisol should never be modulated as it is never dysregulated, etc. All of those claims changed about 180 degrees and now he is posting on forums about using 1,500mg niacinamide to raise his testosterone (something posted on the forum first, years before he joined), using oxandrolone (a DHT derivative) for PFS (mirroring the discussions here on the forum by myself and others that DHT and its derivatives may help PFS) and other issues related to male health, using RU486 to handle elevated cortisol, using progesterone for high cortisol, suggesting pregnenolone/DHEA for PFS, etc. Nothing wrong with changing one's mind. It's just that he went from pure anti-Peat and pro-Wilson, to essentially 90% pro-Peat, copying stuff verbatim from the forum and passing it elsewhere as his own advice, while simultaneously denying any of that was influenced by Peat or the forum community/discussions.

Btw, here are some particularly egregious examples of "early" gbolduev, as opposed to his "latest" transformation where his claims about 180 degrees opposite of the ones below.

"...So if you have high cortisol and you take thyroid , you will just turn your t3 into a reverse t3 as much as you can. That is why thyroid hormone will work only with pregnenolone taken together in this case. Since pregnenolone will increase your cortisol."

"...Cortisol calms people down. it provides sugar. Highly stressed peoplehave pressure on cortisol. Cortisol lowers adrenaline obviously"

"...First it will lower progesterone and potassium retention , since potassium is thryoid receptor in the cell. body will lower progesterone this will of course lower cortisol, but increases it sensitivity 10 times."

THIS IS CFS syndrome. ( this is why this is helped so much by methylation) but should be helped by forced exercise and copper chelators and contrarian endocrinology. Anyone with chronic fatique can snap out of it in year if you just force crazy exercise."

"...This is why when you eat sugar cortisol will be downregulated and its receptors will diminish."

I have colored in red the absolutely absurd claims. T3 cannot turn into reverse T3, only T4 can. Cortisol calms people down? Yeah, he can tell that to the people with Cushing syndrome who would kill for a good night's sleep and insomnia being the most common symptom of high cortisol, years before obesity/diabetes (secondary symptom) develop. Cortisol lowers adrenaline? Nope, they always go together, which is why high cortisol = high lipolysis (by elevated adrenaline from high cortisol). Corroborated by the fact that anti-adrenaline drugs such as clonidine lower cortisol as well, and vice versa (RU486 lowering lipolysis, the latter being an unmistakable sign of high adrenaline: Direct Effect of Glucocorticoids on Lipolysis in Adipocytes). I don't know how somebody can write that cortisol lowers adrenaline when they are both integral parts of the HPA axis and the "fight or flight" response...CFS can be cured by forcing exercise? I don't even know what to say to that except that it has been tried and led to people getting into cardiac arrest. Surely the best remedy for people with mitochondrial dysfunction is to "force crazy exercise" to stress their cellular machinery even more. Like telling people with depression they can just "snap out of it". /s Moving on. When cortisol is lowered its receptors will diminish? I have to actually do a "LOL" here, as the effect of lower cortisol, adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, etc is the exact opposite to his claims - i.e. receptor expression/number will increase, to compensate for the lower levels of the ligand activating these receptors. Multiple studies with RU486 or emodin showed increased glucocorticoid receptor density, which results in higher sensitivity to cortisol. Lowering cortisol, resulting in increasing GR density is the proposed antidepressant mechanism of action even for the SSRI drugs (Successful Antidepressant Drugs Are Glucocorticoid Antagonists). At least the ones that work better than placebo, that is.

"...That was not the issue at all. The problem was that he was insulting people who were asking him perfectly legitimate questions. We were asking for sources or examples of people he has cured. He refused to provide any information. Look at his posts on other forums. He claims to have cured thousands of people of a number of obscure diseases, and he viciously attacks anyone who asks him these questions. He continues to say everything is elementary biochemistry, and anyone who questions him is stupid. It is beyond me how some of you guys take him this seriously."

Yeah, I could go on and on, but I think it is quite obvious that his initial approach was hardly based on anything even remotely resembling biochemistry. Thus, he eventually changed his approach significantly from what he was originally preaching (above). Good, nothing wrong with that. His latest postings I have seen on other forums were all about niacinamide, androgens, occasional T3 usage, pregnenolone/progesterone/DHEA, oxandrolone, etc. I think he takes it easy now on the fasting recommendations too. There are comments from others on this forum about his postings as well and how pro-Peat they have become over the years. I have many emails from people who he consulted asking me where to buy oxandrolone, progesterone, etc, what doses niacinamide to take, etc based on his recommendations. Maybe he developed some kind of fusion between Peat and Wilson/Eck. Again, nothing wrong with that. But his original claims (above) are provably absurd and wrong, and (thankfully) not what he seems to be recommending lately.

And lest I forget, he eventually admitted (on this forum) that he has/had Cushing's of adrenal origin, and that despite all of his dietary and "crazy exercise" efforts his endocrine profile did not normalize until he had surgery to remove the adrenal tumor that was giving him the high cortisol...and all the mental symptoms that come with that (such as his crazy "early" period writings above). Now, imagine a guy with Cushing's who also recommends multi-week fasts and "crazy exercise", with the latter two upping cortisol even more. If he did practice what he preached above, I would not be surprised if he was clinically psychotic (due to the high cortisol) and ended up hospitalized, probably repeatedly.

And here are some links from other places, as promised. There used to be more, but since he seems to have stopped posting after 2019 a lot of the stuff that I had seen before seems to have been 404-ed.


"...Gbolduev said he got his [testosterone] levels to 1300 with niacinamide."

"...slept pretty good last night. I cranked up the volume in pink noise + 3 grams niacinamide (gbolduev recommended me it for sleep) gets my sleep to like 95%. Just two quick wakes."

And since I have seen a lot of comments lately here that seem to conflate @gbolduev with @tyw - it actually looks like the latter disavowed the former's ideas.
"..."I see zero utility in generic concepts like "slow oxidiser vs fast oxidiser", especially when there is no verifiable clarifying context at all, and when the diagnosis for each category are a bunch of subjective metrics." -tyw"

Damn just reading through all this now. Haidut coming with receipts just laying waste to this stuff.


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
he eventually admitted (on this forum) that he has/had Cushing's of adrenal origin, and that despite all of his dietary and "crazy exercise" efforts his endocrine profile did not normalize until he had surgery to remove the adrenal tumor that was giving him the high cortisol...and all the mental symptoms that come with that (such as his crazy "early" period writings above)

Here's where he admits to the surgery:
got rid of it . I am perfect now. All lean, no bloat. nothing

This came up in the "cushing gbolduev" search and was just funny:
I have Cushings and if I take salt and progesterone I will be dead. If I lower estrogen I will be dead.If I take progesterone I simply stop breathing


Feb 26, 2018
Here's where he admits to the surgery:

This came up in the "cushing gbolduev" search and was just funny:

What page did he admit to surgery though? I see on page 9 the question was asked if he got surgery but he never replied in the remainder of the pages for that thread? Prior to that he said he got "rid of it" when asked which doesn't automatically imply surgery though.
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