From Coffee Headaches To A Healthy Thyroid

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Aflatoxin and ochratoxin have been found in higher amounts in decaf and can cause cell mutation and organ toxicity in humans.
This occurs because caffeine actually prevents the growth of molds that produce mycotoxins, decaf contains minimal caffeine, so it lacks the same protective mechanism.
Dave Asprey of Bulletproof, explains:

“Caffeine is a natural anti-insect and antifungal defense mechanism for the plant. It deters mold and other organisms from growing on the beans. Mold is everywhere, but caffeine helps prevent it from growing on the beans while they’re in storage. When you remove the caffeine, your beans are defenseless. Decaf coffee is higher in both aflatoxin and ochratoxin. This is one of the reasons decaf tastes like camel sweat.”

Chemicals used in the decaffeination process are the main issue. There are reports of people, who while drinking decaf coffee, experienced severe reactions. Originally it was believe there must have been traces of caffeine in the coffee causing the reactions, but it was discovered the cause was from chemicals used in the process of decaffeination and passed along into the coffee. If you choose to drink decaffeinated coffee, water-processed decaf is a better option.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Synthetic agricultural chemicals are only one piece of the coffee toxin puzzle. While most of those synthetic chemicals burn off during processing, another issue can arise when coffee producers take shortcuts: mold. This mold can cause the formation of a toxin called ochratoxin a (OTA). Too much OTA can be toxic, with possible side effects like immunosuppression, severe kidney damage, and even a potentially carcinogenic effect.
OTA growth can usually be attributed to poor coffee harvest and post-harvest practices like poor drying, re-wetting, and bad storage practices in coffee handling. One study found 50% of coffee beans tested contained OTA, and unlike pesticides, OTA doesn't burn off during typical roasting. Once OTA is present, it's pretty much impossible to get rid of, so it's important to choose coffee that has been dried and handled carefully.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“To keep things simple, we only explained USDA organic certification requirements. But for your information, many countries have their own organic standards. However, there is some overlap, as most regions agree that synthetic chemicals and GMOs can’t be a part of organic java production.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“12 Best Organic Pesticide Free Coffee Brands

Peak Performance
Kicking Horse
Spirit Animal
Natural Force“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“There are some “dirty” coffee brands out there and they may be doing harm to not only your body but also our planet.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“K-Cups may contain hormone-disrupting chemicals
Basically, as the plastic heats up some of those chemicals get in the coffee grounds for your “freshly” brewed cup of coffee. BPA, BPF, and BPS are all chemicals found in plastic. All of these chemicals can affect our hormones and fertility.

While Keurig states they don’t use BPA in their cups, a recent study showed positive results for affecting estrogens levels. Estrogen is a sex hormone that is responsible for the development of the female reproductive system, so yes it's very important to monitor estrogen levels and eliminate any potential harm to them. The top part of the k-cup structure is made from aluminum which can also be a harm to our bodies when exposed to high heat and acids like coffee. Prolonged exposure to aluminum may cause some problems in your brain. It has been linked to depression, anxiety, and autoimmune diseases. While oral exposure is not usually a problem, if ingested at high levels it can cause problems.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Your “coffee tolerance” can be used as a barometer to measure health progression or lack there of. If you improve your tolerance to coffee, you’re likely headed in the right direction nutritionally. If this doesn’t happen, it could be time to reassess your strategies.

When your coffee tolerance is poor, it might say that the liver is suffering and is not storing glycogen very well and can’t back you up efficiently (by releasing glycogen) when there is excessive stimulation from coffee. It could also be a signal that you’re not following one or more of the rules listed in the previous section of this blog.

Hypothyroidism increases susceptibility to low blood sugar because of the effects of thyroid hormone on the liver. Hypothyroid individuals can have coffee intolerance symptoms for this reason and sometimes need to show extra caution when drinking coffee. Broda Barnes’ book “Hypoglycemia: It’s Not Your Mind, It’s Your Liver” is an excellent resource to explore this topic further.

Going the extra mile is sometimes necessary for those that are really susceptible to over stimulation from coffee. One such step is adding a little coffee to milk/sugar instead of adding milk/sugar to coffee. As you improve, you will be able to handle more coffee and progressively be less dependent upon support — you will be able to press harder on the metabolic gas pedal. Another option is sipping a little coffee with support throughout the day so you get a little stimulation without it being excessive.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
@The liver is the master chemist of the body. In regards to estrogen, it plays a major role in metabolizing or destroying excess, unused hormones. While excess exposure to estrogen may be a cause of liver disease, an unhealthy liver from other lifestyle factors could be what is causing estrogen dominance for some.

Simple tips for improving liver function include minimizing all toxins (alcohol, processed foods, PUFA, drugs, xenoestrogens, etc.), eating enough calories, carbohydrates, and proteins, favoring saturated fats over unsaturated, learning to manage your emotions (particularly grief and anger), and taking herbs that support the liver like coffee, milk thistle, Chinese bitters, and reishi mushroom.”
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Consuming caffeine when cortisol levels are high decreases the health benefits.

Cortisol, a naturally-occurring stress hormone, has a very distinct circadian rhythm that is regulated by the brain’s central pacemaker. Interrupting this rhythm can lead to metabolic abnormalities, fatigue, and poor quality of life, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Consuming caffeine when your cortisol levels are at a natural peak can lead to interference in the production of cortisol and an increase in your tolerance, which can impact your response to stress and will cause to you need more and more caffeine as time goes on.“

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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Unfortunately, coffee also contains toxic heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb)[16,17,18], although available studies primarily cover instant coffee.”

“Therefore, it should be considered whether it is advisable for flavoured multi-ingredient instant coffee drinks to be consumed from time to time only, and natural coffee with optional milk and/or sugar be the choice of regular coffee drinkers.”


Lydie Baillie

Mar 3, 2018
I use coffee as a treatment sometimes .

i have stopped a rare but sudden middle of the night stabbing headache (hypnic headache ) that woke me from sound sleep , by making myself a small cup of fresh ground strong coffee.

I learned this tip searching the web and it has worked for me. I was able to get back to sleep with no more pain after about 20 minutes or so.

And I had not been a daily or even weekly coffee drinker for over 10 years.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This was posted by @Ginali a few days ago, in Charlie’s thread below…

“I just can't stop being impressed! I drank coffee today after abstaining for more than 10 years. Oh my god! It was coffee with honey, and I ate a carrot with it. You know what? The effect was amazing! Instantly! I feel so good - no supplement has ever given me this instant mountain of energy!!! I can't believe it! I just don't know what to believe anymore. Everyone says coffee is bad! Almost all famous healers advise quitting coffee! And here you are, saying 'drink Cola,' 'eat salt,' 'drink coffee,' and it works. It's wonderfully scary! I don't know what to expect next, but I feel good! This forum healed my heart, and now maybe I'll get my energy back too?! Crazy, crazy, crazy!”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Do you know what Peat meant by "coffee's important effects"?
I am now taking 100 mg of caffeine powder every morning, wondering if coffee would be better for me.
Ray seemed to think coffee should be considered a nutrient, so I think it has way more benefits than just the caffeine.


Sep 20, 2023
Spot on.

There was a study I read that said, people who consume caffeine only (outside of coffee) had lower mortality than people who consumed caffeine IN COFFEE.

I switched to coffee a few months ago after being that guy who only took caffeine pills and never coffee...
Do you have a link to the study that showed that people who consumed caffeine IN COFFEE had a higher mortality rate than those who just took caffeine?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“However, long-term studies unequivocally point to caffeine being strongly protective about any form of diabetes.
I think this study finally confirms Ray's opinion and combined several other studies showing that while caffeine may indeed trigger a stress response when administered for 1-2 days, in the course of just 2 weeks it actually lowered stress hormones, and ever reversed diabetes. Personally, I think that the beneficial effects are due to the fact that caffeine, like no other substance known to man, reverses liver dysfunction in just 2 weeks but in the initial period of 1-4 days flushed a lot of fat from the liver into the bloodstream. There could be other things at play but this is probably the main mechanism.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“So, after much experimentation I am happy to report that I found a combo that gives me sustained (7-8 hours) of 98.5 degrees temperature and pulse of about 90, without taking any thyroid hormones in between.
So, the mix is this: 325mg aspirin, 200mg caffeine, 500mg niacinamide. This is what I would call a single dose. Today I took 3 times that dose in a single sitting for a total of 1g aspirin, 600mg caffeine and 1500mg niacinamide.
Within 15min I felt the energy/wakefulness surge caused by caffeine but I did not feel the adrenalin surge I normally get. After about an hour I stabilized in a very nice highly alert but calm state that lasted throughout the entire day. I measured my pulse and temp every 2 hours and they both stayed consistent as well. With normal food intake and no additional thyroid hormone or other stimulants like anti-serotonin drugs I maintained this state for more than 8 hours and then slowly started to subside. I did not crash, like it is often reported after a big caffeine intake.
So, I just wanted to share this with people who have trouble with caffeine or want to ramp up metabolism but do not want to take thyroid. Bottom line - it seems that niacinamide both mitigates the potential adrenalin surge of large caffeine dose and gives an additional energy boost.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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