Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice. WOW


Feb 13, 2016
I decided to re-introduce orange juice into my diet after quitting commercial orange juice for a few months due to it causing high blood pressure (which has now completely normalized). I decided to spend some more money to buy orange juice freshly squeezed on the spot, and I'm blown away...

I wasn't even buying from-concentrate orange juice before. I only bought Tropicana and Simply Orange, which are both not-from-concentrate. But this freshly squeezed juice tastes worlds better and instantly warmed up my hands and feet on the first sip.

Maybe if the developed world stops demonizing entire groups of food (carbs are bad, saturated fat is bad, even all PUFA is bad, etc) and instead focuses on producing quality FOOD instead of nicely packaged ***t, cancer/degenerative disease/mental health issue rates would go down.

Honestly, I think all this"saturated fat increases cholesterol" and "cholesterol clogs arteries" and "carbs cause diabetes" nonsense is framing saturated fat/cholesterol/etc. as scapegoats to hide the real criminal -- food-producing corporations.

Green revolution feeds more people, yes, but at a lower quality of life. Nature seems to be a zero-sum game.


Oct 15, 2016
Yes I'm still not sure why freshly squeezed orange juice tastes so much better and different, maybe it's the pasteurization that changes the juice quality a whole lot, it's like a different fruit.


Feb 4, 2014
Who Wants a Nice Tall Glass of Coca-Cola's Algorithmic Orange Juice?

Coca-Cola won't say how it makes its best-selling Simply Orange orange juice, but one thing is for sure: It's not so simple. A new investigation by Bloomberg Businessweek shows that the Coke-owned orange juice brand that's billed as less processed version of Tropicana is in fact a hyper-engineered and dauntingly industrial product. The factory in Florida where the bulk of Coke's orange juice products are made sounds less like a bucolic grove where natural things grow than an oil refinery where natural things go to die. And yes, that includes the "Grove Made" variety.

The explanation behind Coke's complicated new orange juice scheme is nothing short of ironic. Basically, all of their customers are realizing the soda is really bad for you, so demand is shifting to healthy -- or at least healthy-seeming -- alternatives like juice. Coke also figured out that people are willing to pay 25 percent more for juice that's not processed, that is, not made from concentrate. Enter Simply Orange. It is indeed just oranges, but boy have those oranges been through hell and back. Coke calls the process Black Book, because it won't tell anyone how it works. The consultant that designed the Black Book formula will, however.

Bob Cross of Revenue Analytics explained to Bloomberg Businessweek that Coke relies on a deeply complex algorithm for every step of the juice-making process. The algorithm is designed to accept any contingency that might affect manufacturing, from weather patterns to shifts in the global economy, and make adjustments to the manufacturing process accordingly. Built into the model is a breakdown of the 600-plus flavors that are in orange juice that are tweaked throughout the year to keep flavor consistent and in line with consumer tastes. Coke even sucks the oxygen out of the juice when they send it to be mixed so that they can keep it around for a year or more to balance out other batches. Doug Bippert, Coke's vice president of business acceleration, calls it "a flight simulator for [Coke's] juice business." (Funnily enough Delta uses the same algorithm to balance its books.) "If we have a hurricane or a freeze," Bippert added, "we can quickly replan the business in 5 or 10 minutes just because we've mathematically modeled it." We call it deceitfully industrial, especially for a product called Simply Orange.

The good news is that the highly orchestrated process is also highly efficient. Bloomberg Businessweek says "oranges can go from grove to glass in less than 24 hours" during the peak spring season, although, as we just said, you're probably going to get a little bit of juice from last season in there since Coke mixes the batches to balance out the flavors. It's not a terrible surprise that they make these natural-sounding brands in a giant, steam-belching factory. This is America! We process our food. And just because consumers have been catching on to this fresh and natural trend the past couple of decades, that doesn't mean that the food and beverage industry is going to throw out the old ways of doing things. Especially, when there are billions of dollars on the line. Coke raked in $4.6 billion in the U.S. for its not-from-concentrate juice products last year.

In conclusion, if you want that freshly squeezed orange juice experience, buy a juicer.


Jun 7, 2016
The vitamin c is probably destroyed by the pasteurisation.

Juicing the orange and drinking it straight after would ensure highest vitamin c content.

I use a slow press juicer to juice oranges from a farm an hour away and if I juice some and put it in the fridge for half a day the flavour and experience has already degraded even if sealed in a glass bottle.


Jan 25, 2014
Yes I'm still not sure why freshly squeezed orange juice tastes so much better and different, maybe it's the pasteurization that changes the juice quality a whole lot, it's like a different fruit.

Trader Joe's sells an orange juice that isn't pasteurized. Then you could do a fresh squeezed vs. unpasteurized but not fresh squeezed, if you wanted to do a comparison.


Jul 23, 2015
There are also juices out there that don't use heat pasteurization, they use pressure pasteurization instead. Evolution fresh comes to mind. They have an organic orange which tastes pretty much like fresh but too much pulp for me.
May 26, 2016
Yeah, the difference is remarkable. Whole Foods is great for freshly squeezed OJ.

I should warn that once you try it, it's hard to go back!:oops:


May 7, 2017
Yea it's hard to go back. Fresh squeezed makes me warm within minutes. Whole Foods fresh squeezed is good too if you're in a time bind, but they're pulpy.


Oct 15, 2016
Trader Joe's sells an orange juice that isn't pasteurized. Then you could do a fresh squeezed vs. unpasteurized but not fresh squeezed, if you wanted to do a comparison.
Yeah, BenjaminBullock experience with freshly pressed orange juice makes sense.
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