Flowers Of Sulfur Aka Brimstone Logs


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
j. said:
Charlie said:
4peatssake said:
Thanks haidut. I have ph strips as well and think I need to up my baking soda intake but been a bit leery about it.
Turtle wins the race. :)

I think sometimes people can be really messed up and need to act fast.
That was a gentle friendly nudge because of a prior salt incident I had in mind. ;)


Oct 10, 2012
Re: Heart Pounding Palpitations From Thyroid Supplement Log

haidut said:
jag2594 said:
haidut said:
4peatssake said:
haidut said:
Btw, I have discovered that stomach issues can be controlled to a great degree by limiting liquid intake. When metabolism is not working properly, even small amount of extra liquid can bring really bad symptoms.
Interesting, can you say more about this? What foods do you recommend to get the metabolism working and avoid "really bad symptoms."

I ask because I continue to have gut issues and "seem" to tolerate liquids better that solid food but have wondered lately if I need to cut back on liquids and try a different approach. Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks!

I found that at least for me, drinking liquids in the amounts I used to in my younger years brings about bowel noises, the feeling of shaking water in the gut, drop in temperature, confusion, eye floaters, etc.
So, for me the solution to liquids causing stomach issues was to up the salt intake by taking Alka-Seltzer. I take 12 tablets daily, which translates to about 3.9g of aspirin, and 23g of baking soda (which contains about 6g of sodium). So, basically I take 4 Seltzer tablets 3 times a day and that helps a lot with the excessive water intake.
I also try to drink liquids only when I feel thirsty, while before it was almost like a habit to sip on something while in front of the computer at work.
I eat a good deal of strained yogurt so I get 100g+ of protein a day and feel full without overeating. I think the fact that I limit the fat intake to the evening meal only (for the fat-soluble vitamins) helps as well. Having fat-rich meals all the time (even if the fat is saturated) does not sit well with me.
Every once in a while I take 4mg of ondansetron but these days I barely need it b/c I feel like the thyroid schedule is finally under control and I can control serotonin in the gut by relying on thyroid mostly.
Finally, I take about 2.5g of mixed tocopherol (high-gamma) and since this is very anti-estrogenic it has reduced my water retention dramatically.
If I have to pin it down to one thing - I would say that getting the thyroid right made the biggest difference. It took me more than a year of going back and forth of taking too little or too much until I stuck to the Barnes schedule, staring with half-grain in the morning and half-grain in the evening, to the point of taking 3 grains right now. I plan on increasing it until I don't feel any more benefit.
I hope that helps.

P.S. I almost forgot - I try to eat foods that have as high as possible calories/weight ratio since this controls the amount of liquids I am consuming. I find that strained "Greek" yogurt, low fat icecream, cheese, eggs, meat, shrimp fit that ratio pretty well. If I eat gelatin I just take the powder and ingest with as little liquid as possible (but plenty of sugar). And make sure that you eat enough sugar with all the protein you ingest. Otherwise, cortisol rises pretty quickly and the feeling is just not good.

What type of Vitamin E do you use ?

I have several types, which I rotate every month. I typically use the mixed tocopherols 95% purity from LotionCrafter, and also the Swanson "Maximum-Strength Gamma Tocopherol". Both types have similar contents of gamma-tococpherol, which Ray has said he prefers as well.

Can you use the LotionCrafter internally ? Or do you use it externally only ?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Lin said:
When you test urine acidity, what is the result you are aiming for?

I am aiming for a Ph of 5 and below. Lower than 3 is not desirable, so any where in the range of 5 to 3 is what my goal is. The Ph paper does not give a number but several colors. I am aiming for the second most acidic color and have achieved it in the past.


Aug 9, 2013
Re: Heart Pounding Palpitations From Thyroid Supplement Log

haidut said:
If I have to pin it down to one thing - I would say that getting the thyroid right made the biggest difference. It took me more than a year of going back and forth of taking too little or too much until I stuck to the Barnes schedule, staring with half-grain in the morning and half-grain in the evening, to the point of taking 3 grains right now. I plan on increasing it until I don't feel any more benefit.
I hope that helps.

Can you elaborate on this Haidut pls? I'm struggling with finding the right dose of Thyroid


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Re: Heart Pounding Palpitations From Thyroid Supplement Log

aquaman said:
haidut said:
If I have to pin it down to one thing - I would say that getting the thyroid right made the biggest difference. It took me more than a year of going back and forth of taking too little or too much until I stuck to the Barnes schedule, staring with half-grain in the morning and half-grain in the evening, to the point of taking 3 grains right now. I plan on increasing it until I don't feel any more benefit.
I hope that helps.

Can you elaborate on this Haidut pls? I'm struggling with finding the right dose of Thyroid

I followed this schedule, with minor adjustments to account for my different weight and physical activity:

I was taking as much as 4 grains daily, but since my gut issues slowly started subsiding I have been able to go on as low as 1 grain and feel great. As long as I eat my 80g+ of protein a day I get a similar feeling even without the thyroid.
It was not easy to stick to it for 3-4 weeks but in my opinion it was definitely worth it.


Mar 29, 2014
haidut said:
Lin said:
When you test urine acidity, what is the result you are aiming for?

I am aiming for a Ph of 5 and below. Lower than 3 is not desirable, so any where in the range of 5 to 3 is what my goal is. The Ph paper does not give a number but several colors. I am aiming for the second most acidic color and have achieved it in the past.
Hi Haidut,
We've been discussing UpH and your name came up over in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4433&start=15#p62614
I wonder if you could say what your reasons were for aiming for a very low UpH <5? Was it for a short term purpose such as anti-parasites, or as a general goal?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
tara said:
haidut said:
Lin said:
When you test urine acidity, what is the result you are aiming for?

I am aiming for a Ph of 5 and below. Lower than 3 is not desirable, so any where in the range of 5 to 3 is what my goal is. The Ph paper does not give a number but several colors. I am aiming for the second most acidic color and have achieved it in the past.
Hi Haidut,
We've been discussing UpH and your name came up over in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4433&start=15#p62614
I wonder if you could say what your reasons were for aiming for a very low UpH <5? Was it for a short term purpose such as anti-parasites, or as a general goal?

I was doing it for a period of time when I thought I had UTI. Once that cleared up I did not continue trying to maintain acidic urine on purposes. These days I just eat right and have stopped even thyroid as I don't get much benefit from it that I cannot get from a decent dose of caffeine. I think supplementing with thyroid is an adaptogen - to be done only until things normalize and then switch to thyroid "surrogates" if necessary. I posted a study on caffeine over the weekend that shows caffeine can act just like thyroid and suppress TSH in doses of about 400mg for an adult.
Anyways, this is just my experience. I think the goal is to ultimately rely on as few supplements as possible and not be on anything long term, except possibly aspirin. Even aspirin I would take sporadically and not every day if possible.


Mar 29, 2014
haidut said:
tara said:
haidut said:
Lin said:
When you test urine acidity, what is the result you are aiming for?

I am aiming for a Ph of 5 and below. Lower than 3 is not desirable, so any where in the range of 5 to 3 is what my goal is. The Ph paper does not give a number but several colors. I am aiming for the second most acidic color and have achieved it in the past.
Hi Haidut,
We've been discussing UpH and your name came up over in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4433&start=15#p62614
I wonder if you could say what your reasons were for aiming for a very low UpH <5? Was it for a short term purpose such as anti-parasites, or as a general goal?

I was doing it for a period of time when I thought I had UTI. Once that cleared up I did not continue trying to maintain acidic urine on purposes. These days I just eat right and have stopped even thyroid as I don't get much benefit from it that I cannot get from a decent dose of caffeine. I think supplementing with thyroid is an adaptogen - to be done only until things normalize and then switch to thyroid "surrogates" if necessary. I posted a study on caffeine over the weekend that shows caffeine can act just like thyroid and suppress TSH in doses of about 400mg for an adult.
Anyways, this is just my experience. I think the goal is to ultimately rely on as few supplements as possible and not be on anything long term, except possibly aspirin. Even aspirin I would take sporadically and not every day if possible.
That's interesting. I'd only heard of (and used) urinary alkalinisers for opposing UTIs. Did it work? Got an explanation you care to share?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
tara said:
haidut said:
tara said:
haidut said:
Lin said:
When you test urine acidity, what is the result you are aiming for?

I am aiming for a Ph of 5 and below. Lower than 3 is not desirable, so any where in the range of 5 to 3 is what my goal is. The Ph paper does not give a number but several colors. I am aiming for the second most acidic color and have achieved it in the past.
Hi Haidut,
We've been discussing UpH and your name came up over in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4433&start=15#p62614
I wonder if you could say what your reasons were for aiming for a very low UpH <5? Was it for a short term purpose such as anti-parasites, or as a general goal?

I was doing it for a period of time when I thought I had UTI. Once that cleared up I did not continue trying to maintain acidic urine on purposes. These days I just eat right and have stopped even thyroid as I don't get much benefit from it that I cannot get from a decent dose of caffeine. I think supplementing with thyroid is an adaptogen - to be done only until things normalize and then switch to thyroid "surrogates" if necessary. I posted a study on caffeine over the weekend that shows caffeine can act just like thyroid and suppress TSH in doses of about 400mg for an adult.
Anyways, this is just my experience. I think the goal is to ultimately rely on as few supplements as possible and not be on anything long term, except possibly aspirin. Even aspirin I would take sporadically and not every day if possible.
That's interesting. I'd only heard of (and used) urinary alkalinisers for opposing UTIs. Did it work? Got an explanation you care to share?

There were some studies I saw years ago showing increased UTI bacterial clearance in acidic environment of the bladder. So, I tried it and it seemed to work. I also get acidic urine from drinking a quart of cranberry juice, and cranberry juice is a known treatment for some UTIs. Like I said, I am not doing that any more so it was more of a short-term experiment, which for me it seemed to do the trick.


Mar 29, 2014
haidut said:
tara said:
haidut said:
tara said:
haidut said:
Lin said:
When you test urine acidity, what is the result you are aiming for?

I am aiming for a Ph of 5 and below. Lower than 3 is not desirable, so any where in the range of 5 to 3 is what my goal is. The Ph paper does not give a number but several colors. I am aiming for the second most acidic color and have achieved it in the past.
Hi Haidut,
We've been discussing UpH and your name came up over in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4433&start=15#p62614
I wonder if you could say what your reasons were for aiming for a very low UpH <5? Was it for a short term purpose such as anti-parasites, or as a general goal?

I was doing it for a period of time when I thought I had UTI. Once that cleared up I did not continue trying to maintain acidic urine on purposes. These days I just eat right and have stopped even thyroid as I don't get much benefit from it that I cannot get from a decent dose of caffeine. I think supplementing with thyroid is an adaptogen - to be done only until things normalize and then switch to thyroid "surrogates" if necessary. I posted a study on caffeine over the weekend that shows caffeine can act just like thyroid and suppress TSH in doses of about 400mg for an adult.
Anyways, this is just my experience. I think the goal is to ultimately rely on as few supplements as possible and not be on anything long term, except possibly aspirin. Even aspirin I would take sporadically and not every day if possible.
That's interesting. I'd only heard of (and used) urinary alkalinisers for opposing UTIs. Did it work? Got an explanation you care to share?

There were some studies I saw years ago showing increased UTI bacterial clearance in acidic environment of the bladder. So, I tried it and it seemed to work. I also get acidic urine from drinking a quart of cranberry juice, and cranberry juice is a known treatment for some UTIs. Like I said, I am not doing that any more so it was more of a short-term experiment, which for me it seemed to do the trick.
Ta. Cranberry juice has been an effective preventive for UTI's for me, but not enough to stop one once it's under way. Others have said d-mannose is an effective anti-UTI measure, and apparently cranberries contain a bit of that, too.


Aug 10, 2012
I use the D-mannose if I feel one coming on. Always works pretty fast. For example, I start right in with a half teaspoon in water and continue it every hour. Usually takes 3 to 4 hours to disappear. The thing for me is to do it and not tell myself that I am not getting an infection.

As I recall D-mannose sugar is the active component in cranberry juice to get those guys off the bladder wall.
I don't take it preventatively, just when needed.

I'm off to start my 3 pinches of sulfur. I keep ignoring it in my pantry. I want to be on the yearly 3 day schedule. Every March then.


Aug 10, 2012
Oh, not taking the sulfur. My bottle says I did it last December. Good girl for making a note.


Dec 9, 2015
What is the rationale for limiting sulfur to only a small amount once per year? Can it cause deficiencies/imbalances or other side effects long term?
I've been using ~1/8tsp sublimed sulfur mixed with molasses the past few days. I've noticed a decrease in a "full" feeling in my sigmoid colon that I've gotten used to over the years, along with cleaner BMs (still easy to pass, but better formed and needing less TP). Don't want to have those benefits go away.


New Member
Jul 24, 2018
I am having some king of penile fungus infection and thought Flower of sulfur might be helpful for that? any ideas? Also Do I rub it on or I ingest it? thanks


Aug 10, 2012
I am having some king of penile fungus infection and thought Flower of sulfur might be helpful for that? any ideas? Also Do I rub it on or I ingest it? thanks
My husband has used 10% sulphur soap topically for groin itch. It seems to be fungal. Says it's helping him and worth a try. But, I think the 100% Flowers of Sulfur might be too strong unless you maybe use a little with soap or water to dilute it.


Aug 10, 2012
I use the D-mannose if I feel one coming on. Always works pretty fast. For example, I start right in with a half teaspoon in water and continue it every hour. Usually takes 3 to 4 hours to disappear. The thing for me is to do it and not tell myself that I am not getting an infection.

As I recall D-mannose sugar is the active component in cranberry juice to get those guys off the bladder wall.
I don't take it preventatively, just when needed.

I'm off to start my 3 pinches of sulfur. I keep ignoring it in my pantry. I want to be on the yearly 3 day schedule. Every March then.
So, now I do use the D-mannose preventatively. A teaspoon in my oj once a week or so.


Oct 15, 2021
Re: Heart Pounding Palpitations From Thyroid Supplement Log

and incidentally taurine is the only sulfur-containing amino acid.
I thought Methionine, and Cysteine were the sulfur containing amino's?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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