Fish Oil Studies and How Science/Publishing Work


Nov 30, 2012
narouz said:
Interesting "meta-analysis" of fish oil supplementing,
how publishing of studies works in the scientific community these days:

All good and well, but out there in the real world, people believe in fish oil, irregardless of any studies at all. The more recent studies which show fish oil has no cogntive benefit have no effect on those who think it has changed their bone creakiness and cured their dry skin. There is probably no amount of studies large or small that will pry fish oil out of the hands of many Americans, who are basically hostile to science because they're controlled by the media.


Nov 30, 2012


Oct 14, 2012
The issue is that Fish Oil does have benefits albeit short term. They can be very anti inflammatory but the general population don't understand the negative mechanisms through which this is achieved.

Thats where the problem is.

Fish oil works for a while (Reducing symptoms) so people start swearing by them and when the anti inflammatory effects wear off and worse inflammation re appears they attribute it to something else and not the fish oil.
They write off the possibility of the fish oil being causal because they wouldn't accept or even consider that something that was symptom improving in the short term could have the opposite effect in the long term.

People are unwilling to learn about the effects things have on their bodies and even worse they are generally blocked from knowing what is really happening by the smoke screens deployed by food and pharma industries which are robustly supported by our governments.

For the last 15 years I had believed I was ultra healthy and couldn't understand the symptoms of depression, aches and pains I still constantly had. I have been reading into nutrition and health for that long and it is only recently that the whole picture about nutrition and health has been revealed to me. When I say revealed I mean I understand that there are strong political and monetary influences and I know look out for them. Fish Oil is one of those areas.


Nov 30, 2012
^^ yes, kettle bell, we live in interesting times definitely. I got in to fish & fish oil through the Zone diet & a skincare guru named Nicholas Perricone. Sears says you can modulate the "Zone" and get away with eating "bad carbs" by using fish oil. Perricone pushes salmon as part of a 3 day face lift that one is to continue indefinitely, in order to keep the anti-inflammatory "lift & glow" going. Both Sears & Perricone have red, inflamed skin, but this has not had any impact on their work.

A year & a half after I added a daily serving of salmon (2002-2003), I developed severe insomnia, heart palpitations and mild hot flashes- signs of perimeno pause. That is how I wound up on the bcp. I took fish oil off and on along with the daily salmon (and the bcp, just ridiculous) throughout the 2000s, and became lethargic with signs of insulin resistance and skin damage in my late 30s---- really bad accelerated aging that made no sense; I wondered if sun damage had caused it, or maybe i needed more hormones. I would have never figured it out on my own; no one except the peat crowd knows what I'm talking about. I've told my story on on other forums of how omega 3 fatty acids made me sick. People don't seem to care or relate. They say people have taken fish oil for centuries; it's a "staple", almost like a folk remedy that has been elevated in status . If you take away fish oil, it's an insult to grandparents. People insist that there are testimonies that fish oil is a good supplement, but online you won't find many that aren't published on a corporate website.

John Eels

Dec 26, 2012
What's the lesson of your stories, gretchen and kettlebell?

Is it about looking for the greater forces at play as you mentioned kettlebell (i. e. political, monetary, power)? Be wary if someone is talking about silver bullets?

Is it about paying attention to your body as gretchen reveals in her story?

Somehow it's about empowerment putting your experiences in a broader context. I wish I was able to be more specific.

By the way, have you guys (gretchen and kettlebell) been successful in reversing some of the damage? I wish you success on your journey to optimal health.

John Eels

Dec 26, 2012
(I mentioned it before. I feel like waking up from a bad dream. I have a history of depression and subsequent on and off use of SSRI's. It's common to take antidepressants for years. Maybe the worst is the story I've been told: "See, it's like insulin for the diabetic. If he hadn't it he died. You have a genetic preposition [my grandmother suffered of depression]. You will take your medication for life." This is terrible news. And it's all a lie. And hardly anyone is aware of the falsehood of the claims being made. Doctor's have good intentions. They're not bad people. They work in a bad system and corrupted data.)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
John Eels said:
Doctor's have good intentions. They're not bad people. They work in a bad system and corrupted data.

This, so much this.


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