Experts: Japan's lack of COVID-19 pandemic due to the virus "mutating out of existence"


Sep 24, 2016
Researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Genetics believe this is what happened after looking at an enzyme called nsp14. The enzyme’s purpose is to correct errors caused by replication.

Ituro Inoue, a genetics professor at the institute, said Delta couldn’t keep spreading and repair the errors that piled up at the same time.“

We were literally shocked to see the findings,’ Prof Inoue said. ‘The Delta variant in Japan was highly transmissible and keeping other variants out. But as the mutations piled up, we believe it eventually became a faulty virus and it was unable to make copies of itself.

‘Considering that the cases haven’t been increasing, we think that at some point during such mutations it headed straight toward its natural extinction.’


Jan 25, 2014
‘Considering that the cases haven’t been increasing, we think that at some point during such mutations it headed straight toward its natural extinction.’

I remember when this was a worry, that the virus was mutating itself out of existence so fast, that they wouldn't be able to vaccinate anybody. It's like Haidut said in another post, the purpose of medicine doesn't appear to be about making people healthy, it appears to be more about "following the rules."


Mar 29, 2016
It's very interesting that Japan is part of the Axis power center that was defeated in the last manufactured world war by the Allied Power under the manipulation of Zionists brokers.

Because it was difficult for the Zionists to penetrate Japanese society into its roots via religion (in the way Judeo Christianity mangled and neutered all the mainstream Christian sects and even created an Evangelical Christianity that was a stooge for Israel via its rapture fantasy) and culture (especially control via use of language), despite Japan's very western leaning attitude as a nation since the Meiji reformation.

It still came down to whether its institutions became decayed the way Zionists destroyed Western culture and made it wholly neutered and subservient to a false ideology that made it subjugated helplessly to a Zionist elite.

Lord Cola

It's very interesting that Japan is part of the Axis power center that was defeated in the last manufactured world war by the Allied Power under the manipulation of Zionists brokers.

Because it was difficult for the Zionists to penetrate Japanese society into its roots via religion (in the way Judeo Christianity mangled and neutered all the mainstream Christian sects and even created an Evangelical Christianity that was a stooge for Israel via its rapture fantasy) and culture (especially control via use of language), despite Japan's very western leaning attitude as a nation since the Meiji reformation.

It still came down to whether its institutions became decayed the way Zionists destroyed Western culture and made it wholly neutered and subservient to a false ideology that made it subjugated helplessly to a Zionist elite.
Most Japanese people are submissive to those who they perceive as higher up in the social hierarchy. They prefer to let higher-ups make decisions for them, if those decisions are perceived as being beyond the scope of their alloted social role. As long as their leaders can generate a sense of legitimacy, the population wouldn't need such aggressive and constant political agitation as in the US, for example, to maintain control.


Mar 29, 2016
Most Japanese people are submissive to those who they perceive as higher up in the social hierarchy. They prefer to let higher-ups make decisions for them, if those decisions are perceived as being beyond the scope of their alloted social role. As long as their leaders can generate a sense of legitimacy, the population wouldn't need such aggressive and constant political agitation as in the US, for example, to maintain control.
That social order they have is not really as much borne of submissiveness as much as in blending with an order based on ethics and honor. When values and mores are in line with a moral code that serves society well in general, its rulers and enforcers cannot but be compelled to act in a manner that accords respect, and with respect earned power is duly given by the people. This is the voice of the people expressing the mandate of heaven.

That sensibility exists in a world unspoiled by the unrelenting Zionist propaganda creating unjust power structures over two millenia culminating in the current worldwide authoritarian and dystopian decay in the West and its hapless colonies well educated especially in the Zionist corrupted English language. Singapore is one example of a colonial vestige- a technocratic police state enforcing the Zionist Covid mandate on its population, its leaders and population spellbound in marching to the drummer of English babelspeak and its false ideologies. No language barrier to shield it from ruining its culture to that of a vassal. In contrast, an ethnically similar nation exists in Taiwan that still is able to resist the tug and pull of the Zionist New World Order, but only to a greater degree.


Apr 19, 2020
In Japan, even the snow crystals are different and special. So different in fact that a government official was quoted as saying that is why it is imperative to buy skis made in Japan for your ski vacation, as this special snow not found anywhere else in the world needs a special ski base material. (I am an ex skier and read this 20 years ago. Fair Dinkum.)

So therefore their Delta variant came into contact with this special enzyme nsp14. And then mutated it out of existence. Kind of like the movie plot of Godzilla VS MechaGodzilla. Makes sense.

Most probably, this nsp14 is only found in Japan. I will therefore imbibe some Japanese vodka now and let the ol' magical enzymes do their work. Good Day and Good Health!


Mar 17, 2017
A lot of Japanese people starts doubting about covid and need of vaccines but nobody can speak out about it in public even infront of their familymembers and friends because they will be treated as conspiracist.
Majority of Japanse people are already get vaccinated so they are forced to believe all this stuff.

Lord Cola

That social order they have is not really as much borne of submissiveness as much as in blending with an order based on ethics and honor. When values and mores are in line with a moral code that serves society well in general, its rulers and enforcers cannot but be compelled to act in a manner that accords respect, and with respect earned power is duly given by the people. This is the voice of the people expressing the mandate of heaven.

That sensibility exists in a world unspoiled by the unrelenting Zionist propaganda creating unjust power structures over two millenia culminating in the current worldwide authoritarian and dystopian decay in the West and its hapless colonies well educated especially in the Zionist corrupted English language. Singapore is one example of a colonial vestige- a technocratic police state enforcing the Zionist Covid mandate on its population, its leaders and population spellbound in marching to the drummer of English babelspeak and its false ideologies. No language barrier to shield it from ruining its culture to that of a vassal. In contrast, an ethnically similar nation exists in Taiwan that still is able to resist the tug and pull of the Zionist New World Order, but only to a greater degree.
Obedience to authority is drilled into them from a young age. Children are deterred from questioning things that are culturally accepted as being true. Curiosity about things that matter is usually not encouraged, and the general atmosphere in schools and professional settings is to shut up and do what you're told. Those who persist with unacceptable thinking tend to become marginalized, or learn to keep their thoughts to themselves. Ideally, the culture would tend towards actions based on ethics and honor, as you say, but usually it is used to justify authoritarian actions of powerful people who don't have the best interests of the affected people in mind. Most Japanese people will go along with the agenda, as they have been, even if they know they're being lied to.

While the manipulation of the English language is a big part of "Western" control, people of the so-called sinosphere tend to be capable of identifying and resisting (as much as practically possible) juice shenanigans and other deceptions largely thanks to their tendency for holistic thought and confucianism, where the ideological weaponry developed by Usrael is fundamentally revolting. You can see with Chinese or Japanese college students in the US, who are very familiar with American culture and speak English fluently, that most of them will reject the unhealthy things constantly encouraged by the media, university authorities, and others, that other students - including "devout" religious students - are susceptible to. Even people who follow juice religions continue to maintain confucian values such as those relating to observable aspects of human and other relationships, and these would be difficult to erode with the ideological-linguistic reductionist gibberish completely detached from reality that is produced by Usraeli academics and "thought leaders", even if these people learned to speak English well.
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Apr 19, 2020
A lot of Japanese people starts doubting about covid and need of vaccines but nobody can speak out about it in public even infront of their familymembers and friends because they will be treated as conspiracist.
Majority of Japanse people are already get vaccinated so they are forced to believe all this stuff.
I understand. It is really the same where I live in Australia. If one thinks something "other" than the Fake Science on TV, then one is labelled Conspiracist or Anti-V, etc. . I just say I am Pro- Health!! I was joking above in that comment because the main quote from the genetic professor Ituro Inoue and his IMO ridiculous statement. But his story is a fantastic cover for the main street news. I am very happy that hospitals and doctors started to use IVM on people and they did not die.


Aug 17, 2016
A lot of Japanese people starts doubting about covid and need of vaccines but nobody can speak out about it in public even infront of their familymembers and friends because they will be treated as conspiracist.
Majority of Japanse people are already get vaccinated so they are forced to believe all this stuff.
Maybe the Japanese were given saline?
Have you heard of many adverse vaccine reactions in Japan?


Oct 5, 2014
Jaw dropped. This is probably the biggest colective delirium in history. Or maybe the 3rd after the two world wars.


Oct 5, 2014
It's very interesting that Japan is part of the Axis power center that was defeated in the last manufactured world war by the Allied Power under the manipulation of Zionists brokers.

Because it was difficult for the Zionists to penetrate Japanese society into its roots via religion (in the way Judeo Christianity mangled and neutered all the mainstream Christian sects and even created an Evangelical Christianity that was a stooge for Israel via its rapture fantasy) and culture (especially control via use of language), despite Japan's very western leaning attitude as a nation since the Meiji reformation.

It still came down to whether its institutions became decayed the way Zionists destroyed Western culture and made it wholly neutered and subservient to a false ideology that made it subjugated helplessly to a Zionist elite.
Very well put. These cultures are almost impossible to penetrate and corrupt. They are so different and stand so together that the chances are minimal. China would be the same. Etc.


Oct 5, 2014
Honestly, it seems par for the course these past two years. Nothing has really made sense with this so called "Pandemic" so far, so why start making sense now?

If you've been reading Fulford's column recently, he has suggested that the reason the "Pandemic" is over in Japan is because the KKR Hedge Fund and other Rockefeller and Rothchild agents were kicked out of the country, and they were the one's manufacturing positive tests-

Makes sense to me. Really, the only thing driving this "Pandemic" narrative was the Corporate Media, Governments, and testing, testing, testing (that can very easily be manipulated into as many positives as you want). So, the only real "cure" for the "Pandemic" would be to eliminate the elements in the media and government pushing it, or simply stop testing. No amount of Vaccines or Hydroxychloroquine or Vitamin D or Aspirin or Ivermectin can do that on it's own. Of course, they were pushing the "Pandemic" narrative when there were single digit cases in the US, so really, they tried to make any number of "cases" work.
I don't get it, sorry. So who exactly has a list of all the rockefellers and kick them out? Everything in the high spheres is interconnected. You mean kicking out MSM CEOs? Main corporations? Health ministers? Where is this happening? So the rockefellers are telling labs and hospitals to change the cycles? And the solution is kicking them? Man this is global. If it is the rockefellers or the illuminati or whatever the hell are those satanists, theyncontrol it globally, it is not about kicking them out of a country.


Mar 29, 2016
Obedience to authority is drilled into them from a young age. Children are deterred from questioning things that are culturally accepted as being true. Curiosity about things that matter is usually not encouraged, and the general atmosphere in schools and professional settings is to shut up and do what you're told. Those who persist with unacceptable thinking tend to become marginalized, or learn to keep their thoughts to themselves. Ideally, the culture would tend towards actions based on ethics and honor, as you say, but usually it is used to justify authoritarian actions of powerful people who don't have the best interests of the affected people in mind. Most Japanese people will go along with the agenda, as they have been, even if they know they're being lied to.
That social dynamic exists very much in the sinosphere. It is not a culture given to more bellicose expressions of the right to free speech, such that rallies and demonstrations are not used as much, as compared to the West. In the current COVID hoaxery, Asian countries have not seen their population engaging in mass protests such as seen in the West. It seems that it takes much more to awaken Asians to totalitarianism, but it has been done. In China there was Tienanmen a little more than two decades ago, and in South Korea there were widespread and violent student protests in Pusan a little earlier. The Tienanmen protest was quashed easily like a bug, but the Pusan protests were successful in toppling the military regime in South Korea, which paved the way for a very much more pro-people administrations that exist to this day. South Korea prospered very much so that it even exported K-Pop and K-drama to the world. Being able to export its culture is even more significant than being able to export quality cellphones and electronics and vehicles. Still, it stands as as an exception that may never be repeated in other countries, but nevertheless is a beacon of hope.

This stands in stark contrast to the fake color revolutions of the CIA and its NWO sponsors. The Philippines had what would be the progenitor of these color revolutions in 1984, preceding Tienanmen and Pusan and the fall of the Berlin Wall. But it was fake, as sponsored by the CIA. It brought no change to the quality of its democracy. Change in administrations by different parties brought only a change of personalities in leadership, but the stink remains. It is very much a vassal state of the CIA through and through. While the Philippines is very close to China by geographic proximity, and its elite are very much Chinese, it is very oriented culturally to the West. Its doctors are steeped into following the authoritarian dictates of Bill Gates and Rothschild, and its hospital willingly administer the ghastly toxic and prohibitively expensive Remdisivir and ban the use of IVM.

One country, South Korea, swimming against the current and succeeding. And another, the Philippines, miserably consigned to a state of eternal obeisance and oblivion.

And Japan, stopping the Rockefeller and Rothschild agents in their widespread deceit and shutting down the COVID hoax, is a good sign. It shows a country able to counter the dictates of the Zionist and Freemason hive-mind. I look forward to a resurgent Japan and hopefully, this would be a call to Germany to awaken its people to again fight the Zionist and Freemason tyrants in their land.

History is not over. The show isn't over until the fat lady sings. Italy, come and join the fight.

While the manipulation of the English language is a big part of "Western" control, people of the so-called sinosphere tend to be capable of identifying and resisting (as much as practically possible) juice shenanigans and other deceptions largely thanks to their tendency for holistic thought and confucianism, where the ideological weaponry developed by Usrael is fundamentally revolting. You can see with Chinese or Japanese college students in the US, who are very familiar with American culture and speak English fluently, that most of them will reject the unhealthy things constantly encouraged by the media, university authorities, and others, that other students - including "devout" religious students - are susceptible to. Even people who follow juice religions continue to maintain confucian values such as those relating to observable aspects of human and other relationships, and these would be difficult to erode with the ideological-linguistic reductionist gibberish completely detached from reality that is produced by Usraeli academics and "thought leaders", even if these people learned to speak English well.

Fighting Usrael and toppling it - is very much the one prescription the world needs to heal itself of a vile cancer.


Fighting Usrael and toppling it - is very much the one prescription the world needs to heal itself of a vile cancer.
Usrael is just a tool of the Cabal. The Cabal live in Switzerland. Usrael has one of the highest vaxxination rates.


Nov 1, 2021
Usrael is just a tool of the Cabal. The Cabal live in Switzerland. Usrael has one of the highest vaxxination rates.

Money and gold are in Switzerland so evil is attracted to it, just like Smaug the dragon in The Hobbit.

Remember the satanic celebration in the ground breaking rites of the huge tunnel in Switzerland? It was real evil...


Money and gold are in Switzerland so evil is attracted to it, just like Smaug the dragon in The Hobbit.

Remember the satanic celebration in the ground breaking rites of the huge tunnel in Switzerland? It was real evil...
First time ignorant me has heard of it. :bag:

It does look Satanic as hell. The Wikipedia article doesn't even mention it. Hmm, who could be behind that. ?

They bragged about their extensive tunnel systems beneath various countries. There's a secret occult group that meets in the catacombs of Paris. They may be connected to all of Europe by now, and strengthen the catacomb sections to keep them from collapsing.

Lord Cola

That social dynamic exists very much in the sinosphere. It is not a culture given to more bellicose expressions of the right to free speech, such that rallies and demonstrations are not used as much, as compared to the West. In the current COVID hoaxery, Asian countries have not seen their population engaging in mass protests such as seen in the West. It seems that it takes much more to awaken Asians to totalitarianism, but it has been done. In China there was Tienanmen a little more than two decades ago, and in South Korea there were widespread and violent student protests in Pusan a little earlier. The Tienanmen protest was quashed easily like a bug, but the Pusan protests were successful in toppling the military regime in South Korea, which paved the way for a very much more pro-people administrations that exist to this day. South Korea prospered very much so that it even exported K-Pop and K-drama to the world. Being able to export its culture is even more significant than being able to export quality cellphones and electronics and vehicles. Still, it stands as as an exception that may never be repeated in other countries, but nevertheless is a beacon of hope.

This stands in stark contrast to the fake color revolutions of the CIA and its NWO sponsors. The Philippines had what would be the progenitor of these color revolutions in 1984, preceding Tienanmen and Pusan and the fall of the Berlin Wall. But it was fake, as sponsored by the CIA. It brought no change to the quality of its democracy. Change in administrations by different parties brought only a change of personalities in leadership, but the stink remains. It is very much a vassal state of the CIA through and through. While the Philippines is very close to China by geographic proximity, and its elite are very much Chinese, it is very oriented culturally to the West. Its doctors are steeped into following the authoritarian dictates of Bill Gates and Rothschild, and its hospital willingly administer the ghastly toxic and prohibitively expensive Remdisivir and ban the use of IVM.

One country, South Korea, swimming against the current and succeeding. And another, the Philippines, miserably consigned to a state of eternal obeisance and oblivion.

And Japan, stopping the Rockefeller and Rothschild agents in their widespread deceit and shutting down the COVID hoax, is a good sign. It shows a country able to counter the dictates of the Zionist and Freemason hive-mind. I look forward to a resurgent Japan and hopefully, this would be a call to Germany to awaken its people to again fight the Zionist and Freemason tyrants in their land.

History is not over. The show isn't over until the fat lady sings. Italy, come and join the fight.

Fighting Usrael and toppling it - is very much the one prescription the world needs to heal itself of a vile cancer.
Part of the reason why TPTB aren't pushing the injections and lockdowns so intensely in Japan and South Korea compared to countries in Western Europe and North America might be to avoid giving obvious causes for resistance to these people, who have been well organized and relatively effective regarding political resistance in the past.

Another reason might be that the infrastructure required to get the "smart" cities running is much more developed in Japan and South Korea, so causing as much chaos as in the West may not have been worth it. If you've been to either country recently, you might have noticed a high density of surveillance cameras, objects that wouldn't ever need internet connection having internet connection (water coolers, refrigerators, microwaves, etc.), ubiquity of things in public that interact with and require smartphones, and use of credit cards and smartphones as the means of payment over cash (which is rarely used), which are all things TPTB are trying to popularize elsewhere. These two countries also have some of the lowest birth rates on the planet, so the two most important things on the covid agenda, population control and digital enslavement, are not as urgent for them.
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Mar 29, 2016
Part of the reason why TPTB aren't pushing the injections and lockdowns so intensely in Japan and South Korea compared to countries in Western Europe and North America might be to avoid giving obvious causes for resistance to these people, who have been well organized and relatively effective regarding political resistance in the past.
The TPTB don't fear Christians. They own the pope, the cardinals, the archbishop of Canterbury, the movers and leadersin the Protestant churches, and most certainly most of the Evangelical pastors, with emphasis on the Rapture happy ending.

You can't tell non-Christians they mustn't resort to violence and that's why non-Christians are not easily manipulated into becoming spectators and armchair kibitzers in matters that involve a meaningful existence where freedom and liberty and shared prosperity and pride in one's ability to contribute to the betterment of society.

Christianity and martyrdom is a myth. It's only for the early Christians, which may have been fake. Every Christian isn't willing to die that others may benefit, because each Christian knows in his heart no one will give honor and meaning to his sacrifice by continuing to fight and die till TPTB crumbles by attrition. Each Christian is waiting for a JFK to try it and when he is assassinated life goes on as usual. Christian Trump certainly must know this so he just steps back as he knows dying for his country isn't worth it. It's a country of fearful Christians, not the kind that will form legions and be in battle array to fight for God and His people.

Without Christianity being a handmaiden to Zionism and Freemasonry, the US would have a fighting chance.

Japan did not convert. Korea has many Christians and Christianity is growing by leaps and bounds. That would spell doom in the not too distant future. It is by no accident that after the Jesuits found favor in the Imperial Court of China that China got weakneed and became spoils to be divided by the colonizing Western powers Zionist England.

Christianity is the catalyst for the development of Western civilization, but hijacked by the scheming Zionists it now spearheads the decay of what it has built.

What made Pusan a successful revolt by peasants (lower rung of society) was that they were led by psychopaths (in a good sense) that were feared more because they weren't afraid to die, and if one dies, there are more psychopaths to take the place of their leaders. They valued their society to sacrifice themselves. In such unrelenting pressure, a tyrannical leader has no way to go but to surrender.
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Mar 29, 2016
but the Pusan protests were successful in toppling the military regime in South Korea, which paved the way for a very much more pro-people administrations that exist to this day.
I hope the South Koreans 40 years later would have the same will to follow through with their protests against the COVID tyranny:

Can they start the spark of hope for us?
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