Exercise, One Step Forward Two Steps Back!


Sep 22, 2013
FYI if you want to get bulk powder Niacinamide with no excipients, PureBulk.com has 10% off through 10/26 (coupon code is THANKYOU). Shaves off a couple bucks. I have no ties to that website, just needed to get some niacinamide and noticed the sale before I checked out.


Aug 9, 2013
jayUK9779 said:
I used to be a long distance runner and was cut short when I was diagnosed with CFS back in 2003. I have never agreed withe CFS diagnosis and I came across Ray Peat in 2011 and I have had soo may improvements! I am not sure if I have accepted I may never run long distances again. I have been training training 3 times a week on an exercise bike with interesting results.

Week 1 avarage 15 mins until exhausted
Week 2 average 20 mins until exhausted
Week 3 avarage 40 mins!!! aint done that for about 8 years since I fell ill
Week 4 only 5 mins until my legs become weak and I felt faint ???

Week 4 I did not have any OJ/gelatine or much food before the exercise so I'm hoping that's the cause. However, should I quit trying to become the runner I once was? That 40 min bike ride brought back so many lovely memories :( I know Ray Peat is against Aerobic exercise but it was such a big part of my life :(. Any thoughts?

You moved too quickly (progressed).

1. Don't work to exhaustion, go to a point where you still feel able to (and actively would want to) continue
2. Start at say 5-10 mins, do that twice a week
2. Then 15 mins, twice a week
3. NExt week, 15 mins, 2-3 depending on how you are feeling
4. 15mins x 3 /

You went back 8 years in 3 weeks, so it's not a wonder you pushed yourself too far.

I would guess take 10-12 weeks to hit 40 mins x 3 per week. Taper slowly up.


Dec 1, 2012
loess said:
FYI if you want to get bulk powder Niacinamide with no excipients, PureBulk.com has 10% off through 10/26 (coupon code is THANKYOU). Shaves off a couple bucks. I have no ties to that website, just needed to get some niacinamide and noticed the sale before I checked out.

Sweet that site accepts bitcoin as well!


Aug 24, 2013
Yeah, it's not cardio he's against, it's CHRONIC cardio. Working to exhaustion is working until your body begins to catabolise (sp?) itself with cortisol and adrenaline, and when that happens is when you're causing the problems. If you eat right and give yourself a break, your body will heal and the. You'll be able to workout without the issues, but if you push it you'll just end up running yourself into the ground,as they say.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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