Everyone should try this at some point.


Jul 5, 2019
I recommend to everyone to try this out, especially to people who have low cholesterol.
I have been doing experiments and keep learning new stuff everyday. By studying biology i learned a lot of stuff that always made me better,but i cannot hold myself without exploring and suggesting this.
Now i know a lot of things that are crucial.
For some time I've been eating a pork brain with some cheese and taking 3-4 mcg of T3 with it,maybe twice a week.
This stuff is golden,T3 works 100xbetter this way and the feeling Is much stronger than any dosage of pregnenolone I've tried.
250 grams of pork brains contains 6grams of cholesterol which is about 25-30 eggs worth of cholesterol.
Eating the pork brain by itself without T3 should still give a good feeling but with T3 it is pure bliss.
You can feel straight away the blood flow to the head making your face more alive and red,the eyes becoming much more androgenic and alive as well,also high temperature and high energy.
The T3 is just doing his job by just converting the cholesterol in his metabolites (preg, prog,dhea).

Right now i almost don't need anything as I'm almost hyperthyroid.


Jul 5, 2019
@Razvan i’ve never tried brains, how does it taste?
Cooked enough it should become creamy and soft. It will taste very good and smooth similar to eggs. It feels like a combination of liver and eggs but not that strong,it becomes like pate,you can put it on bread. It's addicting.
Jun 16, 2017


Feb 13, 2016
I think that will have unforeseen consequences analogous to how when sometimes people win the lottery, the sudden influx of money makes them go astray because they don't have the experience that comes with painstakingly and gradually accumulating wealth.

Brain has to be earned.

That might sound stupid but I can't think of how to better word it.


Jan 25, 2014
For some time I've been eating a pork brain with some cheese and taking 3-4 mcg of T3 with it,maybe twice a week.
This stuff is golden,T3 works 100xbetter this way and the feeling Is much stronger than any dosage of pregnenolone I've tried.
250 grams of pork brains contains 6grams of cholesterol which is about 25-30 eggs worth of cholesterol.
Eating the pork brain by itself without T3 should still give a good feeling but with T3 it is pure bliss.
You can feel straight away the blood flow to the head making your face more alive and red,the eyes becoming much more androgenic and alive as well,also high temperature and high energy.

Cool. What's the highest dosage of pregnenolone you tried? 6 Grams of cholesterol might turn into quite a bit of preg, possibly into the gram amounts. Though it's also a precursor to things like bile acids, so that could also be an issue.

Eggs could also be an option, and maybe even supplemental cholesterol. In fact, this amount seems similar to Vince Gironda's egg recommendations, although his was per day- Vince Gironda’s 36 Eggs a Day Diet : Is it truly as Good as Steroids ? - VinceGironda.com

Awesome stuff.
Nov 18, 2018
Cooked enough it should become creamy and soft. It will taste very good and smooth similar to eggs. It feels like a combination of liver and eggs but not that strong,it becomes like pate,you can put it on bread. It's addicting.
Sweet! I’ll try it out soon


Aug 1, 2017
other foods high in cholesterol that might be more easily available are for example
beef kidney ~1000mg / 150g (also great source of choline 769mg/150g)
squid ~ 400mg/150g
beef heart ~318mg/150g
shrimps ~316mg/150g

according to cronometer

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I recommend to everyone to try this out, especially to people who have low cholesterol.
I have been doing experiments and keep learning new stuff everyday. By studying biology i learned a lot of stuff that always made me better,but i cannot hold myself without exploring and suggesting this.
Now i know a lot of things that are crucial.
For some time I've been eating a pork brain with some cheese and taking 3-4 mcg of T3 with it,maybe twice a week.
This stuff is golden,T3 works 100xbetter this way and the feeling Is much stronger than any dosage of pregnenolone I've tried.
250 grams of pork brains contains 6grams of cholesterol which is about 25-30 eggs worth of cholesterol.
Eating the pork brain by itself without T3 should still give a good feeling but with T3 it is pure bliss.
You can feel straight away the blood flow to the head making your face more alive and red,the eyes becoming much more androgenic and alive as well,also high temperature and high energy.
The T3 is just doing his job by just converting the cholesterol in his metabolites (preg, prog,dhea).

Right now i almost don't need anything as I'm almost hyperthyroid.
I did not eat liver in a month,last Sunday I ate 70 grammes of fresh grass fed lamb liver and by the second bite I got the exact same feeling you described,I felt the warmth and blood Flow rushed my head and extremities and felt so good

Bad Linhat

Apr 19, 2018
I recommend to everyone to try this out, especially to people who have low cholesterol.
I have been doing experiments and keep learning new stuff everyday. By studying biology i learned a lot of stuff that always made me better,but i cannot hold myself without exploring and suggesting this.
Now i know a lot of things that are crucial.
For some time I've been eating a pork brain with some cheese and taking 3-4 mcg of T3 with it,maybe twice a week.
This stuff is golden,T3 works 100xbetter this way and the feeling Is much stronger than any dosage of pregnenolone I've tried.
250 grams of pork brains contains 6grams of cholesterol which is about 25-30 eggs worth of cholesterol.
Eating the pork brain by itself without T3 should still give a good feeling but with T3 it is pure bliss.
You can feel straight away the blood flow to the head making your face more alive and red,the eyes becoming much more androgenic and alive as well,also high temperature and high energy.
The T3 is just doing his job by just converting the cholesterol in his metabolites (preg, prog,dhea).

Right now i almost don't need anything as I'm almost hyperthyroid.

I think your experiment is equivalent to this dr. Peat quote:

People who eat fish heads (or other animal heads) generally consume the thyroid gland, as well as the brain. The brain is the body's richest source of cholesterol, which, with adequate thyroid hormone and vitamin A, is converted into the steroid hormones pregnenolone, progesterone, and DHEA, in proportion to the quantity circulating in blood in low-density lipoproteins. The brain is also the richest source of these very water-insoluble (hydrophobic) steroid hormones; it has a concentration about 20 times higher than the serum, for example. The active thyroid hormone is also concentrated many-fold in the brain.

I want to do a similar experiment, but it's difficult to find brain where i live and honestly i don't know if i will be able to eat it...
I'm now trying keeping my sugar intake high (cholesterol is made in the body from sugar), get a little cholesterol and vitamin A from food (1 egg a day, some full fat cheese), supplement some retinol (5000 UI a day) and eat 2 tablespoon of coconut oil a day that help the conversion of cholesterol and vitamin A into steroids.
I want to add some NDT in the future (where i live is difficult to have T3 without medical prescription).

Btw how and how long do you cook brain ?
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Bad Linhat

Apr 19, 2018
Cool. What's the highest dosage of pregnenolone you tried? 6 Grams of cholesterol might turn into quite a bit of preg, possibly into the gram amounts. Though it's also a precursor to things like bile acids, so that could also be an issue.

Eggs could also be an option, and maybe even supplemental cholesterol. In fact, this amount seems similar to Vince Gironda's egg recommendations, although his was per day- Vince Gironda’s 36 Eggs a Day Diet : Is it truly as Good as Steroids ? - VinceGironda.com

Awesome stuff.

I read that only 20% of cholesterol can be obtained directly from food, the remaining is manufactured from the body.
Dr. Peat recommend to up their sugar intake if the goal is to up cholesterol.
I think that some eggs (1 or 2 a day) can be useful to up cholesterol (and for other important nutrients) but they have a significant amount of PUFA too, so it's better do not overeat in my opinion


Apr 8, 2020
I'd love to try brain one day. It's impossible to get here in Germany where I live tho.


Jan 15, 2016
other foods high in cholesterol that might be more easily available are for example
beef kidney ~1000mg / 150g (also great source of choline 769mg/150g)
squid ~ 400mg/150g
beef heart ~318mg/150g
shrimps ~316mg/150g

according to cronometer
kidney is one of the most disgusting foods I've tried, heart is amazing though. Squid is tier 1


Oct 6, 2020
Ancestral Supplement has all kinds of bovine freeze dried organs combined with liver. Brain too. Ergomax is their european distributor.

I tried their Male optimization one ... with testicle for 3 days ... i even took less than the recommended dose ... felt like a teenager ... more random boners ...

Wonder if i should try their brain one ... havent had good experience with eating organs due the taste ... i've heard in some cases organ supplements can help to "acquire" the taste for organs.(?)

I am not trying to advertise their stuff, but most "organ" supplement companys mostly sell liver so i was kind of impressed. I have no idea where to buy brain here either.
Got quite some livers in my freezer which i just couldn't eat yet due to the taste.

Eating lots of eggs is dificult too for me because after a certain amount they start tasting unpleasant to me, as if the body is telling me thats enough eggs for a while.


Jul 29, 2014
Thanks for sharing. It doesn't even have as much PUFA as I thought it would have:

Sadly, it's hard to get brains where I live. Lamb brain or veal brain is something I'd like to try.

It's interesting that haidut mentioned in a livestream that brain itself has pregnenolone, so that's cool.

It would likely be higher than what is listed. Not exactly sure though when it comes to brain. Cuts of pork meat definitely show lower PUFA than what is in there.

6 Grams of cholesterol might turn into quite a bit of preg

I think brain is even a direct source of pregnenolone, right?


Jan 25, 2014
It would likely be higher than what is listed. Not exactly sure though when it comes to brain. Cuts of pork meat definitely show lower PUFA than what is in there.

I think brain is even a direct source of pregnenolone, right?

I think so, too. I believe Ray has stated that. I wonder what the amounts are, might be harder to find as brain isn't as much of a common food anymore.

I found some info on the "hormonal profile of eggs," and it could be potentially significant, in addition to the cholesterol-



Jul 29, 2014
I think so, too. I believe Ray has stated that. I wonder what the amounts are, might be harder to find as brain isn't as much of a common food anymore.

I found some info on the "hormonal profile of eggs," and it could be potentially significant, in addition to the cholesterol-

I looked on PubMed for about 10 seconds and gave up lol... I might try again later. Yeah I think I've heard Ray mention that before too.


Feb 8, 2021
I recommend to everyone to try this out, especially to people who have low cholesterol.
I have been doing experiments and keep learning new stuff everyday. By studying biology i learned a lot of stuff that always made me better,but i cannot hold myself without exploring and suggesting this.
Now i know a lot of things that are crucial.
For some time I've been eating a pork brain with some cheese and taking 3-4 mcg of T3 with it,maybe twice a week.
This stuff is golden,T3 works 100xbetter this way and the feeling Is much stronger than any dosage of pregnenolone I've tried.
250 grams of pork brains contains 6grams of cholesterol which is about 25-30 eggs worth of cholesterol.
Eating the pork brain by itself without T3 should still give a good feeling but with T3 it is pure bliss.
You can feel straight away the blood flow to the head making your face more alive and red,the eyes becoming much more androgenic and alive as well,also high temperature and high energy.
The T3 is just doing his job by just converting the cholesterol in his metabolites (preg, prog,dhea).

Right now i almost don't need anything as I'm almost hyperthyroid.
How do you know that the cholesterol won't oxidise with cooking


How do you know that the cholesterol won't oxidise with cooking
Oxidation is ubiquitous and unavoidable and the body has ways of dealing with oxidation or we would not exist. Oxygen is one of the most reactive elements on the planet and leaves very few substances untouched. It's a matter of degrees of oxidation. Cholesterol will oxidize some when simply exposed to air (O2). Higher heat speeds up those reactions greatly. Cooking anything including cholesterol containing foods increases oxidation. And microwave cooking is actually worse than stovetop cooking or frying when it comes to oxidation of cholesterol.

A lot of Peats recommendations to eat animal products instead of oils is due to the higher concentration of hydrogen bonds in the saturated fats which are more stable and subject to oxidize less and as such do less harm.

The degree of oxidation would depend on the stability of the cholesterol and it's chemical properties as a lipid molecule. I have not studied those particular properties in depth and would love to hear someone post as to the saturation or unsaturated properties of cholesterol and how prone it is to oxidation. Is cholesterol a saturated lipid with very few open hydrogen bonds to be oxidated compared to other lipids? Does saturation even apply as a concept to the sterol compounds like cholesterol?
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Mar 30, 2020
I think your experiment is equivalent to this dr. Peat quote:

I thought/seem to remember Ray Peat was not a huge fan of regular animal brain consumption, and that fish-head stew was something of an exception partly because of the thyroid content. I can't find the exact quotation, so perhaps I imagined it - I'll have a look, but are you aware of any other comments from him on the subject?
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