Every Year, A Penguin Swims Thousands Of Miles To Visit A Man Who Saved Him


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
No, I think that farmers gave them life, food, water, medications and some space which is secured against predators in exchange for their meat. So the animals dont need to find food, care about predators etc...I didnt wrote that it is not an issue, I think that its not moral but is it wrong? I dont know. Would you be happy that you have intelligent cow but you are starving? Also, nature is full of killing but its part of the system so the system is functioning. For example, dairy products are main particle in the food list of europeans, do you know why? Because cows can eat grass and we could store dry grass so we can feed them whole year and drink their milk, we cant eat fruit whole year like africans do, the amount of fruit growing here is limited and seasonal, the environment for fruit to grow is hard to create when winter is here so people found other way. Cows and other species have mechanisms for defense or for getting their goals like getting food. The difference between cow and human is that I believe the weapon of human is brain, to be more precise ingenuity or intelligence but for me, intelligence is the ability to adapt to environment. So I believe that cows could change their destiny through using horns, legs or tongue to escape but will it be enough against intelligence of farmers that will do everything to keep them locked? And if somebody gave them freedom, will cows be able to live in this ennvironment without antibiotics or warm space after so much time spended on farm? Its same like with people, will people be able to live without all the medication and electronics? I think that we are near a point when the people will be so degenerated that we will be unable to live without pharmaceutical corporations. And about my situation with my parents, thanks to my curiosity and experience, I am trying to escape from the life of factory worker but my 2 brothers are living the same life like my parents. I think experience is big player here. I hope that I wrote it grammarly right because its big amount of text for me.
Yeah, it depends on what people consider moral. Some religions are comforting in claiming that certain animals exist to feed man (?), removing any sense of guilt or consideration about it.

Another thing that very little people do when they sit down to eat is lifting their plates to find out what's underneath: there are small farms, all you have to do is put a clean plate over them and the foods appear in sufficient amounts for the next meal.


Sep 17, 2013
One thing we humans can at least potentially do better than animals is give the animals a painless fast death, carnivores in nature might start eating while the victim is still alive. Offcourse vegans vill argue that it's still bad because you take a life but there is a reason why the worst war crimes are seen as those where people have tortured their enemies before killing them. Sometimes also dying from "natural" causes can be way worse than being killed quickly, this could just be my depression speaking offcourse but.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Yeah, it depends on what people consider moral. Some religions are comforting in claiming that certain animals exist to feed man (?), removing any sense of guilt or consideration about it.

Another thing that very little people do when they sit down to eat is lifting their plates to find out what's underneath: there are small farms, all you have to do is put a clean plate over them and the foods appear in sufficient amounts for the next meal.
I forgot to wrote that I think ants are using aphids in the same way like we are using cows.


Jul 3, 2014
I would argue this not an example of intelligence, but of instinct. Penguins already migrate long distances each year for mating, as many birds do. This penguin developed a familial bond with the gentleman due to the extended period of time he was being cared for, thus his innate migration shifted to his new "home". This is actually observable in zoology, as birds caught in the wild and brought long distances into captivity, after remaining in captivity long enough to integrate the new place as a home, will not migrate back to the original home in the wild.

This story, while interesting and sweet, does not demonstrate an intelligence previously unknown to penguins.

I'm amused that you think that instinct and intelligence are not one in the same, lol.


That has been my experiene too. My health was in a bad place when trying veganism years ago. No doubt animal products are great for health. I still think meat is not neccesary in a Peat diet. You could be healthy eating cheese, milk, eggs, fruits and other carbs. Meat is way to high in phosphate, iron and inflammatory amino acids. There is no nutritional reason to eat meat if you can eat dairy or eggs.

"There is no nutritional reason to eat meat if you can eat dairy or eggs"....and a little sardines...


I agree the amino acid profile of beef is better as milk. But the high iron and phosphate slow your metabolism when eaten in large amounts. Milk actually boosts your metabolism because of the high calcium. I supplement with BCAA anyway to counter tryptophan and methionine.
....a little beef 100g, twice a week


Feb 20, 2013
....a little beef 100g, twice a week
Yes that's probably harmless. But making beef a main protein source of your diet is not recommended due to iron and phosphate overload. Milk and cheese should be the main protein sources, unless you are taking eggshell calcium or other calcium supplement.


Oct 15, 2016
Yes that's probably harmless. But making beef a main protein source of your diet is not recommended due to iron and phosphate overload. Milk and cheese should be the main protein sources, unless you are taking eggshell calcium or other calcium supplement.
Some people feel like crap on dairy, even when milk and hard cheeses ain't considered.


Feb 18, 2018
Iron is the only real concern I have with beef, but I started giving blood and plan to do so on a quarter-annual basis. Nothing like a good oil change to keep the physiological system nice and prime.

Beef is awesome. Beef makes me feel very strong, satiated, digests well, gives me no bloat, and tastes good with just a little salt and hot sauce. I had some lean beef before bed and noticed that it just didn't taste right nor give me the strength I needed. This morning I had ground beef 80/20 and I felt much better eating it, more satiated, and more energized from its consumption. I will be experimenting with 73/27.

I think I may have converted to the starch-free life. I won't permanently rule it out, but since paying much closer attention to my stomach, I'm noticing that starch just doesn't digest well and consistently drains my energy instead of gives, whereas non-starch foods don't. The past two days of eliminating starch and I've noticed my bloat going down, I am beginning to feel much more compact and dense.

The only way a starch-free diet works for me is through high amounts of dairy or meat. Fruit and sugar create their own problems when overdone, same with dairy, so I'm left with meat. I've also been eating peanut butter with apples which have been positively received. I'm neutral right now on almonds, they taste alright, but are nothing I actively crave, and yesterday I had a slight sneezing fit after consuming them, so I'm not sold.


Oct 11, 2015
Think like a gazelle and a cheetah

The cheetah is burdened with having to kill first and ask questions later ... in order to survive ...

but what if the cheetah used all its energy to catch up to the gazelle and ask an unsolicited question? That is what it is like to fight against entropy ...


May 31, 2016
I really liked this story, not only for its feel-good effect, but because it once again illustrates just how intelligent and human-like animals can be. Not to mention that swimming several thousand miles every year, just to be with the person who saved him, flies in the face of all current theories on inherent selfishness of animals, and their purported focus on conserving energy, acquiring resources and generally psychotic behavior exemplified by the motto "Nature is red in tooth and nail". I think the biologists believing in crap like this may need to save a penguin or two before they can produce any scientific progress.

Long-distance love brings penguin to man who rescued him every year | CBC News
"...Ever since a 71-year-old Brazilian man rescued a struggling penguin, he's been receiving regular visits from his feathered friend. Joao Pereira de Souza, a retired bricklayer, lives on Proveta, a fishing village just off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. In 2011, he spotted a starving Magellanic penguin drenched in oil on the beach near his house. Naming the penguin Dindim, Pereira de Souza fed him every day until he was strong enough to leave, according to a video from the University of Rio de Janeiro. But the penguin refused to go. Pereira de Souza decided to row a boat out into the water and drop Dindim off to encourage him to swim home. But when he rowed back to shore, he found the penguin waiting for him at his shanty. "He stayed with me for 11 months and then, just after he changed his coat with new feathers, he disappeared" Pereira de Souza told TV Globo, a Brazilian TV network.

"...Magellanic penguins regularly swim thousands of kilometres a year to breeding spots on the coast of Argentina and Chile. From time to time, penguins show up in warmer Brazilian waters, according to the Wall Street Journal. Many of Pereira de Souza's friends thought that when Dindim finally left, that was it for the human-bird friendship. But a few months later, Dindim returned and found Pereira de Souza. He visits for about four months, a ritual kept for the last five years. "He arrives in June and leaves to go home in February, and every year he becomes more affectionate, as he appears even happier to see me," Pereira de Souza told TV Globo. De Souza appears to be the only person who can get near Dindim. If others try, he pecks them or waddles away. "I think the penguin believes Joao is part of his family and probably a penguin as well," biologist Joao Paulo Krajewski said to the Independent. "When he sees him he wags his tail like a dog and honks with delight." Krajewski helped report the segment for TV Globo, and said that they caught Dindim on his fifth trip out to see Pereira de Souza. "It's really impressive, the love the two of them have," Krajewski said in the segment on the TV Globo show. "I love the penguin like it's my own child," said Pereira de Souza to Globo TV. "And I believe the penguin loves me."
Amazing !


Yes that's probably harmless. But making beef a main protein source of your diet is not recommended due to iron and phosphate overload. Milk and cheese should be the main protein sources, unless you are taking eggshell calcium or other calcium supplement.
How did we get off the penquin story?...anyway,
what are your thoughts on skim milk vs whole milk?


Jan 9, 2018
Torturing animals to provide enormous amounts of animal protein for an ever growing population just seems crazy but the dollar always wins. Big money. Grocery unsold meat leftovers are actually processed for hair products I was told by a local store, yuk.
Yes humans need nutrients not found as easily in plant foods and some are very sensitive to plant toxins, I'm not trying to get into any vegan argument and Im NOT a scientist.
We are talking about emotions here, chemically affecting the quality of the animal food supply. I don't doubt cows pigs and chickens are capable of fear and bonding. And factory animals get no sun at all. They're confined in barns all day every day, they don't go outside. What does that do biologically?
Do we need as much meat/ factory farming? Its big money its sad. Here near my home in rural areas some people only eat meat they have hunted themselves and that at least makes some sense. One kill lasts a long time.
I agree with Haidut why couldnt stress toxins be passed into the food? Pastured farmed meat and eggs taste very differently than factory meat. We know what oxylates and other toxins from plants can do , but has anyone studied effect of stressors in animal tissues eaten by people? Hard to get financial funding to do it I guess.
Lots of people in general don't feel good, whether they are ketoing or vegetarian, few are completely vegan, that's why most of us are here, trying to feel better, healthier
It is worth getting meat/eggs and dairy from small farms, every state has a CSA. Some have volunteers who deliver. They dont necessarily mark the price way up. And you can always visit them and see how the animals are treated. And support people in this country who want to provide us with food more humanely. And hope they're being honest, not sneaking in hormones, saying they don't.
I wonder if UCONN has studied it quietly, they have a school of nutrition and an agricultural school + a dairy.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Zeus, what very few people know is that Africa and South Africa are not countries, but continents. You might actually be calculating the distance between Luanda in Angola and Angra dos Reis in Brazil. But this alone would require me to swim perhaps more than the penguin. And then we have to consider how much I'll have to walk to get to the coast.

View attachment 11802
Straight line is for the penguin.
The curve is my path.​

That's a pretty tough walk and swim. And also, how am I supposed to pass through the Congo without knowing french?

Guru, I don't know if I understooded your post right, but if you's implying that humans gave those animals their lives therefore it's less of an issue to eat them, with this idea your parents gave you life, they can do whatever they want with it as long as there's no abuse. So if you were raised to be a conditioned worker similar to them, you also can't expect to be something else or responsibilize them; just like the animals that were born and raised for a purpose.

Ooops, I thought you lived in Brasil?


Apr 28, 2018
You are a good man, Mr. Giorgy...
After 30 years in Alaska eating clean meats, farmed meat is completely repugnant to every fiber of my being. The average dairy cow lives approx 4 years attached to a mechanized udder pump, standing in a foot of their own filth in a confined space, desperately slurping a gruel of GMO corn and
water when not being herded into the rape cage or for innoculations. Hormonal surges must occur when the new mother cow watches her Male calf slaughtered in front of her. Drinking sweet velvety milk and cream from the bovine that chews her cud and processes green grass peacefully in her 4 stomachs on a hillside for 25 years is unknown to most.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Halal meat is arguably the worst, even worse than CAFO meat, and people who care about ethical treatment of animals need to take note.

I'll probably get a lot of flak for this, but I'm speaking truth. Islam is an absolutely barbaric religion. Their practice with halal meat is no exception. They purposefully torture animals, toy with them, gut them and finally slit their throats and let them flail around in panic as they slowly bleed out. Who knows what else they do to them. All the while they are LAUGHING and having a good time, torturing animals is a SPORT to these people. Honestly they are more animals than the actual animals. And people wonder why so many people (like myself) are strongly anti-Islam. These people aren't human.

At least people who hunt animals for sport usually kill quickly and don't torture.

Anyway, I've heard halal meat is starting to be sold in stores now. Probably to appease the growing Muslim population.

I am sure there are a few people who follow Islam that may not understand the tenants of their own religion and are perfectly peaceful, but look no further than the barbaric cultures in the Middle east to see the true face of Islam and how they not only treat animals but also humans too.

Sorry if that kinda gets off topic, but I could easily go on a big rant on that because it angers me and I tried my best not to lol.
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Feb 18, 2018
After 30 years in Alaska eating clean meats, farmed meat is completely repugnant to every fiber of my being. The average dairy cow lives approx 4 years attached to a mechanized udder pump, standing in a foot of their own filth in a confined space, desperately slurping a gruel of GMO corn and
water when not being herded into the rape cage or for innoculations. Hormonal surges must occur when the new mother cow watches her Male calf slaughtered in front of her. Drinking sweet velvety milk and cream from the bovine that chews her cud and processes green grass peacefully in her 4 stomachs on a hillside for 25 years is unknown to most.

That last bit about the bovine male calf being slaughtered in front of her sounds a bit hyperbolic...

Is it weird that I find conventional raised meats and dairy tastier than grass fed? The PUFAS have (un)saturated my taste buds!

These threads always get derailed, and I am definitely guilty of instigating such behavior.


Oct 11, 2015
That last bit about the bovine male calf being slaughtered in front of her sounds a bit hyperbolic...

Is it weird that I find conventional raised meats and dairy tastier than grass fed? The PUFAS have (un)saturated my taste buds!

These threads always get derailed, and I am definitely guilty of instigating such behavior.

Grain fed dairy does taste better sometimes or at least different in a way thats not worse. Like the grain affect content of milk beyond fat soluble vitamins being lower. Theres more to this riddle methinks.
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