Even a single endotoxin/LPS exposure has long-lasting health effects


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I am posting this study simply as an example of how profound the effect of endotoxin/LPS is on an organism's energy levels and behavior. A single exposure to supra-physiological (though non-toxic) LPS levels resulted in the animals increasing their night rest period for an hour or more for up to three (3) weeks after the exposure. In other words, an acute/single LPS exposure has chronic effects. According to the study, the increased rest seen in the animal model was a surrogate for the lower energy levels of the animals as a result of LPS exposure - i.e. their increased rest was aimed at both conserving energy as well as restoring its levels to normal. This is a confirmation that LPS is a much bigger factor in our health than mainstream medicine likes to admit. Namely, a single bout of elevated LPS as a result of, say, eating a meal high in "resistant" starch and/or a night out drinking with friends can suppress our metabolism and have health consequences for weeks. This is something most people (and doctors) probably don't even think about - i.e. that dietary decisions on a single day can affect their health (as well as mood, cognition, movement, etc) weeks down the road. Perhaps, with increasing number of studies like the one below, medicine and society as a whole will acknowledge the crucial role of LPS in our systemic health and change dietary recommendations away from consuming foods that actually promote LPS (e.g. resistant starch, nuts, seeds, etc). Another interesting observation of the article is that LPS actually suppressed the animals' immune system, instead of activating it. LPS is commonly used as an "adjuvant" in human vaccines and other immunomodulatory therapies precisely due to its purported stimulating effect on the immune system. If it is, in fact, an immuno-suppressant, imagine how dangerous LPS can be when present in a vaccine for, say, COVID-19 or flu or any other infectious disease, where even a slight suppression of the immune system can be lethal.

Blackbirds found to rest earlier at dusk when sick

"...The experiment consisted of capturing 45 of the birds, affixing very tiny accelerometers to their backs, injecting half of them with lipopolysaccharide and then setting them all free. Lipopolysaccharide is a compound that makes animals, such as birds, feel as if they have been infected by a bacteria—it does so by damping the immune system."

"...The research team suggests their findings were not a surprise; birds do not store fat, which means they must keep moving and looking for food or they will run out of energy, preventing them from flying, which would almost certainly lead to death. They did find one thing surprising, however. The early resting behavior lasted for almost three weeks—long after the effects of lipopolysaccharide had worn off. The researchers note that they conducted their experiment during the period after breeding and before winter, when conditions would be the least challenging for the birds."
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Mar 15, 2014
birds do not store fat, which means they must keep moving and looking for food or they will run out of energy, preventing them from flying, which would almost certainly lead to death
Birds definitely store fat. Maybe they meant to say "not as much as mammals"?

(unrelated) I have a gut feeling that sexual traits of birds (reduced size dimorphism) may be related to this. When human kids and early teens are "dating" they don't care about height (higher energy/glucose metabolism = lower dimorphism preference?) Just my suspicion

Back to the article, I've noticed that being in a high metabolic state was thrown off easily and for 2 weeks by high gluten breads and whole grain snacks.
La mian and ramen were fine, but anything European (bread and pasta) threw it off. Except for certain European snacks with highly refined white flour, which are low gluten so they don't count (pastry flour is low gluten)

The "golden" diet was rice, Lanzhou La mian, other Asian noodles, milk, cheese, ripe apples, cucumbers, and small amounts of meat (mostly pork). Basically an Asian diet but +milk. I also craved zero added sugar on this diet. Very few raw carrots were needed, and almost no other fruits were eaten apart from a truly ripe apple every day (privileged I know)

"unexpected" things that were fine: tofu, sprouted lentils, hi oleic safflower oil, and glutamate foods (soy sauce, yeast extract etc). In the past, the glutamates would cause excitation, headache, twitching. In this state it caused no problems, probably because my metabolism was high enough to support the excitation, instead of the cell becoming exhausted and depleted of energy. Which again is a very Asian thing with all the glutamate-saturated soy sauce food they eat.

I was able to sustain this hi-metabolic state for nearly 10 months, until I got reinfected with COVID again. It's hard to overstate how much physical work I was capable of doing, with only 7-hour sleep time, and also how much better I was at trivial things like video games, and getting errands done. I know this is off topic but it was essentially almost a controlled experiment, my diet was basically the same for almost a year. I'm not sure if gluten can cause endotoxin poisoning, or if it's a different mechanism.
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Nov 21, 2015
I found that just one serving of bamboo shoot salad per day eliminated my endotoxin symptoms...


Feb 18, 2018
I’m with you on LPS being the driver factor of many of the chronic diseases the modern world faces, but I am not convinced on the resistant starch angle, mainly because of how much better my health is getting consuming brown rice and potatoes.

Sleep quality was going down, down, down, and consuming ample enough carbs through the starch route as opposed to the sugar route is doing a better job of keeping my carb stores full through the night to delay the rise of cortisol and eventual waking.

Brown rice and potatoes are more than just their resistant starches. We got the vitamins and minerals present in those foods and then you of course the fact that it is a source of carbohydrates for the body to utilize.


Feb 20, 2021
How much is a supra-physiological dose of LPS for a human?
>LPS can help immune modulation in low doses by stimulating the polyclonal differentiation and multiplication of B-cells to secrete antibodies, especially IgG and IgM. In infants, LPS from the gut assists the development of the immune system. Bifidobacterium LPS is helpful during the development of a healthy immune system, while Bacteroides LPS demonstrates induction of food allergy and anti-insulin antibodies, an early sign of immune dysfunction.
Mar 24, 2018


May 10, 2018
I’m with you on LPS being the driver factor of many of the chronic diseases the modern world faces, but I am not convinced on the resistant starch angle, mainly because of how much better my health is getting consuming brown rice and potatoes.

Sleep quality was going down, down, down, and consuming ample enough carbs through the starch route as opposed to the sugar route is doing a better job of keeping my carb stores full through the night to delay the rise of cortisol and eventual waking.

Brown rice and potatoes are more than just their resistant starches. We got the vitamins and minerals present in those foods and then you of course the fact that it is a source of carbohydrates for the body to utilize.
Why brown rice and not white, out of curiosity.


Sep 20, 2023
I’m with you on LPS being the driver factor of many of the chronic diseases the modern world faces, but I am not convinced on the resistant starch angle, mainly because of how much better my health is getting consuming brown rice and potatoes.

Sleep quality was going down, down, down, and consuming ample enough carbs through the starch route as opposed to the sugar route is doing a better job of keeping my carb stores full through the night to delay the rise of cortisol and eventual waking.

Brown rice and potatoes are more than just their resistant starches. We got the vitamins and minerals present in those foods and then you of course the fact that it is a source of carbohydrates for the body to utilize.
Dinkov and Peat are not fans of resistant starch, as it is - fermented - in the lower gut.
And I believe that they are fans of white rice, as it is consumed/burned by the body in the upper gut (along with sugar and fruit).


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dinkov and Peat are not fans of resistant starch, as it is - fermented - in the lower gut.
And I believe that they are fans of white rice, as it is consumed/burned by the body in the upper gut (along with sugar and fruit).

Agreed, white rice and potatoes are usually fine, when well-cooked.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
How much is a supra-physiological dose of LPS for a human?
>LPS can help immune modulation in low doses by stimulating the polyclonal differentiation and multiplication of B-cells to secrete antibodies, especially IgG and IgM. In infants, LPS from the gut assists the development of the immune system. Bifidobacterium LPS is helpful during the development of a healthy immune system, while Bacteroides LPS demonstrates induction of food allergy and anti-insulin antibodies, an early sign of immune dysfunction.

An amount that would cause a fever, fatigue and most of the other common symptoms of the "flu", but would not lead to organ failure and/or death as in severe cases of the "flu". I am putting "flu" in quotes as it turns out most symptoms of viral disease are driven by endotoxin (which the virus helps get into the bloodstream) and not the virus itself.

If you search around for animal studies with endotoxin you will see what doses they used and can convert those to human-equivalent doses. They often do things like "mild exposure", "moderate exposure" and "lethal exposure" with corresponding endotoxin doses, to test certain drug for protective or exacerbating effects. I think there are even studies with COVID-19 using those methods, which is an indirect admission that the actual COVID-19 disease is also driven by endotoxin.


Feb 18, 2018
Why brown rice and not white, out of curiosity.
Brown rice doesn't have the hull of the grain removed, which contains the minerals and b-vitamins that are naturally present. By removing the hull, you remove the minerals and b-vitamins, leaving white rice to be a nutritionally poorer choice.

There are those who say that white rice, despite not having the minerals and b-vitamins, is the better choice because it lacks fiber, resistant starch, and other anti-nutrients, making it more friendly for digestion and thus a clean source of carbohydrates.

However, in my experience, eating the white rice leads to too high of a blood sugar spike due to lack of fiber and other nutrients, which leads to inflammation.

In either case, pure rice on its own, whether white or brown, will be too intense on the blood sugar and inflammatory unless it is combined with other foods, such as a fat and protein source.

Personally I prefer having the lower blood sugar spike and minerals and b-vitamins naturally found in the grain, and by combining with a fat source such as olive oil and a clean protein source like steak have found the meal to be incredibly enriching.

Anytime I consume ample brown rice the benefits to my hair is immediate. Within 1-2 hours the follicles will begin to expand and take a more fluffy type appearance. When consumed with ample protein and potatoes too, I will notice that people will begin to gravitate towards me rather than try and avoid me. To me this is a big indicator that a diet is healthy, when it starts attracting other people.

Any food you can find pros/cons for, and taken to their ideological extreme you can end up with some funky orthorexic diets. In my opinion it's about focusing on the pros and finding ways to minimize the cons for all foods.


Sep 20, 2023
Dinkov and Peat are not fans of resistant starch, as it is - fermented - in the lower gut.
And I believe that they are fans of white rice, as it is consumed/burned by the body in the upper gut (along with sugar and fruit).
I meant to add:
Potatoes, even cooled, and eaten cold, have only a TINY amount of RS, about 1% (despite the countless web sites that tell you different). I can't find the study that showed this.
So don't worry about RS in well-cooked, cold potatoes.
Perhaps someone will corroborate this.


Feb 20, 2021
I meant to add:
Potatoes, even cooled, and eaten cold, have only a TINY amount of RS, about 1% (despite the countless web sites that tell you different). I can't find the study that showed this.
So don't worry about RS in well-cooked, cold potatoes.
Perhaps someone will corroborate this.
In context, potatoes are 75-85% water in the first place.


May 13, 2015
I am posting this study simply as an example of how profound the effect of endotoxin/LPS is on an organism's energy levels and behavior. A single exposure to supra-physiological (though non-toxic) LPS levels resulted in the animals increasing their night rest period for an hour or more for up to three (3) weeks after the exposure. In other words, an acute/single LPS exposure has chronic effects. According to the study, the increased rest seen in the animal model was a surrogate for the lower energy levels of the animals as a result of LPS exposure - i.e. their increased rest was aimed at both conserving energy as well as restoring its levels to normal. This is a confirmation that LPS is a much bigger factor in our health than mainstream medicine likes to admit. Namely, a single bout of elevated LPS as a result of, say, eating a meal high in "resistant" starch and/or a night out drinking with friends can suppress our metabolism and have health consequences for weeks. This is something most people (and doctors) probably don't even think about - i.e. that dietary decisions on a single day can affect their health (as well as mood, cognition, movement, etc) weeks down the road. Perhaps, with increasing number of studies like the one below, medicine and society as a whole will acknowledge the crucial role of LPS in our systemic health and change dietary recommendations away from consuming foods that actually promote LPS (e.g. resistant starch, nuts, seeds, etc). Another interesting observation of the article is that LPS actually suppressed the animals' immune system, instead of activating it. LPS is commonly used as an "adjuvant" in human vaccines and other immunomodulatory therapies precisely due to its purported stimulating effect on the immune system. If it is, in fact, an immuno-suppressant, imagine how dangerous LPS can be when present in a vaccine for, say, COVID-19 or flu or any other infectious disease, where even a slight suppression of the immune system can be lethal.

Blackbirds found to rest earlier at dusk when sick

"...The experiment consisted of capturing 45 of the birds, affixing very tiny accelerometers to their backs, injecting half of them with lipopolysaccharide and then setting them all free. Lipopolysaccharide is a compound that makes animals, such as birds, feel as if they have been infected by a bacteria—it does so by damping the immune system."

"...The research team suggests their findings were not a surprise; birds do not store fat, which means they must keep moving and looking for food or they will run out of energy, preventing them from flying, which would almost certainly lead to death. They did find one thing surprising, however. The early resting behavior lasted for almost three weeks—long after the effects of lipopolysaccharide had worn off. The researchers note that they conducted their experiment during the period after breeding and before winter, when conditions would be the least challenging for the birds."
Endotoxin is terrible stuff. I've recently learned that there is an entirely different source for it in many people's bodies. Please watch this video. Dr. Nunnally discusses endotoxin/lipopolysaccharides coming from cavitations and root canal teeth in the mouth.

View: https://youtu.be/BlFM0TmU81c


Apr 29, 2018
Endotoxin is terrible stuff. I've recently learned that there is an entirely different source for it in many people's bodies. Please watch this video. Dr. Nunnally discusses endotoxin/lipopolysaccharides coming from cavitations and root canal teeth in the mouth.

View: https://youtu.be/BlFM0TmU81c

I had a root canal that was infected and only a bio/holistic dentist could see the infection. And had a chronic back pain and estrogen/NO was always high before and I was only able to warm up my body after removing it.


Apr 18, 2020
Endotoxin is terrible stuff. I've recently learned that there is an entirely different source for it in many people's bodies. Please watch this video. Dr. Nunnally discusses endotoxin/lipopolysaccharides coming from cavitations and root canal teeth in the mouth.

View: https://youtu.be/BlFM0TmU81c

Have you seen the documentary “Root cause”? Well worth the watch if you haven’t.

I think this is the whole documentary to watch for free on YT:

View: https://youtu.be/vGusDIvEHAo?si=YIxwTYI3Ztb_MKdp


May 13, 2015
Have you seen the documentary “Root cause”? Well worth the watch if you haven’t.

I think this is the whole documentary to watch for free on YT:

View: https://youtu.be/vGusDIvEHAo?si=YIxwTYI3Ztb_MKdp

I have not seen it yet, will watch it, thanks.

The alarming thing to me in the video that I posted is that cavitations, caused by pulling teeth and not reaming out the socket to healthy bone material, are just as dangerous and many do not cause any pain. My husband had 6 wisdom teeth (4 wisdom teeth, 2 supernumeraries) removed by a dental student at a dental college many years ago. I'm imagining the worst.
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