Estrogen overload or sluggish liver?


Sep 13, 2012
White rice binds bile without fiber? If thats the case, then brown rice should be better since it has fiber?
It has a little. Oatmeal has more. Oat bran has less as the bran is mostly insoluble fiber. Insoluble doesn't bind bile.


Nov 10, 2018
It has more soluble fiber than most foods per serving. Psyllium husk as well. Ray likes the raw carrot but its not as good. He is now eating oats which again is similar to like white rice in it's ability to bind bile so if you are going for a huge punch beans and psyllium otherwise that bile binder drug is the best. PS try to go slow! Soluble fiber promotes bile acid production because of it's binding abilities and you may feel worse for a while.

Ray recommends raw carrots but that is insoluble fiber. So is insoluble fiber also having a bile binding action?

In terms of other foods parsnips have quite a lot of soluble fiber per serving but without the lectins and other anti nutrients of beans, they could be a good option?


Sep 13, 2012
Ray recommends raw carrots but that is insoluble fiber. So is insoluble fiber also having a bile binding action?

In terms of other foods parsnips have quite a lot of soluble fiber per serving but without the lectins and other anti nutrients of beans, they could be a good option?
I'm still figuring out soluble content of foods I haven't found the best list of amounts quite yet. And there seems to be some confusion about it. Yeah steamed carrots actually bind bile better as do most vegetables in that way there's a good list on that which bind better if you do a search on pubmed. I think the Karen Hurd approach is about getting as much bound as you can.


sounds like you need magnesium. sounds like a methylation thing.
Yes! Avoiding MgGly because gly will reduce methyl groups even further.
Taking Inositol for a while brought back and aggravated my crises. I suppose Inositol acts in a similar way as Niacinamide.


Aug 9, 2019
Someone on Reddit treating her fibromyalgia with the bean protocol.

I’m still on the bean protocol, and it’s one of the best life choices I ever made.

I’m a year and three months in (with times I fell off for a few weeks here and there, and MAN did I feel it). I’ve gone from a daily 8 of pain and fatigue to a 4

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
Because I like to know what I take and take exactly how much I want, without unecessary ingredients.
I was getting my P cream compounded by my pharmacy, but too expensive. I get what you are saying, but I dont buy anything from China if I can help it. I worry about the purity and if it is up to standards.


Jun 15, 2022
United States
I think it's all about experiment and finding what works best for each individual person. I've seen over and over on this forum people trying to force some of these "principles" even though they are having horrible health issues. (guilty of it myself!). Truly, it just comes down to listening to your body. If you throw a serving of beans into your diet, and you feel fine, then that's a great source of soluble fiber that will help with clearing out your bile and your liver. If that scares you to try, then psyllium is a good option. You can start really slowly, like a teaspoon, and work your way up to test your tolerance. (this option has been much more successful in my experience and way less of a pain in the **** than making a carrot salad or mushrooms boiled to death!)

I agree with people on this thread, and I've seen it over and over with people I've worked with and it's true for myself, saturated fat and fruit sugar make most of my symptoms worse. You are not alone if this is overburdening your liver and causing estrogen symptoms. I have pretty much removed all fruit and I use well cooked starches, squash and potatoes and it's been totally different. Same with dairy. Every time I reintroduce it....and it doesn't matter what mammal it comes from....bad acne and horrible PMS.

My first question to people I work with is always, "what do you like to eat?" That's what you should be eating!! Balanced meals with no food fear!
Have you ever tried TMG (Trimethylglycine)?? It’s not a peat approved supplement, but it helps big time. Most people are undermethylators. I had bloating, constipation, and sluggish liver until I started supplementing 500 mg a day of TMG.


Dec 28, 2021
I was getting my P cream compounded by my pharmacy, but too expensive. I get what you are saying, but I dont buy anything from China if I can help it. I worry about the purity and if it is up to standards.
I have it third party tested in Europe to ensure that. And the results are great.


Feb 3, 2020
Have you ever tried TMG (Trimethylglycine)?? It’s not a peat approved supplement, but it helps big time. Most people are undermethylators. I had bloating, constipation, and sluggish liver until I started supplementing 500 mg a day of TMG.
Indeed hypomethylation is an often overlooked factor in liver dysfunction.
To those struggling with vitamin A toxicity - this condition is known to cause hypomethylation, deplete B9, B12 and overactivate GNMT which depletes glycine as well.
But from my POV hypomethylation in the first place predisposes one to fatty liver, heavy metal accumulation etc by impairing bile flow. The functioning of the gallbladder is very methyl sensitive.

I improved a lot by improving the methylation cycle with an bioactive B-complex, creatine, glycine, magnesium, high protein diet, and occasionally 500mg of TMG.


Dec 28, 2021
Indeed hypomethylation is an often overlooked factor in liver dysfunction.
To those struggling with vitamin A toxicity - this condition is known to cause hypomethylation, deplete B9, B12 and overactivate GNMT which depletes glycine as well.
But from my POV hypomethylation in the first place predisposes one to fatty liver, heavy metal accumulation etc by impairing bile flow. The functioning of the gallbladder is very methyl sensitive.

I improved a lot by improving the methylation cycle with an bioactive B-complex, creatine, glycine, magnesium, high protein diet, and occasionally 500mg of TMG.
Which brand makes a bioactive B complex ?


Nov 4, 2017
Have you ever tried TMG (Trimethylglycine)?? It’s not a peat approved supplement, but it helps big time. Most people are undermethylators. I had bloating, constipation, and sluggish liver until I started supplementing 500 mg a day of TMG.
I have not, but there is another doctor that highly recommends it....I can't remember who it is, but I've definitely read the work of people that are in strong support of it. Sounds like you've had a good experience with it. Is it because of the methylation, or are there other pathways that help liver detoxification? I want to say user @redsun has mentioned this to be important when using Niacinamide? Don't quote me on that...but he's super smart and will hopefully chime in!


Jun 15, 2022
United States
I have not, but there is another doctor that highly recommends it....I can't remember who it is, but I've definitely read the work of people that are in strong support of it. Sounds like you've had a good experience with it. Is it because of the methylation, or are there other pathways that help liver detoxification? I want to say user @redsun has mentioned this to be important when using Niacinamide? Don't quote me on that...but he's super smart and will hopefully chime in!
I was taking b1,2,3, and 6 and that made my symptoms worse. As far as I understand it these b vitamins deplete methyl groups even more and make histamine intolerance worse. TMG on the other hand converts homocysteine to methionine.
I don’t take b vitamins anymore…just from food. But the TMG is very tough to get from food.
I started by stopping all supplements and only taking TMG and i felt more grounded and had tons of physical energy. I have recently added a zinc, copper, b6, magnesium, and vitamin c supplement and a calcium magnesium boron vitamin d supplement. I’ve read that undermethylators can be deficient in bioavailable calcium, copper, zinc, and the rest of important minerals bc their livers aren’t functioning well.
My skin is better, I sleep extremely deep, I have more energy for working out.
I would only caution to start slow as if you take too much you could have a heavy detox. 500 mg is really the max I take in one day


Nov 4, 2017
b vitamins deplete methyl groups even more and make histamine intolerance worse. TMG on the other hand converts homocysteine to methionine
Yes! This is what I remember reading.

Very interesting. Were you getting histamine reactions at all? Or just feeling low energy prior to the MSM? This may explain some of my symptoms. Thank you for bringing this up.


Jun 15, 2022
United States
Yes! This is what I remember reading.

Very interesting. Were you getting histamine reactions at all? Or just feeling low energy prior to the MSM? This may explain some of my symptoms. Thank you for bringing this up
Yes! This is what I remember reading.

Very interesting. Were you getting histamine reactions at all? Or just feeling low energy prior to the MSM? This may explain some of my symptoms. Thank you for bringing this up.
That is why I think alot of people have trouble eating beef liver. High histamine and adrenal fatigue. I also have noticed any type of folate in supplements I have a terrible reaction to. But TMG although sometimes makes me detox if I take too much, in general I feel really good on it. Bottom line most people are undermethylators. I had a patch of dry skin on my hands when I was taking the B vitamins and it’s pretty much gone now.
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