Estrogen is the cause of breast cancer


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Both good and sad news here. The good news is that Ray has been proven correct again, and the bad ones is that many women permanently disfigure themselves by cutting their breasts off due to medicine's ignorance. It quickly becomes clear (to anyone with some time to research the topic) that mastectomy, if useful at all, has an effect only on breast cancer. However, the BRCA1 gene is implicated in ovarian and endometrial cancer as well, as well as colon and lung cancer. So, unless these women are willing to cut half of their organs off, they are not achieving much with the mastectomy.
Nothing new here for the well-read Peatarians, but I like posting "news" from mainstream media whenever "medicine" confirms a view Peat has held for along time. In this article they state that even the feared BRCA1 gene is NOT what causes the cancer - it's estrogen actually! The organism containing faults in the BRCA1 gene simply can't repair the damage caused by estrogen. ... tomy-28295
BRCA1 deficiency exacerbates estrogen-induced DNA damage and genomic instability - PubMed

"...Although women with inherited BRCA1 faults have this mistake in every cell in their body, they mainly develop breast and ovarian cancers. This has been of major interest to researchers since BRCA1 was discovered in 1994. In a recent study, published in Cancer Research, we found evidence that oestrogen is the driving factor behind these cancers and our finding could pave the way for a new therapy that leads to fewer preventative surgeries. We found that oestrogen and oestrogen metabolites (created when natural oestrogen breaks down) cause a severe type of damage to DNA called double strand breaks. The accumulation of this type of damage often leads to genetic mutations and cancer. It is interesting because although oestrogen caused these breaks in both normal and defective BRCA1 cells, it was the defective cells that couldn’t fix the damage. It is already known that BRCA1 is very important in the repair of double strand breaks. But the damage driven by the oestrogen metabolites was so severe to the faulty BRCA1 cells that it caused dangerous changes in the cell’s chromosomes (DNA bundles), which often leads to cancer development over time. In addition to this, we also discovered that BRCA1 regulates the levels of some key enzymes that convert oestrogen into the toxic oestrogen metabolites. Cells with faulty BRCA1 had lost the control of these enzymes, meaning their level was increased and more oestrogen metabolites were being produced. This led to more damage that wasn’t being repaired in these BRCA1 faulty cells. Taken together, the research suggests that exposure to oestrogen and its subsequent metabolism in defective BRCA1 breast cells can drive DNA damage and instability, an early event in breast cancer development."

And of course, the article suggests that anti-estrogen drugs may be helpful. But they also raise a point that currently all anti-estrogen therapies have focused on inhibiting aromatase. However, estrogen can be produced in an aromatase-independent way, so drugs like anastrozole and letrozole would only work partially. That is a valid point indeed, confirmed in trials with AI drugs showing effectiveness in only 60%-80% of patients. The study suggests using a drug called "luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist" to suppress all estrogen production. However, in light of Ray's view of LH being a cancer promoter itself, this may end up being a very misguided approach. If LH is a cancer promoter, and opposing estrogen everywhere is key then one needs an estrogen antagonist. There is only one pharma drug approved by FDA as estrogen antagonist, and AFAIK phama is not currently heavily invested in developing new estrogen antagonists. The drug is called Fulvestrant:
Fulvestrant - Wikipedia

The good news is that we Peatarians know of at least two other substance that are estrogen antagonists - aspirin and vitamin E (tocopherol). Ray has written that aspirin works against estrogen even though it has not been shown to be an antagonist in the traditional sense - i.e. bind to the estrogen "receptors". However, the tocopherols have been shown to act like a traditional estrogen "receptor" antagonists and also aromatase inhibitors. I posted a number of studies on tocopherols being anti-estrogenic in a variety of ways, and some of these studies (in rodents) showed breast cancer regression of over 85% with a human dosage of 2,000mg-2,500mg mixed tocopherols (high gamma).
Now, the question is whether someone in mainstream science will do a study with a true estrogen antagonist or will we continue the practice of misdirection by using a wrong drug (LH agonist), that may cause even more damage and confusion?
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Feb 20, 2013
Very interesting that tocopherols act like estrogen antagonist, that is one powerful vitamin. Especially considering how many people have excess estrogen, and would benefit from it.
I'm a 23 year old male with little bodyfat so my estrogen isn't likely high. But if I drink a lot of beer for example then I look and feel like ***t the next day, water retention, puffy face, low energy etc. This quickly disappears the day after when I drink a ton of milk and do the "surrogates for thyroid" mix of caffeine, aspirin and niacinamide.
If I really want to decrease estrogen to a minimum I might load up on Progest-E. That really makes me look super-lean, zero water retention. But unfortunately it does kill your sex drive, this is probably the testosterone lowering effect of progesterone.

In one of your older posts haidut about Vitamin E, you said that Vitamin E was a estrogen "receptor" antagonist, aromatase inhibitor and also anti-androgenic.

Does this mean that vitamin E besides lowering estrogen, also lowers testosterone, just like progesterone does?

If Vitamin E doesn't lower testosterone, then I think Vitamin E would be superior to progesterone, in terms of energy and sex drive.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Vinero said:
Very interesting that tocopherols act like estrogen antagonist, that is one powerful vitamin. Especially considering how many people have excess estrogen, and would benefit from it.
I'm a 23 year old male with little bodyfat so my estrogen isn't likely high. But if I drink a lot of beer for example then I look and feel like s*** the next day, water retention, puffy face, low energy etc. This quickly disappears the day after when I drink a ton of milk and do the "surrogates for thyroid" mix of caffeine, aspirin and niacinamide.
If I really want to decrease estrogen to a minimum I might load up on Progest-E. That really makes me look super-lean, zero water retention. But unfortunately it does kill your sex drive, this is probably the testosterone lowering effect of progesterone.

In one of your older posts haidut about Vitamin E, you said that Vitamin E was a estrogen "receptor" antagonist, aromatase inhibitor and also anti-androgenic.

Does this mean that vitamin E besides lowering estrogen, also lowers testosterone, just like progesterone does?

If Vitamin E doesn't lower testosterone, then I think Vitamin E would be superior to progesterone, in terms of energy and sex drive.

There are a number of studies and also Peat articles saying that vitamin E acts like progesterone in the body. It has been shown to keep testosterone levels stable or maybe decrease them a bit, but the decrease is about 10% on average. However, there are studies showing tocopherol also lowers prolactin by about 40% for a dosage of 300mg, and that should more than compensate in terms of libido boosting. I know several people who ditched their Viagra thanks to vitamin E, since it turned out their ED was just low libido and not caused by a "flow" problem. Incidentally, this seems to be the case for the majority of ED patients. Very few have CVD so bad that their blood vessels are blocked down there.


Jan 30, 2014
What do you think about proviron or andractim gel for lowering estrogen ? I know Ray is not a fan of Proviron and maybe its because methyl group ?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
piotr_zarach said:
What do you think about proviron or andractim gel for lowering estrogen ? I know Ray is not a fan of Proviron and maybe its because methyl group ?

I don't know much about Proviron, but I think Ray has said that if the DHT topical product is without additives it should be fairly safe. I know in France, DHT is approved both for treating gynecomastia and also BPH (enlarged prostate). That second one pretty much ends the argument for androgens being the cause of BPH.


Jan 30, 2014
I found no studies about the harmfulness of Proviron. Therefore, I do not know why Ray said that is not safe in any dose
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