Esgtrogen Is Actually What Masculinizes Men?


Mar 18, 2017
hey guys, I'm new on here but I've been watching the forum for awhile and reading Info..

I saw someone on here say that E2/aromatization is the ultimate reason for male pattern baldness and beard and body hair growth, prostate growth ect..

It really makes sense that Estrogen causes these aging effects because even as early as college my buddies who were heavy alcoholics (beer & whiskey drinkers) and partiers, were all getting chubby around the waist, had thicker fuller facial hair/body hair and most had some degree of balding, even at the age of 18 -22. They had poor athletic performance and muscular build, but were at times super aggressive. I'm guessing from short spikes in LH & DHT.

So if Estrogen raising with age is what matures and makes men look masculine. then how can a man have low estrogen and high overall testosterone & DHT?...I assume that men who have this ratio would look the best with full heads of hair and full beards with plenty of athletic prowess....even though it seems like estrogen is a way better precursor for 5 alpha reductase than testosterone itself.

I remember reading that Middle Easterners and Mediterraneans had the highest amount of 5 alpha reductase activity along with Dopamine from the high intake of Fava Beans (L-Dopa) and dairy. I'm also assuming they also have higher that normal estrogen because even at a young age a lot of them have thick body hair action going on.
If you see latin south americans who grew up eating a lot of ripe fruit and anti estrogenic compounds alot are very lean without much body hair or faciall at all unless they are mixed with European latin (like Spaniard or Italian decent).

So bottom line this fascinated me and I want to know how I can achieve maximum masculine looks from raising DHT and keep my hair and athletic body and good skin from lowering estrogen?? I'm 25 turning 26 so I'm very interested in optimizing my development as a man.

my diet roughly consists of:

- 2 cups of coffee mixed w/Organic butter & whole milk per day
- 6 eggs w/Organic butter per day
- a good amout of fresh squeezed OJ & Antioxidant blend juice
- a lot of Raisins, blueberries, kiwis, Bananas, Pineapples
- Whey protein along with Yogurt, at night I have Non Organic Ricotta cheese w/honey
- Sorghum grains & sweet potatos, sometimes White Potatoes & White Rice.
- Olive oil & coconut oil a few times per week (I know they lower DHT)
- vegetables like Broccoli, Kale, Parsley, brussell sprouts, Kale ect.
- Meat as in Chicken hearts, liver and some beef liver along with chicken & organic beef sometimes.
- Supplements consist of whole food multi Vitamin - Natures bounty Vit E - Zinc (30mgs only when I ejaculate or sweat a lot) - Arginine + Ornithine (for sexual performance) - Tyrosine (1500 mgs per day for sun protection and extra DHT/Dopamine)

let me know what u guys think about my current diet.
thanks for the help!


Mar 18, 2017
brb replacing OJ with soy sauce

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Soy blocks DHT/5AR as well as raises Estrogen in the body...hence a lot of Asians whos ancestors ate a lot of soy genetically don't have very masculine characteristics.


Mar 18, 2017
Check out what DHEA is/does I think that's what you're talking about

Meatbag -- I checked out DHEA and it does seem to get converted both into DHT and estrogen when u are under any type of stress....I personally would be afraid to supplement this on the slight chance that it does raise my estrogen, which would be bad obviously. maybe I would try raising my DHEA with food & diet though, I do hear that eggs help raise DHEA and I eat 6 of those per day.

If u meant that DHEA is what masculinizes/matures men then does that mean that alcoholics have higher DHEA than men who don't over indulge in alcohol?


Dec 29, 2015
following....Im trying to crack this code myself as well....there is definitely a "balding Hormone", whether it be androstandiol, or other adrenal androgens...I think it is well known that testosterone is good for hair and muscle ....


Mar 18, 2017
following....Im trying to crack this code myself as well....there is definitely a "balding Hormone", whether it be androstandiol, or other adrenal androgens...I think it is well known that testosterone is good for hair and muscle ....

tallglass13 -- If it is Adrenal hormones (like Androstandiol) that's causing it wouldn't that just mean your adrenals are being fatigued from cortisol for one reason or another and causing excess aromatization leading to increased DHT which causes calcification of the scalp and results in MPB?...
sounds to me that adrenal and thyroid health are the most important when it comes to male pattern baldness.

yes I think Testosterone grows thick healthy head hair in men and Estrogen grows healthy head hair in women. hormones might affect the 2 genders differently it seems


Oct 24, 2013
i cant exactly answer your question but ive used a few kinds of strong aromatase inhibitors over the last 2 years and whenever i use enough to reduce aromatase by over 75% things are not good.

very anxious , dont really enjoy anything no motivation etc.. reduced libido.

i think estrogen is just best to be kept in check not reduced to nothing.

wish i could explain in more detail but i have no done research into the essential and androgenic actions and estrogen


Mar 15, 2014
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Soy blocks DHT/5AR as well as raises Estrogen in the body...hence a lot of Asians whos ancestors ate a lot of soy genetically don't have very masculine characteristics.

Asians (Chinese/Korean/Jap) have lower estrogen and higher T and DHT than Euro-Americans and Europeans. It has nothing to do with hormone levels directly. Maybe something to do with receptors.


Jan 4, 2017
following....Im trying to crack this code myself as well....there is definitely a "balding Hormone", whether it be androstandiol, or other adrenal androgens...I think it is well known that testosterone is good for hair and muscle ....
No doubt testosterone is needed for hair growth... Progesterone seems to use testosterone for enhancement of hair growth rate ... Low testosterone causes low hair growth rate and skin degeneration and instability... Because Progesterone is main hormone in terms of lowering prolactin it is needed with testosterone to give men high libido... Testosterone makes men calmer and confident... Estrogen makes men more aggressive and insecure seeing things more black and white
Apr 25, 2018
Asians (Chinese/Korean/Jap) have lower estrogen and higher T and DHT than Euro-Americans and Europeans. It has nothing to do with hormone levels directly. Maybe something to do with receptors.

LOL Asians def DO NOT.

What the hell are you smoking?

Asians are the most feminine males out there in general. Look at how they have no body hair, full heads of hair.

They also don't tend to pursue athletics which could tell you something.


Mar 15, 2014
LOL Asians def DO NOT.
Yes they do. Multiple studies corroborate this. I'll leave it to you to find them, since you don't seem like somebody interested in the information, so I'd rather not waste time on you.
Asians are the most feminine males out there in general. Look at how they have no body hair, full heads of hair.
So you agree then that whites are more feminine than Arab, North African, and Middle Eastern males?


Mar 15, 2014
References for higher T/DHT in east Asians @Ivysaur?
But since you asked, I'll provide one.

Evidence for Geographical and Racial Variation in Serum Sex Steroid Levels in Older Men
Table 1

This one has the free T being pretty even, with Hong Kongers having the highest by a high margin, but Japanese the lowest, and whites in between.

DHT: black > Asian > white
Estrogen: black > white > Asian

It's abundantly clear that traits like hirsutism, height, musculature, and pigmentation between races have almost nothing to do with hormones, and everything to do with genetics. Within races, it could be true that the hairier/taller/muscular/darker individuals have more androgens. I still have my doubts though, I think that thick terminal body hairs are an estrogenic trait.
Last edited:
Apr 25, 2018
But since you asked, I'll provide one.

Evidence for Geographical and Racial Variation in Serum Sex Steroid Levels in Older Men
Table 1

This one has the free T being pretty even, with Hong Kongers having the highest by a high margin, but Japanese the lowest, and whites in between.

DHT: black > Asian > white
Estrogen: black > white > Asian

It's abundantly clear that traits like hirsutism, height, musculature, and pigmentation between races have almost nothing to do with hormones, and everything to do with genetics. Within races, it could be true that the hairier/taller/muscular/darker individuals have more androgens. I still have my doubts though, I think that thick terminal body hairs are an estrogenic trait.

It's hormones and genetics.

Give an asian some roids and they will develop more musculature (DUH)

Genetics without hormones means nothing as well. Look at Zyzz who was a skinny prick before he started blasting tren. And he didn't experience much hair loss or body hair growth
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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