Energy balance podcast


Sep 15, 2017
Afternoon Ray Peat forum,
My Friend Jay Feldman and I have been doing a podcast for a while and I thought it was about time to share it with the forum. We have 41 episodes (about 45 minutes each) at the moment, covering a plethora of health topics ranging from digestive health, COVID, cardiovascular health, women's health, food choices, how to set up a baseline diet, Q&A's etc. We are planning on covering a series of specific health disorders such as autoimmunity, neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, kidney disease, cancer etc. from a bioenergetic perspective.

Here is a link to Jay's website where the podcasts can be found:

I will be regularly updating this thread with the most recent episodes' links.

Please feel free to give us feedback, opinions, topics you would like covered, ask us specific questions, etc.



Mar 28, 2015
This is quite rude. Here they are sharing their podcasts to this forum for the first time and you knock them down in one message. This will most likely deter many woman from listening to them. Let people listen and judge for themselves. I’m female and don’t appreciate this kind of attitude.


Oct 19, 2019
I’ve been listening to these podcasts since the first episode and have taken lots from them. They helped to solidify lots of the theory from Ray, Georgi, Danny et al when first delving into metabolism and health. I have also learned a lot from @CLASH on the forum - only now have I realised that Mike and @CLASH are one and the same!


Apr 23, 2016
This is quite rude. Here they are sharing their podcasts to this forum for the first time and you knock them down in one message. This will most likely deter many woman from listening to them. Let people listen and judge for themselves.

I listened to episode 38 and I enjoyed it. Thanks!


Nov 14, 2020
I’ve been listening to these. Mike Fave is quite painful to listen to. I think he just enjoys hearing his own voice. He makes a point, then he makes it again.. then he uses about 30 obscure analogies to make his point further.
Despite this- I’ve retrieved a lot of information from these podcasts. Unfortunately the most recent was embarrassing and just.. I can’t even think about it..
I sent it to a friend who had been considering HRT. I’ve been trying to explain why it might not be the best options. I saw this podcast and thought ‘great, this is another avenue for her to explore’... I listened to it myself a few hours later and had to quickly send out a message for her to NOT listen to it.. unfortunately she already had started to.. and stopped of course.. because it was TWO MEN MANSPLAINING FEMALE HORMONES AND MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS IN THE MOST CONDESCENDING FASHION IVE HEARD IN A LONG TIME.

It’s unfortunate to hear that you feel this way, although I think it’s worth mentioning that you seem to be in the vast minority. I’ve had many messages from women (and men) who have found this information helpful, and no one else has made any comments like this.

I don’t think men talking about women’s health is “mansplaining” – if anything I thought it was made quite clear in the first couple minutes of the first episode of the Women’s Hormonal Health series that women have been the victims of marketing and manipulation which has been incredibly harmful to their health, and that we wanted to help defend women’s health against the industry that’s wronged them. Perhaps our resentment or blame toward the industry and misinformed medical system was misconstrued as blame toward women, but that couldn't have been farther from the case.

Additionally, in regard to the comments about Mike, I personally think it’s helpful to use analogies and offer different angles when trying to understand any particular concept, and I certainly don’t think this is ego-driven.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
It’s unfortunate to hear that you feel this way, although I think it’s worth mentioning that you seem to be in the vast minority. I’ve had many messages from women (and men) who have found this information helpful, and no one else has made any comments like this.

I don’t think men talking about women’s health is “mansplaining” – if anything I thought it was made quite clear in the first couple minutes of the first episode of the Women’s Hormonal Health series that women have been the victims of marketing and manipulation which has been incredibly harmful to their health, and that we wanted to help defend women’s health against the industry that’s wronged them. Perhaps our resentment or blame toward the industry and misinformed medical system was misconstrued as blame toward women, but that couldn't have been farther from the case.

Additionally, in regard to the comments about Mike, I personally think it’s helpful to use analogies and offer different angles when trying to understand any particular concept, and I certainly don’t think this is ego-driven.
I agree with you. For the record, I apologize. I’ve also written to mike to apologize. I’ve also tried to remove my comments without luck.
as I said, I gained a lot of information from the podcast but this one didn’t hit home for me and I found it very triggering. But that’s my issue and I should not have made such comments, especially personal ones.


Sep 15, 2017
I appreciate the apology both personally and publicly.

I'm cool with the criticism (not necessarily the character assault), my goal isn't to go around and trigger women (or people in general) when I talk about women's health issues or any health topic for that matter. So, if I was indeed that triggering, I would like to know:

1) How was I triggering?
2) What was it that I said specifically that was triggering?
3) Any other constructive information you can provide.

Going forward I can use this information to adust my presentation to help reach people in a better way.

With this said, I am aware that I do get passionate about health topics when talking, I do try to explain things in multiple ways, and I do employ analogies quite often. I work in the hospital PCU and in home health as a nurse, with people that usually dont have a medical background at all yet have very serious medical conditions. I often have to explain things in a variety of different ways and use analogies to get my points across to them and to thier families. I also get to see the side effects, consequences, and implications of alot of these medical treatments in a very direct way on a daily basis, so some of the topics have a visceral effect for me when I talk about them that can bleed into my presentation.
Last edited:


Nov 14, 2020
I agree with you. For the record, I apologize. I’ve also written to mike to apologize. I’ve also tried to remove my comments without luck.
as I said, I gained a lot of information from the podcast but this one didn’t hit home for me and I found it very triggering. But that’s my issue and I should not have made such comments, especially personal ones.
I understand and I appreciate your apology.

As Mike said, that definitely wasn't our intention and if there is anything that you think we could do to prevent this from happening in the future please let us know.


Sep 15, 2017
@Sefton10 @Adrienlcrx @Mhouse

Appreciate the positive feedback guys. Any questions you want to ask, or things you want us to cover, or even things you disagree with us on, or want more clarification on; please let me know. I also appreciate the support, its definitely motivation to keep doing the podcasts.


Thanks for the support, its nice to get another perspective on the topic. As I told @teds if you find something you dislike and you have some suggestions, we are all ears. Also, anything that you like that we're already doing please let us know so we can keep it up. We want to be able to reach people with the information in the best way we can.


Appreciate the support man. I'm currently in the process of preparing a website with some blog posts, a free guide, etc, so I'll reach out once I'm more established. I still work full time in the hospital as a nurse and am in school for NP so its a balancing act currently. Jay @JFwellness already has quite a few posts up that you may like. His randle cycle post discussing glucose oxidation vs. fat oxidation at the mitochondrial level is pretty good in my opinion.

@Homo Consumericus

Haha it was a big step for me. I've been avoiding it the entire time we have been doing the podcast, Jay @JFwellness has spent almost a year trying to convince me to put up a website, put up a picture for the podcast, and use my actual name. I do work in the traditional medical setting, it is my current source of income, and with the current censorship climate I have been hesitant with putting out any type of contradictory information attached to my name.


Nov 18, 2019
I appreciate the apology both personally and publicly.

I'm cool with the criticism (not necessarily the character assault), my goal isn't to go around and trigger women (or people in general) when I talk about women's health issues or any health topic for that matter. So, if I was indeed that triggering, I would like to know:

1) How was I triggering?
2) What was it that I said specifically that was triggering?
3) Any other constructive information you can provide.

Going forward I can use this information to adust my presentation to help reach people in a better way.

With this said, I am aware that I do get passionate about health topics when talking, I do try to explain things in multiple ways, and I do employ analogies quite often. I work in the hospital PCU and in home health as a nurse, with people that usually dont have a medical background at all yet have very serious medical conditions. I often have to explain things in a variety of different ways and use analogies to get my points across to them and to thier families. I also get to see the side effects, consequences, and implications of alot of these medical treatments in a very direct way on a daily basis, so some of the topics have a visceral effect for me when I talk about them that can bleed into my presentation.
A very mature response @CLASH. You deserve a listen from this post alone.


Nov 29, 2017
How did I miss this when you posted on Wednesday @CLASH !!! :) Looking forward to listening to this. Have always valued your posts here. Thanks!


Sep 22, 2020
I’ve listened to a few of them. I’ve enjoyed them. It’s two guys who are approaching things from a real perspective. Seeing it through the lens of many of us here, who have a million questions on approaches on how to do things.


Jun 19, 2016
Cool to connect forum user to real life voice. I have listened several episodes and i think they are pretty good. Access from spotify helps alot. Easy to listen and information is good in general, of course there are some things i don't always agree with but hey, you could be right and im wrong, you never know. But overall very much in line with Peats bioenergetic view. Good listen for both newbies and advcanced biohackers.
Jul 4, 2017
Please don’t stop these podcasts. You guys have excellent chemistry. The hormesis series turned my brain backwards (in a good way). I am a physical therapist in California. I’ll be finishing up my last 2 years working in Corrections before I embark on my keynote speaking career. I’ll be bringing a Peat edge to my talks. I’ll be needing a place to send clients. After listening to you guys and looking at your websites, I would not hesitate to throw you referrals.

I began a concept called 5 Natives to create a 90 day individualized logbook so people could “connect the dots” with their health. The 1st edition was released in 2015. 2,0 will be released in 2022. I could send you a near final draft in a month.

Take care,



Sep 21, 2014
Yes, this podcast is really good.

If anyone has just found Ray Peat's ideas and is having trouble understanding them: The first 12 episodes or so really go into the basics. Really helpful to understand this approach more.
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