
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It is a well-publicized fact that people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis (UC) struggle with severe cognitive and mood issues. They are also at a much greater risk of developing dementia than the general population, and at a much younger age too. Mainstream medicine claims that the reason for this brain decline in people with IBD is unknown. The study below found that in babies with a certain form of colitis called NEC (which can develop in adults with UC too), it was endotoxin that caused BOTH the brain damage and the colon damage, and even death in severe enough cases of the condition. As such, endotoxin and TLR4 are once again in the spotlight as the main villains in yet another serious (and potentially lethal) condition. This study suggests that TLR4 blockade may be a viable treatment for both the cognitive/mood issues and the underlying IBD condition so many people suffer from these days.
I can't help but notice that NEC is known to develop almost always in babies fed formula and exposed to some kind of stress. Considering the recent news about J&J knowingly selling asbestos-laden baby powder for decades, I can only imagine what is in those baby formulas...
Johnson & Johnson Concealed For Decades Its Baby Powder Had Asbestos
And as far as the neonatal stress - I think getting their blood drawn, X-rayed, fed poisonous liquid and often being separated from the mother during most of the hospital stay is just a small list of stressors babies have to endure in our sophisticated, dehumanizing medical system.

If I was a brave scientist who is not afraid of getting his funding cut and possibly thrown in jail for defamation, I would do a study to see if just feeding the baby formula would be enough to trigger IBD / NEC and/or brain damage. My gut (pun intended) is telling me that if formula is used exclusively or for a long time, that may very well be the case.

Cognitive impairments induced by necrotizing enterocolitis can be prevented by inhibiting microglial activation in mouse brain
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
"...Using a mouse model of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) -- a potentially fatal condition that causes a premature infant's gut to suddenly die -- researchers at Johns Hopkins say they have uncovered the molecular causes of [both] the condition and its associated brain injury. The discovery enabled the team to combine efforts with colleagues studying brain inflammation and to identify potential drugs that reverse the brain injury in mice."

"...While the exact causes of NEC in newborns were unclear, the disease is known to occur in premature infants who are fed formula and suffer other stressors, such as bacterial infections. So the team developed a mouse model of NEC by separating newborn mice from their mothers and feeding them formula, subjecting them to a low oxygen chamber twice a day for four days as a stressor and making sure they had similar gut bacteria by feeding them stool from a child who had developed severe NEC. According to Hackam, not only did these mice develop NEC, their brains also showed the same injury as seen in humans and impaired brain function when older. At this point, they were ready to figure out what was causing NEC-associated brain injury in these mice. First, they looked at whether the immune cells of the brain, so-called microglia, were activated in these NEC mice, which would signify some sort of inflammation. Indeed, the microglia were activated. Others had shown that a protein called TLR4, which binds to bacteria in the gut, is also able to activate microglia in the brain. So they genetically engineered mice to not contain TLR4 on the microglia and gave these mice NEC. The researchers found that these mice did not develop NEC-associated brain injury, suggesting that TLR4 is the cause of that injury.

But wait, there is good news this time! Another study by the same group 3 years ago coincidentally (synchronicity again) found that giving the HED of 500 IU / kg daily if vitamin A can effectively prevent and possibly treat both the IBD / NEC and the brain damage associated with it.
Vitamin A Quells Severity of Preemie GI Disease in Mice - 12/21/2015
"...The researchers used this knowledge to test whether changing the balance of the T cells would reduce the severity of the disease in mice with necrotizing enterocolitis. They fed the mice 50 micrograms of vitamin A daily for four days, considered a fairly low dose. When they looked at the intestines of the diseased mice fed vitamin A, they looked more like healthy intestines than diseased ones. Hackam says further experiments revealed that cells in the intestinal lining contain a bacteria-sensing receptor on their surface responsible for attracting swarms of inflammatory T cells to the intestines; intestinal cells without the receptor — called toll-like receptor 4, or TLR4 — failed to draw in the inflammatory T cells.
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Apr 19, 2017
Wow, that's really interesting stuff, Haidut! Thanks for posting the positive second part so those fed formula know there is hope!


Feb 26, 2018
Super interesting !
Is there a best time to consume a TLR-4 Antagonist (before/after food)?
Nov 21, 2015
I take small amounts of antibiotics when I am not feeling well. I also take larger amounts of vitamin A and I find that the combination really helps prevent something from setting in. Thanks for the study.


Jan 25, 2014
It is a well-publicized fact that people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis (UC) struggle with severe cognitive and mood issues. They are also at a much greater risk of developing dementia than the general population, and at a much younger age too. Mainstream medicine claims that the reason for this brain decline in people with IBD is unknown. The study below found that in babies with a certain form of colitis called NEC (which can develop in adults with UC too), it was endotoxin that caused BOTH the brain damage and the colon damage, and even death in severe enough cases of the condition. As such, endotoxin and TLR4 are once again in the spotlight as the main villains in yet another serious (and potentially lethal) condition. This study suggests that TLR4 blockade may be a viable treatment for both the cognitive/mood issues and the underlying IBD condition so many people suffer from these days.
I can't help but notice that NEC is known to develop almost always in babies fed formula and exposed to some kind of stress. Considering the recent news about J&J knowingly selling asbestos-laden baby powder for decades, I can only imagine what is in those baby formulas...
Johnson & Johnson Concealed For Decades Its Baby Powder Had Asbestos


If I was a brave scientist who is not afraid of getting his funding cut and possibly thrown in jail for defamation, I would do a study to see if just feeding the baby formula would be enough to trigger IBD / NEC and/or brain damage. My gut (pun intended) is telling me that if formula is used exclusively or for a long time, that may very well be the case.

My guess is that you won't have to look much further than the added iron in the formula. As E.D. Weinberg stated in the intro to his book "Exposing the Hidden Dangers of Iron," Iron promotes excessive bacterial growth, and can even neutralize tetracycline. Also, supplemental iron in formula wouldn't contain the natural protection that iron would in milk (most would likely be bound to lactoferrin, as lactoferrin is very high in all animal milks).

Not only that, most supplemental iron is basically just tiny iron shavings. In addition to promoting lots of bacteria (and therefore endotoxin), it also has the ability to completely thrash the gut, making leaky gut much more likely, and translocating that much more endotoxin into the blood stream (along with other undigested proteins, that could trigger other immune responses).

Dr. Thomas Levy gave a presentation where he talked about iron filings used (and trashing the gut), and mentions baby formula specifically starting at the 9 minute mark-



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
My guess is that you won't have to look much further than the added iron in the formula. As E.D. Weinberg stated in the intro to his book "Exposing the Hidden Dangers of Iron," Iron promotes excessive bacterial growth, and can even neutralize tetracycline. Also, supplemental iron in formula wouldn't contain the natural protection that iron would in milk (most would likely be bound to lactoferrin, as lactoferrin is very high in all animal milks).

Not only that, most supplemental iron is basically just tiny iron shavings. In addition to promoting lots of bacteria (and therefore endotoxin), it also has the ability to completely thrash the gut, making leaky gut much more likely, and translocating that much more endotoxin into the blood stream (along with other undigested proteins, that could trigger other immune responses).

Dr. Thomas Levy gave a presentation where he talked about iron filings used (and trashing the gut), and mentions baby formula specifically starting at the 9 minute mark-

Wow, I did not know they used iron shavings. How is that even legal!? Is there a maximum allowed particle size?
Of course it would trash the gut, it may even directly cause the lesions seen in IBD. It's like ingesting razor blades and asking why the GI tract starts to bleed.


Aug 6, 2017
I don't think blocking a receptor would cause anything but damage in the long term. The right treatment is to stop the cause, not the effect. Same is true with pretty much every condition. Evolution has not given us a TLR4 that only causes negative effects, quite the contrary. If you make the body blind to what it is supposed to sense then the dysregulation will spread to affect more systems.


Feb 20, 2013
I don't think blocking a receptor would cause anything but damage in the long term. The right treatment is to stop the cause, not the effect. Same is true with pretty much every condition. Evolution has not given us a TLR4 that only causes negative effects, quite the contrary. If you make the body blind to what it is supposed to sense then the dysregulation will spread to affect more systems.
The cause is endotoxin, so stopping the production of endotoxin by keeping the gut clean would be the first step. You can use carrot salad, cooked mushrooms, or antibiotics to minimize the production of endotoxin. Since endotoxin expresses it's negative effects through increasing serotonin and TLR4, you can block those effects by taking serotonin antagonists or TLR4 antagonists. Why would blocking the serotonin or TLR4 be bad?


Aug 6, 2017
Why do you think the body has evolved a maladaptive response? I am of the exact same opinion with serotonin blockers. If the food you eat has evolved to produce a serotonin response it has a reason. Blocking it by not eating it is the right approach, by blocking the receptor you cause some imbalance there or at least elsewhere. Antibiotics obviously don't fall into this category as it prevents the endotoxin before it forms.

It is a completely different line of argument in other cases like supplementing natural hormones. Where increasing the levels you can trick your body to keep the metabolic rate up even if the body thinks it would lead to your death in the coming winter it is expecting. But in this case it is only a issue of nowadays there is no winter coming where food is not available. And of course if you take hormones and lack nutrients you cause more harm than good.


Feb 20, 2013
Why do you think the body has evolved a maladaptive response? I am of the exact same opinion with serotonin blockers. If the food you eat has evolved to produce a serotonin response it has a reason. Blocking it by not eating it is the right approach, by blocking the receptor you cause some imbalance there or at least elsewhere. Antibiotics obviously don't fall into this category as it prevents the endotoxin before it forms.

It is a completely different line of argument in other cases like supplementing natural hormones. Where increasing the levels you can trick your body to keep the metabolic rate up even if the body thinks it would lead to your death in the coming winter it is expecting. But in this case it is only a issue of nowadays there is no winter coming where food is not available. And of course if you take hormones and lack nutrients you cause more harm than good.
You seem to think that the body is perfectly designed and doesn't have any maladaptive processes. If that were true, there wouldn't be any chronic diseases. In chronic inflammatory diseases such as IBD, the body is stuck in an inflammtory state which it can't get out of by itself. If what you are saying is true, then the body would heal itself overtime.


Jan 25, 2014
Evolution has not given us a TLR4 that only causes negative effects, quite the contrary.

Evolution, while technically a noun, is not a person, place, or thing. "Evolution" is actually the ongoing process of evolving, so it's really a verb in disguise. A more accurate way to write the same sentence would be "Humans didn't evolve to have a TLR4 receptor that only causes negative effects, quite the contrary." You are putting quite a bit of faith into an ongoing process. Even the Theory of Evolution states that random mutations may not always be beneficial. Can you name some of the beneficial effects of activating the TLR4 receptor?


Aug 6, 2017
You seem to think that the body is perfectly designed and doesn't have any maladaptive processes. If that were true, there wouldn't be any chronic diseases. In chronic inflammatory diseases such as IBD, the body is stuck in an inflammtory state which it can't get out of by itself. If what you are saying is true, then the body would heal itself overtime.
Of course there would be. Because we continue to abuse the body month after month and year after year.

Maybe some forms of abuse+force in the form of an antagonist can be better than abuse alone. But it certainly is worse than stopping the abuse.

This must be why fasting is so incredibly healing, because most of what we eat and do is so unnatural and unhealthy today. So as long as you have excess fat the fast allows your body to take control back and normalize the situation.
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Sep 13, 2012
My guess is that you won't have to look much further than the added iron in the formula. As E.D. Weinberg stated in the intro to his book "Exposing the Hidden Dangers of Iron," Iron promotes excessive bacterial growth, and can even neutralize tetracycline. Also, supplemental iron in formula wouldn't contain the natural protection that iron would in milk (most would likely be bound to lactoferrin, as lactoferrin is very high in all animal milks).

Not only that, most supplemental iron is basically just tiny iron shavings. In addition to promoting lots of bacteria (and therefore endotoxin), it also has the ability to completely thrash the gut, making leaky gut much more likely, and translocating that much more endotoxin into the blood stream (along with other undigested proteins, that could trigger other immune responses).

Dr. Thomas Levy gave a presentation where he talked about iron filings used (and trashing the gut), and mentions baby formula specifically starting at the 9 minute mark-

Good post! I am watching his presentation right now. I really try to avoid fortified grains and I believe using vitamin C has helped me tolerate industrial food better still not ideal though. But I eat food that agrees with me more than I eat food for it's micronutrients. Mainly because I never got healthy eating only whole foods.


Feb 26, 2018
Of course there would be. Because we continue to abuse the body month after month and year after year.

Maybe some forms of abuse+force in the form of an antagonist can be better than abuse alone. But it certainly is worse than stopping the abuse.

This must be why fasting is so incredibly healing, because most of what we eat and do is so unnatural and unhealthy today. So as long as you have excess fat the fast allows your body to take control back and normalize the situation.

If you don't eat, your body can't form endotoxin. And that's what's beneficial in fasting as far as I am concerned.

The Benefits Of Fasting Are Due To Lowering Endotoxin (LPS), Not Less Calories


Oct 5, 2014
I don't think blocking a receptor would cause anything but damage in the long term. The right treatment is to stop the cause, not the effect. Same is true with pretty much every condition. Evolution has not given us a TLR4 that only causes negative effects, quite the contrary. If you make the body blind to what it is supposed to sense then the dysregulation will spread to affect more systems.
I am inclined to think the same as you. Why the hell the body (not only human, apparently in most mammals) would carry a receptor that is useless? Doesn't make any sense to me. In nature what doesn't serve a purpose is eliminated quickly.

This is the typical argument of junk DNA, apendix, tonsils, etc...Useless remains of old forms or whatever. Doesn't make any sense. If it is here, now, it is because it serves a purpose.

That's what I think.


Aug 6, 2017
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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