Enamel Can't Regenerate. Is That True?


Jun 25, 2017
Enamel is said to remineralize with the avoidance of refined sugars, refined grains, and phytates.

Meet all RDAs and ensuring alkaline balance (enough sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium to neutralize chloride, phosphorus, and sulfur). Can check saliva pH with those strips. Fat-soluble vitamins then aid with bone quality and growth/healing.

Enamel is said to remineralize from the outside in. Saliva can make it happen if mineral-rich (good nutrition), net alkaline (mineral ratios), and flowing liberally (acetylcholine). Vitamin D increases serum calcium without using PTH/degeneration. Saliva glands concentrate vitamin K2 MK-4.

1 : 1 : 1 calcium:phosphorus:magnesium, though many here get more than the 800-1,200 mg expected/recommended calcium.

Avoid glycerin toothpaste, as it leaves a film that blocks ability of saliva to get to teeth.

Rinse mouth each day for 20 minutes with a remineralizing solution.

In addition to alkaline balance, better to avoid getting acids directly on teeth (ie, neutralize orange/acid juice with bicarbonate and use a straw; or just avoid altogether).

Vitamin K2 can increase PTH (or otherwise cause issues) if not taken with enough calcium. And vitamin D. Its blood sugar lowering effect can also be problematic, as a stress reaction can occur if not enough food/carbs are eaten (or eaten frequently enough).

Melatonin (, zinc, copper, lithium, IGF-1, etc) lowers GSK-3b, an action that leads to growth. Methionine, choline, methylfolate, calorie surplus, etc.

One way is to consume 1 gallon of (body temperature 100% grass-fed/grass-finished organic A2 raw whole) milk along with fat-soluble vitamins. Check pH with strip and add bicarbonate if not neutral/alkaline. Take some K2 MK-4 every 3-4 hours (with a good amount of milk, for example).

Rinsing the mouth with potassium iodide (or anything that sterilizes) can further protect against effects of bacteria.
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David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Haduit mentioned at 2 hours 22 minutes the causes of demineralization despite taking vitamin D and K2.


Dec 10, 2019
Hey, and yet another irreversible disease, tooth enamel degeneration. I noticed the tip of my incisors were becoming transparent, on 2mm. Little check on google, might be because of enamel degeneration and is irreversible.

How true is that statement? Anyone have good testimonies about regenerating their teeth enamel?

Funny enough I was using K2 mk4 when I noticed this started to happen

ask your dentist for remin pro. It remineralizes soft spots on your teeth. Might help. Or just get it from one of the sites like dentist.net


Jan 6, 2019
Idk, fast checked on NCBI to see that bio-enamel was once created then cells died and the outer layers can only degrade, except from some minerals that could recreate a sense of enamel but far from being as good as the "bio" original one.
And yet Chris Masterjohn says it's nothing to do with calcium or even misplaced calcium but disregulation of vitamin K metabolism, sometimes as a result of vitamin D toxicity.
Remineralisation of teeth - Wikipedia

Remineralization is an active process that takes place throughout your life. Without it you would have lost your teeth years ago, because the mere act of chewing food demineralizes the teeth. It's only when the enamel is completely gone, exposing the dentin that it can't recover.


Feb 29, 2016
Blossom said " We got on the subject because of my recent osteoporosis diagnosis.

Georgi and Danny talk about osteoporosis some where near 1 hour. Talking about high dose K


Mar 20, 2013
Remineralizing Effect of Topical NovaMin and Nano-hydroxyapatite on caries-like Lesions in Primary teeth. - PubMed - NCBI

Basically, Novamin and nanohydroxyapatite work as well as one another.

Sensodyne with Novamin and Apagard are sources of these compounds.

Regularly using an alkaline mouthwash with helpful ingredients like xylitol and colloidal silver or potassium iodide is probably also useful. Probably just as well to make your own as commercial natural mouth washes with good ingredients can be quite expensive.

You don't want to rinse after using the special toothpastes. Just spit. I use them once a day before bed and that seems to work well. No reason you couldn't use more frequently though.


Jun 30, 2018
Naturally no. But possible absolutely. Lithium choliride has been shown to restore pulp and dentin. Maybe enamel too?
Topical Application of Lithium Chloride on the Pulp Induces Dentin Regeneration

More and more I see amazing things linked with Lithium, the only thing that puts me off from trying it is the amount of links it has to psoriasis, just a quick google brings up numerous results. At first i thought it might just be the rx version for bi polar that has numerous other things in it but even the orate version gets mentioned, i wonder why it would be causing it. Maybe taking inositol with it would help since it depletes it, could be what is inducing it.


Nov 20, 2017
@Bogdar @Inaut

Try Tooth Builder Sensitive Toothpaste - 4 oz. instead of novamin. More effective. Safer. Available on Amazon, too: Amazon.com: squiggle tooth builder toothpaste

From the product description:
"Relief for Sensitive Teeth.
Tooth Builder's Mouth-Friendly nanosized calcite crystals migrate into the open tubules in your teeth and seal them off, thus stopping the main cause of tooth sensitivity. You should begin to feel relief within a week.

Conventional toothpastes for tooth sensitivity contain potassium nitrate, which works as a local anesthetic, calming sensitive tooth nerves. This is not as effective as stopping tooth sensitivity by blocking the open dentinal tubules, the way Tooth Builder does. Many people with sensitive teeth have already switched from conventional tooth sensitivity toothpastes to Tooth Builder in order to get relief."​

All sensitivity is gone after a few tubes.

I've also used Novamin containing toothpaste. I used this shipped from the UK: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008VPSTOA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Specifically have to buy the one from the UK because Novamin is a protected product in the US and so you have to go to a dentist to use it whereas in the UK it's not protected by patents.
Mar 24, 2018
Is there anything else that can help to recover the enamel?
Dec 10, 2015
Google for a long time can be a trafficker of lies where it matters - our health. Too bad.

Last year my dentist showed me lines below my gum on my teeth, which showed my enamel was coming off. This is my regular dentist, and he is very observant. He told me to find out what was causing it, as it was only recent. And that if I should take care of my teeth, the enamel will grow back.

I was lucky enough to come across this wiki on antibiotics all_antibiotics [TUSOM | Pharmwiki] , and I happened to look at the doxycycline I had been taking, and found that it can leech calcium, or something to that effect. I had been taking a liquid syrup (for cats and dogs) of doxycycline, and I made that connection to my teeth enamel eroding. I changed to a tablet version, and in a few months the enamel was restored.

Google has been very pedestrian in its answers to health questions. I prefer talking to my wall. At least I could imagine some correct answers. Google, on the other hand, is about hopelessness and learned helplessness. What do you expect from the no. 1 peddler of advertising, especially for the most profitable industry with tons of dollars for advertising to influence all sorts of media to blackout helpful information from consumers - to lead them astray to the path of unwellness, so that they could jump to the open arms of institutions and partner providers allied with big pharma. All this will lead you to believe that your biology is so flawed that it needs to be dependent on drugs, surgeries, and implants and devices to make you manage through life, and that you really need health insurance coverage. They've taken over all the hospitals named after saints, and this gives them a shiny veneer to cover up their vile intentions. SMH

spot on the hospital named after the saints. If you have insurance they will drain it


Jan 17, 2016
Eating high boron foods like Turkish apricots made my teeth more opaque. They didn't become whiter, but the way light reflected off of then totally changed.

Rush Bio

Forum Supporter
Oct 22, 2021
Enamel is said to remineralize with the avoidance of refined sugars, refined grains, and phytates.

Meet all RDAs and ensuring alkaline balance (enough sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium to neutralize chloride, phosphorus, and sulfur). Can check saliva pH with those strips. Fat-soluble vitamins then aid with bone quality and growth/healing.

Enamel is said to remineralize from the outside in. Saliva can make it happen if mineral-rich (good nutrition), net alkaline (mineral ratios), and flowing liberally (acetylcholine). Vitamin D increases serum calcium without using PTH/degeneration. Saliva glands concentrate vitamin K2 MK-4.

1 : 1 : 1 calcium:phosphorus:magnesium, though many here get more than the 800-1,200 mg expected/recommended calcium.

Avoid glycerin toothpaste, as it leaves a film that blocks ability of saliva to get to teeth.

Rinse mouth each day for 20 minutes with a remineralizing solution.

In addition to alkaline balance, better to avoid getting acids directly on teeth (ie, neutralize orange/acid juice with bicarbonate and use a straw; or just avoid altogether).

Vitamin K2 can increase PTH (or otherwise cause issues) if not taken with enough calcium. And vitamin D. Its blood sugar lowering effect can also be problematic, as a stress reaction can occur if not enough food/carbs are eaten (or eaten frequently enough).

Melatonin (, zinc, copper, lithium, IGF-1, etc) lowers GSK-3b, an action that leads to growth. Methionine, choline, methylfolate, calorie surplus, etc.

One way is to consume 1 gallon of (body temperature 100% grass-fed/grass-finished organic A2 raw whole) milk along with fat-soluble vitamins. Check pH with strip and add bicarbonate if not neutral/alkaline. Take some K2 MK-4 every 3-4 hours (with a good amount of milk, for example).

Rinsing the mouth with potassium iodide (or anything that sterilizes) can further protect against effects of bacteria.
Thank you for the extensive advice. It sounds like you have researched this topic well. Has anyone tried using Oraltide Pro for enamel restoration? Dental Repair Gel | Gum Health & Enamel Remineralization - OralTidePRO™ . Also I've been waiting on some product to come out of the U. of Washington research on repairing dentin and enamel remineralization. Hoping it comes soon. See references below.


  • Physiological Dentin Regeneration_Future Tooth Regeneration.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 13
  • biomimetic-dentin-repair.pdf
    5.8 MB · Views: 21
  • Repairing Tooth Enamel U Washington.pdf
    11.2 MB · Views: 27


May 2, 2021
Thank you for the extensive advice. It sounds like you have researched this topic well. Has anyone tried using Oraltide Pro for enamel restoration? Dental Repair Gel | Gum Health & Enamel Remineralization - OralTidePRO™ . Also I've been waiting on some product to come out of the U. of Washington research on repairing dentin and enamel remineralization. Hoping it comes soon. See references below.
I literally just purchased it!

It’s been two days so I’m trying to stay level headed about it, but it makes my mouth feel very calm. Gums look pink, and teeth seem harder and shiny, (not unlike k2, but much calmer and less irritating). I’m looking forward to reporting back in a month or three, (my plan is to trial it for three months before I make a decision on what I think).

Was oraltide pro not the result of the U of Washington peptide study? I thought it was, but if not, I’ve been looking forward to their product since I first read that study years ago.

Also, as a side note, I think the forum sleeps on peptides. I’ve been using BPC-157 for years now and if oral tide pro comes anywhere near BPC in terms of effectiveness I’ll be elated. I think the main issue, (well, I think there are two) is that peptides get lumped in to the PED/keto crowd. People who are looking to increase GH and melatonin tend to be the biggest supporters of peptides and bio regulators, but there’s Russian research going back at least to the 70’s on them.

I think there could be a lot of synergy between Peat’s work and peptides. It’s just that the bioenergetic folks haven’t really delved into them. Not all peptides raise GH, melatonin, NO, etc. Specific ones do that, and others do other things. Big blind spot that I think needs a lot more experimentation.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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