Email Peat Quote RE Restoring Metabolic Health

May 29, 2013

I'm curious about your thoughts on irreparable damage being done to health - is there any point after which the human body can't recover from degeneration brought on by chronic stress and poor metabolic health? Chronically high cortisol, estrogen etc.

I'm aware that this depends a lot on how you define 'damage'. I suppose the familiar aging process can be thought of as irreparable degeneration. In this instance, I'm concerned mainly with the metabolic health of a younger person 25-50.

Or, do you believe that a 25-50 year old is always capable of correcting metabolic health with adequate nutrition, lifetstyle changes etc? Do you believe that in certain scenarios supplemental thyroid, cyproheptadine etc are absolutely necessary in shifting the balance back in the other direction?


The intestinal flora change along with changes in the metabolism, and have to be taken into account. The changes in the environment have to be greater when the degeneration is more advanced. Antibiotics and antiinflammatories and hormonal supplements become more important when a person is seriously sick. Often, even after the age of 50, just going to a high sunny place and eliminating the worst foods is all it takes to restore good health.


Apr 9, 2015

I'm curious about your thoughts on irreparable damage being done to health - is there any point after which the human body can't recover from degeneration brought on by chronic stress and poor metabolic health? Chronically high cortisol, estrogen etc.

I'm aware that this depends a lot on how you define 'damage'. I suppose the familiar aging process can be thought of as irreparable degeneration. In this instance, I'm concerned mainly with the metabolic health of a younger person 25-50.

Or, do you believe that a 25-50 year old is always capable of correcting metabolic health with adequate nutrition, lifetstyle changes etc? Do you believe that in certain scenarios supplemental thyroid, cyproheptadine etc are absolutely necessary in shifting the balance back in the other direction?


The intestinal flora change along with changes in the metabolism, and have to be taken into account. The changes in the environment have to be greater when the degeneration is more advanced. Antibiotics and antiinflammatories and hormonal supplements become more important when a person is seriously sick. Often, even after the age of 50, just going to a high sunny place and eliminating the worst foods is all it takes to restore good health.
This is brilliant. What I am taking from this thiugh and it is my opinion that taking an antibiotic when sick would help clear the gut of whatever is harmful to the system. I also think after this it is important to replenish the gut bacteria with beneficial strains and this would optimise health


Jul 8, 2016
What a fascinating response especially after the insane recent Dave asprey thread where he explained he was injecting specific isolated proteins in order to live longer and healthier. Peats way is far more simple. I notice how he also mentioned "worst" foods, and isn't being overly orthorexic with the diet


Apr 30, 2015
Great quote,

Now, high sunny places...Denver? Or is he talking Himalayas


Jun 19, 2016
Can confirm that sun thing. 1-2 hours of hc sunbathing can make hypermetabolic for even few days. Its feels like i had taken thyroid but in a good way, calm and happy. But sun is once or twice thing a year in my country unfortunately...
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