Dec 25, 2014
I appreciate the sympathy. It does mean a lot to me. Thank you.

I had 8 huge amalgam fillings replaced some years ago. The composites are probably full of BPA and not much better, and I probably got a solid dose of mercury from the drilling of the old fillings. I was not assertive enough to insist on proper procedures using air evac, etc., and just let them drill them out with no precautions to protect me (or them) from mercury vapor.

I had mercury filling as well. I went through the same experience as a child. I'm working to remove the mercury in my system with iodine, raw garlic, succinic acid from vitamin E succinate, cilantro, borax in water, c-salt buffered vitamin c and pectasol. I'm flushing the mercury out with lots of coffee, taurine, and orange juice and oranges as the citric acid helps flush out heavy metals.

That was the first one I read from Robertson that really hit me. This, to me, has always been very powerful, and relatable to anyone whether they believe in a god or not:

There is a Spirit which beareth witness with our spirits; there is a God who “is not far from any one of us;” there is a “Light which lighteth every man which cometh into the world.” Do not be unnaturally humble. The thought of your mind, perchance, is the thought of God. To refuse to follow that may be to disown God. To take the judgment and conscience of other men to live by, where is the humility of that? From whence did their conscience and judgment come? Was the fountain from which they drew exhausted for you? If they refuse like you to rely on their own conscience, and you rely upon it, how are you sure that it is more the mind of God than your own which you have refused to hear?

Look at it in another way. The charm of the words of great men - those grand sayings which are recognized as true as soon as heard - is this, that you recognize them as wisdom which has passed across your own mind. You feel that they are your own thoughts come back to you, else you would not at once admit them: “All that floated across me before, only I could not say it, and did not feel confident enough to assert it, or had not conviction enough to put it into words.” Yes, God spoke to you what He did to them: only they believed it, said it, trusted the Word within them, and you did not. Be sure that often when you say, “It is only my own poor thought, and I am alone,” the real correcting thought is this, “Alone, but the Father is with me;” therefore I can live that lonely conviction.

That's a beautiful quote I'm glad you shared that. No more will I doubt the inner light.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand: for me personally, the influence of serotonin on aggression/violence is clear as day, having been on those drugs myself, and having felt the effects.

I've been on DHEA the past few days and pregnenolone the past few weeks and already feel an extremely elevated sex drive. Also just feel more clear-headed and alive. (5mg dose daily).

Substances like these, for better or worse, have a huge effect on our mood. Of course upbringing plays a role in our actual behaviors. Perhaps I would've flipped out and been one of those mass killers if I had a different personality or something. Scary thought, but those drugs on many occasions made me feel like assaulting people, like I just needed one push over the edge.

The irony is that medications like these are given to people who are ALREADY STRUGGLING with social integration. It is clearly established that pleasure and pain have an inverse relation: as levels of connection and affection and intimacy rise, levels of violence go down. The most violent areas in the world are also areas most devoid of close knit communities, and affection as a normal everyday way of life.

Having my first girlfriend in my mid-late 20's really changed a lot for me. Perhaps romantic relationships are a substitute for what should be close-knit communities, but in today's world it is very hard to find any kind of regular affection or love outside of a romantic relationship, which is perhaps why so many people are lonely and crave romantic relationships, not realizing that they might also feel a lot better if they simply had more support in general, and people that could love and touch them in non-sexual ways.

Don't get me wrong, I am all about sex, and the importance of sex, but touch is a very general thing. I am not gay but I always felt closer to my male friends with any form of touch, which has been extremely rare in my life: a pat on the back, or someone putting their hand on my shoulder. I can only remember a couple times I've had a male friend do that to me. Perhaps it's rampant homophobia or something that makes these things taboo.

But I always feel closer to people with touch. When my grandparents were still alive I was always hugging them and putting my arm around them, rubbing their backs, etc.

So when you throw a chemical cocktail that promotes violence and aggression to people who are socially dysfunctional, starved of love, touch, acceptance, have a recipe for mass violence and disaster. It is just like playing a game of Russian Roulette in this scenario. You don't know if a person like that will end up going on a mass killing spree or simply commit suicide. I turned all my anger inwards and against myself and began self-mutilating and making suicide attempts; just another side of the coin. I was very angry at other people but always turned it against myself, but other people with different personalities or perspective just turn it against other people.

The real solution is abandoning drugs and using actually helpful substances like pregnenolone, DHEA, dietary improvements, sunlight, and most of all, having a way for people to integrate into society by way of love and affection and acceptance. There is no incentive for integration into society without those critical components.

This is all just a fantasy of course. I have no idea how this could actually be achieved in reality, but I know it's the solution. Of course, using helpful substances like Peat suggests already carries with it a sense of love and affection because the attention is being placed on the individual and their well-being, implying that they are worthy of being healthy, worthy of being respected as an individual, worthy of being cared for.

Not peddled drugs like a feedlot animal for profit. So even in using actual helpful substances, there is a filling of the love/affection void that is predominant today. Being recognized as a human being and an individual and being cared for by someone else -- anyone else -- is a critical step in healing. I truly believe a lot of people can be saved by this but unfortunately many people do not have the opportunity.

I too have always like touch among male friends. Arm around the shoulder, bro hug, etc. But everything is so homophobic like you said. In other cultures men will cuddle and hold each other without any shame or self awareness.

I can't remember the last time I was touched. Anglo society is so dead. Touch has something to do with calming down your sympathetic nervous system. I think some forms of autism can he reduced by touch. They're chronically hyperactivated sympathetic nervous system. I have been where you are with the raging thoughts and demonic thinking patterns. These drugs are as much a spiritual attack as they are chemical. Hard to believe but true. This world is run by satanists and you were exactly where they wanted you. It's good to see you've finding god or at least logos. Suffering has a way of bringing you to the light.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What about serotonins role in overthrowing a government by the hands of say 300 gang members? In thid scenario are those members serotonergic or are they dopaminergic?

I would say their serotonin is probably on the low end as high serotonin causes learned helplessness and such people do not riot. Extremely high levels of serotonin cause psychosis and violence but in an incoherent and "random" way. So, people will very high serotonin would not be able to "gang up" and channel their anger into something productive like changing governments.


Aug 28, 2016
I would say their serotonin is probably on the low end as high serotonin causes learned helplessness and such people do not riot. Extremely high levels of serotonin cause psychosis and violence but in an incoherent and "random" way. So, people will very high serotonin would not be able to "gang up" and channel their anger into something productive like changing governments.

How about a hiararchal system within those individuals who ganged up? Is a hiararchy serotonergic or dopaminergic?


Aug 17, 2016
I appreciate the sympathy. It does mean a lot to me. Thank you.

I had 8 huge amalgam fillings replaced some years ago. The composites are probably full of BPA and not much better, and I probably got a solid dose of mercury from the drilling of the old fillings. I was not assertive enough to insist on proper procedures using air evac, etc., and just let them drill them out with no precautions to protect me (or them) from mercury vapor.

Oh well. It's in the past.

I am not Christian (or religious at all) but I very much enjoyed the works of F.W. Robertson, a pastor from Brighton in the mid 1800's, and Richard Wurmbrand, an underground pastor and victim/hostage of the Bolsheviks when they took over in Romania who endured many years of torture and isolation in a solitary cell 30 feet underground, wrote many books, one of which was called Tortured for Christ.

Both of these men had severe struggles with faith as a result of the struggles in their personal lives, and I think their writings are very valuable even for completely non-religious or atheistic people. Their writings are just very completely human, and fascinating. Still have a place in my heart.

F. W. Robertson: The Loneliness of Christ

That was the first one I read from Robertson that really hit me. This, to me, has always been very powerful, and relatable to anyone whether they believe in a god or not:

There is a Spirit which beareth witness with our spirits; there is a God who “is not far from any one of us;” there is a “Light which lighteth every man which cometh into the world.” Do not be unnaturally humble. The thought of your mind, perchance, is the thought of God. To refuse to follow that may be to disown God. To take the judgment and conscience of other men to live by, where is the humility of that? From whence did their conscience and judgment come? Was the fountain from which they drew exhausted for you? If they refuse like you to rely on their own conscience, and you rely upon it, how are you sure that it is more the mind of God than your own which you have refused to hear?

Look at it in another way. The charm of the words of great men - those grand sayings which are recognized as true as soon as heard - is this, that you recognize them as wisdom which has passed across your own mind. You feel that they are your own thoughts come back to you, else you would not at once admit them: “All that floated across me before, only I could not say it, and did not feel confident enough to assert it, or had not conviction enough to put it into words.” Yes, God spoke to you what He did to them: only they believed it, said it, trusted the Word within them, and you did not. Be sure that often when you say, “It is only my own poor thought, and I am alone,” the real correcting thought is this, “Alone, but the Father is with me;” therefore I can live that lonely conviction.


Anyway, back to the topic at hand: for me personally, the influence of serotonin on aggression/violence is clear as day, having been on those drugs myself, and having felt the effects.

I've been on DHEA the past few days and pregnenolone the past few weeks and already feel an extremely elevated sex drive. Also just feel more clear-headed and alive. (5mg dose daily).

Substances like these, for better or worse, have a huge effect on our mood. Of course upbringing plays a role in our actual behaviors. Perhaps I would've flipped out and been one of those mass killers if I had a different personality or something. Scary thought, but those drugs on many occasions made me feel like assaulting people, like I just needed one push over the edge.

The irony is that medications like these are given to people who are ALREADY STRUGGLING with social integration. It is clearly established that pleasure and pain have an inverse relation: as levels of connection and affection and intimacy rise, levels of violence go down. The most violent areas in the world are also areas most devoid of close knit communities, and affection as a normal everyday way of life.

Having my first girlfriend in my mid-late 20's really changed a lot for me. Perhaps romantic relationships are a substitute for what should be close-knit communities, but in today's world it is very hard to find any kind of regular affection or love outside of a romantic relationship, which is perhaps why so many people are lonely and crave romantic relationships, not realizing that they might also feel a lot better if they simply had more support in general, and people that could love and touch them in non-sexual ways.

Don't get me wrong, I am all about sex, and the importance of sex, but touch is a very general thing. I am not gay but I always felt closer to my male friends with any form of touch, which has been extremely rare in my life: a pat on the back, or someone putting their hand on my shoulder. I can only remember a couple times I've had a male friend do that to me. Perhaps it's rampant homophobia or something that makes these things taboo.

But I always feel closer to people with touch. When my grandparents were still alive I was always hugging them and putting my arm around them, rubbing their backs, etc.

So when you throw a chemical cocktail that promotes violence and aggression to people who are socially dysfunctional, starved of love, touch, acceptance, have a recipe for mass violence and disaster. It is just like playing a game of Russian Roulette in this scenario. You don't know if a person like that will end up going on a mass killing spree or simply commit suicide. I turned all my anger inwards and against myself and began self-mutilating and making suicide attempts; just another side of the coin. I was very angry at other people but always turned it against myself, but other people with different personalities or perspective just turn it against other people.

The real solution is abandoning drugs and using actually helpful substances like pregnenolone, DHEA, dietary improvements, sunlight, and most of all, having a way for people to integrate into society by way of love and affection and acceptance. There is no incentive for integration into society without those critical components.

This is all just a fantasy of course. I have no idea how this could actually be achieved in reality, but I know it's the solution. Of course, using helpful substances like Peat suggests already carries with it a sense of love and affection because the attention is being placed on the individual and their well-being, implying that they are worthy of being healthy, worthy of being respected as an individual, worthy of being cared for.

Not peddled drugs like a feedlot animal for profit. So even in using actual helpful substances, there is a filling of the love/affection void that is predominant today. Being recognized as a human being and an individual and being cared for by someone else -- anyone else -- is a critical step in healing. I truly believe a lot of people can be saved by this but unfortunately many people do not have the opportunity.
This is a wonderful post.
The quote is great and so are all your insights.


Mar 20, 2013
This is a wonderful post.
The quote is great and so are all your insights.

Thank you! I feel blessed that I'm able to share thoughts and quotes like this with people here who can enjoy it. Nothing better than that.


Mar 20, 2013
I can't remember the last time I was touched. Anglo society is so dead. Touch has something to do with calming down your sympathetic nervous system. I think some forms of autism can he reduced by touch. They're chronically hyperactivated sympathetic nervous system. I have been where you are with the raging thoughts and demonic thinking patterns. These drugs are as much a spiritual attack as they are chemical. Hard to believe but true. This world is run by satanists and you were exactly where they wanted you. It's good to see you've finding god or at least logos. Suffering has a way of bringing you to the light.

Touch makes all the difference in the world. I've been struggling since my relationship with my ex girlfriend ended, as she was my only source for touch/affection. I recently visited a friend from far away and before she had to leave for a flight I gave her a hug. It was awesome. I was the one who had to do it though, I felt awkward because it's been so long since I've hugged anyone, but I just opened my arms up and walked over and hugged her and she was completely receptive to it.

I used to have a friend that was like that, he would just go up to people and hug them, or people that would just put their hand on your shoulder while talking to you. It is worth considering doing, worst that can happen is it's awkward, but many times people are receptive to socially acceptable forms of touch like a hand on the shoulder.

When touch is a normal part of life, no one thinks about it. But when it's not, it becomes a very big deal. I'm still thinking about that hug from a few days ago. It's sad because life should not be like that. When friendly touch is abundant I think everyone functions much better, violence and violent thoughts are calmed down and people are just more happy and productive in general.

Pets are socially acceptable, and it's funny we even call them that. Unfortunate that lavishing affection on animals is perfectly normal and acceptable, sometimes even on strangers' pets if they're OK with you petting their dogs, but even the most platonic, non-invasive touch can be taboo among humans.

Homophobia has become insane, and I actually struggled with stupid, insane thoughts like "am I gay?" just because one of my male friends rubbed my back for a few seconds because I had complained about having a tension headache, and it felt good. We've been friends for almost 15 years and that is pretty much the only time I can remember him physically touching me, maybe with one other exception. Crazy.

I'm alone a lot now, and I will say...I have a weighted vest for working out, but emptying it so it's only 5 or 10 pounds and wearing that actually does help me. Never tried a weighted blanket but those are supposed to be good for sleeping too. Having real touch is ideal, but I have found that there's a lot you can do alone to mitigate the stress of not having it. Weighted vests/blankets help, and I've also been supplementing pregnenolone and DHEA which have been tremendously helping my mood. A member here has private messaged me suggesting that I try TMG, and I will have to give that a try as well.

Some self-massage tools are awesome too. I got a set of yoga wheels from Go Chirp, with a groove in the middle for the spinal canal, and also have an S-shaped tool called the Body Back Buddy. I recently ordered a neck massage thing too from Go Chirp as I have chronically tight traps/neck. Traction devices that lift your head up and relieve tension on your neck are also supremely relaxing.

If I were you, I'd consider getting a massage once in a while. They can be expensive but they can be really relaxing and fill a need for touch. It's funny, when I mentioned going to a male massage therapist, my friend thought I was gay, and felt the need to comment about it. Funny thing is my ex girlfriend was a massage therapist and she recommended him to me for an appointment so she could watch and learn, and I also got a heavy discount, so....yeah. Homophobia again, crazy.

I actually fell asleep in the middle of it because it was so relaxing. And I did have about a week or two of much less pain and better mobility in my neck so it was absolutely worth it for me.

Being the person that initiates touch is a good option. Very hard for me as I tend to be very awkward, but many people are as starved for touch as the rest of us, and will more than welcome touch if it's offered, even if they're too anxious to offer it themselves.


Oct 16, 2017
Touch makes all the difference in the world. I've been struggling since my relationship with my ex girlfriend ended, as she was my only source for touch/affection. I recently visited a friend from far away and before she had to leave for a flight I gave her a hug. It was awesome. I was the one who had to do it though, I felt awkward because it's been so long since I've hugged anyone, but I just opened my arms up and walked over and hugged her and she was completely receptive to it.

I used to have a friend that was like that, he would just go up to people and hug them, or people that would just put their hand on your shoulder while talking to you. It is worth considering doing, worst that can happen is it's awkward, but many times people are receptive to socially acceptable forms of touch like a hand on the shoulder.

When touch is a normal part of life, no one thinks about it. But when it's not, it becomes a very big deal. I'm still thinking about that hug from a few days ago. It's sad because life should not be like that. When friendly touch is abundant I think everyone functions much better, violence and violent thoughts are calmed down and people are just more happy and productive in general.

Pets are socially acceptable, and it's funny we even call them that. Unfortunate that lavishing affection on animals is perfectly normal and acceptable, sometimes even on strangers' pets if they're OK with you petting their dogs, but even the most platonic, non-invasive touch can be taboo among humans.

Homophobia has become insane, and I actually struggled with stupid, insane thoughts like "am I gay?" just because one of my male friends rubbed my back for a few seconds because I had complained about having a tension headache, and it felt good. We've been friends for almost 15 years and that is pretty much the only time I can remember him physically touching me, maybe with one other exception. Crazy.

I'm alone a lot now, and I will say...I have a weighted vest for working out, but emptying it so it's only 5 or 10 pounds and wearing that actually does help me. Never tried a weighted blanket but those are supposed to be good for sleeping too. Having real touch is ideal, but I have found that there's a lot you can do alone to mitigate the stress of not having it. Weighted vests/blankets help, and I've also been supplementing pregnenolone and DHEA which have been tremendously helping my mood. A member here has private messaged me suggesting that I try TMG, and I will have to give that a try as well.

Some self-massage tools are awesome too. I got a set of yoga wheels from Go Chirp, with a groove in the middle for the spinal canal, and also have an S-shaped tool called the Body Back Buddy. I recently ordered a neck massage thing too from Go Chirp as I have chronically tight traps/neck. Traction devices that lift your head up and relieve tension on your neck are also supremely relaxing.

If I were you, I'd consider getting a massage once in a while. They can be expensive but they can be really relaxing and fill a need for touch. It's funny, when I mentioned going to a male massage therapist, my friend thought I was gay, and felt the need to comment about it. Funny thing is my ex girlfriend was a massage therapist and she recommended him to me for an appointment so she could watch and learn, and I also got a heavy discount, so....yeah. Homophobia again, crazy.

I actually fell asleep in the middle of it because it was so relaxing. And I did have about a week or two of much less pain and better mobility in my neck so it was absolutely worth it for me.

Being the person that initiates touch is a good option. Very hard for me as I tend to be very awkward, but many people are as starved for touch as the rest of us, and will more than welcome touch if it's offered, even if they're too anxious to offer it themselves.
Here in Brazil is normal to hug the other sex, principally if you're popular, when I was in school I hugged every woman I saw, If I came into any room of the lower secondary school without hugging the girls, they would say: And I'm not going to win a kiss??
Is a good decision to me to start the college... I feel the envy of people in countries that are not so calientes hahaha


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Is a hiararchy serotonergic or dopaminergic?

Usually serotonergic. Some very basic hierarchy is probably needed for large groups to function properly but in a healthy group it would be more akin to mentor-mentee than master-slave. The hierarchy in military or modern corporate structure (which is modeled after the military) is heavily serotonergic in origin and also in its effects.


Aug 28, 2016
Usually serotonergic. Some very basic hierarchy is probably needed for large groups to function properly but in a healthy group it would be more akin to mentor-mentee than master-slave. The hierarchy in military or modern corporate structure (which is modeled after the military) is heavily serotonergic in origin and also in its effects.

The mentor-mentee is spot on if think about it when it comes to religious leaders. Charismatic, repect worthy, positivr dominance (influence) and empathetic.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Good point. An unhealthy/serotonin dominant person is going to be more selfish almost by definition, and since most people are serotonin dominant, this is why only a capitalist or socialist society work to any sort of extent. Capitalism makes you slave to employers, and socialism makes you slaves to the government. Pick your slave master.

I would love to see a government based upon a healthy, dopamistic group of people but I doubt we'll ever see it sadly. So many things in society would be different in a much better way. We wouldn't have pure capitalism or pure socialism, I'd envision kind of a capitalism society but with little to no taxes and people freely willing to help their own fellow man so there would be little to zero poverty and way less crime etc. A dream world almost. Many advocates of socialism would consider this a flavor of socialism, but not really, because socialism is "charity through the barrel of a gun" whereas I envision "charity through the goodness of the heart".


Aug 17, 2016
Good point. An unhealthy/serotonin dominant person is going to be more selfish almost by definition, and since most people are serotonin dominant, this is why only a capitalist or socialist society work to any sort of extent. Capitalism makes you slave to employers, and socialism makes you slaves to the government. Pick your slave master.

I would love to see a government based upon a healthy, dopamistic group of people but I doubt we'll ever see it sadly. So many things in society would be different in a much better way. We wouldn't have pure capitalism or pure socialism, I'd envision kind of a capitalism society but with little to no taxes and people freely willing to help their own fellow man so there would be little to zero poverty and way less crime etc. A dream world almost. Many advocates of socialism would consider this a flavor of socialism, but not really, because socialism is "charity through the barrel of a gun" whereas I envision "charity through the goodness of the heart".
It would be nice if one could have their business alliances and then separately their epicurean friends. Sadly, with people focusing on "networking" and status, it is almost impossible to find friends--no strings attached friends.
I have always tended to just offer a helping hand. But with serotonergic domanance, kindness is mis-interpreted as acknowledging lower pecking order. Suck up; bully down. Nothing more.
Dec 25, 2014
Good point. An unhealthy/serotonin dominant person is going to be more selfish almost by definition, and since most people are serotonin dominant, this is why only a capitalist or socialist society work to any sort of extent. Capitalism makes you slave to employers, and socialism makes you slaves to the government. Pick your slave master.

I would love to see a government based upon a healthy, dopamistic group of people but I doubt we'll ever see it sadly. So many things in society would be different in a much better way. We wouldn't have pure capitalism or pure socialism, I'd envision kind of a capitalism society but with little to no taxes and people freely willing to help their own fellow man so there would be little to zero poverty and way less crime etc. A dream world almost. Many advocates of socialism would consider this a flavor of socialism, but not really, because socialism is "charity through the barrel of a gun" whereas I envision "charity through the goodness of the heart".

Something like this?

It's possible on a small local level. But nations are superhuman structures. It's not that nations exist for the good of the people but that people exist for the good of the nation.

Nations and corporations are alive. They are self aware and sentient. Some have even mastered the skill of reincarnation. To live again! That is why you will see the same major powers popping up again and again. Rome, Atlantis, Babylon. The fourth Reich the fifth Reich. No body ever comes out the better from these Reichs. Because the point is not for people to benefit. The reich has its own soul and It's own conciousness and intent. People are just the cells, the cogs in the machinery.

Rome wants to conquer. It wants to govern. It wants to control your mind. Government means mind control by the way. What does babylon want? It wants to corrupt. It wants to rot your soul here on the material realm so it can drag you down to hell after you die. Babylon comes from a dark ugly place. At the end of days he reaches up from underground and manifests here in middle earth. "your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour"

If he succeeds in "devouring" you what does that mean? What does it mean to devour someone? When you eat something you break it down into it's primary components and use it to build yourself up. Protein goes to your muscles. Calcium to your bones. And the energy goes to fuel your system. When the beast devours you he makes you part of his system, part of his body. You become him. You become the beast. The same way that chicken sandwich you ate has become you. You wouldn't think a chicken or a cow could become a man but it happens all the time through the magic of digestion. When the beast devours you you live inside him. You feed him with your taxes and labor, by watching his television, his movies and porn, listening to his music having his scripted conversations. And when his earthly incarnation dies and he is sent back to the underworld what do you think happens to you?

What does Atlantis want? I don't know. But Francis Bacon called America the new Atlantis. And I think it was for a while. In the good old days. Why do the masons design cities in such strange intricate ways? To control the flow of human masses. Control the flow of energy.

@Regina do you remember a while ago on another post where I posted a picture of the workings of the human heart and the L.A. highway system to show how elite engineers and city designers mimic life when they want the most efficient flow of humans. I didn't understand then but I do now. They don't mimick life...they create life. A superhuman life....A god. And in exchange for bringing that god to life they get superhuman power. Power over you. The same way a nerve in your leg has the power to mobilize a trillion cells into action.

"Then the devil led Jesus up to a high place and quickly showed him all the nations on earth. The devil said, "I will give all this power and glory to you. It has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. Just worship me, and you can have it all."

Why did Rome have an Egyptian obelisk? Why does London and Washington DC have one as well? Freemasonry goes all the way back to ancient Egypt to the man who designed Solomons temple. Temples to worship the same gods we worship today. And It doesn't matter if you believe or not. Just because you're not interested in them doesn't mean they're not interested in you. After all, what was the first trick the devil pulled?

Anyway to answer your question, you will never have a large country where everyone is happy. Jesus said "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Well the same goes for the devil. And this is his world you're living in. At least for now.

So now you understand, that when the elites say that corporations are people, and put that into writing, and even give the corporations more rights than you, it's not some legal wordplay or anything like that. They are telling you something. But even then they obscure more than they reveal. Corporations are gods, not people. Gods that you serve. But they couldn't put that into law that would be revealing too much. Or would it...



Last edited:
Dec 25, 2014
Touch makes all the difference in the world. I've been struggling since my relationship with my ex girlfriend ended, as she was my only source for touch/affection. I recently visited a friend from far away and before she had to leave for a flight I gave her a hug. It was awesome. I was the one who had to do it though, I felt awkward because it's been so long since I've hugged anyone, but I just opened my arms up and walked over and hugged her and she was completely receptive to it.

I used to have a friend that was like that, he would just go up to people and hug them, or people that would just put their hand on your shoulder while talking to you. It is worth considering doing, worst that can happen is it's awkward, but many times people are receptive to socially acceptable forms of touch like a hand on the shoulder.

When touch is a normal part of life, no one thinks about it. But when it's not, it becomes a very big deal. I'm still thinking about that hug from a few days ago. It's sad because life should not be like that. When friendly touch is abundant I think everyone functions much better, violence and violent thoughts are calmed down and people are just more happy and productive in general.

Pets are socially acceptable, and it's funny we even call them that. Unfortunate that lavishing affection on animals is perfectly normal and acceptable, sometimes even on strangers' pets if they're OK with you petting their dogs, but even the most platonic, non-invasive touch can be taboo among humans.

Homophobia has become insane, and I actually struggled with stupid, insane thoughts like "am I gay?" just because one of my male friends rubbed my back for a few seconds because I had complained about having a tension headache, and it felt good. We've been friends for almost 15 years and that is pretty much the only time I can remember him physically touching me, maybe with one other exception. Crazy.

I'm alone a lot now, and I will say...I have a weighted vest for working out, but emptying it so it's only 5 or 10 pounds and wearing that actually does help me. Never tried a weighted blanket but those are supposed to be good for sleeping too. Having real touch is ideal, but I have found that there's a lot you can do alone to mitigate the stress of not having it. Weighted vests/blankets help, and I've also been supplementing pregnenolone and DHEA which have been tremendously helping my mood. A member here has private messaged me suggesting that I try TMG, and I will have to give that a try as well.

Some self-massage tools are awesome too. I got a set of yoga wheels from Go Chirp, with a groove in the middle for the spinal canal, and also have an S-shaped tool called the Body Back Buddy. I recently ordered a neck massage thing too from Go Chirp as I have chronically tight traps/neck. Traction devices that lift your head up and relieve tension on your neck are also supremely relaxing.

If I were you, I'd consider getting a massage once in a while. They can be expensive but they can be really relaxing and fill a need for touch. It's funny, when I mentioned going to a male massage therapist, my friend thought I was gay, and felt the need to comment about it. Funny thing is my ex girlfriend was a massage therapist and she recommended him to me for an appointment so she could watch and learn, and I also got a heavy discount, so....yeah. Homophobia again, crazy.

I actually fell asleep in the middle of it because it was so relaxing. And I did have about a week or two of much less pain and better mobility in my neck so it was absolutely worth it for me.

Being the person that initiates touch is a good option. Very hard for me as I tend to be very awkward, but many people are as starved for touch as the rest of us, and will more than welcome touch if it's offered, even if they're too anxious to offer it themselves.

Weighted vests and other things like that fulfill part of the purpose but they cannot transmit the life force or warmth that you get from a loving touch. I don't know about a massage I would much rather get a girlfriend. I think a lot of gays are just men that like the companionship and warmth and affectio and social rejection. they get from other men but it has been categorized that you can only enjoy that if you are gay so they become gay and before you know it they are doing weird things. but they did not want to do weird things they just liked the camederie and warmth. pregnenolone undoes damage done by social isolation.


Mar 20, 2013
Having a girlfriend had a lot of ups and downs for me but is definitely the way to go as far as touch/affection needs goes, and is also my preference.

I just love women in general and like being around them. So even without a girlfriend that's always been very restorative for me.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Having a girlfriend had a lot of ups and downs for me but is definitely the way to go as far as touch/affection needs goes, and is also my preference.

I just love women in general and like being around them. So even without a girlfriend that's always been very restorative for me.

I'll counter this though and say a girlfriend for the sake of a girlfriend is NOT a good idea. My ex girlfriend DESTROYED my health through emotional manipulation. Didn't help she also worked night shift etc. Touch is nice, but I'm perfectly happy being single rather than with the wrong partner. Do I miss the physical intimacy (not just sex)? Absolutely. But the net change to my health was negative, regardless. Keep in mind this was actually my first real relationship (late bloomer), and if I wasn't stupid I would have run away after like the second or third date, because the red flags came up quite quickly so it was perfect storm of ignorance on my part and crazy on her part lol.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I'll counter this though and say a girlfriend for the sake of a girlfriend is NOT a good idea. My ex girlfriend DESTROYED my health through emotional manipulation. Didn't help she also worked night shift etc. Touch is nice, but I'm perfectly happy being single rather than with the wrong partner. Do I miss the physical intimacy (not just sex)? Absolutely. But the net change to my health was negative, regardless. Keep in mind this was actually my first real relationship (late bloomer), and if I wasn't stupid I would have run away after like the second or third date, because the red flags came up quite quickly so it was perfect storm of ignorance on my part and crazy on her part lol.
It’s possible she was evil and was excellent at manipulating you, but chances are it takes two to tango.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
It’s possible she was evil and was excellent at manipulating you, but chances are it takes two to tango.

Not evil, just crazy. Literally lol. Bipolar specifically. Talk about serotonin...! Granted I'm far from perfect, but you can't make a relationship work with someone with a severe mental illness. Not if you value your mental health too anyway. Well, and it also doesn't help when you literally have no matching values too lol. But yeah, bipolar is no joke. Nope, done with that.

To be honest at this point I'm not even bitter about the relationship itself, just bitter about the fact that my hard earned health was ruined and has been an uphill battle regaining it.

I do think bipolar can be pretty well managed with a peat-esque low stress lifestyle, and that might be the only way to make something like that work, but she had virtually zero interest in the health lifestyle. So yeah.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Not evil, just crazy. Literally lol. Bipolar specifically. Talk about serotonin...! Granted I'm far from perfect, but you can't make a relationship work with someone with a severe mental illness. Not if you value your mental health too anyway. Well, and it also doesn't help when you literally have no matching values too lol. But yeah, bipolar is no joke. Nope, done with that.

To be honest at this point I'm not even bitter about the relationship itself, just bitter about the fact that my hard earned health was ruined and has been an uphill battle regaining it.

I do think bipolar can be pretty well managed with a peat-esque low stress lifestyle, and that might be the only way to make something like that work, but she had virtually zero interest in the health lifestyle. So yeah.
I can see how that would be extremely stressful. I am reading the games people play by Eric Berne. Someone on the forum recommended it somewhere. The book gives insight into how we partake in the dramas of our lives. Not saying it’s your fault you got into a relationship with someone exhibiting bipolar behavior, but I would bet money on the warning signs being evident. I think infatuation itself may be a high serotonin state.


Mar 20, 2013
I know all about toxic relationships, I was in one for almost 4 years. Extremely toxic and dysfunctional, more than I could ever express. It was insane. Both of us were victims of childhood abuse and neglect, and part of why I got into it and was able to stay is that I'm no stranger to mental illness. I have been absolutely f***ing nuts before, so in a sense, crazy to me is normal. I have an extremely high threshold for weird and abusive behavior because it's what I grew up with and lived with in my own mind for so long.

Healthy relationships start within ourselves. Frame is everything. Knowing who you are and what's acceptable to you and what isn't acceptable, how to assert yourself unapologetically. Our relationship with ourselves should be our basis for all of our other relationships. It's a dense concept to process but yields a lot of insight.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I can see how that would be extremely stressful. I am reading the games people play by Eric Berne. Someone on the forum recommended it somewhere. The book gives insight into how we partake in the dramas of our lives. Not saying it’s your fault you got into a relationship with someone exhibiting bipolar behavior, but I would bet money on the warning signs being evident. I think infatuation itself may be a high serotonin state.

Lol no worries, it definitely was my fault that I got into that relationship. Ignorance really was my downfall, seeing as how it was my first serious relationship and all and absolutely, the warning signs were evident even before the first date when we were just texting, and by the second date I would have had no excuse at all (That's when I found out about the bipolar) but yeah, I think you're right, infatuation is a high serotonin state.

I know now, just how valuable good health is and how easy it is to lose it, so I will guard it very carefully when I get healthy this go around.
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