Effects Of Aspirin On Leaky Gut


Mar 22, 2016
Has anyone here with leaky gut taken aspirin and noticed a difference, good or bad? I want to try taking aspirin, but I have leaky gut syndrome and I really don't want to make it worse. I'm reading conflicting things about its effect on leaky gut, but most things seem to indicate that it can exacerbate it. If I'm understanding properly, it seems that even if it doesn't inflame the small intestine like other nsaids, it can decrease mucosal lining. Any thoughts or experiences that may enlighten me would be much appreciated!


Mar 2, 2016
Aspirin has helped my guts like nothing else. Friends I have recommended it to have reported the same thing. I'm not exactly clear on the mechanism but it appears to lower several markers associated with inflammation (No kidding?!) I recommend looking at taking it dissolved with baking soda, this seems to help with mucosal disturbances. The evidence seems to point to aspirin possibly increasing permeability higher in the gut, but the small bowel is usually not impacted. Bromelain and papaya enzymes can help with mucous turnover.

For leaky guts, look into niacinamide. Leaky gut can essentially be thought of as a bioenergetic defecit where the intestinal epithelial tight junction cells do not have enough energy to close after being opened by things like zonulin and it's mimic gluten, among others. I have found many studies showing that niacin or niacinamide can help in keeping these junctions tight.

Dietary niacin supplementation ameliorates ethanol-induced liver injury in rats through sealing the leaky gut



Mar 22, 2016
Aspirin has helped my guts like nothing else. Friends I have recommended it to have reported the same thing. I'm not exactly clear on the mechanism but it appears to lower several markers associated with inflammation (No kidding?!) I recommend looking at taking it dissolved with baking soda, this seems to help with mucosal disturbances. The evidence seems to point to aspirin possibly increasing permeability higher in the gut, but the small bowel is usually not impacted. Bromelain and papaya enzymes can help with mucous turnover.

For leaky guts, look into niacinamide. Leaky gut can essentially be thought of as a bioenergetic defecit where the intestinal epithelial tight junction cells do not have enough energy to close after being opened by things like zonulin and it's mimic gluten, among others. I have found many studies showing that niacin or niacinamide can help in keeping these junctions tight.

Dietary niacin supplementation ameliorates ethanol-induced liver injury in rats through sealing the leaky gut
Thank you so much for all this info! I wasn't expecting such a strong endorsement for aspirin for leaky gut--I'm pleasantly surprised. I was actually intending to begin taking baking soda anyway, so that method definitely appeals to me and makes sense.

In all my leaky gut research, I've never come across anything on niacin. That is really fascinating. I would love to try it, but I am hesitant as I have become so sensitive it seems that practically anything can make my heart race--everything from caffeine (just 15mg will do it), to b-vitamins, and even some digestive enzymes (which makes no sense to me at all--why would an enzyme do that? Anyway...) I'm also really sensitive to alcohol and I used to blame all of this on my leaky gut, but I'm now reaching the conclusion that I'm in a constant state of dehydration because of my previous over-watering and suspected hypothyroidism, which has impaired my ability to store electrolytes and therefore reduced my blood volume. But I digress... I worry about the cumulative effect my episodes of heart palpitations will have over time. Maybe I can find a liquid niacin so I can better control my dosage and start small and slowly. I would love to finally heal my gut!


Mar 29, 2014
In all my leaky gut research, I've never come across anything on niacin. That is really fascinating. I would love to try it, but I am hesitant as I have become so sensitive it seems that practically anything can make my heart race--everything from caffeine (just 15mg will do it), to b-vitamins, and even some digestive enzymes
Maybe I can find a liquid niacin so I can better control my dosage and start small and slowly.

Peat usually recommends niacinamide over niacin, 50-100mg up with meals - up to several times a day.
I can't say anything about niacinamide for leaky gut specifically, but more generally: starting with small doses is probably wise -50mg may be enough to make a difference, with food. You could try that or even less, up to several times a day. If it doesn't bother you, you could increase a bit. (Some people are fine with more than a gram a day, but not all of us.)

If you can get powder and a set of tiny spoons you can control the dose quite well.

If you can find some without dodgy fillers, so much the better. Seen Dan Wich's toxinless.com?


Mar 3, 2016
Dissolve it in water, wait, let the starch collect in the bottom, drink the water but not the starch.


Mar 22, 2016
Peat usually recommends niacinamide over niacin, 50-100mg up with meals - up to several times a day.
I can't say anything about niacinamide for leaky gut specifically, but more generally: starting with small doses is probably wise -50mg may be enough to make a difference, with food. You could try that or even less, up to several times a day. If it doesn't bother you, you could increase a bit. (Some people are fine with more than a gram a day, but not all of us.)

If you can get powder and a set of tiny spoons you can control the dose quite well.

If you can find some without dodgy fillers, so much the better. Seen Dan Wich's toxinless.com?
Ah, okay. I will look for niacinamide then. (I'm new to Peat and still wading through everything.) The powder is a good idea.

I had not seen toxinless.com before--wow, what a great source of information! Thank you so much!


Mar 22, 2016
Dissolve it in water, wait, let the starch collect in the bottom, drink the water but not the starch.
Thanks for the tip! I've been seeing all sorts of methods of dissolving and drinking aspirin and it's getting a bit confusing.


Feb 24, 2016
Hello Elle :)
Aspirin if not well dissolved definitely can induce leaky gut and mucosa problem. I made many mistakes with aspirin, so it does happen. I then learned that the best way to perfectly dissolve it was to add aspirin to a glass of very hot water, stir/shake glass until I can't see the pill flakes anymore, and then let it cool, allowing the solution return to room temperature (I hurt myself badly when drinking it even mildly warm... learning from mistakes!). The method throwing the pill in water and let the starch sit, didn't work at all for me because I noticed the pill didn't dissolve 100% that way -needed the hot water-. Even with a tiny bit of undissolved aspirin there's potential to harm the membrane, because that tiny bit will sit there on the mucosa for hours. The trick with aspirin is fast absorption and/or avoidance of particle agglutination on any stomach area.

I then learned that I like sodium acetylsalycilate better, which is simply the product of the reaction of aspirin with sodium bicarbonate. It is a salt and it absorbs better and has way less potential to hurt the the membrane.
A final tip that I love a lot is to try and have the aspirin together with some gelatin and/or 1-3 grams of glycine, because it's been proven glycine significantly diminishes any potential mucosa harm from aspirin. Niacinamide is another substance with proven potential to abolish potential issues.

To me aspirin is a double edged sword, but if used carefully, can be live saving, and as a previous poster said, it can indeed help heal intestines.

In the end it is a matter of experimentation and see if it is agreeing with one's body. I've had success with the Gericare brand.

Hope this helps!
Nov 21, 2015
Hello Elle :)
Aspirin if not well dissolved definitely can induce leaky gut and mucosa problem. I made many mistakes with aspirin, so it does happen. I then learned that the best way to perfectly dissolve it was to add aspirin to a glass of very hot water, stir/shake glass until I can't see the pill flakes anymore, and then let it cool, allowing the solution return to room temperature (I hurt myself badly when drinking it even mildly warm... learning from mistakes!). The method throwing the pill in water and let the starch sit, didn't work at all for me because I noticed the pill didn't dissolve 100% that way -needed the hot water-. Even with a tiny bit of undissolved aspirin there's potential to harm the membrane, because that tiny bit will sit there on the mucosa for hours. The trick with aspirin is fast absorption and/or avoidance of particle agglutination on any stomach area.

I then learned that I like sodium acetylsalycilate better, which is simply the product of the reaction of aspirin with sodium bicarbonate. It is a salt and it absorbs better and has way less potential to hurt the the membrane.
A final tip that I love a lot is to try and have the aspirin together with some gelatin and/or 1-3 grams of glycine, because it's been proven glycine significantly diminishes any potential mucosa harm from aspirin. Niacinamide is another substance with proven potential to abolish potential issues.

To me aspirin is a double edged sword, but if used carefully, can be live saving, and as a previous poster said, it can indeed help heal intestines.

In the end it is a matter of experimentation and see if it is agreeing with one's body. I've had success with the Gericare brand.

Hope this helps!

Exactly my experience.


Mar 22, 2016
Hello Elle :)
Aspirin if not well dissolved definitely can induce leaky gut and mucosa problem. I made many mistakes with aspirin, so it does happen. I then learned that the best way to perfectly dissolve it was to add aspirin to a glass of very hot water, stir/shake glass until I can't see the pill flakes anymore, and then let it cool, allowing the solution return to room temperature (I hurt myself badly when drinking it even mildly warm... learning from mistakes!). The method throwing the pill in water and let the starch sit, didn't work at all for me because I noticed the pill didn't dissolve 100% that way -needed the hot water-. Even with a tiny bit of undissolved aspirin there's potential to harm the membrane, because that tiny bit will sit there on the mucosa for hours. The trick with aspirin is fast absorption and/or avoidance of particle agglutination on any stomach area.

I then learned that I like sodium acetylsalycilate better, which is simply the product of the reaction of aspirin with sodium bicarbonate. It is a salt and it absorbs better and has way less potential to hurt the the membrane.
A final tip that I love a lot is to try and have the aspirin together with some gelatin and/or 1-3 grams of glycine, because it's been proven glycine significantly diminishes any potential mucosa harm from aspirin. Niacinamide is another substance with proven potential to abolish potential issues.

To me aspirin is a double edged sword, but if used carefully, can be live saving, and as a previous poster said, it can indeed help heal intestines.

In the end it is a matter of experimentation and see if it is agreeing with one's body. I've had success with the Gericare brand.

Hope this helps!
This helps a lot--thank you so much! This seems like the best method for me, as I don't want to do any more damage to my gut. Honestly, I'm still hesitant. Do you recommend taking it on an empty stomach or with food? Because of my sensitivities, my instinct is usually to take things with food, at least at first, but I'm reading that may not be the best way with aspirin.


Feb 24, 2016
This helps a lot--thank you so much! This seems like the best method for me, as I don't want to do any more damage to my gut. Honestly, I'm still hesitant. Do you recommend taking it on an empty stomach or with food? Because of my sensitivities, my instinct is usually to take things with food, at least at first, but I'm reading that may not be the best way with aspirin.

You're very welcome. I have not decided yet if taking it on empty stomach could be better. I usually take it with food on stomach, which is Peat's usual advice. I'd suggest you follow your gut instincts, pun intended, and perhaps focus on more fundamental aspects of improving metabolism, nourishment, and things like that, and trying to calm down intestinal inflammation via ways not involving aspirin at first? I definitely had to calm down my GI issue some before even attempting aspirin.


Mar 2, 2016
I've spent the last few days reading as much as I can, and I have changed my stance somewhat on aspirin, especially as it relates to gut health. I initially had very good results with aspirin, in that it immediately reduced the frequency of diarrhea and seemed to make my bowel movements much easier and stools were better formed. When I stopped aspirin, these things returned. Now my guts are much better, but taking aspirin still tends to make them very happy. This is all anecdotal of course and could interpreted many ways.

Further research has led to some conflicting information, however. While this study reports that aspirin is protective against endotoxic shock (mediated by thromboxanes and prostaglandins,) several others have shown harmful effects on the liver in LPS challenged rats. These studies typically don't account for other factors such as PUFA, so take them for what you will. Combine this with the fact that gastric mucosal maintenance is tied to COX, and you would have reason to be cautious.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
The only supplement that made a noticeable difference in gut health is lysine, and the effect was very dramatic, equal to higher doses of cyproheptadine.

Lysine is a very powerful amino acid.


Mar 22, 2016
Thanks to everyone for such helpful responses!

PakPik, all things considered, I think I will take it with food (if I even take it). I am very lucky (knock on wood) that my gut issues are only that of food sensitivities, but I don't want to do any more harm. The empty stomach argument is that if it binds to food, it stays in your digestive tract longer, therefore potentially causing more damage. But the other side of that is that the food is a buffer, preventing more damage. Based on my experience and that of others, I lean towards taking it with food.

Diokine, that is interesting. I guess I've got more reading to do! I was initially hoping to use white willow bark instead, but that is apparently an entirely different debate.

DaveFoster, I was unaware of lysine's effect on gut health. I actually keep meaning to buy some for my cats. I guess we can share!

Again, thank you all for your kindness!


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Hello Elle :)
Aspirin if not well dissolved definitely can induce leaky gut and mucosa problem. I made many mistakes with aspirin, so it does happen. I then learned that the best way to perfectly dissolve it was to add aspirin to a glass of very hot water, stir/shake glass until I can't see the pill flakes anymore, and then let it cool, allowing the solution return to room temperature (I hurt myself badly when drinking it even mildly warm... learning from mistakes!). The method throwing the pill in water and let the starch sit, didn't work at all for me because I noticed the pill didn't dissolve 100% that way -needed the hot water-. Even with a tiny bit of undissolved aspirin there's potential to harm the membrane, because that tiny bit will sit there on the mucosa for hours. The trick with aspirin is fast absorption and/or avoidance of particle agglutination on any stomach area.

I then learned that I like sodium acetylsalycilate better, which is simply the product of the reaction of aspirin with sodium bicarbonate. It is a salt and it absorbs better and has way less potential to hurt the the membrane.
A final tip that I love a lot is to try and have the aspirin together with some gelatin and/or 1-3 grams of glycine, because it's been proven glycine significantly diminishes any potential mucosa harm from aspirin. Niacinamide is another substance with proven potential to abolish potential issues.

To me aspirin is a double edged sword, but if used carefully, can be live saving, and as a previous poster said, it can indeed help heal intestines.

In the end it is a matter of experimentation and see if it is agreeing with one's body. I've had success with the Gericare brand.

Hope this helps!
Wow. That's one of the most helpful posts on this board. Thanks so much.


Sep 16, 2014
What about dissolving the aspirin sublingually (as I sometimes do). I think that would eliminate the stomach issues too.
Nov 21, 2015
I add a teaspoon of water to the dry glass and put two or three aspirin tablets in. About a minute later the aspirin tablets are soft and dissolved. Add hot water and baking soda and stir. There are no aspirin pieces. It is all dissolved. Add a little cold water and collagen. This is what helped me the most

Peat Tong

Jul 22, 2016
What about dissolving the aspirin sublingually (as I sometimes do). I think that would eliminate the stomach issues too.
Dissolving aspirin in the mouth is bad for the oral mucosa. I drink Gericare aspirin dissolved in hot water or coffee.


Jan 7, 2016
This RP article may be of interest relative to leaky gut: Cascara, energy, cancer and the FDA's laxative abuse.

Emodin seems to have some properties that can reduce leakiness. If you are prone to constipation, cascara may be the way to go. If prone to diarrhea, it may make things worse, at least in my experience. I'm currently experimenting with Haidut's Lapodin, with apparent good effects, so far (about 5 days in, with 10 drops per day). I have eczema, which many believe to be a leaky gut issue, and haven't really seen any improvement there, but overall gut function seems better.


Feb 24, 2016
Wow. That's one of the most helpful posts on this board. Thanks so much.
Hi Dave. You're welcome :) I shared some information I recently found and that I consider really important on aspirin related issues (not previously mentioned in the forum that I know of) in this post if you're interested Why Do Some People Bleed From Aspirin Even When Taking Vit. K? The Vascular And Vitamin C Connection . Aspirin/Salicylates definitely have the potential to cause harm in a variety of ways when used chronically, but if one understands how to minimize or avoid those issues, one can get it to work in a much safer way -specially when aspirin/salicylates is a must during certain ill-health sates-. So it is certainly good to do our homework there!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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