Dutch People Gained 20cm Of Height In Just 150 Years



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
cantstoppeating said:
post 99719
haidut said:
post 99655
Parsifal said:
post 99646
haidut said:
post 99635
Parsifal said:
post 99618 I've often read that tall people have shorter lifespan and weak hearth.

Could it be because there is a lot of growth hormones in milk?

It's the ratio of brain mass to body mass that matters. A sort of "brain mass index" (BRMI) that you want to be as high as possible. Tall people just tend to have a lower BRMI but it is not universal. One of the longest lived humans was about 200cm (6' 7'') tall and had a massive head.

Is it possible to grow bigger brain later in life? Isn't it called encephalization quotient as well?

Marine animals that eat a lot of DHA seems to have bigger EQ (there is even a scientist, Michael Crawford that has a theory of how the human brain evolved with eating more DHA as I posted here viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7604&p=96759#p96759)? In my experience DHA is not so good on my brain though, carbs are better :mrgreen:.

Glucose, progesterone, pregnenolone and thyroid have all been shown to increase brain size even in adulthood. Some studies in rats show vitamin K2 (MK-4) can do the same.

Any links you can share? I want to explore this; so far what I've read that's similar is Peat talking about injecting progesterone or glucose into unhatched chickens, causing continued brain development.

Some links:
http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archi ... in/251299/
http://www.naturalnews.com/029844_pregn ... emory.html
"...Pregnenolone also stimulates the formation of new brain cells. According to one study, researchers found that there was a 55% increase in cell growth in the brain after pregnenolone had been used; growth continued after just one treatment. Studies undertaken on old, memory-impaired rats proved that recall problems were reversed after pregnenolone was given to them."

There are other more specific studies but I have to look for them as it has been a while since I read them. Btw, this really isn't news - it is well known among neurologist that is a substance can fight or reverse dementia it probably increases brain size as most dementia patients have brain atrophy. Thus, progesterone, pregnenolone, vitamin K2 (MK-4), DHEA, thyroid, sugar all have this property as they have all been shown to be effective in various forms of dementia. Pregnenolone and progesterone are probably the most potent agents when it comes to brain health.
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Jul 14, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
This article doesn't say on what data this is based or how recent. According to comparisons I've seen in the last few years, the Scandinavians are pretty much on a par with the Dutch in terms of height. But if you look at the human height article in Wikipedia, only some of the figures are measured. A lot are estimated and a lot are self-reported, so I wonder how reliable any of these sort of comparisons is.

But yes, go to the Netherlands (and Scandinavia) and you will see tall people especially among the young.

My own theory about this: under German occupation the Dutch starved. I think that when peace came, they vowed this would never happen again, took steps to safeguard their food supply, and made sure their children were well-nourished. and the habit probably continued.

Yes, it's diet. Not surprising. My son is taller than me by some way and so are most of his friends. For the first 5 years of my life the UK still had food rationing (and my parents lived through wartime rationing, and depression-caused shortages before that).


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Just step into any university and witness what a bad diet does to your body and thinking approach. You will see crooked thin legs, slumped backs, long feminine hands. Also notice how many really smart people have large heads and certain similarly smart but usually high-up people have smaller heads. The larger heads tend to be more laid back and open minded, while the others seem to have gained their knowledge by cramming and generally forming habits which they also tend to expect from others.

There is a noticeable association of large skulls with intelligence, but it really becomes important when you measure the brain. Also
Whoa. You just described my college. Good think I have a really big head. :cool


Aug 7, 2014
This is an interesting discussion...I started another thread regarding skull development. Recently, people have noticed the top of my head looks larger...aka monkey bump was the joke. As I look and feel it seems it appears larger. I've been using Peat ideals for 2.5 years which includes thyroid, pregnenolone, progesterone, calcium, sugar, and K2. (Among many others) I'll have to check my height.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Re: Dutch people gaines 20cm of height in just 150 years

Haha, "natural selection". I bet the irish were also tall before the famine and some people forcefully stopped potato shipments to cull population. You can call that natural I guess.

Just step into any university and witness what a bad diet does to your body and thinking approach. You will see crooked thin legs, slumped backs, long feminine hands. Also notice how many really smart people have large heads and certain similarly smart but usually high-up people have smaller heads. The larger heads tend to be more laid back and open minded, while the others seem to have gained their knowledge by cramming and generally forming habits which they also tend to expect from others.

There is a noticeable association of large skulls with intelligence, but it really becomes important when you measure the brain. Also

^ Desribes my dillemma precisely. I have an enormous skull, I wear an 8 inch cap snugly and I am not able to get along with many people well, especially if they have smaller heads. Growing up this seemed to just be an inner prejudice which I thought stemmed from preference to larger heads because my family all have comparably large skulls. After spending some time in university and in the workforce I have noticed that most of the managers I really didn't care for, the ones I found generally close minded and empty headed, always had the smallest heads.

I forget the source of the quote but I believe it essentially describes perhaps the chief problem of the world is that those with the least intelligence have the most confidence, and vice versa.


Aug 7, 2014
So I just measured me height today for the first time in over 1 year; I've gone from 68.75 to 69.25 inches (Give or take). According to this measure I've grown almost .5 inches; I've never been above 69 inches and I was stagnant under 69 inches for basically 13 years. Wild but exciting stuff!!
Oct 8, 2016
Colorado, USA
I've noticed a lot of pubescent boys that are 6 feet tall with the bone structure of a 12 year old girl and tiny heads. I've been wondering lately about why that happens, because, as mentioned earlier, the conventional theory is that better nutrition = more height. But you can't tell me that some toothpick with softball-sized noggin is well-nourished.

I was thinking it might be a lack of fat-soluble vitamins (A and K2, particularly), since protein is typically well supplied on a typical American diet. But the thyroid angle seems to have more explanatory power.

I don't see many tall males that are well developed/proportioned.


Jan 1, 2013
I forget the source of the quote but I believe it essentially describes perhaps the chief problem of the world is that those with the least intelligence have the most confidence, and vice versa.



Oct 9, 2016
Dutch here, 6ft3, my size is somewhat around average height for a dutch born national here. Definatly a fair few men towering above me.
As for the diet, yes we drink alot of milk and high fat cheese, theres been a discovery a while ago that nicotinamide riboside was found in milk, we dutch eat alot of dairy, might be some link?
Anyways personally I do not drink milk at all, my stomach n all just cant handle it ( gas for example ), but I do eat a fair bit full fat cheese and full fat yoghurt.
Also the dutch diet main carbohydrate source during dinner is potatoes.
I think looking into clues of food/environmental changes the 150 years could definatly shed some light about why this has happened, I doubt any form of temperature/climate changes just around Netherlands would have influenced us that much.
Also the possible toxins/hormones that are found in dairy these days is over the top imo, wouldnt be surprised if the toxins in dutch food somehow forced our bodys to adapt to and cause growth? just a thought
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Oct 26, 2016
I'm Dutch and around 6 ft. Growing up we ate a lot of potatoes and dairy products. The generation before me actually did eat liver and bone broth. If you go abroad the difference in taste in milk is huge, largely because the dutch let the cows eat (wet) grass and not grain. Even the Belgium milk doesn't taste "right".
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Feb 1, 2016
So we have taller people with smaller brains. Perhaps there are two main environmental changes to consider...

1) Dietary quality has gone down for most in the developed world over the last 70 years(=smaller brains)
2) I think getting rid of air pollutants was an important thing, I would imagine having dramatically less lead in the bones from leaded gasoline, and not choking on sulfur dioxide, is pro growth.


Sep 13, 2012
Growth is interesting to me. I stopped growing when I was around 9, and yes I looked malnourished and the dr's said I was, but nothing was done about my nutrition. I took GH shots for 4 yrs to get to 5'1. Now my first child is less than 3rd percentile for height. He reminds me exactly of me except more well nourished, he sleeps through the night, doesn't experience hypoglycemia or anything. His face looks like that of a 5 yr old and he's 9. He was breastfed mainly for an entire yr and some solids after that til at least 18 months, then he weaned before his 7th birthday, he was down to only nursing a few minutes at that point. But he essentially got the good breastmilk twice as I tandemed nursed his brother. There's no way his slow growth is malnutrition. But he is not a milk drinker and forgoes most cheese products. Loves meat.

Anyway, Jeanne Calment lived to be 122 yrs old and was only 4'11. Height doesn't mean health. Thinking of pituitary tumors leading to gigantism and shortened lifespan. Andre the Giant died of heart failure at only 46.
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Mar 15, 2014
Growth is interesting to me. I stopped growing when I was around 9, and yes I looked malnourished and the dr's said I was, but nothing was done about my nutrition. I took GH shots for 4 yrs to get to 5'1. Now my first child is less than 3rd percentile for height.

What about your second child? I remember some woman on here saying there was a big difference in her childrens' height growth, I can't remember if it was you.


Sep 13, 2012
What about your second child? I remember some woman on here saying there was a big difference in her childrens' height growth, I can't remember if it was you.
My 2nd is above average height and has almost surpassed the older even though they are 3.5 yrs apart. I had gotten into the Peat stuff about halfway through his pregnancy and drank raw milk throughout. But he is also the one who is hyperactive, has craved caffeine since he was young, would drink some of my coffee and loved coke, he will chug anything sweet and wets the bed.


Mar 15, 2014
I had gotten into the Peat stuff about halfway through his pregnancy and drank raw milk throughout.
Ah, yes, I'm remembering correctly then.

I think the ontogenetic environment is the most important environmental factor for life outcomes. Peat himself was conceived while his mother took supplemental progesterone. I'm also a lot taller than my sister (when compared to average heights for each gender), and my vegetarian mom ate eggs while pregnant with me.


Sep 13, 2012
Ah, yes, I'm remembering correctly then.

I think the ontogenetic environment is the most important environmental factor for life outcomes. Peat himself was conceived while his mother took supplemental progesterone. I'm also a lot taller than my sister (when compared to average heights for each gender), and my vegetarian mom ate eggs while pregnant with me.
Yes I do think prenatal environment is huge. Although with my first it was a pretty easy pregnancy and birth I was under the impression eating healthy was like salads and smoothies. Though I did cheat a lot and ate pizza at least once a week. With my 2nd I had a lot of nausea and reflux but my nutrition was way better. Also for me prenatally I wanted to be born at around 22 weeks, my Mom was on bed rest and a drug to stop labor. I did go to 40-41 weeks though.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
speaking of prenatal environment, anyone else notice that a lot of millennials and younger look a bit different? Lots of ginormous heads in addition to various gender bending traits. Ive always assumed its the xenoestrogen/toxic soups they developed in. No offense intended
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