Downtrend of sperm count, penis length accelerating; humans now endangered species


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
A number of eminent fertility experts are now sounding a dire alarm in regards to the human species. What used to be mostly the stuff of girls-night-out jokes in regards to the size of a male's member has now apparently acquired catastrophic proportions due to male penis size emerging as a reliable metric of endocrine disruptor exposure. Namely, penis length is a reliable surrogate of serum testosterone (T), and its decline is a reliable indication of plummeting T levels. In corroboration, the decline of sperm count (another good surrogate of T levels) globally is not only continuing but is accelerating. Females are also not exempt from this epidemic, with the average twenty-something woman now apparently having the same fertility as her grandmother...when she was 35. In other words, not only are the "young" quickly becoming the "old", as I mentioned in previous posts of mine, but the trend is accelerating to the point where the authors of the declining fertility and penis length studies claim that humans are now meeting the criteria of endangered species. The main culprit blamed in both studies are the endocrine disruptors found mostly in plastics. However, I think dietary factors such as PUFA, hormonal birth control, stress and toxic drugs such as SSRI, PPI, statins, etc are also very big factors in this fertility catastrophe.

Now, the million dollar questions is - if humans are an endangered species and on a VERY strong downtrend in both their development and count, then are all the desperate cries coming from WHO, GAVI, Gates, WEF, etc about the dire need to reduce global population nothing but theater? Theater, designed to fool the masses into accepting open fascism, terrible living standards and mass deaths under the pretext of saving the planet from climate disaster due to overpopulation...when in reality, the human race is already "on its way out".

@Regina @Drareg @tankasnowgod @ecstatichamster @burtlancast @AlaskaJono @Michael Mohn @FocusedOnHealth @Rinse & rePeat

Pollution is causing penises to shrink, warns this scientist

"...Pollution is causing human penises to shrink, according to one scientist. A leading epidemiologist and environmental expert has published a book that examines the link between industrial chemicals and penile length. Dr Shanna Swan's book, Count Down, argues that our modern world is altering humans' reproductive development and threatening the future of our species. The book outlines how pollution is leading to higher rates of erectile dysfunction, fertility decline, and growing numbers of babies born with small penises. Though the headline fact about shrinkage may sound like a laughing matter, the research paints a bleak portrait of humanity's longevity and ability to survive. "In some parts of the world, the average twenty-something today is less fertile than her grandmother was at 35," Dr Swan writes, dubbing the situation a "global existential crisis" in the book."

"...According to the book, humans meet three of the five possible criteria used to define whether or not a species is endangered. "Only one needs to be met," writes Dr Swan, "the current state of affairs for humans meets at least three." According to Dr Swan's research, this disruption is caused by phthalates, chemicals used in plastic manufacturing, which can impact how the hormone endocrine is produced."

Sperm counts worldwide are falling even faster than we thought

"...Sperm counts worldwide have halved over the past five decades, and the pace of the decline has more than doubled since the turn of the century, new research shows. The international team behind it says the data is alarming and points to a fertility crisis threatening the survival of humanity. Their meta-analysis looked at 223 studies based on sperm samples from over 57,000 men across 53 countries. It shows for the first time that men in Latin America, Asia, and Africa share a similar decline in total sperm counts and concentration as previously observed in Europe, North America, and Australia. The authors warn that the mean sperm count has now dropped dangerously close to the threshold that makes conception more difficult, meaning couples around the world may encounter problems having a baby without medical assistance."
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Sep 26, 2022
However, I think dietary factors such as PUFA, hormonal birth control, stress and toxic drugs such as SSRI, PPI, statins, etc are also very big factors in this fertility catastrophe

Another thing to add to the list is THC:

check out this new study a user posted on the RPF
Thc shown to shrink gonads by 50% and lower testosterone in primates

I would throw EMF in there too; there are several studies showing it harms male fertility in rats. Even main stream scientists like Andrew Huberman are speaking about it “think twice before putting phone in pocket”


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Another thing to add to the list is THC:

check out this new study a user posted on the RPF
Thc shown to shrink gonads by 50% and lower testosterone in primates

I would throw EMF in there too; there are several studies showing it harms male fertility in rats. Even main stream scientists like Andrew Huberman are speaking about it “think twice before putting phone in pocket”

Yep, weed is a huge anti-fertility and anti-androgenic factor. I am amazed that with all the studies showing how bad it is for male (and female) health, it is still all the rage with young people. I guess the elite's propaganda works quite well...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Nothing a new Tesla can't fix ;)

I know, right? Nothing is better for fertility/manliness like bathing the loins in some intense EMF for a few hours every day. /s
Even regular cars have a relatively strong EMF while the engine is on, I have measured it. But when I got into a Tesla and turned the EMF meter on it basically went red on all the scales and started beeping alerts that it can be very dangerous to spend more than 5min in such an area with such a strong EMF.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

This is prob one of the strongest piece of evidence we have that the govt/elite/WEF/WHO are lying to us and prob have very nefarious goals. If humans are on their (evolutionary) way out then world over-population is not at all a concern. It's all about herding us like cattle and getting us to agree to the abominations of transhumanism, which will make the dealings of Unit 731 look like a cartoon for children.


Sep 26, 2022
I guess the elite's propaganda works quite well...
Yes, my whole life I’ve been told it’s harmless.

“Hey it’s better than drinking” you will often hear…

Turns out alcohol actually has some positive effects on lifespan, especially in moderate use (as you pointed out on Matt Blackburns podcast)
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Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
I know, right? Nothing is better for fertility/manliness like bathing the loins in some intense EMF for a few hours every day. /s
Even regular cars have a relatively strong EMF while the engine is on, I have measured it. But when I got into a Tesla and turned the EMF meter on it basically went red on all the scales and started beeping alerts that it can be very dangerous to spend more than 5min in such an area with such a strong EMF.

Nothing a little shungite won't fix.


credit to @Inaut

That fellow in the video has a store too btw, i was even thinking about purchasing a necklace and subdividing it into 3.

Yes, my whole life I’ve been told it’s harmless.

I can vaguely recall in the 1980's about EMF being a genuine concern. Many people were aware of it including power company technicians, and testing with Gauss/Tesla/EMF meters were done by some people. People kept their kids further away from cathode ray TV's. You were also steered away from buying homes near huge power lines. Then sometime i think in the 1990's a lot of this talk slowed down to a trickle. Mention it now and you may become "that weirdo"...

It should be more of a concern now than ever before. Am also thinking about purchasing a meter/tester and doing a few sweeps.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
I know, right? Nothing is better for fertility/manliness like bathing the loins in some intense EMF for a few hours every day. /s
Even regular cars have a relatively strong EMF while the engine is on, I have measured it. But when I got into a Tesla and turned the EMF meter on it basically went red on all the scales and started beeping alerts that it can be very dangerous to spend more than 5min in such an area with such a strong EMF.
Yikes, can't afford one anyway... next car will be a used 2002 Honda Civic 200,000k+ miles


Sep 26, 2022
Nothing a little shungite won't fix.
I used to think shungite was “woo-woo”, until I saw the results of those shungite beehives! Apparently, the large scale bee depopulation is due to emfs, and shungite has been shown to help drastically. Cool stuff!

I don’t think it would do much to mitigate the emf of being in a Tesla though, you’re essentially in an emf microwave..: the metal doors prevent the radiation from escaping
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Sep 26, 2022
Nothing a little shungite won't fix.

Shungite actually has some scientific literature behind it

“In a 2003 study, researchers studied the shielding effects of shungite against electromagnetic radiation and its effects on rats. The animals were exposed to 37 GHz of nonthermal radiation. The rats that were shielded with shungite experienced far less damage than those who were not shielded.”

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
Shungite actually has some scientific literature behind it

“In a 2003 study, researchers studied the shielding effects of shungite against electromagnetic radiation and its effects on rats. The animals were exposed to 37 GHz of nonthermal radiation. The rats that were shielded with shungite experienced far less damage than those who were not shielded.”
Oh yes, it didn't take much reading and examples to convince me. I would never normally spend hundreds on black rocks ... precious metal jewelry is a different story. Great to know it protects on the radiation side also. Good info!

Wow I watched a few of that guys videos and seems this stuff really works! Have you seen these?

Shungite vs emf router

Cell phone vs shungite
Edit: just saw AllHail's Shungite debunked message above. Argg, still hoping it works but now i'll really have to research it.

Haven't yet but since you linked it am def going to watch later tonight (thx!).

And apologies to all for me veering off topic. Pollution is our greatest concern. All of this climate change nonsense is nothing but a money making control racket that also serves to distract us from real damage being done to our planet ... a look squirrel! distraction.
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Sep 9, 2019
Now, the million dollar questions is - if humans are an endangered species and on a VERY strong downtrend in both their development and count, then are all the desperate cries coming from WHO, GAVI, Gates, WEF, etc about the dire need to reduce global population nothing but theater? Theater, designed to fool the masses into accepting open fascism, terrible living standards and mass deaths under the pretext of saving the planet from climate disaster due to overpopulation...when in reality, the human race is already "on its way out".
Personally I value this question around $2 Mr Dinkov. A far cry from a million.

The establishments you mentioned are guilty of crimes against humanity. Not theatre. Individuals involved (edit) *should, metaphorically,* be hung, drawn and quartered. Not given the benefit of the doubt.

Meanwhile, parents and offspring can make lifestyle interventions to lean against both counts. I'm not sure painting grisly images is particularly helpful.

And if my brothers here find themselves with weiner issues they can appeal to waffle in other threads. For example the hilarious work of @JamesGatz and @Jing.
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Sep 22, 2020
Nothing a little shungite won't fix.


credit to @Inaut

That fellow in the video has a store too btw, i was even thinking about purchasing a necklace and subdividing it into 3.

I can vaguely recall in the 1980's about EMF being a genuine concern. Many people were aware of it including power company technicians, and testing with Gauss/Tesla/EMF meters were done by some people. People kept their kids further away from cathode ray TV's. You were also steered away from buying homes near huge power lines. Then sometime i think in the 1990's a lot of this talk slowed down to a trickle. Mention it now and you may become "that weirdo"...

It should be more of a concern now than ever before. Am also thinking about purchasing a meter/tester and doing a few sweeps.

Assuming it worked, wouldn't a necklace do next to not much for the whole body? It's just going to protect the thin area of the neck that's been covered by the necklace?


Jun 22, 2021
I know, right? Nothing is better for fertility/manliness like bathing the loins in some intense EMF for a few hours every day. /s
Even regular cars have a relatively strong EMF while the engine is on, I have measured it. But when I got into a Tesla and turned the EMF meter on it basically went red on all the scales and started beeping alerts that it can be very dangerous to spend more than 5min in such an area with such a strong EMF.
Today I went for a walk and stood in front of parked Tesla's that were not ON and still felt enough EMF symptoms to obliterate my DHT

These electrical devices (cars included) are never truly 'OFF' - it will always emit EMF especially if it has 24/7 remote monitoring connections like our phones do

When a Tesla is ON - my DHT gets annhilated into another dimension - 20-30 feet radius OUTSIDE from the car and my DHT still gets destroyed

Tesla's are very dangerous - Electric cars are all very dangerous and I imagine a Tesla truck will kill all the truck drivers in a quick time span

Plus - we have only JUST BEGUN - right now there are only a few Teslas here and there but we have never experimented with entire cities of Electric Vehicles - this is not only a massive danger to people but it will probably kill all the trees and animals in cities slowly but surely - they can only handle so much stress

Imagine 2030 - just imagine

1) ENTIRE CITIES of electric vehicles (an abomination of EMF)

2) 24/7 5G radiation to the brain for brain chip signaling

These are the same chips that killed 15/23 monkeys immediately and the monkeys that were still alive ripped their fingers and toes off before offing themselves

3) EMF shot STRAIGHT into the skull via VR headset needed for our jobs

4) Everyone is FORCED Vegan/Vegeterian so it will be next to impossible to maintain a healthy metabolism if you live in society

5) Electricity and water rationed ... Can't even use your Red or Incandescent Light much!

How do these people expect to keep 500 million to 1 billion people ALIVE for slave labor? They will inadvertently DESTROY US ALL if they implement everything they have planned

This Brave New World is an Undead Nightmare



Mar 29, 2016
A number of eminent fertility experts are now sounding a dire alarm in regards to the human species. What used to be mostly the stuff of girls-night-out jokes in regards to the size of a male's member has now apparently acquired catastrophic proportions due to male penis size emerging as a reliable metric of endocrine disruptor exposure. Namely, penis length is a reliable surrogate of serum testosterone (T), and its decline is a reliable indication of plummeting T levels. In corroboration, the decline of sperm count (another good surrogate of T levels) globally is not only continuing but is accelerating. Females are also not exempt from this epidemic, with the average twenty-something woman now apparently having the same fertility as her grandmother...when she was 35. In other words, not only are the "young" quickly becoming the "old", as I mentioned in previous posts of mine, but the trend is accelerating to the point where the authors of the declining fertility and penis length studies claim that humans are now meeting the criteria of endangered species. The main culprit blamed in both studies are the endocrine disruptors found mostly in plastics. However, I think dietary factors such as PUFA, hormonal birth control, stress and toxic drugs such as SSRI, PPI, statins, etc are also very big factors in this fertility catastrophe.

Now, the million dollar questions is - if humans are an endangered species and on a VERY strong downtrend in both their development and count, then are all the desperate cries coming from WHO, GAVI, Gates, WEF, etc about the dire need to reduce global population nothing but theater? Theater, designed to fool the masses into accepting open fascism, terrible living standards and mass deaths under the pretext of saving the planet from climate disaster due to overpopulation...when in reality, the human race is already "on its way out".

@Regina @Drareg @tankasnowgod @ecstatichamster @burtlancast @AlaskaJono @Michael Mohn @FocusedOnHealth @Rinse & rePeat

Pollution is causing penises to shrink, warns this scientist

"...Pollution is causing human penises to shrink, according to one scientist. A leading epidemiologist and environmental expert has published a book that examines the link between industrial chemicals and penile length. Dr Shanna Swan's book, Count Down, argues that our modern world is altering humans' reproductive development and threatening the future of our species. The book outlines how pollution is leading to higher rates of erectile dysfunction, fertility decline, and growing numbers of babies born with small penises. Though the headline fact about shrinkage may sound like a laughing matter, the research paints a bleak portrait of humanity's longevity and ability to survive. "In some parts of the world, the average twenty-something today is less fertile than her grandmother was at 35," Dr Swan writes, dubbing the situation a "global existential crisis" in the book."

"...According to the book, humans meet three of the five possible criteria used to define whether or not a species is endangered. "Only one needs to be met," writes Dr Swan, "the current state of affairs for humans meets at least three." According to Dr Swan's research, this disruption is caused by phthalates, chemicals used in plastic manufacturing, which can impact how the hormone endocrine is produced."

Sperm counts worldwide are falling even faster than we thought

"...Sperm counts worldwide have halved over the past five decades, and the pace of the decline has more than doubled since the turn of the century, new research shows. The international team behind it says the data is alarming and points to a fertility crisis threatening the survival of humanity. Their meta-analysis looked at 223 studies based on sperm samples from over 57,000 men across 53 countries. It shows for the first time that men in Latin America, Asia, and Africa share a similar decline in total sperm counts and concentration as previously observed in Europe, North America, and Australia. The authors warn that the mean sperm count has now dropped dangerously close to the threshold that makes conception more difficult, meaning couples around the world may encounter problems having a baby without medical assistance."
It's probably nature's way of saying


Or the world's resources would just he wasted on very high maintenance organisms.

A very healthy cat doesn't need to be bathed and sprinkled with flea powder.

A very healthy plant does not need to be sprayed with pesticides.

A very healthy human does not need to be protected from mosquitoes to not develop dengue.

Nature just says STOP THRIVING WILLYA?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Electric cars are all very dangerous and I imagine a Tesla truck will kill all the truck drivers in a quick time span

I wonder if this was one of the reasons the were not chosen as the mass transit technology back in the early 20th century then eclectic vehicles were all the rage. I mean, despite not knowing much about the health effects of EMF, people back then were quite perceptive and would have noticed health problems of people around electrical equipment. Tesla (the man) himself went completely crazy for the last ~20 years of his life and I wonder how much of that is due to him bathing in strong EMF frequently, as part of his experiments.


Nov 6, 2020
Probably the best thing is for all ABLE people to go to the remotes of the US, say Alaska for instance, or if you have personal resources, the remotes of the world. You will then need your wits about you, but if you have been brought up by a generation of doers, you will be fine. If not, you probably should stay in the basement of your parents house.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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