Does Caffeine Plug Your Ears?


Dec 13, 2013
When I take caffeine after not taking it for a while, my ears plug. I think this is due to an allergy to it. Both caffeine capsules and coffee does this. I read that caffeine can mask an allergy by increasing cortisol and adrenalin. Both are used in cases of allergic reactions.

I dropped caffeine because it made me feel melancholy, and at higher doses suicidal, then started using it again when I learned how to cope with my emotions. I theorized caffeine just had this effect because I didn't know how to cope with the emotions it brought. I did deal with them, but I found that there was no increase in positive emotions. It just put a burden of negativity on me, whether I coped with it or not. It does not increase my energy level either.

I remember caffeine made me feel happy and energetic several years ago, but I did not have the ear-plugging effect or increase negative emotions. Therefore, it's reasonable to assume that I developed some sort of allergy to it after not using it for a long time. I once felt good regardless of hypoglycemia, and now feel bad regardless of hypoglycemia, with caffeine consumption.

Theobromine is a substance with one less methyl group than caffeine that's found in chocolate. Caffeine isn't found in chocolate from what I remember, I looked into the subject a few years ago. Anyway, chocolate made me feel negative too, to the point where I got an intuitive feeling about chocolate not to eat it again.

So a person can have an allergy to caffeine, and not know it from classic allergic symptoms, because progesterone, cortisol, and adrenalin, all of which caffeine can increase, may suppress most of the classic indicators of allergies. But for some reason, I do have an earplugging effect from caffeine. I probably won't use it ever again, unless it's to verify the presence of an allergy. That would require medical measuring tools though, and I'm not sure if any clinics can do that. Anyway, my negative reactions from caffeine are enough proof for me to never use it again. It is cheap and may be beneficial, but for me apparently toxic.


Feb 24, 2013
Are you taking caffeine by itself? It's really important to always have it in conjunction with good fuel. Taking it by itself would cause added stress to your system. If you have any protein digestion or absorption issues, then it would magnify that.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Ben said:
When I take caffeine after not taking it for a while, my ears plug. I think this is due to an allergy to it. Both caffeine capsules and coffee does this. I read that caffeine can mask an allergy by increasing cortisol and adrenalin. Both are used in cases of allergic reactions.

I dropped caffeine because it made me feel melancholy, and at higher doses suicidal, then started using it again when I learned how to cope with my emotions. I theorized caffeine just had this effect because I didn't know how to cope with the emotions it brought. I did deal with them, but I found that there was no increase in positive emotions. It just put a burden of negativity on me, whether I coped with it or not. It does not increase my energy level either.

I remember caffeine made me feel happy and energetic several years ago, but I did not have the ear-plugging effect or increase negative emotions. Therefore, it's reasonable to assume that I developed some sort of allergy to it after not using it for a long time. I once felt good regardless of hypoglycemia, and now feel bad regardless of hypoglycemia, with caffeine consumption.

Theobromine is a substance with one less methyl group than caffeine that's found in chocolate. Caffeine isn't found in chocolate from what I remember, I looked into the subject a few years ago. Anyway, chocolate made me feel negative too, to the point where I got an intuitive feeling about chocolate not to eat it again.

So a person can have an allergy to caffeine, and not know it from classic allergic symptoms, because progesterone, cortisol, and adrenalin, all of which caffeine can increase, may suppress most of the classic indicators of allergies. But for some reason, I do have an earplugging effect from caffeine. I probably won't use it ever again, unless it's to verify the presence of an allergy. That would require medical measuring tools though, and I'm not sure if any clinics can do that. Anyway, my negative reactions from caffeine are enough proof for me to never use it again. It is cheap and may be beneficial, but for me apparently toxic.

Plugged ears is also a classic symptom of high blood pressure, which caffeine is known to cause temporarily. Have you measured yours while taking caffeine? If it is high, taking about 5g taurine daily (with or without caffeine) will lower it. Vitamin K also lowers blood pressure very effectively.


Dec 13, 2013
haidut said:
Plugged ears is also a classic symptom of high blood pressure, which caffeine is known to cause temporarily. Have you measured yours while taking caffeine? If it is high, taking about 5g taurine daily (with or without caffeine) will lower it. Vitamin K also lowers blood pressure very effectively.
I got mine taken after I went to a clinic on caffeine. But it wasn't much different from my blood pressure when I took it without caffeine in public. My blood pressure and pulse can get very high when I'm around people due to social anxiety, but I have never experienced plugged ears in the absence of caffeine. Just shakiness, which only happens when I don't eat enough on caffeine. The most intense situations give me drymouth. When I exercise, I get "pins and needles" all over my body, but no ear plugging. I get orthostatic hypotension when I stand up. So I heavily doubt blood pressure is the culprit. I don't know how that could contribute to me feeling melancholy from caffeine anyway.

Jenn said:
Are you taking caffeine by itself? It's really important to always have it in conjunction with good fuel. Taking it by itself would cause added stress to your system. If you have any protein digestion or absorption issues, then it would magnify that.

Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar. I felt bad from caffeine whether or not I ate enough food, protein and sugar, which is weird because several years ago, I used to drink caffeine without much nutrition, and I felt good from it. And I doubt I have issues in protein digestion, as I've always had a pretty muscular build that seems to be genetic. I can take a lot of cynomel too. I don't feel stressed at all btw, at least not when I'm alone. In fact, I could use an energy boost, even if a little stress occurs. I don't even feel a need for niacinamide, taurine, or pregnenolone at this point.


Jan 22, 2013
this might be a huge over generalization...but I used to have ears with something like that a couple times, and couldn't figure out what it was...but soon I came to realize a quite huge realization. Its really excess stress hormones...from or in any way, they not only clog the ear, but are responsible for any blockage or edema type thing. It could be from too low blood sugar, or too much stress hormones from life. It takes good nutrition, time, sleep, and sustained relatively peaceful mindset (with no elevated stress hormones) for the lymph to start moving, you to start eliminating, and things to start clearing and lightening. Any interruption, ie, anything that raises stress hormones again stunts the progress or even sets back. Most hormones not only are themselves later broken down and need to be eliminated, but they set up cascades that basically create a lot of internal acid and dirty molecules that need to be eliminated via the urine bile and maybe skin...and in order to really cycle them out or recover from a stressed out punch, it takes good nutrition in a peaceful state, sweetness and volume, to get the whole system cleared out and moving again...and of course you need some sleep...enough to where you feel rested. Coffee might be playing a part, if its elevating your stress hormones too much. Have 1-3 spoons of sugar or milk with it, and try not to go hungry on the day


Dec 13, 2013
Well, why would getting into a fight not plug my ears, while a cup of coffee plugs my ears? That's why I doubt this stress hormone theory. And it doesn't change the fact that caffeine has a poison-like effect on my mood. I used to drink it without any meals and feel great. I did an internet search, and apparently nobody but me has this reaction, and apparently it's the same on this message board.


Mar 24, 2014
Sounds a little bit like tinnitus, some people get that blocked ear feeling. Although, you don't mention any ringing or white noise. Just a punt, but I wonder if B6 might help with it?


Jan 22, 2013
its not just stress, but prolonged stress is usually the thing that throws people from normal to plugged to eventually sick. Try not to eat any acidic (titratable) foods, like fruit, citric acid, soda, and stuff and it will likely clear up pretty fast, or help. Excess acids are what cause things to get hard, coagulated, turns flowing milk into cheese. In india they used to say yogurt was like milk that had turned into mud, and therefore affected the GI like mud would (recommended adding stimulating spices or fiberous fruit to help it move along). The idea is that in a stress out state, its not just lactic acid that builds up, but multiple other acids...especially if you start breaking down or are relying too much on protein as a fuel. These acids compound dietary and can cause secretions, especially in the lymph and GI tract, to coagulate and bind together and have a kind of suction, stuck effect. Its like the way tannins feel on your tongue, they deaden sensation and make things dry out and pucker and stick yea, reduce or eliminate stress, and any food that has any elements of sour or harsh in them...not too much, but a little salt in water alone can help push through accumulations, break up hardened gunk. Iodine is also supposed to help with this


Forum Supporter
Oct 6, 2012
Ben, you said you take a lot of cytomel. How much do you take? Do you think cytomel in combination with coffee might be too much T3? Coffee speeds up the conversion of T4 to T3. Have you done a thyroid panel?


Oct 31, 2014
Lots of good ideas here. I am tending to go along with Ben's thoughts of an allergy. Sometimes I get pressure in my ears, actually my right ear, and a clicking noise when I swallow. Occasionally it can give me vertigo. I ran across this video of how to massage lymph from your ears and it works great for me. It clears the lymph from my ears and then the lymph goes down the back of my throat. I always assumed the mucus was due to allergies and poor lymph drainage but never could pin it down.

So I am wondering Ben, Do you have a problem with mucus? And if so does it coincide with your ear pressure?
Nov 11, 2014
I think often people just don't talk in detail about their reactions. About a third of people I meet say things like, "I just can't drink coffee." Many have slightly different descriptions if I push.

Personally (and not to brag), I'm the spitting image of health and my body temperature is consistently 98.6. In fact, the only thing I ingest that makes my temperature crash consistently is coffee. I feel like a lot of these metabolically boosting things may help people with damaged metabolisms or other health issues, but I don't think we have a good feel for how well healthy young people do on these things. If someone's metabolism is working great, and then we boost it more with whatever compound their body didn't develop with access to... Then it makes sense that problems would arise.


Oct 11, 2016
Ben, I'm curious... I have the same problem with caffeine and I also have orthostatic hypotension when I stand up! Interesting... If you're still around let's chat sometime to see if we find any other patterns between us that might help determine cause.


Sep 23, 2017
caffiene can swell your sinuses and head which creates the plugged ears feeling. I get head swelling from too much coffee or caffiene pills. then my front teeth start to hurt.

drink lots of water...lots.caffeine like theobromine is toxic which is why we feel accelerated by it which is simply the body trying to rid itself of caffiene by the liver. but if the liver is sluggish then caffience does not break down fast enough.

it also reaises homcysteine levels which can lead to suicidal thoughts. if that happens then take folate, or b complex or eeat some black beans.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
When I take caffeine after not taking it for a while, my ears plug. I think this is due to an allergy to it. Both caffeine capsules and coffee does this. I read that caffeine can mask an allergy by increasing cortisol and adrenalin. Both are used in cases of allergic reactions.

I dropped caffeine because it made me feel melancholy, and at higher doses suicidal, then started using it again when I learned how to cope with my emotions. I theorized caffeine just had this effect because I didn't know how to cope with the emotions it brought. I did deal with them, but I found that there was no increase in positive emotions. It just put a burden of negativity on me, whether I coped with it or not. It does not increase my energy level either.

I remember caffeine made me feel happy and energetic several years ago, but I did not have the ear-plugging effect or increase negative emotions. Therefore, it's reasonable to assume that I developed some sort of allergy to it after not using it for a long time. I once felt good regardless of hypoglycemia, and now feel bad regardless of hypoglycemia, with caffeine consumption.

Theobromine is a substance with one less methyl group than caffeine that's found in chocolate. Caffeine isn't found in chocolate from what I remember, I looked into the subject a few years ago. Anyway, chocolate made me feel negative too, to the point where I got an intuitive feeling about chocolate not to eat it again.

So a person can have an allergy to caffeine, and not know it from classic allergic symptoms, because progesterone, cortisol, and adrenalin, all of which caffeine can increase, may suppress most of the classic indicators of allergies. But for some reason, I do have an earplugging effect from caffeine. I probably won't use it ever again, unless it's to verify the presence of an allergy. That would require medical measuring tools though, and I'm not sure if any clinics can do that. Anyway, my negative reactions from caffeine are enough proof for me to never use it again. It is cheap and may be beneficial, but for me apparently toxic.

Yeah, more isn't necessarily better as far as caffeines effect on cognition. Too much makes me numb, so stimulated inside, that I have nothing happening on the outside as far as affect. Only properly spacing out doses throughout the day will prevent this. But if I have 2-3 big strong cups (I use pour over and can tweak potency) before 3PM, I'm too robotic.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Yeah, more isn't necessarily better as far as caffeines effect on cognition. Too much makes me numb, so stimulated inside, that I have nothing happening on the outside as far as affect. Only properly spacing out doses throughout the day will prevent this. But if I have 2-3 big strong cups (I use pour over and can tweak potency) before 3PM, I'm too robotic.

I get exactly like this unless dose is spread out.
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