Does anybody feel like we got psyoped about the vaxxpocalypse

Dec 20, 2016
how is everything in your alls local environment these days? here is what ive noticed over the past few months:

1.someone I know got a serious blood clot and had to get emergency surgery for it

2.a friend of mine had sudden organ failure and had to go into emergency treatment

3.another friend complains of frequent new health problems lately

all of these people were vaxxed. besides these things I havent heard of anything else. I remember for awhile there was this buzz about people driving really poorly but I never noticed that in my area (im not the most perceptive person though)

I guess I still have mixed feelings regarding the truth of this situation. yes its true that I know some vaxxed people and they happened to have new health issues (which may or may not be caused by the vaxx), however OTOH the vast majority of people I know that got vaxxed seem like theyre doing perfectly fine. im very curious to know what everyone elses current observations are...
9 people i know more or less had strokes

female coworker lost all hair due to inflammation of hair follicles

1 case of turbo cancer, funeral was last week. had heavy reactions with every shot
a family member at the funeral told me, she was attending another funeral not long ago from a 36 yo guy, blood clots

1 friend woke up 2 weeks ago with a blood glucose of a severe diabetic, spent days in ER. no issues before

wife of another friend ends up in ER with heart issues when shes getting infected with the cold

etc etc etc

all jabbed and boostered


Mar 9, 2023
United States
You're falling for the memory hole after most of them realized the vaccines didn't work. They spent a good two years going rabid and trying to effectively kill anyone that didn't get vaccinated, such as trying to require proof of vaccination to buy groceries. I had to go out and make a fake card to be able to not be homeless because everyone around me was demented. Two facts about the vaccine:
1. It doesn't work.
2. It gave people blood clots.

Just because most of them have chilled a little from their blood frenzy, those are still the facts.


Mar 29, 2022
united states
Interesting - could explain why some people "felt nothing" after having the jabs

either way, im much more skeptical about the "doomsday" trajectory of the covid vaxx now. it may still be true that its deadly but so far it doesnt appear to be anywhere as deadly as people were saying it was. I dont plan on getting it, but ive definitely stopped feeling like chicken little. I think feeling scared and apprehensive was appropriate at the time, but now that more time is passing and less is happening I have to step back and recalculate things


either way, im much more skeptical about the "doomsday" trajectory of the covid vaxx now. it may still be true that its deadly but so far it doesnt appear to be anywhere as deadly as people were saying it was. I dont plan on getting it, but ive definitely stopped feeling like chicken little. I think feeling scared and apprehensive was appropriate at the time, but now that more time is passing and less is happening I have to step back and recalculate things
Actually it is - I'm starting to hear a lot about people getting clots/strokes. In the UK we have an excess of almost 2000 deaths a week. For some it's fast. For others it takes time.


Mar 29, 2022
united states
Actually it is - I'm starting to hear a lot about people getting clots/strokes. In the UK we have an excess of almost 2000 deaths a week. For some it's fast. For others it takes time.
in your personal life? can you elaborate on them?

I personally know a few people that got some weird and serious health problems after getting vaccinated but I havent heard of anything lately. it feels like the worst is over

I still think the vaxx is dangerous but my new position is that I dont think its as dangerous as we initially thought it was. if its so deadly then why arent more people in my personal life dropping dead or having serious ailments? why hasnt this thread been inundated with people talking about their own personal experiences? why isnt the forum as a whole swamped with people sharing their own anecdotes of vaxx harm in their personal social spheres? the idea that the vaxx is super deadly just doesnt pass the smell test and feels more and more like its deadliness was exaggerated as some form of social engineering.

to be clear, my position isnt ideological, its purely practical. if over the next couple of years I begin to see/hear about increasing amounts of deaths/injuries from people I know then I will definitely reconsider my position but as it currently stands, the majority of people I know that got the vaxx seem perfectly fine


Dec 8, 2016
in your personal life? can you elaborate on them?

I personally know a few people that got some weird and serious health problems after getting vaccinated but I havent heard of anything lately. it feels like the worst is over

I still think the vaxx is dangerous but my new position is that I dont think its as dangerous as we initially thought it was. if its so deadly then why arent more people in my personal life dropping dead or having serious ailments? why hasnt this thread been inundated with people talking about their own personal experiences? why isnt the forum as a whole swamped with people sharing their own anecdotes of vaxx harm in their personal social spheres? the idea that the vaxx is super deadly just doesnt pass the smell test and feels more and more like its deadliness was exaggerated as some form of social engineering.

to be clear, my position isnt ideological, its purely practical. if over the next couple of years I begin to see/hear about increasing amounts of deaths/injuries from people I know then I will definitely reconsider my position but as it currently stands, the majority of people I know that got the vaxx seem perfectly fine
It’s deadly
I know MANY

What will satisfy you?
What number are you looking for?

We had a child drop dead on the middle school track one day
Isn’t that enough?

We’ve lost dozens to newly diagnosed cancers
And others to turbo cancers when they were in remission

Terrible cancers
One had to get her tongue cut out
Died a painful death

My boss had a stroke
And now his prostate cancer is stage 4 liver

A husband friend on the beach dropped dead fishing

My cousin aborted her baby at five months
The baby couldn’t live in a poisonous host


How about this?


Mar 29, 2022
united states
@Peatful thats good that youre sharing, which is the entire point. you have these experiences in your personal life, what about everyone else? I know a few people that got messed up by the vaxx but since then I havent heard of anything new. if tons of people are sick/dropping dead left and right then why arent more people on this forum talking about it? all I see is people sharing twitter screencaps (which can be notoriously unreliable), but what about personal anecdotal experiences? if the vaxx is as deadly as we thought it was then everyone should have plenty of stories but I hardly ever see people sharing them. like I said, something doesnt pass the smell test.


Oct 11, 2021
@Peatful thats good that youre sharing, which is the entire point. you have these experiences in your personal life, what about everyone else? I know a few people that got messed up by the vaxx but since then I havent heard of anything new. if tons of people are sick/dropping dead left and right then why arent more people on this forum talking about it? all I see is people sharing twitter screencaps (which can be notoriously unreliable), but what about personal anecdotal experiences? if the vaxx is as deadly as we thought it was then everyone should have plenty of stories but I hardly ever see people sharing them. like I said, something doesnt pass the smell test.
A small proportion of batches/lots were found to account for the majority of adverse events, so I would expect certain areas to have a large number of injuries while other areas (perhaps where you are) received saline or inert batches. This would explain the dichotomy you are seeing.


Mar 29, 2022
united states
A small proportion of batches/lots were found to account for the majority of adverse events, so I would expect certain areas to have a large number of injuries while other areas (perhaps where you are) received saline or inert batches. This would explain the dichotomy you are seeing.
even if thats true (and I agree that its true, ive been aware of it since the beginning) that doesnt change the fact that overall, the death/injury rate seems pretty low going purely by the lack of people sharing negative vaxx experiences (either themselves or someone they know) on a geographically scattered, highly health conscious forum like this. this of course is by no means scientific or rigorous, but like I said, the original idea of the vaxx being super deadly just doesnt pass the smell test.

im not trying to be needlessly contentious here but enough time has passed without massive vaxx fallout that I think we should reevaluate the situation


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
the death/injury rate seems pretty low

How do you quantify "pretty low"? As I mentioned before, even 1% mortality due to vaccine would be catastrophic, yet you'd hardly notice it...and the "normie" on the street would notice it even less than you.


Mar 29, 2022
united states
How do you quantify "pretty low"? As I mentioned before, even 1% mortality due to vaccine would be catastrophic, yet you'd hardly notice it...and the "normie" on the street would notice it even less than you.
well, my general impression from various alt-news sites (including but not limited to this forum) was that we would be facing drastic depopulation over the next few years beginning with the rollout of the vaxx. I was told by numerous anonymous online voices that we would be seeing social catastrophe and the wheels of society falling off etc etc. however now, compared to those doomsday voices, the death/injury rate seems really low and society still seems to be chugging on.

perhaps you had a more mild expectation of the vaxx fallout than I did, but I was personally expecting obvious, visible chaos and ive not really seen that so far. for me at least, I have to reevaluate how dangerous the vaxx is and what will be its impact on society


Apr 19, 2020
well, my general impression from various alt-news sites (including but not limited to this forum) was that we would be facing drastic depopulation over the next few years beginning with the rollout of the vaxx. I was told by numerous anonymous online voices that we would be seeing social catastrophe and the wheels of society falling off etc etc. however now, compared to those doomsday voices, the death/injury rate seems really low and society still seems to be chugging on.

perhaps you had a more mild expectation of the vaxx fallout than I did, but I was personally expecting obvious, visible chaos and ive not really seen that so far. for me at least, I have to reevaluate how dangerous the vaxx is and what will be its impact on society
The above substack I just read this morning. Excess deaths are up in Japan, and many countries in the world. Way up.

My neighbours brother died from the vaxx. He was 44 years old, no meds or medical condition, and he was one of the only people who had an autopsy and the declaration on his cause of death as confirmed case of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome or TTS - the rare blood clotting disorder that has been linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine. He is survived by a wife and 3 kids under 10 years old.
I am sure their world was in 'chaos' after this event. I only met the wife of the deceased once.
Also many people I met had herpes zoster within a few months of the 2nd or 3rd jab. And I met many people here who have friends that died within a few months of getting the 2nd or 3rd jab. People in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and above. I live in Tasmania, and it is a small state of Australia.
Bottom line: the excess deaths in many countries is rising. Below data from Australia:

"Excess deaths for January to November 2022 from all causes were 22,886, indicating that the final figure for the year would be at least 25,000.

At 12–15 percent, the 2022 rise is ten times the usual fluctuation from year to year. Most of the excess was directly caused by COVID-19, and the Group makes clear that the remaining deaths can only be explained by the pandemic.

As a result, life expectancy in Australia is now falling. Last year infectious diseases expert Professor Brendan Crabb pointed out that “excess deaths in Australia are normally negative, less than zero. That’s why life expectancy has increased for the last 70 years in Australia.” But in 2021–22, life expectancy actually fell by 0.4 years, according to the Centre for Population."

Even Dr. John Campbell, a very conservative U toob vlogger, who is in my opinion a definite plant, a controlled operative in this space, is showing standard world wide deaths excessive.


A lot of this information space is being censored, so one might have to work a bit to get good information. Society will chug on until we can't, and your life won't be chaos until it is over, or your loved ones are affected. We will see how long this 'excess deaths' continues. It ain't covid.

Over and out.


Dec 8, 2016
I think this is conservative


Because a young dad friend with a congenital heart defect-
Took the vxx to be elected for organ donation
Once he was vxxd he was disqualified from said donation

Died last week

His death
And those like him
Are not accounted for in these death rates

I couldn’t go to his service


I was out of town at another funeral


Sep 12, 2018
How do you quantify "pretty low"? As I mentioned before, even 1% mortality due to vaccine would be catastrophic, yet you'd hardly notice it...and the "normie" on the street would notice it even less than you.
It is occurring to me recently that under certain populations of even the 'normie elites', the upper middle class intelligencia, that the death in their circles is making a mission creep into the utter horror of the fact that their world is threatened by the deaths in even their milieu. Yes even "our crowd" can be devastated.... but then again
AI can fill the gap of dead middle management, who of course will still be able to vote in the next election....but even upper management is being fed to the feeder...
Anyways the Sunday New York Times is smaller and smaller, trim nothing burger of lies...


Apr 19, 2020
It is occurring to me recently that under certain populations of even the 'normie elites', the upper middle class intelligencia, that the death in their circles is making a mission creep into the utter horror of the fact that their world is threatened by the deaths in even their milieu. Yes even "our crowd" can be devastated.... but then again
AI can fill the gap of dead middle management, who of course will still be able to vote in the next election....but even upper management is being fed to the feeder...
Anyways the Sunday New York Times is smaller and smaller, trim nothing burger of lies...
AS I have noticed the higher the education, the higher the level of "indoctrination" about the "science " and finance and politics. This is a generality I know, but this applies to 95% of everyone I personally know on 4 continents. Peeps are doubling down, unfortunately.

And yes, thanks @Peatress, "There's enough evidence on this forum to support what is being said on this thread." says it all.
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