Do fluoride and iodine cancel each other out?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Fluoride has many issues discussed by dr Peat and others. Iodine also has issues which Peat has discussed but there are differing views on in the alternate health sites.

Many fast food and other restaurants are using iodized table salt in their cooking. And they’re also often using fluoridated water.

Are you able to negate the effects of fluoride via consuming more iodine and vice versa. Can you tolerate iodine better if it’s taken alongside fluoride.
Mar 10, 2021
Fluoride has many issues discussed by dr Peat and others. Iodine also has issues which Peat has discussed but there are differing views on in the alternate health sites.

Many fast food and other restaurants are using iodized table salt in their cooking. And they’re also often using fluoridated water.

Are you able to negate the effects of fluoride via consuming more iodine and vice versa. Can you tolerate iodine better if it’s taken alongside fluoride.

“Iodine helps flush fluoride from the body so a deficiency leaves the body with more fluoride, which has been shown to interfere with certain enzymes important for thyroid function. This could explain why only iodine deficient Canadians seemed sensitive to fluoride impacts.”



May 19, 2017
Fluoride is pure evil and there is nothing that can justify its consumption, make it "less bad" or acceptable.

Iodine is toxic too, especially in high doses. There are some interesting studies done on surgeons frequently working with Povidone-iodine, look them up.

Do you want to eat out or do you want to be healthy? You can't have both.

The decision is up to you.


Jan 30, 2021
I have FQAD and am mostly recovered. Fluoride is a terrible toxin and contained in many Rx, but the highest danger appears to be from the fluoroquinolone antibiotics. (e.g., cipro, levaquin, but there is an entire class of them. Also Flagyl.)
I credit some of my recovery to ingesting Lugol's. It CLEARLY helps my body detox from fluoride. Your MTHFR status has a lot to do with your ability to clear fluoride, and that is why some are wheel-chair bound with burst tendons after just ONE cipro, and why I had 50 cipro without that happening but 15 years later ONE Flagyl put me down (but it was shoulders, not achilles, for me. It goes where there is an opening for it, whatever is most susceptible to stress.)
So I found I was deficient in iodine; I had not eaten iodized salt for quite a few years because I wanted the minerals in other salts, and then when the fluoride came in I was wide open physically. I took LARGE amounts of Lugol's and got back my freckles from when I was younger, some of my hair grew back in the color it was when I was younger, and eventually I realized I was taking too much because I was "hyper." It took about three days to clear the extra from my system, and I started up again at a more sane level of intake. Currently at four drops of 2% Lugols' in my daily measured water (I don't take all those drops at once) and that seems to continue detoxing the fluoride (when detoxing fluoride I get an extreme armpit odor, which I have never had before in my life, not like this one) at a rate I can handle. I just have to wash my pits a lot. It appears that that amount is no longer pushing out nearly as much fluoride, and that is coinciding with my shoulders starting to feel normal again. But likely I will continue with the four drops unless I see the "overload" symptoms come back. I don't pay for lab tests because I'd rather trust my body's feedback and I'd rather make my own mistakes.
My city water is fluoridated and I put in a reverse osmosis system which is very good; almost distilled, but I can't have the fluoride so that is what I drink. I don't use fluoridated toothpaste. I don't let my dentist polish my teeth with a powder containing fluoride. I take a lot of mineral supps. I won't even have a garden because we have very little rainfall and the only way I could water it is with the fluoridated city water. I have no idea if the commercial vegetables I buy were grown with fluoridated water or not; and I don't know if the goat milk kefir I drink comes from goats that drank fluoridated water. It can be that picky. I avoid anything commercial that is liquid because I don't know what liquid was used; e.g., I don't buy bone broth because I don't know if they boiled down fluoridated water to make it, which would increase the fluoride content. I don't drink any commercial anything for the same reason. I miss my Mexican Coke but know that a lot of Mexican water is fluoridated, so -- SMFT.
Mar 10, 2021
Fluoride is pure evil and there is nothing that can justify its consumption, make it "less bad" or acceptable.

Iodine is toxic too, especially in high doses. There are some interesting studies done on surgeons frequently working with Povidone-iodine, look them up.

Do you want to eat out or do you want to be healthy? You can't have both.

The decision is up to you.
Yeah eating out was tough for me when I was histamine laden. I would have to bring my own fluoride-free ice with me and sometimes even beverages. I wouldn’t order soups either, I am sure they they just use cruddy tap water.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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