Low Toxin Diet Did Vitamin A turn Sv3rige into a Psychopath?


Sep 11, 2015
Sv3rige is the nom de plume of YouTuber Gatis Lagzdins, who has advocated for a raw meat diet since 2016. His particular favourite foods have been raw veal liver, raw egg yolks, raw orange juice, raw blood and raw dairy.

In those years, he has lost what remained of his natural hairline, and more seriously, he has shown increasingly psychopathic behaviour, including allegedly harming his ex-girlfriend and the mother of his first son Luna in an acid attack combined with an arson attack on their home.

I think Dr. Garrett Smith has spoken about people in the Arctic/Inuit tribes who went insane after eating too much seal liver. Greenland does have an unusually high murder rate to this day.

I wonder if Sv3rige's diet has caused him to lose what humanity he had, and to become an unempathetic psychopath?
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Jun 21, 2018
Gatis was insane and psychopathic long before the raw meat diet. He was a deranged internet loner who stabbed his classmates in high school. The guy is a social-outcast and a loser.


Feb 3, 2020
Likely copper toxic aswell. I think he ate 400g of veal liver a day in his old full day of eatings.


Mar 31, 2021
Gatis was insane and psychopathic long before the raw meat diet. He was a deranged internet loner who stabbed his classmates in high school. The guy is a social-outcast and a loser.
Was going to say the same. He's nuts, has always been nuts. He has serious mental issues and has had them before being anywhere deep in carnivore. One must only watch some of his earlier videos where he tries to explain how if you don't like death metal then you're weak, all this type of strange cope stuff.

There are various crazy stories about him over the years and evidence of his strange behavior.


May 18, 2020
The whole Sv3rige story at this point seems so outrageous and over the top, that I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind of elaborate, staged and scripted, YouTube drama, a bit like the "lonelygirl15" soap opera in 2006 that everyone thought was real at first. The way his ex-girlfriends keep popping up to post some YT videos, then disappearing again seems suspicious to me.


Oct 15, 2018
Maybe he got a brain parasite; I forget the name of the pork one, but would explain his behavior


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


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Feb 11, 2024
I was part of the raw primal community for a bit. I saw many benefits eating raw foods, but after a while I didn’t want anything to do with that community anymore. The majority end up being pretty crazy. Most of the men are incels. Many portray themselves online much differently than they are in real life. They believe simply eating raw meat magically transforms them into an “alpha male”.

I personally found that after a while on the diet I had less empathy, more apathy, could rarely cry, my emotions felt dulled. I was on a raw primal diet when I conceived my son with autism and many on the diet start exhibiting traits of autism. I’m not sure what causes it, but I can see validity in the Vitamin A/copper toxicity theory.


Jun 21, 2018
I was part of the raw primal community for a bit. I saw many benefits eating raw foods, but after a while I didn’t want anything to do with that community anymore. The majority end up being pretty crazy. Most of the men are incels. Many portray themselves online much differently than they are in real life. They believe simply eating raw meat magically transforms them into an “alpha male”.

I personally found that after a while on the diet I had less empathy, more apathy, could rarely cry, my emotions felt dulled. I was on a raw primal diet when I conceived my son with autism and many on the diet start exhibiting traits of autism. I’m not sure what causes it, but I can see validity in the Vitamin A/copper toxicity theory.
Although I think you are 100% right, I will continue eating raw meat as often as I can for its benefits, but definitely avoid liver as I feel horrible and depressed any time I eat it.

I think the problem with the men is many of them are so sick and flawed. The women too. You don't get into this kind of diet without having a reason to - being severally ill physically and mentally. Diet alone isn't always enough.

We know each other by the way Jo, I think you're still on telegram. I remember chatting briefly, and your body transformation was incredible. Hope you and your family are happy and well.

Regarding your son with autism, were you primal from the beginning of the pregnancy? Did you consume lots of liver during the pregnancy? And did your son also receive vaccines? These would be very interesting to know regarding the theory moving forward.


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Feb 11, 2024
Although I think you are 100% right, I will continue eating raw meat as often as I can for its benefits, but definitely avoid liver as I feel horrible and depressed any time I eat it.

I think the problem with the men is many of them are so sick and flawed. The women too. You don't get into this kind of diet without having a reason to - being severally ill physically and mentally. Diet alone isn't always enough.

We know each other by the way Jo, I think you're still in telegram. I remember chatting briefly, and your body transformation was incredible. Hope you and your family are happy and well.

Regarding your son with autism, were you primal from the beginning of the pregnancy? Did you consume lots of liver during the pregnancy? And did your son also receive vaccines? These would be very interesting to know regarding the theory moving forward.
I remember you! I’ve seen your name on a few posts here and thought I remembered you from IG. I am still on Telegram! Nice to see you again and I hope you are also doing well :)

I still eat raw meat and drink raw milk, raw eggs too, and I am still a strong believer in the benefits. I am definitely avoiding liver and other organs. I go by how I feel now and eat plenty of cooked foods too. Right now I am experimenting with lowering Vitamin A so I’ve added back grains and beans and cut out beta carotene containing fruits and veg. I completely agree with you about the primal community. Most people don’t usually explore such extremes without having a good reason, but I also know people who have been on that diet for years and seem to have only gotten worse. The amount of organs raw primals are consuming is crazy. Huge amounts of liver almost every day, so I’m sure that probably doesn’t help their case.

My son with autism is 2.5 now and I was raw primal when I got pregnant. I was not raw all the way through my pregnancy, because of bad nausea, but I consumed lots of liver while pregnant. (BTW my awful nausea during pregnancy would line up with toxic bile theory) I had a completely natural pregnancy. I saw a midwife, but did no ultrasounds. I had a complication free homebirth. He was never separated from me, exclusively breastfed, no meds or vaccines ever. We keep our home as toxin free as humanly possible. When he was ready for solids I introduced foods I thought were healthy (liver, eggs yolks, raw milk). It seemed I avoided almost everything theorized to cause autism. Yet, despite all of this, he still has all the characteristics used to diagnose autism (he doesn’t have a formal diagnosis, but it’s very obvious at this point). It’s just been so baffling to me and I’ve spent so much time trying to make sense of it, and toxic bile theory is the only thing I’ve come across that makes any sense. I’ve had him on a low A diet for a couple weeks now and have already seen improvements.

I also have another daughter now, conceived just 10 months after my son. During my pregnancy with her I ate a lot more sugar and carbohydrates (because it’s what I craved) and didn’t do organ meats, except occasionally taking Ancestral Supplements Blood Vitality. I had a wild pregnancy and freebirth, again no meds or vaccines ever. But I was much more lax about foods once she was able to eat solids. I still avoid processed foods, but she’s eaten plenty of grains, which I never fed my son. My daughter is a year old now and very advanced for her age. She has no signs of autism.

Health is so complex and I’ve realized I know nothing 😅 My entire experience has been truly humbling.


Mar 28, 2019
My son with autism is 2.5 now and I was raw primal when I got pregnant. I was not raw all the way through my pregnancy, because of bad nausea, but I consumed lots of liver while pregnant. (BTW my awful nausea during pregnancy would line up with toxic bile theory) I had a completely natural pregnancy. I saw a midwife, but did no ultrasounds. I had a complication free homebirth. He was never separated from me, exclusively breastfed, no meds or vaccines ever. We keep our home as toxin free as humanly possible. When he was ready for solids I introduced foods I thought were healthy (liver, eggs yolks, raw milk). It seemed I avoided almost everything theorized to cause autism. Yet, despite all of this, he still has all the characteristics used to diagnose autism (he doesn’t have a formal diagnosis, but it’s very obvious at this point). It’s just been so baffling to me and I’ve spent so much time trying to make sense of it, and toxic bile theory is the only thing I’ve come across that makes any sense. I’ve had him on a low A diet for a couple weeks now and have already seen improvements.

Heavy metal toxicity (mainly aluminium / mercury) cause autism.. we inherit our parents heavy metal load, but obviously it's amplified by what the woman eats during pregnancy. Tooth fillings are usually a source of heavy metals like mercury and so are fish oil supps or fatty fish. Organ meat especially liver is full of heavy metals, excess copper can be lowered with zinc and vitamin C....mercury and aluminium which are far more harmful require a bit more to detox. Vitamin A is only a problem if you're sunlight / vitamin D deficient and the liver is already overburdened from stress, bad fats, pathogens and metals. Also if you say he was breast fed (a somewhat form of detox) paired with diet changes that would explain why your 2nd did not inherit the same heavy metal burden.


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Feb 11, 2024
I appreciate you all sharing your experiences too 💕 it’s been very comforting and gives me hope :)


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Feb 11, 2024
Heavy metal toxicity (mainly aluminium / mercury) cause autism.. we inherit our parents heavy metal load, but obviously it's amplified by what the woman eats during pregnancy. Tooth fillings are usually a source of heavy metals like mercury and so are fish oil supps or fatty fish. Organ meat especially liver is full of heavy metals, excess copper can be lowered with zinc and vitamin C....mercury and aluminium which are far more harmful require a bit more to detox. Vitamin A is only a problem if you're sunlight / vitamin D deficient and the liver is already overburdened from stress, bad fats, pathogens and metals. Also if you say he was breast fed (a somewhat form of detox) paired with diet changes that would explain why your 2nd did not inherit the same heavy metal burden.
I have 4 children and only one with autism (my third baby) so that’s what feels incredibly confusing to me. They were all breastfed for several years. My other children are very healthy, very smart. I have no tooth fillings, I’ve never even had a cavity in my life. No fish oil supps. I don’t disagree with you though, I’m sure my liver was overburdened, but something had to have set me over the edge during that pregnancy. I’m tbd on how I feel about vitamin A, at this point, but I’m lowering it for now and definitely trying to give my son lots of sources of zinc and vitamin C as well as lots of sunlight.
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