Low Toxin Lifestyle Dear Carnivores, A Muscle Meat Only Diet is Extremely Healing Because it is a Low "vitamin A" Diet. This is Why it Works so Well...


Apr 5, 2016
You are literally proving my point, thank you. Muscle meat only carnivore are the ones who report the best results. A toxin free body and liver has no problem handing endotoxin.
Yes but the decrease of endotoxin i would argue is not due to the lack of vitamin A but the elimination of things like PUFA, gut irritants, gums, fillers etc. I consume a good amount of vitamin A and my gut health greatly improved from removing other things but still taking vitamin A.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hi Charlie,
Just wanted to get your thoughts on eating squid /octopus tentacles instead of muscle meat, as tentacles are a muscle essentially, besides there's no fear of hormones or grain feed, it's low in fat etc. And it's about 18% protein for every 100 grams, quite similar to beef anyway.
Would really like your thoughts and anyone else care to share your thoughts, please do.
Squid and octopus are both fairly high in copper fwiw. Scallops seem better from a purely vA & copper perspective. Here’s screenshots of an 8 ounce serving of each. As far as I know people doing the Smith style detox don’t eat seafood/shellfish at all partly due the oceans being polluted. I’m sure @charlie or someone else will have additional input.



Mar 23, 2016
Yes but the decrease of endotoxin i would argue is not due to the lack of vitamin A but the elimination of things like PUFA, gut irritants, gums, fillers etc. I consume a good amount of vitamin A and my gut health greatly improved from removing other things but still taking vitamin A.
The good news here is that no matter which side of the debate we ultimately accept, both sides share the goal of avoiding PUFA and this is a great thing.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hi Charlie,
Just wanted to get your thoughts on eating squid /octopus tentacles instead of muscle meat, as tentacles are a muscle essentially, besides there's no fear of hormones or grain feed, it's low in fat etc. And it's about 18% protein for every 100 grams, quite similar to beef anyway.
Would really like your thoughts and anyone else care to share your thoughts, please do.
That's a big no due to the high copper like @Blossom said and also the oceans are super toxic now. Dr. Garrett Smith can tell how much seafood/fish a person eats by their hair tests and how high the mercury shows up.
The good news here is that no matter which side of the debate we ultimately accept, both sides share the goal of avoiding PUFA and this is a great thing.
I think if we all step back and look at the big picture we are seeing the best of all these groups merging and we are entering into the low toxin paradigm including avoiding "vitamin A" as a toxin. It's truly beautiful to watch.
So you're saying that a carnivore diet plus fiber (e.g. beef and black beans) would yield even greater results?
Exactly, this is the Golden Ticket. Some call it the "cowboy diet". But yes, you are right on track. Some other stuff can be added around it to make it easier for people to stick to it, but if someone stuck closely to the cowboy diet their health would improve more then it ever has in their life.


Jun 17, 2020
Motiv pentru care dieta muschilor carnivor doar cu carne funcționează atât de bine, este că este o dietă săracă în vitamina A în mod implicit. Acesta este mecanismul exact pentru care funcționează atât de bine. Cu toate acestea, după cum știți, există un dezavantaj de a nu avea glucoză despre care Ray Peat avea dreptate. Trebuie să avem carbohidrați.

Paola a documentat în detaliu că carnivore eșuează atunci când mănâncă ficat și rinchi: Carnivore Who Got Sick from Eating Liver

Ei eșuează din conținutul ridicat de vitamina A și, de asemenea, a cuprului.

Așa că acum știți ce dieta carnivore funcționează atât de bine, deoarece este săracă în „vitamina A” și, de asemenea, cupru, dacă nu mănâncă ficat și rinchi și atunci carnivorul devine un dezastru.

Vizualizare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP_UQJrVHlw&t=229s
I don't understand how he was cured by consuming liver
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