Dealing With Candida And Digestive Problems


Aug 22, 2012
4peatssake said:
Do you consume any coffee or chocolate? Or the raw carrot or raw carrot salad?

You mentioned sugar/fat/protein as being the order of quantity - what ratios would you say you are doing? And I'm assuming the majority of your carbs are from the sugar.

I do have a couple cups of coffee a day. The morning cup is helpful with elimination, and I have another in the afternoon to keep me going at work. I do find coffee somewhat irritating to the digestive tract, but taking it with a large amount of milk seems to prevent that. I don't eat chocolate anymore, as that is definitely irritating and nothing seems to mitigate it. There's also quite a bit of fiber in the darker chocolates I enjoy most. I've tried eating a raw carrot daily and I didn't notice any obvious benefit, although I've never grated it and made a Peat-style salad (might try in the future).

For macros, I'm eating about 50% carbs as sugars, 30% fat, 20% protein.


Feb 7, 2013
FunkOdyssey said:
4peatssake said:
Do you consume any coffee or chocolate? Or the raw carrot or raw carrot salad?

You mentioned sugar/fat/protein as being the order of quantity - what ratios would you say you are doing? And I'm assuming the majority of your carbs are from the sugar.

I do have a couple cups of coffee a day. The morning cup is helpful with elimination, and I have another in the afternoon to keep me going at work. I do find coffee somewhat irritating to the digestive tract, but taking it with a large amount of milk seems to prevent that. I don't eat chocolate anymore, as that is definitely irritating and nothing seems to mitigate it. There's also quite a bit of fiber in the darker chocolates I enjoy most. I've tried eating a raw carrot daily and I didn't notice any obvious benefit, although I've never grated it and made a Peat-style salad (might try in the future).

For macros, I'm eating about 50% carbs as sugars, 30% fat, 20% protein.

Awesome, thank you. I've decided to eliminate all starch and work diligently on healing my gut and your program resonated with me. I shall miss my potatoes but think I need to fine tune my current eating plan to increase absorption and get things working properly.

I'm encouraged by your success in eliminating your digestive issues! :hattip


Mar 18, 2013
Thanks FunkOdyssey, that looks a great plan. For a long time now potatoes have been my breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is no wonder my stomach is constantly bloated as I'm pretty much constantly feeding the bacteria. Every time I go to the toilet I expect to feel better but I seem to get even more blocked up and constipated afterwards. I'm guessing this is the potatoes as once I manage to go to the toilet it faces another challenge with the introduction of more potatoes. I'll miss them for sure but I am sick of feeling so bad all the time, it really is time to sort this out!

I am drinking a lot of milk Mittir, I'm loving being able to drink it to be honest. I did read warm milk can help with constipation, has anyone ever experienced it improving it? And in regards to the cream pboy mentioned, I just had a quick look what my supermarket has and they have single cream. It has 0.2g of polyunsaturated fat, would this be an okay product to have?

Sounds like I'm the same as you 4peatssake, It would be great to hear how you do eliminating starch. All of the diets I have tried I always kept the potatoes in, if it is the starch then there is truly no wonder I haven't been able to heal. Here's to hopefully that all changing now :cool:


Nov 21, 2012
Lincoln-Imp said:
Thanks FunkOdyssey, that looks a great plan. For a long time now potatoes have been my breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is no wonder my stomach is constantly bloated as I'm pretty much constantly feeding the bacteria. Every time I go to the toilet I expect to feel better but I seem to get even more blocked up and constipated afterwards. I'm guessing this is the potatoes as once I manage to go to the toilet it faces another challenge with the introduction of more potatoes. I'll miss them for sure but I am sick of feeling so bad all the time, it really is time to sort this out!

I am drinking a lot of milk Mittir, I'm loving being able to drink it to be honest. I did read warm milk can help with constipation, has anyone ever experienced it improving it? And in regards to the cream pboy mentioned, I just had a quick look what my supermarket has and they have single cream. It has 0.2g of polyunsaturated fat, would this be an okay product to have?

Sounds like I'm the same as you 4peatssake, It would be great to hear how you do eliminating starch. All of the diets I have tried I always kept the potatoes in, if it is the starch then there is truly no wonder I haven't been able to heal. Here's to hopefully that all changing now :cool:
I dont know when candida is gone but i find that overripe banana(i just toss ome in the oven till its emtirely black) till its this warm mush,sprinkled with a pinch salt or some peccorino,can work laxating. What also helps move my bowels along are my maple syrup gummies. And some probiotic yoghurt from goat or sheep. Dairy from goat/sheep is way easier on digestion than cowdairy


Mar 18, 2013
Would you recommend eating grapes? They have been a food I've eaten a lot of over the last couple of years, I'm not sure if they cause me problems or not. I've been trying to find out if they are high in fiber or not, one place I read they were high in fiber whilst another said the opposite. I do hate when that happens!! Anyway, I was wondering if someone here could help me out. :)


Mar 18, 2013
I've been doing a bit of reading and I came across one website which stated fructose should be used to heal the gut and recommended to avoid any animal proteins. I've been hitting the milk & cheese lately, would it be best to just stick to a fruit diet a while? I think it could be tough to eat only fruits but if that will heal my gut I am willing to do it.


Nov 1, 2012
Have you tried the carrot salad? How is your metabolism? Temperature and pulse?


Nov 1, 2012
Jenn said:
"Aloe vera is EXCELLENT for healing the gut. It contains all the vitamins except vit D and is like liquid gelatin. It is a carrier and helps the intensitines assimilate other nutrients."

Just stumbled upon this in an older thread.


Mar 18, 2013
Is the whole salad needed or is a raw carrot sufficient? I know the salad recommends coconut oil and I don't tolerate it all that well, plus it brings out a lot of spots on my chin. If it carrot was enough I could easily carry this on but if the whole salad is needed I'll have to try and work around it.

My temperature seems to vary, a lot of the time my hands and feet can be extremely chilly. However, when my stomach is extremely blocked up my temperature heats up and I feel as if I could start sweating.

I shall have to have a look in to getting some aloe vera :)

Since I started this diet my teeth started to feel awkward, I instantly suspected the milk or oj. It seemed to really come on after I drank my milk. After getting back on to it I didn't want to give it up straight away, anyway I have not had white potatoes in a couple of days and horrible feeling seems to have faded. Could the white potatoes really have been the culprit? Seems weird but I guess if they are causing issues in my gut it could all somehow be linked and resulted in tooth ache. Does that sound likely?


Feb 7, 2013
Lincoln-Imp said:
Is the whole salad needed or is a raw carrot sufficient? I know the salad recommends coconut oil and I don't tolerate it all that well, plus it brings out a lot of spots on my chin. If it carrot was enough I could easily carry this on but if the whole salad is needed I'll have to try and work around it.

My temperature seems to vary, a lot of the time my hands and feet can be extremely chilly. However, when my stomach is extremely blocked up my temperature heats up and I feel as if I could start sweating.

I shall have to have a look in to getting some aloe vera :)

Since I started this diet my teeth started to feel awkward, I instantly suspected the milk or oj. It seemed to really come on after I drank my milk. After getting back on to it I didn't want to give it up straight away, anyway I have not had white potatoes in a couple of days and horrible feeling seems to have faded. Could the white potatoes really have been the culprit? Seems weird but I guess if they are causing issues in my gut it could all somehow be linked and resulted in tooth ache. Does that sound likely?
The raw carrot alone is fine.

As for food intolerances, my experience is the body will exhibit all sorts of things in its rejection of a food. The only way I know to be sure is through trial and error as you are doing - but be sure to do one food at a time. Perhaps stay off the potatoes for awhile longer and see if things continue to improve. If they do, chances are you've found the culprit - or at least one of them. ;)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Potatoes wreck havoc on me. :(


Feb 20, 2013
I think potato is way worse on stomach than rice.
Potato, boiled for 40 min ,is much better than less cooked potato.
Cooked potato juice is way better than 40 min boiled potato.
Even the cooked potato juice gives me mild digestion problem.
So i only use it rarely. But potato juice is very nutritious.
RP recommends olive oil in carrot salad.


Nov 1, 2012
"Yes, the plain carrot is good. For people who want more antimicrobial effect, the saturated fats and vinegar are helpful."

"Since the fiber [CARROT] will delay digestion and reduce absorption of other foods, I think it's best to eat it between meals, usually in the afternoon."

"They aren't necessary [FIBER], for example milk supports abundant bacterial growth that creates bulk, but when there are digestive and hormonal problems because of bad intestinal flora, the fibers of carrot and bamboo shoots have a disinfecting action. The carrots must be raw for that effect."

Yes, I know people who have lost weight just by eating a raw carrot every day, reducing endotoxin stress. The liver treats PUFA as it treats toxins, but when their concentration is too high, they poison the detoxifying system. Oleic acid, which we can make ourselves from carbohydrates, greatly activates the detox enzyme system.

"Yes, that's why a resistant (antiseptic) fiber such as bamboo shoots or raw carrot helps with weight loss, it reduces endotoxin and the stress hormones, and lets the liver metabolize more effectively."

A few RP quotes. I have not tried aloe Vera myself, but I believe Jenn has experience with it.


Nov 1, 2012
Another thought if you are dealing with constipation is trying cascara. I remember when I first started drinking milk that I was constipated. I believe milk is bulking.

There are some threads about using cascara.


Mar 18, 2013
4peatssake said:
Lincoln-Imp said:
Is the whole salad needed or is a raw carrot sufficient? I know the salad recommends coconut oil and I don't tolerate it all that well, plus it brings out a lot of spots on my chin. If it carrot was enough I could easily carry this on but if the whole salad is needed I'll have to try and work around it.

My temperature seems to vary, a lot of the time my hands and feet can be extremely chilly. However, when my stomach is extremely blocked up my temperature heats up and I feel as if I could start sweating.

I shall have to have a look in to getting some aloe vera :)

Since I started this diet my teeth started to feel awkward, I instantly suspected the milk or oj. It seemed to really come on after I drank my milk. After getting back on to it I didn't want to give it up straight away, anyway I have not had white potatoes in a couple of days and horrible feeling seems to have faded. Could the white potatoes really have been the culprit? Seems weird but I guess if they are causing issues in my gut it could all somehow be linked and resulted in tooth ache. Does that sound likely?
The raw carrot alone is fine.

As for food intolerances, my experience is the body will exhibit all sorts of things in its rejection of a food. The only way I know to be sure is through trial and error as you are doing - but be sure to do one food at a time. Perhaps stay off the potatoes for awhile longer and see if things continue to improve. If they do, chances are you've found the culprit - or at least one of them. ;)

Great, I shall be fine to keep going with the carrot then :D

Unfortunately my belief it was down to the potatoes may have obliterated, I drank a fair bit of milk this evening and the issues with my teeth came on a little later on. Fairly disappointed as I thought I may have been on to something then. I would have to say mine seems to pretty much the same as I have come across another thing with the milk, along with my teeth feeling horrible my lips also started to feel weird and dry. I'm starting to think I might not be quite ready for dairy yet :( Although that may be for all animal protein, my nose often becomes runny when I consume some. Maybe telling me to give it up for a while?

There is the idea I'm contemplating of just having fruit for a while which I previously mentioned, has anyone on this board just gone for that at all?

4peatssake said:
I think potato is way worse on stomach than rice.
Potato, boiled for 40 min ,is much better than less cooked potato.
Cooked potato juice is way better than 40 min boiled potato.
Even the cooked potato juice gives me mild digestion problem.
So i only use it rarely. But potato juice is very nutritious.
RP recommends olive oil in carrot salad.

When I was having rice it never agreed with me, it really put a halt to my digestion. For me I think the rice was worse but it doesn't look like either are particularly beneficial at this time.

Thanks for the quotes Haagendazendiane, I really hope the raw carrot can help me out. :) I've never heard of cascara but I'll will look it up now and see if it sounds like it could be helpful to me. It's hard to say if the milk is constipating me or not, due to been in this condition before introducing it makes it rather tough to judge it.

One thing that is really bothering me is when I finally manage to go to the toilet not long after I feel absolutely terrible and my stomach becomes huge once again and feels even worse than when I couldn't go to the toilet? Is there any explanation anyone can think of that could have an answer to this?


Nov 1, 2012
Do you cook? Bone broth is known to help to heal the gut. I will try to find a reference for this.

Sorry about all the carrot quotes. :oops: I had just copied them to my got a little carried away.


Nov 1, 2012
A recent publication shows that glycine alleviates colitis; but the use of gelatin, especially in the form of a concentrated gelatinous beef broth, for colitis, dysentery, ulcers, celiac disease, and other diseases of the digestive system, goes far back in medical history. Pavlov's observation of its effectiveness in stimulating the secretion of digestive juices occurred because the stimulating value of broth was already recognized.


Mar 18, 2013
I had a spell of boiling bones but I got tired of boiling them for hours so I moved on the Great Lakes powder. I have tried gelatin and hydrolyzed collagen but they make my face ever so greasy so I had to give them up. I keep trying every so often but it's always the same result. I've tried having a look over the net but I can't see it mentioned anywhere else that it's makes peoples face greasy and leads to acne.

When eating the raw carrot can you make you feel ill at first? I know it has an anti-fungal effect so it just made me wonder.


Nov 1, 2012
Trying to find more about carrot and found thus quote,

RP quote

The contractile ability of smooth muscle, that’s impaired by swelling and inflammation, can be restored by antiinflammatory agents, for example aspirin (or other inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis) or antihistamines. This applies to the muscles of lymphatic vessels (Wu, et al., 2005, 2006; Gosling, 2000), that must function to reduce edema, as well as to the bowel muscles that cause peristalsis.

You don't have to boil for hours if using a whole chicken or oxtails.

The carrot does not work for everyone.


Feb 24, 2013
Aloe vera juice contains all the nutrients except vitamin D. It is a carrier, in that it aids the absorption of other nutrients. It has gelatin like qualities as well. It's good for too fast and too slow.

I like it mixed with lemonade. ;)

P.S. I get it by the gallon at wally world for less than $8.
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