Low Toxin Diet Dandare's log


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
Sequential eating, gas, trapped wind, pain.

Many years ago when I was exactly 8 years old, I would sit in class in junior school after lunch, and have painful trapped wind.

The pain was so bad, and so frequent, that through my parents, I visited a consultant about it. The doctor of course had no idea, no suggestions, and attributed it to growing pains. I must thank her for helping to make a medical sceptic out of me because at the age of 8 I already suspected this was bull****. She also seemed more interested in my feet, which when I walked across the room, she remarked how inward turning they were and referred me to another consultant to look at my legs. This next consultant invited us to reject the notion of having all my leg bones broken and reset so they pointed out, saying there was nothing wrong, but we could do it. Thank goodness I wasn’t subjected to that.

Back to the wind. I somehow, probably with the help of my mum, figured out that the cheap toxic slopshite school sausages were the problem. They probably contained more gristle and bread than meat, so I stopped eating them. The school food was pretty terrible in general, with potatoes made from dry powder, and just small quantities of shite basically. I am surprised any of us survived.

Anyway this made an impact on me at an impressionable age. I started to see that manipulating diet could have drastic effects on my body, and doctors could be really thick.

Fast forward and I rediscovered that cheap sausage was stil a problem a couple more times when I dared to eat it. One of those times I was sat in an A level physics lesson next to a pretty girl (the only one who took physics) after eating a chip shop jumbo sausage for lunch. And thanks to that sausage I was having a really painful time. Had I just trumpeted confidently in class I probably would have been fine, but it was a lot of gas to trumpet, and it might have killed her.

Anyway, so fast forward and internet became a thing. I tried to discover more about food/eating that doctors didn’t seem to be aware of. I found a website (now gone) by a Natural hygienist called Dr Stanley Bass. Bear in mind this is twenty years ago.

He wrote of his findings regarding how to eat and of what to eat. He had done many experiments.

Ray Peat recommended eating multiple things at once, which I found at odds with what I had experimentally learned worked for me. In other words there seemed little consideration of how well or badly things digest together. In fact he recommended to eat things together, talking theoretically how it is good to combine protein and carbs for example. He said it stimulated the intestine the most, which seems like a big leap of faith that ‘most stimulated’ is what a person wants.

As someone who definitely benefits from food combining / eating sequentially one thing at a time, this was a large blind spot for me.

Dr Bass had really thought about this. He spoke of experiments including feeding rats, killing them, freezing them, then dissecting them. He spoke of how the stomach digests things in layers, that things appear in the toilet in the order they are eaten, and one must pass out of the stomach before the next in order. He talked about how the stomach is not a cauldron, and food is actually digested in layers on the stomach walls. With the appropriate conditions (more acidic for meat, less acidic for starch) being secreted for each food.

Now of course be sceptical of this, however consider the idea and try it. Experiment is the highest authority and you are unique.

What this means is one should eat quickly digested foods first, and slowly digested foods last. So the slow digested foods are not sat there waiting.

He had acquired data on the time it takes to digest food based on a man who had a hole in his stomach, and so the food could be seen. This sounds unbelievable; however wounded people often gave scientists insights.

So basically from memory, here’s how quickly things leave an empty stomach after being consumed if a person is at rest:

Fruit – 15 to 30 minutes.

Starch – about an hour

Meat – 3+ hours, the more salted and dry, the longer.

So based on that he recommended you eat in that order if you are eating a typical meal. Basically think of the stomach as more of a tube than a concrete mixer, and appreciate that food requires tailored digestive juices.

He also states that raw food is digested much faster than cooked, something maybe we should check out.

And don’t drink shortly before or after a meal, and chew your food.

Now he may be wrong about this, and it may differ from person to person, but keep in mind that the most important thing is that there may be a optimal way of eating that best digests the food you eat that isn’t just ‘mix it all together’.

Now contrary to his recommendations, I actually find that eating meat on its own first, followed by starches on their own works better for me than the starch first, meat second. And this is actually how many Japanese tended to eat. Fish/sushi, followed by rice until full, traditionally at least. Sure that is probably mostly lost by westernised Japanese eating McDonalds now.

I find that works best for me. I get efficient and gas free digestion. I can mix everything together too, but I am more likely to get indigestion if I do. It just feels like adding meat AFTER carbs (such as potatoes or rice) starts to make my stomach complain immediately. I have been sick in the past after doing so. meat ontop of starch, or the two combined, not great for me.

So, when people on here say “starch gives me gut problems” I think, what did you eat it with? Because if you combined it with meat then I am not surprised. Even dogs tend to avoid doing this, eating meat first, should it be an option to them. So if one is eating things together, then saying starch is the problem is no more valid than saying meat or fruit gave the gut problems.

It is hard to believe people cannot digest starch, it is relatively simple to digest compared to meat, however sure build it up slowly, give the body time to know what to do with it.

That is all for now. Let me and others know what you have found works for you please.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2013
Sequential eating, gas, trapped wind, pain.

Many years ago when I was exactly 8 years old, I would sit in class in junior school after lunch, and have painful trapped wind.

The pain was so bad, and so frequent, that through my parents, I visited a consultant about it. The doctor of course had no idea, no suggestions, and attributed it to growing pains. I must thank her for helping to make a medical sceptic out of me because at the age of 8 I already suspected this was bull****. She also seemed more interested in my feet, which when I walked across the room, she remarked how inward turning they were and referred me to another consultant to look at my legs. This next consultant invited us to reject the notion of having all my leg bones broken and reset so they pointed out, saying there was nothing wrong, but we could do it. Thank goodness I wasn’t subjected to that.

Back to the wind. I somehow, probably with the help of my mum, figured out that the cheap toxic slopshite school sausages were the problem. They probably contained more gristle and bread than meat, so I stopped eating them. The school food was pretty terrible in general, with potatoes made from dry powder, and just small quantities of shite basically. I am surprised any of us survived.

Anyway this made an impact on me at an impressionable age. I started to see that manipulating diet could have drastic effects on my body, and doctors could be really thick.

Fast forward and I rediscovered that cheap sausage was stil a problem a couple more times when I dared to eat it. One of those times I was sat in an A level physics lesson next to a pretty girl (the only one who took physics) after eating a chip shop jumbo sausage for lunch. And thanks to that sausage I was having a really painful time. Had I just trumpeted confidently in class I probably would have been fine, but it was a lot of gas to trumpet, and it might have killed her.

Anyway, so fast forward and internet became a thing. I tried to discover more about food/eating that doctors didn’t seem to be aware of. I found a website (now gone) by a Natural hygienist called Dr Stanley Bass. Bear in mind this is twenty years ago.

He wrote of his findings regarding how to eat and of what to eat. He had done many experiments.

Ray Peat recommended eating multiple things at once, which I found at odds with what I had experimentally learned worked for me. In other words there seemed little consideration of how well or badly things digest together. In fact he recommended to eat things together, talking theoretically how it is good to combine protein and carbs for example. He said it stimulated the intestine the most, which seems like a big leap of faith that ‘most stimulated’ is what a person wants.

As someone who definitely benefits from food combining / eating sequentially one thing at a time, this was a large blind spot for me.

Dr Bass had really thought about this. He spoke of experiments including feeding rats, killing them, freezing them, then dissecting them. He spoke of how the stomach digests things in layers, that things appear in the toilet in the order they are eaten, and one must pass out of the stomach before the next in order. He talked about how the stomach is not a cauldron, and food is actually digested in layers on the stomach walls. With the appropriate conditions (more acidic for meat, less acidic for starch) being secreted for each food.

Now of course be sceptical of this, however consider the idea and try it. Experiment is the highest authority and you are unique.

What this means is one should eat quickly digested foods first, and slowly digested foods last. So the slow digested foods are not sat there waiting.

He had acquired data on the time it takes to digest food based on a man who had a hole in his stomach, and so the food could be seen. This sounds unbelievable; however wounded people often gave scientists insights.

So basically from memory, here’s how quickly things leave an empty stomach after being consumed if a person is at rest:

Fruit – 15 to 30 minutes.

Starch – about an hour

Meat – 3+ hours, the more salted and dry, the longer.

So based on that he recommended you eat in that order if you are eating a typical meal. Basically think of the stomach as more of a tube than a concrete mixer, and appreciate that food requires tailored digestive juices.

He also states that raw food is digested much faster than cooked, something maybe we should check out.

And don’t drink shortly before or after a meal, and chew your food.

Now he may be wrong about this, and it may differ from person to person, but keep in mind that the most important thing is that there may be a optimal way of eating that best digests the food you eat that isn’t just ‘mix it all together’.

Now contrary to his recommendations, I actually find that eating meat on its own first, followed by starches on their own works better for me than the starch first, meat second. And this is actually how many Japanese tended to eat. Fish/sushi, followed by rice until full, traditionally at least. Sure that is probably mostly lost by westernised Japanese eating McDonalds now.

I find that works best for me. I get efficient and gas free digestion. I can mix everything together too, but I am more likely to get indigestion if I do. It just feels like adding meat AFTER carbs (such as potatoes or rice) starts to make my stomach complain immediately. I have been sick in the past after doing so. meat ontop of starch, or the two combined, not great for me.

So, when people on here say “starch gives me gut problems” I think, what did you eat it with? Because if you combined it with meat then I am not surprised. Even dogs tend to avoid doing this, eating meat first, should it be an option to them. So if one is eating things together, then saying starch is the problem is no more valid than saying meat or fruit gave the gut problems.

It is hard to believe people cannot digest starch, it is relatively simple to digest compared to meat, however sure build it up slowly, give the body time to know what to do with it.

That is all for now. Let me and others know what you have found works for you please.
Thank you for your detail explanation! I am also having a lot of gastric disturbance, lots of gas and even had loose stools this past week. I am going to separate and eat first protein, it makes sense because the stomach should have more Hcl at the beginning of the meal which protein requires. Some people try to even separate protein in one meal and starch in another, fruit in another, a bit hard to follow but it might be necessary at first, so there isn't extra burden in the digestive system. As we detoxify slowly we need to be patient and adjust things as needed.


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
Thank you for your detail explanation! I am also having a lot of gastric disturbance, lots of gas and even had loose stools this past week. I am going to separate and eat first protein, it makes sense because the stomach should have more Hcl at the beginning of the meal which protein requires. Some people try to even separate protein in one meal and starch in another, fruit in another, a bit hard to follow but it might be necessary at first, so there isn't extra burden in the digestive system. As we detoxify slowly we need to be patient and adjust things as needed.

I hope it helps you too!


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
2. Canned food, arrhythmia, headache. Summary:

Firstly I want to mention THE MAJOR substances which I must avoid to remain free of headaches:

-AGEs (also known as glycotoxins) are harmful molecules formed in your food by grilling, toasting, roasting, broiling, frying, and other high-temperature cooking - awful headache that lasts 24 to 36 hours and gives me nightmares and sweats, and god knows what else.

Now my most recent experiment about canned food:


I eliminated canned foods about one or two weeks ago and ate just brown rice and beef

Since this I consumed canned new potatoes on two occasions (whole large can).

On each occasional within 1 hour a headache started, and heart arrhythmias worsened.

On the second occasion I was working during the day, and I noted that moving from a crouched position to upright caused a lightheaded feeling.


This spurred me to look up calcium chloride, a listed ingredient in both canned beans and potatoes. It is used as a drug, and a firming agent in canned foods, and I have experienced many of the side effects. Non-canned potatoes don’t give me negative side effects like canned do. I tolerate potatoes well.

Conclusion: Canned potatoes and quite likely also canned beans cause me headache, worsen heart rhythm and possibly pain in other areas also (back). The main suspect is calcium chloride. I should try beans which have not been canned.

Bear in mind I am extremely sensitive regarding headaches. This could mean I handle the chemicals badly, or that I am just more sensitive to protecting myself from the chemicals ( headache/migraine can be protective)


Jun 24, 2022
United States
Think you're right about the food pairing. The combining meat with fruit thing that lots of people do always seemed like a disastrous thought for me, seems fruit would ferment quickly and not sure how that is good.
On the stuck gas, have to tried hcl?
I have similar symptoms and it can be pure torture. When I can insure good hcl though, my digestion works far better. Hope your situation keeps improving.


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
Think you're right about the food pairing. The combining meat with fruit thing that lots of people do always seemed like a disastrous thought for me, seems fruit would ferment quickly and not sure how that is good.
On the stuck gas, have to tried hcl?
I have similar symptoms and it can be pure torture. When I can insure good hcl though, my digestion works far better. Hope your situation keeps improving.

Thanks! I haven't, because I have a bit of supplements as last resort mindset. With the right eating order my digestion is very good, no gas. And now I am avoiding canned food, even better.


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
A few weeks ago I stopped eating canned beans which I mentioned in post #4

I had suspected that they were giving me lightheadedness, headache and increased arrythmia.

Stopping eating then and the problems stopped or reduce.
Headache stopped,
arrhythmias reduced,
lightheadedness reduced bit still can get light headed if I sit on my legs and then get up quickly but this is a little extreme. Before it was anytime I get up from sat down). So I was probably correct.
Happy about this.

The prime suspect was the calcium chloride firming agent that all the cans contained.

Yesterday I ate a can of cannellini beans that did NOT contain calcium chloride.

The result : no ill effect. Happy about this too.

So a bit more evidence towards calcium chloride being a problem for me, and perhaps others / everyone.

There doesn't seem to be much said about calcium chloride causing this reaction so as far as I know this is a new one.


Mar 26, 2014
I thought calcium chloride was just the form of calcium from limestone etc. I've had some weird things going on but omitting canned beans hasn't made much difference. ( Some had calcium chloride, some did not.)


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
I thought calcium chloride was just the form of calcium from limestone etc. I've had some weird things going on but omitting canned beans hasn't made much difference. ( Some had calcium chloride, some did not.)

It seems very strange to me also. It may be reacting in some strange way when they are pressure cooked in the can.


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
I thought calcium chloride was just the form of calcium from limestone etc. I've had some weird things going on but omitting canned beans hasn't made much difference. ( Some had calcium chloride, some did not.)
So I looked around without a lot of luck, but found some maximum permitted levels for calcium chloride, and it looks like it is 0.4% for vegetables. So that works out to a lot if they are hitting that limit.
Say you have 500g or tinned potatoes in water, then that's 2g ( 2000mg) of calcium chloride if at 0.4%. Typically I would easily eat a whole can as that's like 300 calories, that's it. So perhaps enough calcium to throw my electrolytes off?

Speculation of course, I just know the effect a can of potatoes or beans with it in has ( less so for beans).


Mar 26, 2014
So I looked around without a lot of luck, but found some maximum permitted levels for calcium chloride, and it looks like it is 0.4% for vegetables. So that works out to a lot if they are hitting that limit.
Say you have 500g or tinned potatoes in water, then that's 2g ( 2000mg) of calcium chloride if at 0.4%. Typically I would easily eat a whole can as that's like 300 calories, that's it. So perhaps enough calcium to throw my electrolytes off?

Speculation of course, I just know the effect a can of potatoes or beans with it in has ( less so for beans).
Good find, and I'm certainly not doubting you've noticed something. I was doing a can per meal with beef mince too. I wonder how much is lost when the can is drained and the powdery "stodge" rinsed off the beans.


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
Good find, and I'm certainly not doubting you've noticed something. I was doing a can per meal with beef mince too. I wonder how much is lost when the can is drained and the powdery "stodge" rinsed off the beans.

I appreciate that thanks. I suspect the firming agent is quite uniformly distributed in the liquid and solid contents of the can and if true then when one drain them, one about halves it ( but also loses nutrients that were in the liquid). Same goes for potatoes. I had a worse experience eating undrained tinned potatoes Vs drained, and fresh peeled boiled potatoes are fine, no headache/ lightheadedness, just a little harder on my stomach than my brown rice if I overeat them.


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
An embarrassing skin complaint between my cheeks, sort of eczema/ ringworm has 100% gone and been gone for a few weeks now. And the skin there is now perfect. This is an astonishing result because I have had this issue for over 5 years, probably 10 years.

I hope it stays gone, it feels almost too good to be true as I have not had skin there this good like I said in over 10 years.

Embarrassing but not since it is 100% better now after 4 or 5 ish months low A diet as I have described above.

In addition to this my eyebrows are fuller with more hairs, and I appear to have short hairs over my scalp making hair appear fuller.

The between the bum cheek issue alone is brilliant, very happy 😊.


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
I am eating beans from dried now, some quick notes:

100 grams dried beans is equivalent to approx 1 can ( 400 grams or 240 grams drained). So actually much cheaper, about half the cost.

The lectins taste bitter, or something does, so cooking should be long enough to REMOVE the bitter taste. I typically cook for well over an hour, but batch it- reheating for meals.

Muscle / body pain:

My muscle/ body pain issues seem greatly better if I keep moving. If I have a lazy day, the next day I pay for it. It's a matter of finding the Goldilocks zone of activity , not too much or little, and movements that are not too focused and repetitive train like.

For example playing the piano is better than typing on a phone.

Walking beats standing or sitting or lying down.

Sat bent over doing electrical work, or pumbing a sink adds pain, whereas bigger movements like plastering , or mowing the lawn removes pain. But everything hurts if I have been inactive the previous day. It's like breaking out of a painful straight jacket. After a day of inactivity, the next day i can start doing activity, be in a lot of pain, then rest for an hour and go on to feel perfect in the evening. Very odd but this has been my life for 5 years now and I am just figuring it out now.

So like for every hour sat, I need an hour in motion, or half an hour in motion.

This may sounds very obvious but amazing how I tend to binge things like sitting down to work and break that balance ⚖️ 😣
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