Cyproheptadine - Liquid Serotonin Antagonist For Lab/R&D


May 10, 2018
Histamine Producing Gut Bacteria | Alison Vickery

I don't know how to destroy the bacteria.

Camphosal looks like the best option.

Flowers of sulfur would work.
Raw carrot salad with vinegar and coconut oil.
Charcoal maybe too.

Eukalyptos/menthol/thyme oil also look promising in killing bacteria that promote histamine/lactic acid/serotonin.

this is also very interesting. gut bacteria produce ALL serotonin apparently.
That gut feeling
I’m really curious in anyone can help actually. I feel absolutely amazing when I take charcoal, but crap as soon as I stop. I can’t just continue taking large doses every day, but I’m lost for a solution. If anyone can help here I would be so so grateful!
Apr 24, 2017
Maaaan, this drug does wonders for my digestion. Worked up to 2 mg split in two doses morning and evening. I'm prone to having high serotonine which I inherited from my Dad - I can describe him as having high serotonine personality. Unfortunately most of that serotonine I feel goes to my gut and my brain thus digestive upset, depression, anxiety. After almost two weeks of using my digestion is almost perfect now - even dairy is less problematic now. I actually didn't even notice how stressed I was for the past year - only now when the strom calmed down a bit so to speak. Ray Peat is on the right track regarding serotonine it's definitely a stress mediator in excess, just like estrogen. People who wanna try this need slowly to work up the dose and weight at least a week for the drowsiness and anhedonia to pass - after that it's great! My next project is to stack it with Diamant for added dopamine boost - I wonder if anyone tried the combo?
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Feb 26, 2016
It’s the only thing that works for me against serotonin syndrome. It does improve diagestion. I’m just worried about weight gain,but so far I haven’t gained more weight.Antoher thing that works like a charm is Famotodine a anti acid drug.
I am not sure for how long should I use cyproheptadine for?
It used to help me with my sleep, lately it hasn’t.
Hope it helps.
Apr 24, 2017
It’s the only thing that works for me against serotonin syndrome. It does improve diagestion. I’m just worried about weight gain,but so far I haven’t gained more weight.Antoher thing that works like a charm is Famotodine a anti acid drug.
I am not sure for how long should I use cyproheptadine for?
It used to help me with my sleep, lately it hasn’t.
Hope it helps.
Try eating a light salty meal with carbs before bed or just a bit of salted juice before bed. Histamine opposes adrenaline, so decreased levels of it can create a stress reaction though adrenaline - high heart rate, cold hands. Salt and carbs, food in general will oppose adrenaline. Magnesium before bed can also help. Regarding weight gain- try to eat more protein - it gonna fill you up for longer, so you don't get hungry quickly. I used cypro a year ago for two months and my appetite was crazy at first, but after gaining a few pounds in a few weeks it normalized, although I actually wanted to gain weight so that was a plus for me.


Feb 26, 2016
Ok , I will definitely try salt and carbs before bed.
Yes I understand that by raising your metabolism the weight issue go away.
I did try magnesium and yes it helps, I will have to use it again.
You said you used 2 mg of cyproheptadine, how much is that in drops?
Thank you @Vladimir Erfán
Apr 24, 2017
Ok , I will definitely try salt and carbs before bed.
Yes I understand that by raising your metabolism the weight issue go away.
I did try magnesium and yes it helps, I will have to use it again.
You said you used 2 mg of cyproheptadine, how much is that in drops?
Thank you @Vladimir Erfán
No problem, you're welcome!
A year ago it was two drops, now I have the new version which is 0,5mg per drop, so 2x2 drops (morning/evening). First dose after waking up, second around 7pm (not before bed). I tried upping the dose to 3x3 drops (1,5mg x2), but it was too much. Play with it, but start wih 0,5mg x2 for 4-5 days then up the dose to 1mg x2.


Nov 21, 2019
Im on cypro for like 4 days now and can attest to its positive effects on sleep, hunger and digestion (1 mg before sleeping)

still on it, same dose.
I can easily eat and digest 3k calories now on days I do no sports. Chucking down gallons of oj and milk, no problem.
Zero fatigue during the day.
I also eat even cleaner now, though. No cheat meals.


Aug 9, 2019
If not seeing results (except lowering of stress hormones) from 1-1.5mg of Cypro daily, would you advise increasing the dose?
Has anyone who took over 2mg dose not experienced dopamine antagonism?


Nov 21, 2019
@Ableton I am taking it mainly for digestion (bloating, endotoxin) and the lowering of Serotonin effects that accompany the better digestion.
maybe you can optimize it by taking it before eating. half life is 9 hours I think, so if you eat 9 hours after your last dose you only have half the effect.
but idk how long it takes for it to go systemic.
I have to say that super clean eating accompanied my digestion improvements on cypro, but I still think it had an effect, since it literally turned it around in a matter of a day or so.
I am 2 days off it and have to say I feel better. More energy and motivation. And I think my digestion is going downhill already, but lets see. Think I might have an allergy to coconuts, figuring that out right now since I use the oil.
I'm not so sure low serotonin is that great anymore. I feel more compassionate now and in touch with my feelings. What cypro made me feel is best described with "toxic masculinity" probably, and robotic like thinking. I think thats lowering of serotonin, not dopamine. Might be wrong though and will observe further
If what I stay remains true, I will downgrade Cypro to an interventionist drugged and use it when I have massive digestive issues
sinuses getting worse as well :(
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Apr 5, 2016
Gave a combination of 0.5mg of cypro, 20 drops of energin and 4mg of methylene blue and it has resulted in a very elevated pulse rate 137.

Any idea what could cause this?


May 30, 2020
An antiandrogenic effect in women with PCOS is desirable and doesn't say anything about an effect on gonadal steroidogenesis.

He asked for just an anti-androgen study. I showed it. He has nothing to do with your comment.


Jul 9, 2020
@Gone Peating When experimenting with this particular product I noticed the most effects from oral use. I think transdermal absorption is much less, so you inevitably have to use more for the same effect.
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