Cynomel/Cynoplus probable absorption issues


Aug 30, 2012
I noticed several years ago that I had been taking a LOT of thyroid (Cynomel and CynoPlus), and still had symptoms like weight gain and low pulse/temps. I remember feeling like suddenly I couldn't feel the effects of taking thyroid. Also, I had an ankle injury that put me out 30 lbs in 1 month, weight gain that lasted for 10 years--no matter what I did, I would lose very little. My periods became extremely heavy to the point I had an extra set of clothes at work. I had persistent anemia. Allergies. Really dry skin on my legs. People told me my symptoms were all in my mind, I was just eating too much, that I'm not really hypothyroid and to stop making excuses, etc. I ended up with an enlarged uterus due to a multitude of fibroids (I was being pressured to have a hysterectomy, which I declined), estrogen dominance that I couldnt knock down with anything except Exemestane, climbing blood pressure for the first time in my life, lower and lower temps and pulse (at one point my waking temps were down to 95.x F and my pulse was consistently in the 60's.

This past May I was running out of the tablets and realized that if I ordered them from Mexico, I wouldn't get them on time. So I decided to get a liquid peptide in the meantime (T4 as well as T3). I calculated my dosage according to what I had been taking in pill form, and by the 2nd day my heart was pounding out of my chest. I had to titrate it down quite a bit to get my dosage. I am now taking half of what I used to take of T4, and less than half of the T3. The results have been dramatic: I lost 25 lbs since then at a rate of ~ 2 lbs/wk. I now weigh less than what I used to weigh 10 years ago. My estrogen/progesterone ratio is under control, fibroids have shrank dramatically, blood pressure is normal, and temps/pulse are back up (I went through menopause two years ago, so no info on periods).

I think the tablet form must be using a binder that interferes with absorption, and I had not been getting enough thyroid all this time. If anyone else here has not had resolution of symptoms, this could be the cause.


Mar 27, 2021
I noticed several years ago that I had been taking a LOT of thyroid (Cynomel and CynoPlus), and still had symptoms like weight gain and low pulse/temps. I remember feeling like suddenly I couldn't feel the effects of taking thyroid. Also, I had an ankle injury that put me out 30 lbs in 1 month, weight gain that lasted for 10 years--no matter what I did, I would lose very little. My periods became extremely heavy to the point I had an extra set of clothes at work. I had persistent anemia. Allergies. Really dry skin on my legs. People told me my symptoms were all in my mind, I was just eating too much, that I'm not really hypothyroid and to stop making excuses, etc. I ended up with an enlarged uterus due to a multitude of fibroids (I was being pressured to have a hysterectomy, which I declined), estrogen dominance that I couldnt knock down with anything except Exemestane, climbing blood pressure for the first time in my life, lower and lower temps and pulse (at one point my waking temps were down to 95.x F and my pulse was consistently in the 60's.

This past May I was running out of the tablets and realized that if I ordered them from Mexico, I wouldn't get them on time. So I decided to get a liquid peptide in the meantime (T4 as well as T3). I calculated my dosage according to what I had been taking in pill form, and by the 2nd day my heart was pounding out of my chest. I had to titrate it down quite a bit to get my dosage. I am now taking half of what I used to take of T4, and less than half of the T3. The results have been dramatic: I lost 25 lbs since then at a rate of ~ 2 lbs/wk. I now weigh less than what I used to weigh 10 years ago. My estrogen/progesterone ratio is under control, fibroids have shrank dramatically, blood pressure is normal, and temps/pulse are back up (I went through menopause two years ago, so no info on periods).

I think the tablet form must be using a binder that interferes with absorption, and I had not been getting enough thyroid all this time. If anyone else here has not had resolution of symptoms, this could be the cause.
Thanks for sharing. What peptide do you use?
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