COVID-19 vaccine technology doesn’t just fight viruses – it can combat cancer


Dec 10, 2016
“Duke researchers find potential in a cancer vaccine based on the same messenger RNA, or mRNA, technology used by COVID-19 vaccines to combat a type of breast cancer that over expresses a protein called HER2, according to a recent Fox 8 report.“

"It is a product which is RNA nucleic acid which encodes a specific protein and then that can be encapsulated in something we like to call a lipid nanoparticle, which is really a little fat bubble, and that can be injected into your body and sort of teaches your body what to go after immunologically," said Dr. Zachary Hartman, assistant professor in the departments of surgery, pathology, and immunology at Duke University School of Medicine,

”Although the current vaccine, which is a synthetic mRNA vaccine, is directed against breast cancer, it can be used for other cancers that express the HER2 protein, including lung cancer, stomach, and esophageal cancer, Lverly added.”

Promising cancer vaccine in the works utilizing similar mRNA technology that combats COVID: Duke researchers


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Funny how the covid injections caused a rise in cancer now they claim to have a solution

They are making the same claims for heart attacks

My thoughts too!


Apr 5, 2016
“Duke researchers find potential in a cancer vaccine based on the same messenger RNA, or mRNA, technology used by COVID-19 vaccines to combat a type of breast cancer that over expresses a protein called HER2, according to a recent Fox 8 report.“

"It is a product which is RNA nucleic acid which encodes a specific protein and then that can be encapsulated in something we like to call a lipid nanoparticle, which is really a little fat bubble, and that can be injected into your body and sort of teaches your body what to go after immunologically," said Dr. Zachary Hartman, assistant professor in the departments of surgery, pathology, and immunology at Duke University School of Medicine,

”Although the current vaccine, which is a synthetic mRNA vaccine, is directed against breast cancer, it can be used for other cancers that express the HER2 protein, including lung cancer, stomach, and esophageal cancer, Lverly added.”

Promising cancer vaccine in the works utilizing similar mRNA technology that combats COVID: Duke researchers

So the vaccine is likely causing a massive spike in cancer but now they say it is going to cure cancer. Unreal the leaps these people make.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So the vaccine is likely causing a massive spike in cancer but now they say it is going to cure cancer. Unreal the leaps these people make.

It is the same for current radiation/chemotherapy/surgery "treatments" - they may "cure" one but will kill another 5 for every "cure". Killing many to save a few has long been considered "acceptable" by mainstream medicine, and especially oncology. Note that when they talk about how those mRNA abominations will "cure" CVD and cancer they never talk about how many will die in the process and what the cure rate will be. It is all assumed to be collateral damage and perfectly "normal". I will give you an example, which you can verify by speaking with any doctor. When a pharma company runs a trial, if the active group (getting the experimental drug) performs 20% better than placebo that is considered "stellar" result and the drug will likely be approved. However, that means in reality the drug likely won't work for 80% of the general population. That "won't work" could very well be "kills/maims" but unless it is too obvious and the FDA is afraid of lawsuits, the drug will remain on the market. In fact, even if it is obvious the drug kills/maims, it will still be approved if the pharma companies have done calculations showing they will make enough money from the drug to achieve profitability and pay off possible lawsuits. There are entire "risk assessment" divisions inside companies like Pfizer, Merck, etc that do nothing but this - i.e. analyze the company's portfolio of experimental chemicals and calculate "number needed to treat" (NNT) before the company breaks even, including any likely lawsuits for deaths/injury. So, every Big Pharma company knows quite well the risk profile of its experimental chemicals before any of them is ever tried on humans and/or submitted for approval to the FDA, however that information is probably the most closely guarded trade secret a pharma company has and there is no requirement that this data is disclosed to any govt (or private) body/agency. In other words, virtually every Big Pharma company out there is a known, repeated mass murdered that openly runs models in-house on how many people its poisons will kill/maim, FDA knows about those models, and there is no legal framework to stop this or to hold the companies accountable. People can sue, but the pharma company has already calculated how much those lawsuits are likely to cost and has priced the drug accordingly to still make a profit. So, effectively, Big Pharma is very much (and openly) above the law even if its drugs are worse than useless.
@Peatness @StephanF


Jan 25, 2014
It is the same for current radiation/chemotherapy/surgery "treatments" - they may "cure" one but will kill another 5 for every "cure". Killing many to save a few has long been considered "acceptable" by mainstream medicine, and especially oncology. Note that when they talk about how those mRNA abominations will "cure" CVD and cancer they never talk about how many will die in the process and what the cure rate will be. It is all assumed to be collateral damage and perfectly "normal". I will give you an example, which you can verify by speaking with any doctor. When a pharma company runs a trial, if the active group (getting the experimental drug) performs 20% better than placebo that is considered "stellar" result and the drug will likely be approved. However, that means in reality the drug likely won't work for 80% of the general population. That "won't work" could very well be "kills/maims" but unless it is too obvious and the FDA is afraid of lawsuits, the drug will remain on the market. In fact, even if it is obvious the drug kills/maims, it will still be approved if the pharma companies have done calculations showing they will make enough money from the drug to achieve profitability and pay off possible lawsuits. There are entire "risk assessment" divisions inside companies like Pfizer, Merck, etc that do nothing but this - i.e. analyze the company's portfolio of experimental chemicals and calculate "number needed to treat" (NNT) before the company breaks even, including any likely lawsuits for deaths/injury. So, every Big Pharma company knows quite well the risk profile of its experimental chemicals before any of them is ever tried on humans and/or submitted for approval to the FDA, however that information is probably the most closely guarded trade secret a pharma company has and there is no requirement that this data is disclosed to any govt (or private) body/agency. In other words, virtually every Big Pharma company out there is a known, repeated mass murdered that openly runs models in-house on how many people its poisons will kill/maim, FDA knows about those models, and there is no legal framework to stop this or to hold the companies accountable. People can sue, but the pharma company has already calculated how much those lawsuits are likely to cost and has priced the drug accordingly to still make a profit. So, effectively, Big Pharma is very much (and openly) above the law even if its drugs are worse than useless.
@Peatness @StephanF

Remember the "Recall Formula" from Fight Club? Edward Norton's character worked for an anonymous car company, but it's probably a lot more applicable to big pharma companies than automobiles-


I wouldn't doubt that many big companies in most industries do this sort of thing, but I would think the pharmaceutical companies and other medical related companies are going to be the biggest offenders. After all, car companies don't have the luxury of reclassifying a car crash death into cancer or heart disease, but the medical cartel sure can do that for their dangerous products.

Also, cars and most other products have to perform the basic functions that they are sold on (like being a mode of transportation). The drug companies seem well insulated from any criticism that their product isn't effective for whatever it is sold for. After all, if 80% of new cars manufactured by Toyota didn't work fresh out of the factory, they would be out of business in a matter of months. If a drug company releases a drug with an 80% failure rate, that's a stellar result! The so called "Covid Vaccines" are the most blatant and obvious example, but no doubt their are thousands of other examples within that industry.
Last edited:


Thank you for this explanation @haidut What troubles me also is that almost all young doctors are completely indoctrinated into a big pharma controlled medical system. Reporting an adverse event to a doctor or pharmacist is immediately denied. They are trained/programmed to gas light the patient into thinking a drug side event is either imagined or unrelated to the drug even if that same symptom is listed on the medicine’s official list of side effects. The worst accusation is when they tell the patient that their side effect is a result of anxiety. It is criminal. What I've been wondering, for the past 2 years since waking up, are any pharma drugs safe or should we be thinking more about relative safety? Even the peaty drugs like the sartans have very serious side effects.

As for mRNA technologies, I believe they are just experimenting on people without consent. In the UK the MHRA is not publishing the yellow card data but I recently learnt that the data is going straight to the manufacturers (big pharma).


Feb 18, 2016
These puff pieces are everywhere for mRNA tech, mRNA is now being associated with cures, keep amplifying this and people will associate with cures not damage, covid19 caused the damage not the mRNA is the message.
Even if proved that the vaccine caused issues they will blame it on covids spike protein and not necessarily the mRNA, clever use of language and framing to avoid pinning the blame on mRNA tech.

The nanolipid is also framed as a harmless carrying agent, terms like "shepherding" will be used, said words denote a caring intention not maiming and neutering.

The MSM gaslighting is unlike anything ever witnessed in history, psychopaths have become masters of faux empathy.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Remember the "Recall Formula" from Fight Club? Edward Norton's character worked for an anonymous car company, but it's probably a lot more applicable to big pharma companies than automobiles-


I wouldn't doubt that many big companies in most industries do this sort of thing, but I would think the pharmaceutical companies and other medical related companies are going to be the biggest offenders. After all, car companies don't have the luxury of reclassifying a car crash death into cancer or heart disease, but the medical cartel sure can do that for their dangerous products.

Also, cars and most other products have to perform the basic functions that they are sold on (like being a mode of transportation). The drug companies seem well insulated from any criticism that their product isn't effective for whatever it is sold for. After all, if 80% of new cars manufactured by Toyota didn't work fresh out of the factory, they would be out of business in a matter of months. If a drug company releases a drug with an 80% failure rate, that's a stellar result! The so called "Covid Vaccines" are the most blatant and obvious example, but no doubt their are thousands of other examples within that industry.

Such an awesome movie! I need to watch it again.
Yes, Mr. Norton told the public how "safe" most consumer-facing industry have been for decades and he said that 23 years ago, but I doubt 1 in 100 people these days know about that "formula". And of course, the latter has been undoubtedly perfected since he spoke those words to now include things like likely changes in public perception, cost of PR campaigns to discourage lawsuits, etc. Remember the BP fiasco in the Gulf? There was a case study showing that the $100mil BP spent on PR (as advised by its internal risk assessment dept) was a genius move with ROI of at least 20. It was estimated BP would had been liable for up to $5bil of damages, and as far as I know they paid less than $200mil in settlements as the PR campaign convinced the public living in the Gulf area that "you don't want to sue the company putting food on your table".


These puff pieces are everywhere for mRNA tech, mRNA is now being associated with cures, keep amplifying this and people will associate with cures not damage, covid19 caused the damage not the mRNA is the message.
Even if proved that the vaccine caused issues they will blame it on covids spike protein and not necessarily the mRNA, clever use of language and framing to avoid pinning the blame on mRNA tech.

The nanolipid is also framed as a harmless carrying agent, terms like "shepherding" will be used, said words denote a caring intention not maiming and neutering.

The MSM gaslighting is unlike anything ever witnessed in history, psychopaths have become masters of faux empathy.
Good point


Dec 23, 2022
It is important to remember that drugs companies are in the business of creating poisons.

Anyway, Pfizer acquired Trillium. And Trillium has developed the immunotherapy drug we have all been hoping for.
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