Colon Polyps - Potentially Cancerous


Jul 13, 2014
I strongly suspect I have Colon Polyps, which is extremely worrying because they could potentially be cancerous.

I noticed several months ago that my stools were getting narrower, but I didn't make the connection until the last few weeks when i started getting odd pains on my left and right side. It's worrying because Polyps normally aren't painful, but I've been getting pain for some weeks on both sides of the large intestine, suggesting the areas are now inflamed. No blood in the stools though. Just huge amounts of gas and these sore patches on either side of large intestine which I suspect is where the Polyps are.

I saw a doctor last week, before I made the connection, he did an ultrasound and said all the organs look fine but he noticed a huge amount of gas, and decided to do a blood test and stool test. I get the results next week, but i'm going to request an urgent Colonoscopy when i speak to him.

Meanwhile, I've been reading on the forum that MCT oil/ caprylic acid might help against colon tumours (thanks to @haidut for posting that). Niacinamide and Aspirin I am also taking as they are good against colon cancer I believe.

I was wondering, would taking an Antihistamine like cypro which is anticholinergic help?

Perhaps also an Antiobiotic like minocycline or doxycline could help?

maybe Stearic Acid / cacao butter?

Any suggestions / advice much appreciated.
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Jul 3, 2016
I also recall seeing another topic on here with a newspaper article stating calcium or vitamin D or both prevent cancer in the intestines.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I strongly suspect I have Colon Polyps, which is extremely worrying because they could potentially be cancerous.

I noticed several months ago that my stools were getting narrower, but I didn't make the connection until the last few weeks when i started getting odd pains on my left and right side. It's worrying because Polyps normally aren't painful, but I've been getting pain for some weeks on both sides of the large intestine, suggesting the areas are now inflamed. No blood in the stools though. Just huge amounts of gas and these sore patches on either side of large intestine which I suspect is where the Polyps are.

I saw a doctor last week, before I made the connection, he did an ultrasound and said all the organs look fine but he noticed a huge amount of gas, and decided to do a blood test and stool test. I get the results next week, but i'm going to request an urgent Colonoscopy when i speak to him.

Meanwhile, I've been reading on the forum that MCT oil/ caprylic acid might help against colon tumours (thanks to @haidut for posting that). Niacinamide and Aspirin I am also taking as they are good against colon cancer I believe.

I was wondering, would taking an Antihistamine like cypro which is anticholinergic help?

Perhaps also an Antiobiotic like minocycline or doxycline could help?

maybe Stearic Acid / cacao butter?

Any suggestions / advice much appreciated.

Apparently, a daily aspirin can have the exact same benefit as regular colonoscopies. No need to get sedated, have hoses stuck up your rectum and risk getting intestinal rupture, infection, or never waking up from the general anesthesia they typically give.


Mar 5, 2021
I strongly suspect I have Colon Polyps, which is extremely worrying because they could potentially be cancerous.

I noticed several months ago that my stools were getting narrower, but I didn't make the connection until the last few weeks when i started getting odd pains on my left and right side. It's worrying because Polyps normally aren't painful, but I've been getting pain for some weeks on both sides of the large intestine, suggesting the areas are now inflamed. No blood in the stools though. Just huge amounts of gas and these sore patches on either side of large intestine which I suspect is where the Polyps are.

I saw a doctor last week, before I made the connection, he did an ultrasound and said all the organs look fine but he noticed a huge amount of gas, and decided to do a blood test and stool test. I get the results next week, but i'm going to request an urgent Colonoscopy when i speak to him.

Meanwhile, I've been reading on the forum that MCT oil/ caprylic acid might help against colon tumours (thanks to @haidut for posting that). Niacinamide and Aspirin I am also taking as they are good against colon cancer I believe.

I was wondering, would taking an Antihistamine like cypro which is anticholinergic help?

Perhaps also an Antiobiotic like minocycline or doxycline could help?

maybe Stearic Acid / cacao butter?

Any suggestions / advice much appreciated.
I strongly suspect I have Colon Polyps, which is extremely worrying because they could potentially be cancerous.

I noticed several months ago that my stools were getting narrower, but I didn't make the connection until the last few weeks when i started getting odd pains on my left and right side. It's worrying because Polyps normally aren't painful, but I've been getting pain for some weeks on both sides of the large intestine, suggesting the areas are now inflamed. No blood in the stools though. Just huge amounts of gas and these sore patches on either side of large intestine which I suspect is where the Polyps are.

I saw a doctor last week, before I made the connection, he did an ultrasound and said all the organs look fine but he noticed a huge amount of gas, and decided to do a blood test and stool test. I get the results next week, but i'm going to request an urgent Colonoscopy when i speak to him.

Meanwhile, I've been reading on the forum that MCT oil/ caprylic acid might help against colon tumours (thanks to @haidut for posting that). Niacinamide and Aspirin I am also taking as they are good against colon cancer I believe.

I was wondering, would taking an Antihistamine like cypro which is anticholinergic help?

Perhaps also an Antiobiotic like minocycline or doxycline could help?

maybe Stearic Acid / cacao butter?

Any suggestions / advice much appreciated.

Did you ever go through with the colonoscopy? Or do you feel you resolved it without going that route?

I've had narrower stools lately and a couple times when passing very hard stool I noticed a trace of blood. I also have discomfort in lower abdomen so I suspect polyps. Currently debating whether to get a colonoscopy or not. I would love to avoid that and trust in aspirin however I have been taken aspirin daily for a year and my bowel symptoms have developed over the same time. I wonder if the dose I'm talking is too high. I have been taking 325mg to 1.3g daily.
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Aug 28, 2018
Did you ever go through with the colonoscopy? Or do you feel you resolved it without going that route?

I've had narrower stools lately and a couple times when passing very hard stool I noticed a trace of blood. I also have discomfort in lower abdomen so I suspect polyps. Currently debating whether to get a colonoscopy or not. I would love to avoid that and trust in aspirin however I have been taken aspirin daily for a year and my bowel symptoms have developed over the same time. I wonder if the dose I'm talking is too high. I have been taking 325mg to 1.3g daily.
I would always advice a colonoscopy whenever someone is concerned about their colon health. Everyone who is middle aged and upwards should get one done at least once in their lifetime as an insurance policy.


Aug 10, 2012


Jan 21, 2021
I strongly suspect I have Colon Polyps, which is extremely worrying because they could potentially be cancerous.

I noticed several months ago that my stools were getting narrower, but I didn't make the connection until the last few weeks when i started getting odd pains on my left and right side. It's worrying because Polyps normally aren't painful, but I've been getting pain for some weeks on both sides of the large intestine, suggesting the areas are now inflamed. No blood in the stools though. Just huge amounts of gas and these sore patches on either side of large intestine which I suspect is where the Polyps are.

I saw a doctor last week, before I made the connection, he did an ultrasound and said all the organs look fine but he noticed a huge amount of gas, and decided to do a blood test and stool test. I get the results next week, but i'm going to request an urgent Colonoscopy when i speak to him.

Meanwhile, I've been reading on the forum that MCT oil/ caprylic acid might help against colon tumours (thanks to @haidut for posting that). Niacinamide and Aspirin I am also taking as they are good against colon cancer I believe.

I was wondering, would taking an Antihistamine like cypro which is anticholinergic help?

Perhaps also an Antiobiotic like minocycline or doxycline could help?

maybe Stearic Acid / cacao butter?

Any suggestions / advice much appreciated.

Am also interested what the colonoscopy found?

I too have some discomfort on left side of lower abdomen....and at times stools are narrower, other times not. Gastro dr. said it was probably diverticula and sent me off with an antibiotic. Pain went away.

Really don't want invasive testing now.


Aug 28, 2018
For anyone considering doing a colonoscopy, I would say just get it done. It's a precautionary procedure that can save lives when used properly.
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