Clown Awards

Nov 21, 2015
guy out in the snow today, alone in the park in front of our house...wearing a mask. I see this stuff every day.
Nov 21, 2015
Nutso and equally stupid are people wearing masks while driving alone in their cars ?

Yes indeed, and I see that all the time. Where I am living sometimes is highly compliant and obedient to these dictums. They are likely to be super smart people who are super dumb. They go together.

I was talking to my son about this and he pointed out, and I have to agree with him sadly, that the Trumpers are often rather dim people. The really smart people tend to be communist leftist progressive types, and here I will get myself into trouble, but often they are classic Jewish liberals a la Woody Allen. I’m Jewish myself so I can say these things, ha! The Westside liberals, the type who made that wonderful show Transparent that was on several years ago.

They ran the Gulag and were the biggest supporters of Stalin and the state terror apparatus.

Clown World is run by people who have been exposed as terrible fascists who can’t stand anyone else to have a point of view and who know better. It’s the very definition of technocratic society. Look no Further than China to see where our future is here in the West.


Nov 18, 2019
Yes indeed, and I see that all the time. Where I am living sometimes is highly compliant and obedient to these dictums. They are likely to be super smart people who are super dumb. They go together.

I was talking to my son about this and he pointed out, and I have to agree with him sadly, that the Trumpers are often rather dim people. The really smart people tend to be communist leftist progressive types, and here I will get myself into trouble, but often they are classic Jewish liberals a la Woody Allen. I’m Jewish myself so I can say these things, ha! The Westside liberals, the type who made that wonderful show Transparent that was on several years ago.

They ran the Gulag and were the biggest supporters of Stalin and the state terror apparatus.

Clown World is run by people who have been exposed as terrible fascists who can’t stand anyone else to have a point of view and who know better. It’s the very definition of technocratic society. Look no Further than China to see where our future is here in the West.
WoW - strong post. Wake up world. I too am nervous about the Chinese path to slavery.
Nov 21, 2015
Glenn Greenwald has an excellent piece

American liberals are obsessed with finding ways to silence and censor their adversaries. Every week, if not every day, they have new targets they want de-platformed, banned, silenced, and otherwise prevented from speaking or being heard (by "liberals,” I mean the term of self-description used by the dominant wing of the Democratic Party).

Joe Rogan interviews Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Aug. 6, 2019, roughly six months before he endorsed the Vermont independent for president.
For years, their preferred censorship tactic was to expand and distort the concept of "hate speech” to mean "views that make us uncomfortable,” and then demand that such “hateful” views be prohibited on that basis. For that reason, it is now common to hear Democrats assert, falsely, that the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech does not protect “hate speech." Their political culture has long inculcated them to believe that they can comfortably silence whatever views they arbitrarily place into this category without being guilty of censorship.

Constitutional illiteracy to the side, the “hate speech” framework for justifying censorship is now insufficient because liberals are eager to silence a much broader range of voices than those they can credibly accuse of being hateful. That is why the newest, and now most popular, censorship framework is to claim that their targets are guilty of spreading “misinformation” or “disinformation.” These terms, by design, have no clear or concise meaning. Like the term “terrorism,” it is their elasticity that makes them so useful.

When liberals’ favorite media outlets, from CNN and NBC to The New York Times and The Atlantic, spend four years disseminating one fabricated Russia story after the next — from the Kremlin hacking into Vermont's heating system and Putin's sexual blackmail over Trump to bounties on the heads of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, the Biden email archive being "Russian disinformation,” and a magical mystery weapon that injures American brains with cricket noises — none of that is "disinformation” that requires banishment. Nor are false claims that COVID's origin has proven to be zoonotic rather than a lab leak, the vastly overstated claim that vaccines prevent transmission of COVID, or that Julian Assange stole classified documents and caused people to die. Corporate outlets beloved by liberals are free to spout serious falsehoods without being deemed guilty of disinformation, and, because of that, do so routinely.

This "disinformation" term is reserved for those who question liberal pieties, not for those devoted to affirming them. That is the real functional definition of “disinformation” and of its little cousin, “misinformation.” It is not possible to disagree with liberals or see the world differently than they see it. The only two choices are unthinking submission to their dogma or acting as an agent of "disinformation.” Dissent does not exist to them; any deviation from their worldview is inherently dangerous — to the point that it cannot be heard.


Jun 20, 2015


The winner this week - Gordon Brown

“What’s happened in Africa is as bad as what happened under colonial rule,” he said. “Africa has been deprived of vaccines but also of the ability to manufacture its own vaccines because it does not have the patents to do so.”


Lord Cola

“What’s happened in Africa is as bad as what happened under colonial rule,” he said. “Africa has been deprived of vaccines but also of the ability to manufacture its own vaccines because it does not have the patents to do so.”
In one brief sentence he managed to downplay colonialism in Africa and promote giving experimental injections with unknown long-term effects to Africans while signaling his virtue.
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Mar 2, 2021
Howard Stern
Keith Olbermann
Gene Simmons

All three of these were given their orders and have spewed hysterical vomit at the unvaccinated public.


Feb 18, 2016
If you are paying the BBC licence fee you need to stop

If you are paying the BBC licence fee you need to stop

Amazing, they have been pumping narratives for the last 2 years about dirty virus ridden livestock everywhere, now they want to vaccinate you next to sheep, its also part mocking of the sheeple meme. Maybe bats the next time.
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