Claimed Xanthelasma under eye


Feb 6, 2022
Hello all,

Hope you're all doing good. 29M, C.

5 years ago, I noticed a yellow stain below my eye. I never did anything about it until 2 years ago, when I went to my dermatologist.
We had my blood taken and she told me my Cholesterol seemed fine at that time. She removed it in 2 sessions.

Fast forward to last fall 22 and it came back. I was lean bulking at that time and was in a caloric surplus. I didn't eat junk food every couple of days but had a cheat meal maybe once a week to once every 2 weeks. Rarely drink any soda. Don't smoke, don't do drugs, no alcohol.

I'm curious if anyone knows what actually causes this stain. I've got more of a feeling of something in my body (eg. Liver), a process in an organ, not working optimally.

Thanks in advance for your insights and time.


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Mar 10, 2021
““You can try home remedies to reduce xanthelasma palpebrarum,⁹ but scientific evidence is limited.

Garlic therapy​

Garlic has been found to reduce cholesterol levels. A study⁷ found that half to a whole raw garlic clove eaten daily can reduce cholesterol levels by approximately 10%.
Rubbing garlic on the cholesterol deposits reportedly makes them smaller. No scientific evidence backs up this claim, but the enzymes within the garlic are thought to promote tissue healing.
Remember, you should not place garlic on your skin for a prolonged period of time. Avoid doing this if you have sensitive skin.

Banana peels​

Antioxidants and enzymes in banana peels are thought to help ease xanthelasma palpebrarum. This isn’t backed up by science, but you can try it out.


Consuming foods high in quercetin, a natural chemical found in plants may reduce cholesterol levels.¹⁰ Onions, among other fruits and vegetables, are high in quercetin.
Topical use has been suggested in published articles, but there is no real evidence of this claim.

Fenugreek seeds​

Fenugreek seeds are said to have healing properties that can treat xanthelasma palpebrarum. You can try soaking the seeds in water overnight and applying them to the affected area.
Again, there is no scientific evidence to suggest this is true.

The lowdown​

Xanthelasma palpebrarum is the medical term for cholesterol deposits near the eyelids. This typically occurs due to raised levels of circulating cholesterol caused by a variety of factors, including other medical conditions and lifestyle habits.”

“Over 50% of people with xanthelasma palpebrarum have it because of high levels of circulating cholesterol.² Genetics, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors can cause this.”



Dec 8, 2016

But i have a friend with this
And that’s what she has

So your instinct is right
Look at your liver and or gallbladder
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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