Circadian T3 Method - why taking thyroid hormone at the proper time is important


Feb 26, 2019
When I feel stressful (something cortisol spike) before bed, 6mg tiromel with honey give uninterrupted and dreamfull sleep, but I feel tired I don't use. sugar enhances and stabilizes the everything power.
Feb 15, 2018
I recently started taking T3 and 1/2 grain NDT (I couldn’t tolerate any NDT before using the T3 first for a few days to lower stress hormones) but have noticed that if I take the NDT in the morning, it is much more likely to cause a stress response w/ high heart rate. My heart rate is always highest in the morning, usually in the 90s as I eat breakfast, so taking NDT at this point usually sends my heart rate into the 100s.

My heart rate gradually dips throughout the day, reaching its low point (55 bpm) at around 9 pm, dropping even a bit lower as I sleep. When I take NDT before bed, it does not cause a stress response, although it does not lead to deeper sleep.

Do you think that high morning heart rate indicates a circadian issue? Would it be a good rule of thumb to take NDT when the heart rate is lowest, to minimize the chance of a stress response?
How are you doing now? I have similar issues and believe it is caused by POTS. I just learned that timing T3 in the wee hours may be helpful.


Apr 5, 2016
Your muscles can only properly relax when it's properly energized. It's the same with your brain. Thyroid helps to increase brain energy, which allows it to calm down and relax, which helps your fall asleep. Additionally, thyroid increases core temps, which improves deep sleep. Low core temps are related to poor non-deep sleep.
So a little thyroid, your specific sweet spot, can help you fall asleep. But if you take too much, it can make you feel too hot and can prevent sleep. In this regard, carbs won't help because it's not a stress response. But if a small dose is burning up your carbs during the night, then you might get a stress response during the night which can be remedied with carbs.
I think this might be one of the reasons that T3 helps with hair growth.

I think a lot of hair loss is down to muscles in the scalp and periphery of the scalp causing tension and this prevents blood from getting to the scalp. The relaxing of the muscles from T3 improves blood flow and lowers tension.
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