Cigar Benefits


Apr 5, 2016
I recently started smoking cigars a few months ago and I have found them very enjoyable, I smoke about 1 or 2 per day and I usually pair it with a little bit of rum or whiskey.

I've found a few threads on the forum (although not many) talking about the benefits of tobacco and I would love to open a discussion on the general benefits of Cigar smoking specifically.

From what I have gleamed as the major downsides appears to be cancer obviously but there are studies that seem to indicate that moderate smoking i.e. no more than 2 cigars a day have virtually no adverse negative affect and may indeed have a great deal of benefits.

I personally have found the one or two cigars I smoke a day incredibly relaxing. I believe that there are studies that show they can boost testosterone and DHT but it is not just from the Nicotine. There are thousands of chemicals in cigars that likely have many different beneficial effects.

Anyone who has any studies or anecdotal experiences they can share please do.

Also any recommendations as to what cigars to buy for an amateur cigar smoker living in Europe. I live in the Canary Islands and found some very nice cigars from the island of La Palma which is apparently one of the first places that mass produced tobacco after they were brought back to Europe by Colombus. Also it is the origin of the Cuban Cigar, the first cuban cigar factories and farmers were people who emigrated from this tiny volcanic island.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I recently started smoking cigars a few months ago and I have found them very enjoyable, I smoke about 1 or 2 per day and I usually pair it with a little bit of rum or whiskey.

I've found a few threads on the forum (although not many) talking about the benefits of tobacco and I would love to open a discussion on the general benefits of Cigar smoking specifically.

From what I have gleamed as the major downsides appears to be cancer obviously but there are studies that seem to indicate that moderate smoking i.e. no more than 2 cigars a day have virtually no adverse negative affect and may indeed have a great deal of benefits.

I personally have found the one or two cigars I smoke a day incredibly relaxing. I believe that there are studies that show they can boost testosterone and DHT but it is not just from the Nicotine. There are thousands of chemicals in cigars that likely have many different beneficial effects.

Anyone who has any studies or anecdotal experiences they can share please do.

Also any recommendations as to what cigars to buy for an amateur cigar smoker living in Europe. I live in the Canary Islands and found some very nice cigars from the island of La Palma which is apparently one of the first places that mass produced tobacco after they were brought back to Europe by Colombus. Also it is the origin of the Cuban Cigar, the first cuban cigar factories and farmers were people who emigrated from this tiny volcanic island.
Do they grow tobacco on the Canary Islands, or just produce cigars there? I know Cameroon is famous for growing quality wrapper tobacco, and that is not far from the Canaries.
I often hear of cigar smokers living long lives. I personally think the benefits outweigh the risks in some ways. They say that at the turn of the last century, one out of every four men smoked cigars, but since, tobacco has been demonized, that even pipe an cigar smokers are a minority now.
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Jan 4, 2021
Actually bought my first cigar 2 weeks ago and then someone mentioned in a discord server that it had beneficial effects.
Interesting because you don’t actually inhale cigar smoke.

Other than that I know nothing yet


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
Arturo Fuente Anejo is on of my favorites.

Youtube channel, cigars daily, is a good one to follow.

I feel so much better when I puff daily, either a cigar or pipe.


Dec 11, 2017
I recently started smoking cigars a few months ago and I have found them very enjoyable, I smoke about 1 or 2 per day and I usually pair it with a little bit of rum or whiskey.

I've found a few threads on the forum (although not many) talking about the benefits of tobacco and I would love to open a discussion on the general benefits of Cigar smoking specifically.

From what I have gleamed as the major downsides appears to be cancer obviously but there are studies that seem to indicate that moderate smoking i.e. no more than 2 cigars a day have virtually no adverse negative affect and may indeed have a great deal of benefits.

I personally have found the one or two cigars I smoke a day incredibly relaxing. I believe that there are studies that show they can boost testosterone and DHT but it is not just from the Nicotine. There are thousands of chemicals in cigars that likely have many different beneficial effects.

Anyone who has any studies or anecdotal experiences they can share please do.

Also any recommendations as to what cigars to buy for an amateur cigar smoker living in Europe. I live in the Canary Islands and found some very nice cigars from the island of La Palma which is apparently one of the first places that mass produced tobacco after they were brought back to Europe by Colombus. Also it is the origin of the Cuban Cigar, the first cuban cigar factories and farmers were people who emigrated from this tiny volcanic island.
This worked for Richard Overton, he smoked 12 cigars a day. George Burns was another who smoked daily cigars in double digits and lived to 100.

I love smoking cigars too! It gives me a calm energy, and helps me relax, yet also gives me focus for doing productive work as well. The only downfall is it can be an expensive habit if you get into some of those expensive cigars, I smoke the cheaper ones (i.e., Swisher Sweet Perfectos and Dutch Masters President Cigars). Richard Overton and George Burns smoked the Tampa Sweet Perfectos and Dutch Masters President cigars, respectively.

Any recommendations for cigars? What cigars are you smoking?

One other note, Richard Overton was also fairly Peaty. He enjoyed milk, ice cream, sugar in his coffee, coca cola / dr. pepper. George Burns had a fairly Peaty diet as well.


Apr 5, 2016
Do they grow tobacco on the Canary Islands, or just produce cigars there? I know Cameroon is famous for growing quality wrapper tobacco, and that is not far from the Canaries.
I often hear of cigar smokers living long lives. I personally think the benefits outweigh the risks in some ways. They say that at the turn of the last century, one out of every four men smoked cigars, but since, tobacco has been demonized, that even pipe an cigar smokers are a minority now.

They actually grow tobacco they used to use 100% of tobacco grown in the islands but due to low production they import some, however in the past few years there has been a bit of a revival and you can get cigars that have tobacco that is 100% from the islands. Pretty much all of the tobacco is grown in the island of La palma they used to grow it in the other islands too but I don't think they do anymore.

Cigars from La Palma: Cuba in the Canary Islands


Apr 5, 2016
Arturo Fuente Anejo is on of my favorites.

Youtube channel, cigars daily, is a good one to follow.

I feel so much better when I puff daily, either a cigar or pipe.

Thanks for the recommendation.


Apr 5, 2016
This worked for Richard Overton, he smoked 12 cigars a day. George Burns was another who smoked daily cigars in double digits and lived to 100.

I love smoking cigars too! It gives me a calm energy, and helps me relax, yet also gives me focus for doing productive work as well. The only downfall is it can be an expensive habit if you get into some of those expensive cigars, I smoke the cheaper ones (i.e., Swisher Sweet Perfectos and Dutch Masters President Cigars). Richard Overton and George Burns smoked the Tampa Sweet Perfectos and Dutch Masters President cigars, respectively.

Any recommendations for cigars? What cigars are you smoking?

One other note, Richard Overton was also fairly Peaty. He enjoyed milk, ice cream, sugar in his coffee, coca cola / dr. pepper. George Burns had a fairly Peaty diet as well.

I've just started really but I've been smoking Romeo and Julieta churchill wides. They are A LOT cheaper here in the canary islands then mainland Europe. The other cigars i've been smoking are a brand called Kolumbus which is a new cigar company from the canary islands, for me they are excellent.

Kolumbus Cigars


Jan 9, 2019
They actually grow tobacco they used to use 100% of tobacco grown in the islands but due to low production they import some, however in the past few years there has been a bit of a revival and you can get cigars that have tobacco that is 100% from the islands. Pretty much all of the tobacco is grown in the island of La palma they used to grow it in the other islands too but I don't think they do anymore.

Cigars from La Palma: Cuba in the Canary Islands
Putting in an order from these guys, seem to be doing it right. Plasencia, all organic, natural. I till have concerns of oral health from the suffocation of oral tissues
to the radioactivity of fertilizers, even organic and fermentation byproducts. But there is something very calming about the whole routine of smoking a pipe or cigar that it could offset some those things. The nictoine is therapeutic too, but i dont think i could personally smoke 2 a day, I can barely do 1, that much nicotine is unnecessary imo. Theyll be a worthy tool for trade if SHTF, considering you have a humidor.



Apr 5, 2016
Putting in an order from these guys, seem to be doing it right. Plasencia, all organic, natural. Is till have concerns of oral health from the suffocation of oral tissues
to the radioactivity of fertilizers, even organic and fermentation byproducts. But there is something very calming about the whole routine of smoking a pipe or cigar that it could offset some those things. Theyll be a worthy tool for trade if SHTF, considering you have a humidor.


Oral health is my concern too, my solution to offset that risk is to use a mouthwash of Methylene blue, aspirin an vitamin k2. I feel like that could greatly lower the oral health risks.


Jan 9, 2019
They actually grow tobacco they used to use 100% of tobacco grown in the islands but due to low production they import some, however in the past few years there has been a bit of a revival and you can get cigars that have tobacco that is 100% from the islands. Pretty much all of the tobacco is grown in the island of La palma they used to grow it in the other islands too but I don't think they do anymore.

Cigars from La Palma: Cuba in the Canary Islands
seems you may already know about it, woops sorry about the double post.


Jan 9, 2019
Oral health is my concern too, my solution to offset that risk is to use a mouthwash of Methylene blue, aspirin an vitamin k2. I feel like that could greatly lower the oral health risks.
I've always wondered how aspirin can help oral health. I know it's benefits but wouldn't the acidity have a damaging effect on the teeth, especially if used before bed where buffers won't be present besides saliva, the ph of the mouth can drop over night, I'm guessing because of mouth breathing and metabolic issues.


Jul 2, 2021
In my quest to do the opposite of official government health advice, I also recently started tobacco. Cigars are sublime
Jun 25, 2017
I recently started smoking cigars a few months ago and I have found them very enjoyable, I smoke about 1 or 2 per day and I usually pair it with a little bit of rum or whiskey.

I've found a few threads on the forum (although not many) talking about the benefits of tobacco and I would love to open a discussion on the general benefits of Cigar smoking specifically.

From what I have gleamed as the major downsides appears to be cancer obviously but there are studies that seem to indicate that moderate smoking i.e. no more than 2 cigars a day have virtually no adverse negative affect and may indeed have a great deal of benefits.

I personally have found the one or two cigars I smoke a day incredibly relaxing. I believe that there are studies that show they can boost testosterone and DHT but it is not just from the Nicotine. There are thousands of chemicals in cigars that likely have many different beneficial effects.

Anyone who has any studies or anecdotal experiences they can share please do.

Also any recommendations as to what cigars to buy for an amateur cigar smoker living in Europe. I live in the Canary Islands and found some very nice cigars from the island of La Palma which is apparently one of the first places that mass produced tobacco after they were brought back to Europe by Colombus. Also it is the origin of the Cuban Cigar, the first cuban cigar factories and farmers were people who emigrated from this tiny volcanic island.
Started smoking pipes and cigars as well and pairing it with a sugary or alcoholic beverage. I gotta say for the mental benefits alone I'm going to keep doing it. Work doesn't bother me as much, anxiety is almost non-existent. My sleep has improved and idk why but it's just the way it is.

I also noticed crazy improvements in digestion. Like foods that bothered me before are just a non factor now. I went from one bowel movement a day to two or three. And I used to have a slightly protruding gut but now it's flat and healthy looking even after meals which never happened before as long as I can remember.

I'm gonna keep smoking, but I won't speak for anyone else.


Apr 30, 2015
I smoke a cigar and have a bourbon once a week, and also find it enjoyable.

But go down to a cigar bar and look at some of the old timers who smoke often...either rail thin and emaciated or fat and saggy.

Smoking just doesn't age you well


Apr 5, 2016
Started smoking pipes and cigars as well and pairing it with a sugary or alcoholic beverage. I gotta say for the mental benefits alone I'm going to keep doing it. Work doesn't bother me as much, anxiety is almost non-existent. My sleep has improved and idk why but it's just the way it is.

I also noticed crazy improvements in digestion. Like foods that bothered me before are just a non factor now. I went from one bowel movement a day to two or three. And I used to have a slightly protruding gut but now it's flat and healthy looking even after meals which never happened before as long as I can remember.

I'm gonna keep smoking, but I won't speak for anyone else.

I've also noticed improvements in digestion, apparently there is a pretty profound anti-parasitic effect from tobacco don't know what the exact mechanism is behind that, perhaps it is the MAO-B inhibition.


Apr 5, 2016
I smoke a cigar and have a bourbon once a week, and also find it enjoyable.

But go down to a cigar bar and look at some of the old timers who smoke often...either rail thin and emaciated or fat and saggy.

Smoking just doesn't age you well

Likely that they're smoking "too much" and or doing other things diet and lifestyle wise that are pretty bad.


Apr 5, 2016
I've always wondered how aspirin can help oral health. I know it's benefits but wouldn't the acidity have a damaging effect on the teeth, especially if used before bed where buffers won't be present besides saliva, the ph of the mouth can drop over night, I'm guessing because of mouth breathing and metabolic issues.

I posted a study a while back that showed aspirin helped heal cavities in teeth but I don't know if that was from directly applying aspirin or from takin it orally.

I know from anecdotal experience for myself and other members of my family when they've had tooth pain giving them the mouthwash with Methylene blue, K and aspirin has helped greatly.


Apr 30, 2015
Likely that they're smoking "too much" and or doing other things diet and lifestyle wise that are pretty bad.
lol, just go visit the cigar bars and count how many nice looking older dudes you see


Jan 9, 2019
I smoke a cigar and have a bourbon once a week, and also find it enjoyable.

But go down to a cigar bar and look at some of the old timers who smoke often...either rail thin and emaciated or fat and saggy.

Smoking just doesn't age you well
Those symptoms all sound related to the lifestyle but not necessarily a cause of the tobacco. Smokers are a very interesting group, and since their demographic is so vast (and even the demographic of different modalities of smoking), it's a hard correlation to make accurately.

Anti tobacco and industry don't make it much easier to find good quality studies.
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