Charcoal Significantly Calms My Mind. Anybody Else?

Oct 23, 2019
I've experimented with just about everything but the number 1 Peat approved supplement/food that I keep coming back to has been activated charcoal.


In the morning, the day after taking the charcoal, my mind has a sense of calmness, stability, quietness that i've not felt in years (if ever).

It feels like ADHD symptoms are gone, addictive impulses are gone, depression is gone, anxiety is gone and instead my mind is clear, empty and ready to engage with the world, rather than being stuck in my own head circling round and round.

I can only guess that I have very high levels of LPS (endotoxin) which contributes highly to the mental issues I struggle with.

Gut bacteria are related in all sorts of things including addiction, adhd, dopamine production, serotonin, etc.

Activated charcoal is literally more powerful than any other nootropic i've tried in terms of mental clarity.

It works so well that I want to take it everyday so I can live life in this calm/quiet/clear perspective, rather than the chaotic mind I normally wake up to everyday. But I'm aware that it can prevent absorption of other nutrients, so I'm not quite sure of the best dosing protocol.

Ideally it would be nice to not have to take this stuff so often and PREVENT the bacteria from growing in the first place. Unfortunately I react poorly to almost all foods except for meat. So for now, will keep relying upon activated charcoal for mental relief.

Thanks for listening and if anybody else out there has severe digestive issues, give activated charcoal a try as it's been super enlightening for me in terms of self health discovery.

Why is this happening to me?
Anybody else have such positive/profound mental clarity from activated charcoal?
Anybody else rely on AC often? If so, what's your dosing protocol? (able to sustain it long term?)


Sep 19, 2019
I've experimented with just about everything but the number 1 Peat approved supplement/food that I keep coming back to has been activated charcoal.


In the morning, the day after taking the charcoal, my mind has a sense of calmness, stability, quietness that i've not felt in years (if ever).

It feels like ADHD symptoms are gone, addictive impulses are gone, depression is gone, anxiety is gone and instead my mind is clear, empty and ready to engage with the world, rather than being stuck in my own head circling round and round.

I can only guess that I have very high levels of LPS (endotoxin) which contributes highly to the mental issues I struggle with.

Gut bacteria are related in all sorts of things including addiction, adhd, dopamine production, serotonin, etc.

Activated charcoal is literally more powerful than any other nootropic i've tried in terms of mental clarity.

It works so well that I want to take it everyday so I can live life in this calm/quiet/clear perspective, rather than the chaotic mind I normally wake up to everyday. But I'm aware that it can prevent absorption of other nutrients, so I'm not quite sure of the best dosing protocol.

Ideally it would be nice to not have to take this stuff so often and PREVENT the bacteria from growing in the first place. Unfortunately I react poorly to almost all foods except for meat. So for now, will keep relying upon activated charcoal for mental relief.

Thanks for listening and if anybody else out there has severe digestive issues, give activated charcoal a try as it's been super enlightening for me in terms of self health discovery.

Why is this happening to me?
Anybody else have such positive/profound mental clarity from activated charcoal?
Anybody else rely on AC often? If so, what's your dosing protocol? (able to sustain it long term?)

I'm looking for the same answer. Sometime I take it before bed, about 2 tablespoons with water, and It really gives me this profound mental clarity that you are talking about. One time I woke up after only 6 hour of sleep feeling refreshed and just so happy about life (I was pretty warm too). I dont always get super good reaction tho, a good size of liver also seems to have similar effect. I think the vitamin A helps with gut serotonin.
Aug 21, 2018
Gave me terrible migraine last time I took it. There are some similar reports on this forum. Could be quality/impurity issues.


Apr 5, 2016
My guess would be the effect it can have on serotonin, can almost immediately reduce and remove large amounts. I've seen this first hand with people suffering serotonin syndrome from withdrawal and had their symptoms very quickly improve after ingesting activated charcoal.


Apr 5, 2016
I personally take Activated Charcoal once or twice a week and I am very selective about where I purchase from. Charcoal house is my go to source. I do think there are added benefits of taking raw carrot salad because the indigestible fibre does help to clean out the gut and improve bowel movements. Too much charcoal can lead to constipation because of the amount of water it absorbs.


Sep 19, 2019
Best time to take charcoal ? Would like to try this

From RP article : "Activated charcoal can absorb many toxins, including bacterial endotoxin, so it is likely to reduce serotonin absorption from the intestine. Since it can also bind or destroy vitamins, it should be used only intermittently. Frolkis, et al. (1989, 1984) found that it extended median and average lifespan of rats, beginning in old age (28 months) by 43% and 34%, respectively, when given in large quantities (equivalent to about a cup per day for humans) for ten days of each month."

I like to take mine before bed since it is less likely to mess with meal absorption I think.


Mar 2, 2019
Maybe it's binding some toxin you've consumed or been exposed to, which your body is trying to excrete but is reabsorbing. Mold toxins, water borne toxins, LPS, etc.


Nov 24, 2017
How much would you take after drinking alcohol?
I heard it helps with hangovers.


Dec 20, 2018
I've experimented with just about everything but the number 1 Peat approved supplement/food that I keep coming back to has been activated charcoal.


In the morning, the day after taking the charcoal, my mind has a sense of calmness, stability, quietness that i've not felt in years (if ever).

It feels like ADHD symptoms are gone, addictive impulses are gone, depression is gone, anxiety is gone and instead my mind is clear, empty and ready to engage with the world, rather than being stuck in my own head circling round and round.

I can only guess that I have very high levels of LPS (endotoxin) which contributes highly to the mental issues I struggle with.

Gut bacteria are related in all sorts of things including addiction, adhd, dopamine production, serotonin, etc.

Activated charcoal is literally more powerful than any other nootropic i've tried in terms of mental clarity.

It works so well that I want to take it everyday so I can live life in this calm/quiet/clear perspective, rather than the chaotic mind I normally wake up to everyday. But I'm aware that it can prevent absorption of other nutrients, so I'm not quite sure of the best dosing protocol.

Ideally it would be nice to not have to take this stuff so often and PREVENT the bacteria from growing in the first place. Unfortunately I react poorly to almost all foods except for meat. So for now, will keep relying upon activated charcoal for mental relief.

Thanks for listening and if anybody else out there has severe digestive issues, give activated charcoal a try as it's been super enlightening for me in terms of self health discovery.

Why is this happening to me?
Anybody else have such positive/profound mental clarity from activated charcoal?
Anybody else rely on AC often? If so, what's your dosing protocol? (able to sustain it long term?)

How much do you take to achieve these effects and do you take it right before bed?

Also, what form of charcoal do you use? Is it powdered, or do you take granulated charcoal so as to avoid persorption risks? Thank you, this is so interesting!

Ray Peat Email Advice Depository
"In the past you have talked about potential issues from charcoal persorption, would these issues lead to clear immune reactions so that feeling better on it means there are no issues?
Interestingly people have tried a product with bigger mesh size but reported less effects.

Ray said:
Volkheimer's experiments with mice showed that persorbed starch grains accelerated aging, killing off small areas of cells throughout the body.

Ok thanks, so I guess you think that applies to charcoal too, does that mean you recommend against it?

Ray said:
I don't recommend against it, but it's important to know exactly what the product is.

Thanks, are you talking about purity and source (coconuts) or are you talking about mesh size as well?
Do you have an idea of the threshold for a safe mesh size?

Ray said:
I think half a millimeter would be safe. It has to be stored in a sealed container to prevent absorption of vapors."

Ray Peat Email Advice Depository
Me: A member on the forum recently posted the following quote that he attributed to you:

"Frolkis, et al. (1989, 1984) found that it extended median and average lifespan of rats, beginning in old age (28 months) by 43% and 34%, respectively, when given in large quantities (equivalent to about a cup per day for humans) for ten days of each month."

Would a cup of activated charcoal in a day be useful for a human, or is there a lower dose that would be just as effective?

Peat: The quote is right, but I recommend using a daily carrot salad for the similar purpose. Because of the phenomenon of persorption of particles, and the ease of contamination of charcoal, I don’t recommend its use except in an emergency.


Nov 24, 2017
I've experimented with just about everything but the number 1 Peat approved supplement/food that I keep coming back to has been activated charcoal.


In the morning, the day after taking the charcoal, my mind has a sense of calmness, stability, quietness that i've not felt in years (if ever).

It feels like ADHD symptoms are gone, addictive impulses are gone, depression is gone, anxiety is gone and instead my mind is clear, empty and ready to engage with the world, rather than being stuck in my own head circling round and round.

I can only guess that I have very high levels of LPS (endotoxin) which contributes highly to the mental issues I struggle with.

Gut bacteria are related in all sorts of things including addiction, adhd, dopamine production, serotonin, etc.

Activated charcoal is literally more powerful than any other nootropic i've tried in terms of mental clarity.

It works so well that I want to take it everyday so I can live life in this calm/quiet/clear perspective, rather than the chaotic mind I normally wake up to everyday. But I'm aware that it can prevent absorption of other nutrients, so I'm not quite sure of the best dosing protocol.

Ideally it would be nice to not have to take this stuff so often and PREVENT the bacteria from growing in the first place. Unfortunately I react poorly to almost all foods except for meat. So for now, will keep relying upon activated charcoal for mental relief.

Thanks for listening and if anybody else out there has severe digestive issues, give activated charcoal a try as it's been super enlightening for me in terms of self health discovery.

Why is this happening to me?
Anybody else have such positive/profound mental clarity from activated charcoal?
Anybody else rely on AC often? If so, what's your dosing protocol? (able to sustain it long term?)

Did carrot salad or cascara do anything for you? Would be really interesting.


Mar 2, 2016
I personally take Activated Charcoal once or twice a week and I am very selective about where I purchase from. Charcoal house is my go to source. I do think there are added benefits of taking raw carrot salad because the indigestible fibre does help to clean out the gut and improve bowel movements. Too much charcoal can lead to constipation because of the amount of water it absorbs.
hi soren, which charcoal do you use from them & how much do you take?
Digital Samurai
Oct 23, 2019
Did carrot salad or cascara do anything for you? Would be really interesting.
Cascara Sagrada seems to give me diarrhea way to often so i've stopped taking it regularly, but i did notice calm mind slightly after taking it, but not super noticeable digestion effects. Maybe slightly reducing bloating, idk.

Charcoal dosage = 3 tbsp's before bed.
Lately it hasn't been giving me this same effect like it used to, not sure why. This seems to be the case with just about everything. Almost wonder if placebo is playing into all of this.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
Cascara Sagrada seems to give me diarrhea way to often so i've stopped taking it regularly, but i did notice calm mind slightly after taking it, but not super noticeable digestion effects. Maybe slightly reducing bloating, idk.

Charcoal dosage = 3 tbsp's before bed.
Lately it hasn't been giving me this same effect like it used to, not sure why. This seems to be the case with just about everything. Almost wonder if placebo is playing into all of this.

What brand are you using and is it coconut husks? trying to order now :)


Feb 13, 2016
How much do you take to achieve these effects and do you take it right before bed?

Also, what form of charcoal do you use? Is it powdered, or do you take granulated charcoal so as to avoid persorption risks? Thank you, this is so interesting!

Ray Peat Email Advice Depository
"In the past you have talked about potential issues from charcoal persorption, would these issues lead to clear immune reactions so that feeling better on it means there are no issues?
Interestingly people have tried a product with bigger mesh size but reported less effects.

Ray said:
Volkheimer's experiments with mice showed that persorbed starch grains accelerated aging, killing off small areas of cells throughout the body.

Ok thanks, so I guess you think that applies to charcoal too, does that mean you recommend against it?

Ray said:
I don't recommend against it, but it's important to know exactly what the product is.

Thanks, are you talking about purity and source (coconuts) or are you talking about mesh size as well?
Do you have an idea of the threshold for a safe mesh size?

Ray said:
I think half a millimeter would be safe. It has to be stored in a sealed container to prevent absorption of vapors."

Ray Peat Email Advice Depository
Me: A member on the forum recently posted the following quote that he attributed to you:

"Frolkis, et al. (1989, 1984) found that it extended median and average lifespan of rats, beginning in old age (28 months) by 43% and 34%, respectively, when given in large quantities (equivalent to about a cup per day for humans) for ten days of each month."

Would a cup of activated charcoal in a day be useful for a human, or is there a lower dose that would be just as effective?

Peat: The quote is right, but I recommend using a daily carrot salad for the similar purpose. Because of the phenomenon of persorption of particles, and the ease of contamination of charcoal, I don’t recommend its use except in an emergency.

How is he able to piece together so many details. Who would even consider that charcoal supplements are contaminated with starch particles and that these particles get absorbed throughout the body and kill cells. And that charcoal absorbs and accumulates pollutants in the air.

Charcoal = good, endotoxin = bad is as deep as my thinking would have gone... I consider myself very lucky to have access to this info Dr. Peat distills and freely gives out.


Mar 4, 2017
My son has been suffering from some very bad OCD lately. We have tried several things with little success. We tried some AC last night and when he woke up this morning he said he felt like his anxiety/OCD had disappeared!
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