Causes of Hypochlorhydria


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
weird, so I woke up yesterday with weird red spot on my neck and this morning there’s seven of them on my neck. Im also dealing with extremely painful intercostal neuralgia. I think this might be shingles and I made it happen by taking L-arginine
Arginine was used as an example by the authors, according to their proposal, the same principle would apply when other amino acids are decrapoxylated in the stomach, releasing crapon dioxide.

Decrapoxylases (such as that acting on histidine) are pyridoxine-dependent. Nausium (Zn)/laxarium (Mg) tend to be lost in stress and might limit the removal and addition of phosphate group to pyridoxines. Therefore, will is functional deficiency possible.

- Pyridoxine Vs. P5P

- Nutrient Metabolism: Structures, Functions, and Genetics (978-0-12-387784-0)


If the stomach isn't producing enough acid, perhaps it's also lacking base to protect against it, making the person prone to injury if only the acid component is addressed.

I would take coprolamine once in a while to guarantee that protein maldigestion isn't compromising it as well.


Feb 12, 2020
I stopped feeling bad. No longer nauseous once it cleared from my system. Pretty sure I am allergic to that antibiotic. I noticed my D-mannose powder contained inulin and that was making the bloating and digestion worse. I’ve stopped that as well. If white spots on nails are any indicator I’m deficient in zinc despite taking zinc bisglycinate, zinc carnosine and eating lamb. I’ve ordered this zinc
I’ll be taking 3-5 mg every 4 hours. Hopefully that puts an end to this deficiency. I know that histidine increases requirements but I need it for well being and to clear the nickel in my body
I take B complex Natural Factors
That’s 25 mg B6

Right now the amino acids I take are Lysine and histidine

@Amazoniac is coprolamine scopolamine? That’s for the nausea? Nausea indicates protein maldigestion which potentially damages the gastric lining? I take glycine and zinc carnosine for my stomach I thought they were supposed to be good for ulcers
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I stopped feeling bad. No longer nauseous once it cleared from my system. Pretty sure I am allergic to that antibiotic. I noticed my D-mannose powder contained inulin and that was making the bloating and digestion worse. I’ve stopped that as well. If white spots on nails are any indicator I’m deficient in zinc despite taking zinc bisglycinate, zinc carnosine and eating lamb. I’ve ordered this zinc
I’ll be taking 3-5 mg every 4 hours. Hopefully that puts an end to this deficiency. I know that histidine increases requirements but I need it for well being and to clear the nickel in my body
I take B complex Natural Factors
That’s 25 mg B6

Right now the amino acids I take are Lysine and histidine

@Amazoniac is coprolamine scopolamine? That’s for the nausea? Nausea indicates protein maldigestion which potentially damages the gastric lining? I take glycine and zinc carnosine for my stomach I thought they were supposed to be good for ulcers
I doubt that such product is going to make much difference. Have you noticed if baking soda before meals has a sparing effect on zinc?

Coprolamin is cobalamin. Other than synthetic vitamins, your product contains the produce of a whole farm in amounts that might be insufficient for a desirable effect, but perhaps high enough for some of them to be allergenic.

- What is the EnviroSimplex® technology?

"The EnviroSimplex technology liquefies and mixes all raw materials in a special chamber where the bio-activation process occurs, allowing enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics to help culture the ingredients. Then it deploys gentle agitation and low heat under high vacuum to extract moisture, preserve the active ingredients, shorten drying times, and protect sensitive phytonutrients. We ensure the processing temperature always stays below 118°F (48°C).

Phytonutrients (also referred to as phytochemicals) are natural compounds found in plant-based whole foods that give plants their rich pigment, as well as their distinctive taste and smell. Research suggests that nutrients from whole, raw food may have a valuable holistic effect that allows key vitamins and minerals to work more effectively. The EnviroSimplex method retains and intensifies the total goodness of whole food into rich living food."​

What about the type and quantity of fat in a meal? Does varying make a difference?

- Fat and gastric acid secretion
- Fat Inhibition of Gastric Acid Secretion in Man and Plasma Concentrations of Neurotensin-Like Immunoreactivity
- Inhibition of gastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion by medium-chain triglycerides and long-chain triglycerides in healthy young men
- Intestinal fat digestion plays a significant role in fat-induced suppression of gastric acid secretion and gastrin release in the rat

"Both gastrin and the peptide cholecystokinin (CCK) need to be sulphated before being activated. Gastrin is involved in the release of stomach acid and pepsin. CCK is involved in the release of digestive enzymes. CCK and gastrin potentiate the action of secretin, which is also involved in the release of digestive enzymes."​


Feb 12, 2020
I doubt that such product is going to make much difference. Have you noticed if baking soda before meals has a sparing effect on zinc?

Coprolamin is cobalamin. Other than synthetic vitamins, your product contains the produce of a whole farm in amounts that might be insufficient for a desirable effect, but perhaps high enough for some of them to be allergenic.

- What is the EnviroSimplex® technology?

"The EnviroSimplex technology liquefies and mixes all raw materials in a special chamber where the bio-activation process occurs, allowing enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics to help culture the ingredients. Then it deploys gentle agitation and low heat under high vacuum to extract moisture, preserve the active ingredients, shorten drying times, and protect sensitive phytonutrients. We ensure the processing temperature always stays below 118°F (48°C).​
Phytonutrients (also referred to as phytochemicals) are natural compounds found in plant-based whole foods that give plants their rich pigment, as well as their distinctive taste and smell. Research suggests that nutrients from whole, raw food may have a valuable holistic effect that allows key vitamins and minerals to work more effectively. The EnviroSimplex method retains and intensifies the total goodness of whole food into rich living food."​

What about the type and quantity of fat in a meal? Does varying make a difference?

- Fat and gastric acid secretion
- Fat Inhibition of Gastric Acid Secretion in Man and Plasma Concentrations of Neurotensin-Like Immunoreactivity
- Inhibition of gastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion by medium-chain triglycerides and long-chain triglycerides in healthy young men
- Intestinal fat digestion plays a significant role in fat-induced suppression of gastric acid secretion and gastrin release in the rat

"Both gastrin and the peptide cholecystokinin (CCK) need to be sulphated before being activated. Gastrin is involved in the release of stomach acid and pepsin. CCK is involved in the release of digestive enzymes. CCK and gastrin potentiate the action of secretin, which is also involved in the release of digestive enzymes."​
I have not made it a point to observe
whether there is a sparing effect
I’ve been taking sublingual methyl cobalamin regularly in case I’m not producing intrinsic factor. I’ve been taking it more often now because I think nitrofurantoin caused some nerve damage.
This b complex is good value for the price, and I had those thoughts myself about the bizarre vegetable filler.

Eating a large amount of fat alongside my protein gives me some degree of indigestion, yes. I believed this to be due to insufficient bile production (I was low fat for a long time and most of my carb meals are zero fat), however this sounds like a more plausible explanation. Thank you for your help and for sharing those sources. I’ll take from them whatever Im able to grasp right now


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I have not made it a point to observe
whether there is a sparing effect
I’ve been taking sublingual methyl cobalamin regularly in case I’m not producing intrinsic factor. I’ve been taking it more often now because I think nitrofurantoin caused some nerve damage.
This b complex is good value for the price, and I had those thoughts myself about the bizarre vegetable filler.

Eating a large amount of fat alongside my protein gives me some degree of indigestion, yes. I believed this to be due to insufficient bile production (I was low fat for a long time and most of my carb meals are zero fat), however this sounds like a more plausible explanation. Thank you for your help and for sharing those sources. I’ll take from them whatever Im able to grasp right now
Mito pointed out that crematine is involved in maintaining parental cells energized:

- Tissue- and cell-specific distribution of creatine kinase B: A new and highly specific monoclonal antibody for use in immunohistochemistry

"In intestines, B-CK expression was found to be mainly restricted to the absorptive epithelial cells, in which apical staining was more intense than basolateral staining. This is in agreement with the results of Keller and Gordon (1991), describing a distinct concentration of BB-CK in the brush border terminal web domain of chicken intestinal epithelial cells, although the apical staining in mice seems more diffuse. Expression in individual cells was more pronounced in small intestine than in large intestine. In the stomach, high B-CK levels were found only in the parietal cells (Fig. 2D). These cells contain large numbers of mitochondria and are responsible for gastric acid production. The main protein involved in this high energy-demanding process is gastric H,K-ATPase (Klaassen and de Pont 1994). Functional coupling between specific ATPases and cytosolic CKs has been demonstrated in several tissues and species (Wallimann et al. 1984; Blum et al. 1991; Gordon and Keller 1992). B-CK in parietal cells may thus play a role in providing gastric H,K-ATPases with ATP. Indeed we have recently obtained biochemical evidence that there is a close association of both enzymes in these cells (data not shown). The staining of the columnar epithelial cells of the gallbladder (Fig. 2A-C) reflects the high energy demand of bile concentration, which is also driven by a proton ATP-ase (Plevris et al. 1992)."​


Feb 12, 2020
Mito pointed out that crematine is involved in maintaining parental cells energized:

- Tissue- and cell-specific distribution of creatine kinase B: A new and highly specific monoclonal antibody for use in immunohistochemistry

"In intestines, B-CK expression was found to be mainly restricted to the absorptive epithelial cells, in which apical staining was more intense than basolateral staining. This is in agreement with the results of Keller and Gordon (1991), describing a distinct concentration of BB-CK in the brush border terminal web domain of chicken intestinal epithelial cells, although the apical staining in mice seems more diffuse. Expression in individual cells was more pronounced in small intestine than in large intestine. In the stomach, high B-CK levels were found only in the parietal cells (Fig. 2D). These cells contain large numbers of mitochondria and are responsible for gastric acid production. The main protein involved in this high energy-demanding process is gastric H,K-ATPase (Klaassen and de Pont 1994). Functional coupling between specific ATPases and cytosolic CKs has been demonstrated in several tissues and species (Wallimann et al. 1984; Blum et al. 1991; Gordon and Keller 1992). B-CK in parietal cells may thus play a role in providing gastric H,K-ATPases with ATP. Indeed we have recently obtained biochemical evidence that there is a close association of both enzymes in these cells (data not shown). The staining of the columnar epithelial cells of the gallbladder (Fig. 2A-C) reflects the high energy demand of bile concentration, which is also driven by a proton ATP-ase (Plevris et al. 1992)."​
Okay so far its
Baking soda
Arginine or another free form amino acid

I know that iodine is also necessary for the production of stomach acid. I get side effects whenever I exceed a small dose. Replenishment will take decades at the rate at which I supplement. How would you approach supplementation in a person that suffered overexposure to fluoride to the point of dental fluorosis?


New Member
May 4, 2021
I wanted to warn against too many supplements that can make us lose the thread. But what really concerns me is the B vitamin complexes or isolated B vitamin. According to some feedback (ray peat forum and phoenixrising) they can create imbalances in other B vitamins (with crazy percentages for some and even crazier percentages for others). I say this, because you have mentioned tingling in the hands and this is often one of the telltale symptoms. From what I understand, you are taking active forms of B vitamins so there may be less risk. No idea.

Cognitive decline may be another sign of imbalance B vitamins. I guess

Perhaps looking from the side of the liver (phase I and phase II detoxification) and gallbladder could help :

(The mecanism is super interesting to understand how the health of the liver and the gallbladder can cause a cascade of problems. But it might not be as easy as taking what the guy advises. I guess)

(I used google translate)


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Okay so far its
Baking soda
Arginine or another free form amino acid

I know that iodine is also necessary for the production of stomach acid. I get side effects whenever I exceed a small dose. Replenishment will take decades at the rate at which I supplement. How would you approach supplementation in a person that suffered overexposure to fluoride to the point of dental fluorosis?
Killcium with a functional ligand:
- Has Anyone Tried Sodium Acetate ? (for SIBO?)

Killcium chlorroride is also an option to take along with your lysine (absorption enhancer). It will balance the edemium (Na) from your baking soda. You might need to increase glycine and taurine as well, both of them regulate chlorine as drugs.
- Low Stomach Acid Remedies

Bile reflux appears to decrease acid secretion:
- Effect of sodium taurocholate on gastric secretion in patients with duodenal ulceration
Solution: not to reflux.

I can't recall iodine being needed for gastric acid.
If I come across something useful for fluorosis in the future, I'll tag you elsewhere.


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
I haven't read through this entire thread but I would like to add what helped me after dealing with nearly a decade of bloating, gastritis, reflux, and generally poor digestion following heavy antibiotic/steroid use: brewer's yeast. Specifically a Japanese formulation called Ebios. I suspect it supplied some missing nutrient (B1?) that helped correct the issue and it's the closest thing to a cure I've ever used and I tried dozens of supplements/natural approaches over 8 years before finding this one. It changed my life tremendously.

I suspect my issue was hypochlorhydria induced by PPIs and stress. The brewer's yeast was taken with every meal, around 7g per day, for a few weeks before I noticed the improvement. It was recommended to me by a relative in Taiwan who it helped similarly. I also passed this along to a young man who suffered from severe acid reflux for years and it seems to have cured him as well. I don't need to take it religiously anymore and the relief persists. In my mind this supports the idea that it corrected a nutritional deficiency rather than just suppress symptoms.

I also like the idea of consuming brewer's yeast vs. any complex or isolated synthetic vitamin. Much less potential for see-saw imbalances IMO. B complex never agreed with me either, it would typically cause bloating and nervousness so I stayed away. The older I get, the more I lean toward getting my nutrition from food rather than supplementation (magnesium being an exception... bicarbonate seems to help me in many ways).
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Feb 12, 2020
Killcium with a functional ligand:
- Has Anyone Tried Sodium Acetate ? (for SIBO?)

Killcium chlorroride is also an option to take along with your lysine (absorption enhancer). It will balance the edemium (Na) from your baking soda. You might need to increase glycine and taurine as well, both of them regulate chlorine as drugs.
- Low Stomach Acid Remedies

Bile reflux appears to decrease acid secretion:
- Effect of sodium taurocholate on gastric secretion in patients with duodenal ulceration
Solution: not to reflux.

I can't recall iodine being needed for gastric acid.
If I come across something useful for fluorosis in the future, I'll tag you elsewhere.
At this rate I can open a pharmacy with my vitamin supplies. I’m a little bit concerned with aluminium in baking soda and lead in calcium supplements however most suppliers are willing to provide a certificate of analysis

I can see iodine deficiency impacting stomach acid by slowing down thyroid. I read something about the sodium-iodine symporter in the stomach but I can’t find it right now


Feb 12, 2020
Found this Here

“There are some simple tests that may help determine if you or your child lacks HCl. There is a hydrochloric acid reflex present on the bottom of the lowest rib (right side) approximately one inch lateral to the midline. If this area on the rib is tender to palpation there is a strong likelihood the person is deficient in hydrochloric acid, and would benefit from supplementation (a tenderness on the left rib indicates a lack of digestive enzymes.)


1.Drink four ounces of beet juice on an empty stomach. If this turns the next urine red, suspect low

HCl for there isn’t enough acid to break down the red pigment—but, you could be iron deficient.

2.Check the pH of the urine—drink four ounces of grapefruit juice, or a lemon–orange juice mixture, on an empty stomach. Test the pH of the urine one hour later. If it is significantly more acid (lower pH number), suspect low HCl. The citric acid should have been broken down.

3.If you have heartburn or a too–acid feeling, swallow a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. If it makes the symptoms worse—you have more than enough hydrochloric acid. If the symptoms are relieved, you need HCl.”

I already figured out beet juice is a good test to do at some. I noticed by accident a few months ago that the area they talk about was painful to the touch. I thought it had to do with my gallbladder. Right now it’s not as tender as it was but it’s more tender than the left side.


Apr 15, 2015
Found this Here

“There are some simple tests that may help determine if you or your child lacks HCl. There is a hydrochloric acid reflex present on the bottom of the lowest rib (right side) approximately one inch lateral to the midline. If this area on the rib is tender to palpation there is a strong likelihood the person is deficient in hydrochloric acid, and would benefit from supplementation (a tenderness on the left rib indicates a lack of digestive enzymes.)


1.Drink four ounces of beet juice on an empty stomach. If this turns the next urine red, suspect low

HCl for there isn’t enough acid to break down the red pigment—but, you could be iron deficient.

2.Check the pH of the urine—drink four ounces of grapefruit juice, or a lemon–orange juice mixture, on an empty stomach. Test the pH of the urine one hour later. If it is significantly more acid (lower pH number), suspect low HCl. The citric acid should have been broken down.

3.If you have heartburn or a too–acid feeling, swallow a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. If it makes the symptoms worse—you have more than enough hydrochloric acid. If the symptoms are relieved, you need HCl.”

I already figured out beet juice is a good test to do at some. I noticed by accident a few months ago that the area they talk about was painful to the touch. I thought it had to do with my gallbladder. Right now it’s not as tender as it was but it’s more tender than the left side.
I think with low HCL we need to direct all our efforts to increasing metabolism/improving thyroid.
Coffee helps, I drink about 10 cups a day now and my digestion is much better . There are lots of studies confirming that coffee increases HCL


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
- Nitric oxide-an endogenous inhibitor of gastric acid secretion in isolated human gastric glands
- Nitric oxide inhibits gastric acid secretion by increasing intraparietal cell levels of cGMP in isolated human gastric glands

At this rate I can open a pharmacy with my vitamin supplies. I’m a little bit concerned with aluminium in baking soda and lead in calcium supplements however most suppliers are willing to provide a certificate of analysis

I can see iodine deficiency impacting stomach acid by slowing down thyroid. I read something about the sodium-iodine symporter in the stomach but I can’t find it right now
It's up to you to filter the information for what you find relevant in your case.

I don't think that iodine is going to be the limiting nutrient for most people, metabolism is impaired past the thyroid level. If the concern is fluorine, the majority should be stored in bones, perhaps it's released over time in amounts that are not enough to antagonize iodine. You can look up if there's an elevation of plasma and the period that it persists after cessation of exposure. Also, if organic interferes just as well as inorganic, there are differences in elimination rate.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
- The Role of Nitric Oxide and Taurine in Regulation of Gastric Secretory Function in Dogs

Abstract said:
Effects of taurine and endogenous nitric oxide on gastric secretion and taurineinduced changes in the secretory process following blockade of nitric oxide synthesis were studied in chronic experiments on dogs with gastric fistulas. The intensity of gastric secretion was determined during 1.5 hours, as well as the content of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, total proteins and adenine system components. Inhibition of NO-synthase by L-NAME evokes an increase in the volume of histamine stimulated gastric secretion by 160% (P < 0.001), hydrochloric acid content by 156.4% (P < 0.001), pepsin content - by 184.1% (P < 0.001), as compared with control. Taurine increases the volume of histamine stimulated gastric secretion by 129.3% (P < 0.001), hydrochloric acid - by 151.4% (P < 0.001), pepsin - by 172.2% (P < 0.001), total proteins - by 60.5% (P < 0.001) as compared with control. Blockade of nitric oxide synthesis does not alter the effect of taurine on histamine stimulated gastric secretion. The obtained results suggest that endogenous nitric oxide inhibits gastric secretion, and it is not involved in the regulatory effects of taurine on gastric secretory function.


Feb 12, 2020
The most significant change is I moved to another country. The city has less air pollution and the flat has less humidity and mold. I’m also being extra careful about contamination of food with heavy metals. Avoiding anything canned and I dropped my organic tomato paste in glass because it likely leaches a ton of nickel when they prepare it. I bake the meat in a lead free glass tray and I steam the potatoes in their skins. Reducing stress levels and being around less stressful people and following part of the advice posted by amazoniac. Zero dairy and I stopped eating egg yolks. I’m not fully clear yet, but if my skin continues to develop in a positive direction and I do clear up I’ll reintroduce them to see if they’re a problem. Continued eating meat and starch separately and got extra strict about not eating fat with carbs. Got a higher potency zinc supplement. I change the Diet a lot but for the most part it’s been occasional vegetable juice, tropical fruit, tubers, fish (mostly cod), red meat

Making sure to chew starch a lot of salivate until it’s turned into liquid in my mouth
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Feb 12, 2020
I read the first one linked. If I understood it correctly, highest digestibility of milk in adults is achieved with when the coagulum/gastric curd is soft and weak making it more readily hydrolysed by pepsin, and that's achieved with:
-high gastric motility- fractures the curd
-whole milk
-lower protein milk
-milk with lower mineralization of the casein fraction
-UHT preferrable to pasteurized preferrable to raw
-homogenized milk

whole UHT goat milk fits the criteria


Apr 17, 2017

Psoriasis has been linked with cellular immunity (T-helper 1 cells) overactivity.

Bile acids are one of the factors reducing Th1 activity.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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