Casein Allergy


Mar 27, 2021
I think in most cases it is just wrong bacteria.
Try it with lots of (must be concentrated to create osmosis) sugar or with some other antibacterials
Changes nothing. Tried antibiotics multiple times and various antimicrobials with no change. I can drink a bunch of juice, cokes or add sugar with no difference.


Apr 15, 2015
Changes nothing. Tried antibiotics multiple times and various antimicrobials with no change. I can drink a bunch of juice, cokes or add sugar with no difference.
Just coke or juice is not enough to create osmosis... I mean real dense honey (or sugar) solution in tea /coffee + cheese (salty) .
1 part honey with 2 parts liquid for instance. You can inhibit bacteria through osmosis.
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Mar 27, 2021
Just coke or juice is not enough to create osmosis... I mean real dense honey (or sugar) solution in tea /coffee + cheese (salty) .
1 part honey with 2 parts liquid for instance. You can inhibit bacteria through osmosis.
Then it isn’t bacteria because I’ve eaten a kg of raw unfiltered honey with lots of raw goat milk and going to the bathroom was absolute hell.


Apr 15, 2015
Then it isn’t bacteria because I’ve eaten a kg of raw unfiltered honey with lots of raw goat milk and going to the bathroom was absolute hell.
What is your explanation of this sort of allregy ?


Mar 27, 2021
What is your explanation of this sort of allregy ?
It must be related to the way my body metabolizes casomorphins in casein. Travis said that pineapple and medium roast coffee have anti opioid effects and those are some of the only things that improve symptoms.

I almost had my appendix burst when I was a teenager so who knows what’s wrong with my intestines. I wish I could cure whatever it is. Hypothyroidism is my first thought but taking thyroid hormone did nothing for my digestion and I took up to 3 grains.


Apr 15, 2015
It must be related to the way my body metabolizes casomorphins in casein. Travis said that pineapple and medium roast coffee have anti opioid effects and those are some of the only things that improve symptoms.

I almost had my appendix burst when I was a teenager so who knows what’s wrong with my intestines. I wish I could cure whatever it is. Hypothyroidism is my first thought but taking thyroid hormone did nothing for my digestion and I took up to 3 grains.
Interview with Aajonus:

Q: Well, you talk a lot about dairy. There's a lot of people that have intolerance and are allergies. I was tested a few years back and it was severe in the casein. And I don't drink milk, so I waited another year and was tested again and it was still severe in it.

A: Anytime you have an allergy test for anything, they've taken a processed protein to do that. So if you're eating pasteurized dairy, if you're eating homogenized dairy, you're going to have a casein problem. Maybe even a lactate problem. But if you're drinking raw milk, you won't have that problem except if you're drinking it cold.

Q: Well, the thing is, the casein is the protein. So in my mind, it doesn't matter if it's raw or pasteurized because it's the protein. So if the protein...

A: Have you ever looked at it under a microscope to see if it's really pasteurized?

Q: No, that's what I'm trying to find an answer to. But no, that was my...

A: Do you warp a molecule, a protein? When you look at a protein under a microscope, whether it's raw or otherwise, just like vitamin C, you look at its little soft, spongy ball. Then once they take that same protein from... I mean that same vitamin C from a food and they make it into a supplement, it looks like glass. And it's large, spiky things. It has nothing, no relationship to what it was when it was unheated and unprocessed. And the same with proteins. They take on a whole new shape and it's entirely a different thing. It's like going in... If you had a Rolls Royce, would you go into a junkyard and get a part out of it that had been burned up and distorted? Well, I have in Singapore, I've got a whole slew of Chinese people there who are on the diet. Asians are 86% lactose intolerant and casein intolerant. Every one of these Chinese people eats the raw milk from Australia. And none of them has a problem. They even put it on the cover of the Chinese newspaper there. Full color. They even put my books on there. And they have all these skinny, weak Chinese people. Popped up and looked like Americans, you know, who are healthy. So they did a whole spread on it. I have not met anybody who's allergic, who has any kind of allergy to raw dairy. Now, sometimes the cooked casein and lactate may have collected in a body. And they will show symptoms of a lactate or casein intolerant when they first start drinking the raw milk. That's why I say in my book they should be drinking 2 ounces at a time, 4 ounces a day or just 2 ounces a day for 3 months. That'll all be gone. So I have not met one person, and I've met 30,000 who do this diet with milk. And many of them were intolerant to any kind of dairy until they had it raw.

Q: Let's bring in another thing about the gut. And if they say if you heal the gut, then it won't go through, like leaky gut, it won't go through the gut wall. And then you won't be allergic to it. So I don't know. That was another theory too.

A: Well, there are some people who have leaky gut, and those are most people who have Crohn's disease. And almost everybody, like 85% of people who have arthritis, arthritis or rheumatism have leaky gut. But that's just a thinning of the mucus to where they don't protect their intestines anymore. So their own digestive acids and bacteria eat into their intestines and the wall becomes thinner and thinner. And then when they eat, the gut rips and then food goes in. But it doesn't matter what kind of food, it doesn't matter if it's dairy or what. They're going to have an allergy to it. But what the body does is send it to the joints, mainly the knees first, hip, elbows, or shoulder, or neck. And in 80% of the cases that I've seen, it goes to the knees first. It turns that into a digestive site. So, because, like the stomach is very resilient, it forms hydrochloric acid in the dissolved bone, yet it doesn't dissolve its own tissue. That's very resilient tissue. Where your cartilage is very close to the same. So it can have digestive activity down there, but because there's digestive activity going on there, it'll also start eating away at the cartilage little by little. And that's arthritis, and that's rheumatoid arthritis, and that's rheumatism. So 85% I've seen of those diseases come from leaky gut. And leaky gut is not having enough mucus. And that mostly occurs in people who stay away from things that form mucus. Like milkshakes are the best thing to form mucus. So whenever I have somebody on Crohn's or who has arthritis or rheumatism, I put them one, two, three milkshakes a day. And within a very quick time, their symptoms are mitigated by 85%.

Q: So you can heal the leaky gut.

A: Oh yeah, leaky gut just needs to start building mucus. And then they eat the raw meat, so raw eggs, to get those cells to attach again. So they'll bond, so they'll stop having the leaky gut. But it takes the mucus first to build the wall.
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