Carb Nite Solution question


New Member
Sep 24, 2021
Hey everybody, thank you in advance for taking the time to read this!

My goal is body fat reduction, and I have a question regarding the 10 day calibration at the beginning of CNS. Before I found CNS, I was following Keto for 26 days, and at about a week in I combined intermittent fasting with my Keto, which worked well for me. I wasn’t counting cals or carbs, but I know that my carbs were low (nothing but green veggies) and my cals were higher than. After my initial fat loss, I plateaued and decided to restrict calories based on appropriate calculations for my goal based on my age, body composition, etc. Two days later I wasn’t starving, but I felt fatigued and deflated. That’s when I discovered CNS and had a carb night, which made me feel great again.

So I have two questions:

1) Would those 26 days before my first carb night qualify as my recalibration, or should I go through an precise full ten days of no more than 30g of carbs to make sure they are exact?

2) After recalibration, is it ok to do 2 carb nites a week if there are at least four 30g carb days between them, or should I stick to the standard 6 days low carb/1 carb nite if my goal is body fat reduction, or will this slow my progress?

Thanks again!
Apr 25, 2018
This diet is pretty much as anti-peat as you can get...i did it for about a year

i found that my adrenaline was crazy high and prob my cortisol's an odd diet of slamming junk food on the carb nite then slamming yourself into ketosis over and over again i dont think its a healthy approach


May 30, 2018
Best fat loss diet I’ve done is low fat. Mostly rice, fruit, oats, potatoes and very low fat meat, shrimp, fish and Greek yogurt. No added fat. It takes a long time, maybe a few years to lose excess fat but I think it’s usually the healthier option for fat loss than low carb. Feels very clean, low inflammation. Very low carb can work but it wrecked my carb metabolism which I still haven’t fully recovered from. I can’t recommend it.
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