Can’t figure out positive ANA test


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Positive non specific ANA test, but when full auto immune panel is done nothing shows. Severe neurological symptoms that have recently
Became acute.

I had issues for years. But had mercury removed and felt okay for a bit, but then got worse. I’d say mercury causes low grade inflammation in the organs responsible for endocrine and nervous system function, gallbladder, liver brain etc. Then if you catch a viral infection it can disseminate and become chronic.

I think Once you remove the mercury, then the underlying infections can become acute. For a while I never got sick, but felt constantly awful, low energy, hard time digesting my ego/reality, emotional issues.

But now everytime I regulate my nervous system and calm the storm, I then become acutely sick. Can’t breathe, schizophrenia tendencies, tremors. So when Im in fight or flight state the serious symptoms are kept at bay because my body doesn’t feel safe to heal. Once I start to get well and “detox” the symptoms that arise are just out of control, due to idk what?? I suspect an underlying virus, die off. This cycle happens over and over. Idk what to do to prepare to get through it.

Severe mineral imbalance that just isn’t letting me detox and clean up the system? I really think it’s an infection because of the positive ANA. Idk what else to check? How do you determine an underlying virus? Losing weight at 4k calories a day. Muscle wasting like crazy.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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