Candidiasis (Systemic) Help!


Jul 20, 2014
Hi there!

I would appreciate some help in finding more info from Ray Peat's on real systemic Candidiasis. I've read that sugar would have kept this from happening but I'm about 15yrs late on receiving this information. I've had stool test for the past 8 yrs that show yeast off the charts and have done low carb diets for 15 years with pockets of consuming some carbs. I know I have SIBO and Parasite infection... and treating with medication but would like to give this approach a go despite being told I am not to eat eggs, sugar or Dairy.

Any info appreciated - hoping I can turn this around despite letting the yeast dig in systemically long term.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Nicole said:
Hi there!

I would appreciate some help in finding more info from Ray Peat's on real systemic Candidiasis. I've read that sugar would have kept this from happening but I'm about 15yrs late on receiving this information. I've had stool test for the past 8 yrs that show yeast off the charts and have done low carb diets for 15 years with pockets of consuming some carbs. I know I have SIBO and Parasite infection... and treating with medication but would like to give this approach a go despite being told I am not to eat eggs, sugar or Dairy.

Any info appreciated - hoping I can turn this around despite letting the yeast dig in systemically long term.


You can start with taking a teaspoon of flowers of sulphur. That should put it under control. After that you can try some Ceylon cinnamon (1/2 to 1 teaspoon a day) and the rest is metabolism, so enough protein and sugar definitely help. Some people have had success with oil of oregano as well.
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
RP's idea is that there is a kind of mania about yeast, when in fact it's quite simple. He thinks yeast loves polyunsaturated fats (PUFA), and becomes invasive when deprived of sugar.

PUFA in tissues can exceed 20% in hypothyroidism or be less than 2% when healthy. When you feel hungry for sugar or salt, even if you wake up at night, listen to your body. Try frequent small meals of potatoes and milk, with sugar or salt to taste.


Mar 29, 2014
Who/on wat basis have you been told to avoid sugar, milk and eggs? If you have anphylactic allergic reactions to any of them, they are probably worth respecting. If you have tested particularly sensitive to any of these, it make sense to take it slowly, and monitor carefully. If it's some general anti-candida advice, it may not make sense at all for you.


Jul 20, 2014
Thank you for the replies - I really appreciate the encouragement and suggestions!! I really want to heal my gut lining.

I haven't tried flowers of sulphur. Hopefully my Sulphur pathways are up to par as I know that's an issue for some but worth trying! I did by some charcoal for my husband when he had food poisoning and I heard this can be helpful for my situation as well, just a little nervous taking it.

I'm resistant to Oil of Oregano from years of rotating different "natural" antifungals. :(

My food responses where related to severe chronic fatigue, leaky gut/gasto pain, constipation, acne, migraines, anxiety and hormone imbalances. I react almost instantly. Eggs, Soy,Yeast, Gluten and other grains, All forms of sugar/sweetener, Dairy and Alcohol came up as the worst intolerances (highest response) of my IGg blood testing and Eggs and seafood came up in a Carol food blood test (Genetically intolerant). However I like to think Genes are not set in stone and can be turned on and off...

I'm going to try sheeps milk and start slow. I had some orange juice today and it was very satisfying... almost felt like a meal.


Mar 29, 2014
Hi Nicole,
It is tricky if there are many foods your system isn't handling at the moment. Hopefully some of those can improve. Glad the OJ is working for you. It's a staple for me at the moment. There is probably some variation, but most women between mid-twenties and menopause need something like 2500 kcal a day to maintain health and metabolism, and if you are not managing to get that on a regular basis because of all the foods you are avoiding, that could well contribute to your issues. As Haidut says, getting metabolism up should help - more energy and higher temperatures for you body to fight invaders/maintain balance. It's often a factor in constipation etc, too.

Don't know if any of this is relevant to you, but these are bits of my story that come to mind reading yours. I haven't actually improved my main complaint (migraine) yet, so it's very much a work in progress.

As far as I'm aware I've not had bad systemic candidiasis, but I did have many years of recurrent thrush. I haven't had any noticable outbreaks for the last few years though. I think it may have gone around the time I started eating more sugar again, after heavily restricting it for years. Not that I think the sugar cured it, just that it is clearly possible to improve it while eating sugar. I used to eat a little raw garlic most days to keep it under control - haven't done that regularly for a few years now either.
I also mostly avoided gluten and dairy and yeast for many years, when naturopaths suggested it, and it seemed to help against some symptoms. Never helped my main complaint though. I still mostly avoid gluten (tough on digestive tract) and yeast (estrogenic), but eat a lot more sugar and milk than I used to, including fruit, juice, honey, etc, but also adding refined sucrose fairly liberally. Since reading Peat I've cut back massively on the soy (estrogenic) and PUFAs (anti-metabolic in lots of ways) too - I used to use soy 'milk' instead of cows milk, and vege oils and margarine instead of butter. Over the last few months I've gradually been increasing my milk consumption to 1-1.5 litre/day. I still avoid aged cheeses (histamine?), but make my own cottage cheese (super easy). Now I don't get the fuzzy-headedness I used to get from milk. I suspect that Progest-E may have helped with improving my tolerance.
egg or shellfish exposure, you could try other forms.

Unless/until you can get you system happier about dairy, it may be worth supplementing calcium. Some people use eggshell calcium; I'm using oyster shell powder. If you're sensistive to that level of shellfish and egg, you can probably try other forms. Also, if you can't eat eggs or much dairy at the moment, and are relying on a lot of meat to get ~100gm protein a day, then it may be worth supplementing with gelatine from broths and or powder to balance the high tryptophan in muscle meats.

I think the flowers of sulphur is a one off, not daily practice. I think it produces a strong acid effect, and that fungi don't thrive in acid. There may be more to how it functions that I don't know. I've never tried it myself.

Activated charcoal is pretty benign. I sometimes use it - ~2-3 heaped tsp mixed with water in a bottle. Just avoid breathing in the dust (mixing in a bottle helps with this), be aware that it will turn everything black on the way through, and brush your teeth before you go out. :): You probably know this already if your husband has been using it.

There are lots of things to try - good luck.


Jul 20, 2014
Thank you Tara! Its great to hear of your experience. I picked up sheep cheese the other day but didn't realize that being aged could be an issue. I ordered some sheep milk that will come in next Friday. So nervous to try it as I grew up not drinking milk and seems gross but I'm running out of stuff to eat. The suggested melon and grapes are high in mold so I worry about that triggering issues but it seems like I need to just do it and see what happens. Today I found myself pretty hungry but it's because I haven't dove right into the diet and trying to avoid any starches (potato).

Off to read more Peat topics - hopefully ill build confidence!


Mar 29, 2014
Hi Nicole,
I don't know that aged cheeses are a problem for everyone, but I seem to have a low tolerance for them, and I'm speculating that it could be the histamine. It might be OK for you. I did grow up drinking lots of milk. But now I like it with (decaf) coffee and sugar.
Peat's articles are great, though for me they take a bit of work to understand. Happy reading. :)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The flowers of sulfur that haidut mentioned worked extremely well for my situation. One year I counted up the pharma prescriptions for chronic yeast infections that I used in one year and the grand total came to 18!!!!! I used diflucan and nystatin at various doses all with no long term results. After I discovered Peat's work and changed my eating/ lifestyle the flowers of sulfur worked unbelievably well. I still continue to work toward an optimal metabolism but I was sure grateful for flowers of sulfur when I needed it.


Jul 20, 2014
Thanks Blossom! I'm so glad it worked for you- gives me some confidence that it will work for me too :) is there a particular brand you use? Not sure if all brands are created equal.

Did you eat based on Peats research while taking this supplement or did you wait until it cleared?
I'm definitely having some reactions introducing cheese and OJ (day 2) but not terrible yet (often accumulative). I started progesterone and tracking my temp for thyroid support but not sure if I'm doing a good job of not moving around too much before I take the temp!

Thanks for sharing your success! I trust your metabolism will speed up as well ;)


Jul 8, 2014
I'm sort of in the same boat as you, Nicole. It was just confirmed by an allergy test that I have leaky gut. My doctor recommended Metagenics Glutagenics to heal the gut lining. I've used goldenseal in the past when I had a severely burning stomach and subsequent vomiting that sent me to the ER. It worked quite well and within a day or two the burning and indigestion was gone. Unfortunately, about two months ago, out of nowhere my beloved dog became deathly ill and just passed away over the weekend and this has been devastating and so stressful. With that, my burning gut and horrible digestion is back full force. :(

I'm going to try the Glutagenics or goldenseal to heal my gut lining along with the flowers of sulphur and oregano oil. I have one that comes from Greece and has a Carvacol content of 83-85% so it's crazy strong and gets rid of the rash I develop after I eat in only 15 minutes. Good stuff! ... regano+oil

I think Birdie mentioned getting the Humco brand flowers of sulphur or "sublimed sulphur" at a Walmart pharmacy and Amazon has it as well. Is that the brand you use, Blossom?

Hope you find lasting relief, Nicole! :)


Jul 20, 2014
Thanks Jennifer :) I hope you feel well soon! I'm sorry to hear of the circumstances around the flare up. Stress is behind a lot of I've been using GI Revive (deigns for health) to help the intestinal health, it's my latest switch from a few other brands and I think one of my favourites.

Lately I've had a constant sore throat, pressure on the lower part of my throat where the indent is and bad canker sores in my mouth... I think it's the OJ. Has anyone else got canker sores? This is why I stopped drinking it when I was a teen.


Jul 8, 2014
I appreciate the kind words, Nicole! :) I'll look into the GI Revive. Thanks for the recommendation.

As far as the canker sores go, I could be completely wrong on this, but I was under the impression that they were due to a virus. What's interesting is my mom had always suffered from canker sores, but once she started taking progest-e, the canker sores disappeared and haven't returned. She use to get allergic reactions in the form of tiny sores/pimples around her mouth to acidic foods like tomato and orange juice, but now it's a nonissue. Her diet hasn't change so it has to be the progest-e that helped for whatever reason.


Jul 20, 2014
Interesting Tara! It likely is a virus as sometimes I think I'm carrying something (viral/bacterial) and it doesn't show it's face until I eat a certain food or tip the scales (which is easy for me). I've been using NATPRO cream for the last week, I ordered it a while ago before learning about Ray Peat and thinking about switching to Progest E but a little nervous about it being oral and so strong. I need to stop reading all the negative stuff online around progesterone, go with what works and get back to Ray's articles! I have been extra sleepy since I started the progesterone though (but my skin is clearer ;)

P.S. I do think GI revive is a great product. I just wish that Xanthan Gum wasn't at the bottom of ingredients.. perhaps the benefits out way the small amount in each dose.

Thanks again!


Apr 17, 2013
Blossom said:
The flowers of sulfur that haidut mentioned worked extremely well for my situation. One year I counted up the pharma prescriptions for chronic yeast infections that I used in one year and the grand total came to 18!!!!! I used diflucan and nystatin at various doses all with no long term results. After I discovered Peat's work and changed my eating/ lifestyle the flowers of sulfur worked unbelievably well. I still continue to work toward an optimal metabolism but I was sure grateful for flowers of sulfur when I needed it.

Hi blossom, do you mind telling us what kind you took and how much and how long? I'm having this issue now and would love to hear exactly what you did. I tried flowers of sulphur once already but it didn't do anything for me. Maybe I didn't take enough.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Sorry, I just saw this question and noticed it was asked earlier. I bought the flowers of sulfur from bulk at a local health food store. They just scooped it out and weighed it for me so I'm not sure of the brand. I could call them and find out who their supplier was last year when I made my purchase if that would help. I've always had a great experience with all bulk herbs, spices etc. that I've purchased from them over the years so that is basically why I chose to try their brimstone.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Last year I tried a pinch of flowers of sulfur but that wasn't enough for my situation so I went ahead and took a whole tsp. That definitely worked! I did smell a bit like sulfur for a few weeks though. It was difficult to get the smell out of a few items of clothing too. It was well worth it and I haven't had another yeast infection since.


Jan 22, 2013
I used to have chronic yeast issues (all of my life I think) until I stopped being afraid of sugar. In my efforts to try to eradicate sugar from my diet, this created more issues with the yeast. IDK if it was ever candida, but sugar was really the cure for me. I eat lots of fruit, white sugar, some starches somewhat Peaty for the past 2 years. No more yeast issues. Ray Peat also mentions somewhere that eliminating sugar from diet will create more issues with candida. I will try to find that reference and post.
Someone else on here had success with garlic.


Jun 12, 2013
Just popping in to add that a member - big peatowski, had great success with her gut issues by using raw garlic.


Oct 21, 2013
Nicole said:
Lately I've had a constant sore throat, pressure on the lower part of my throat where the indent is and bad canker sores in my mouth... I think it's the OJ. Has anyone else got canker sores? This is why I stopped drinking it when I was a teen.

I can't drink OJ because it almost always induces mouth sores for me. (High fructose corn syrup is another culprit). I think it is not so much the OJ in itself, but the processing, and that fact that most commercial juice is not from abundantly ripe oranges, etc. Unfortunately, fresh squeezed OJ from ripe oranges is not possible where I live :(

I find that when I add sugar to milk, I have no problems tolerating it, whereas for most of my adulthood it would upset my stomach. It is also possible that using a thyroid glandular regularly for a couple years now has helped that.

Dr. Peat says progesterone supplementation won't necessarily be effective if the thyroid is depressed, so the first things to work on are adequate protein intake, making sure your cholesterol levels are optimal, thyroid support and then adding progesterone as needed.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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