Candida Overgrowth Is A Major Factor In (alcoholic) Liver Damage / Cirrhosis



are you suggesting a link between infections (including candida) and cancer?

Dont want to derail the thread but I'd like to know what dose you took and for how long. This is huge and could help a lot of people. maybe make a thread

no, not suggesting looks like Art. can help w candida too....the cancer thing, there's lots of info out there plus some of my comments re Art. on forum

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Has anyone ever heard of this: Candessence, a Dr. Wong formula based on the works of Dr. Tom Revis, for candida?
It uses potassium bitartrate to remove candida from the digestive tract. The only time I have ever unintentionally consumed potassium bitartrate crystals is maybe drinking a white wine that was cold stabalized! There are all kinds of things promoted for fighting candida, this is the first time I have ever heard of this one. Dr. Wong is mostly known for his work with systemic enzymes.

James IV

are you suggesting a link between infections (including candida) and cancer?

Dont want to derail the thread but I'd like to know what dose you took and for how long. This is huge and could help a lot of people. maybe make a thread

Not to continue to derail this, but one of my clients is a research scientist who's company is exclusively working on studying the gut microbiome and its relation to all things health. He has been very cool in letting me see all the info they are uncovering.
At the risk of being premature, I think we are going to find in the coming years that just about all major disease is related to microbial action.
Dec 25, 2014
are you suggesting a link between infections (including candida) and cancer?

Dont want to derail the thread but I'd like to know what dose you took and for how long. This is huge and could help a lot of people. maybe make a thread

There is a link between Candida and cancer, though I'm not expert on it. Same link between endotoxins and cancer I would presume.


Jun 29, 2017
I would like to know what Ray would say about turpentine. He'd probably say it's toxic or he doesn't trust it (as unsure of safety), but I know of so many positive anecdotes from it. I take a couple of tablespoons per month.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
FYI, there was a Kansas University study that showed, albeit in vitro, that using gymnema sylvestra herb helped prevent the candida yeast from morphing into the hyphal, or fungal form, making it easier to eradicate and control. Apparently the gymnemic acids are the active ingredient that are beneficial.


Dec 4, 2014
Any ideas on this to try some sulfur?

It's for the garden, but only guaranteed 92% sulfur. Sulfur is the only listed ingredient. Very cheap and available at most garden centers. Not sure if it would contain toxins. The dosage to ingest is low, so maybe it would be negligible.

My dad and sister are both allergic to sulfur. Red wine and eggs upset them a lot, as well as some preserved foods. You might try consuming eggs to introduce some sulfur into the body without needing actual sulfur. From what I understand, sulfur is what gives hard-boiled eggs their scent.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
My dad and sister are both allergic to sulfur. Red wine and eggs upset them a lot, as well as some preserved foods. You might try consuming eggs to introduce some sulfur into the body without needing actual sulfur. From what I understand, sulfur is what gives hard-boiled eggs their scent.
White wine is known to have three times, if not more, sulfur dioxide than red wine, due to the absence of tannins, which are natural preservatives. Ask any pro winemaker. Just thought you'd like to know for your dad and sister.


Dec 4, 2014
White wine is known to have three times, if not more, sulfur dioxide than red wine, due to the absence of tannins, which are natural preservatives. Ask any pro winemaker. Just thought you'd like to know for your dad and sister.

Thanks for that info! I think they also avoid white wine, but I'll have to ask them. It's a really lame thing to be allergic to, really annoying for them.


Jan 25, 2014
Any ideas on this to try some sulfur?
300g Garden Sulphur Fungicide

It's for the garden, but only guaranteed 92% sulfur. Sulfur is the only listed ingredient. Very cheap and available at most garden centers. Not sure if it would contain toxins. The dosage to ingest is low, so maybe it would be negligible.

I would not use garden grade at all. It could contain any number of toxins that could be very harmful if swallowed, even in tiny amounts. Get USP grade, which is also called Sublimed Sulfur. It's pretty common, even on Amazon.


Sep 11, 2017
Any thoughts on topical beta glucans? It's pretty unanimously prescribed for skin healing following cosmetic treatments. For skin barrier repair.


Aug 6, 2017
I would like to know what Ray would say about turpentine. He'd probably say it's toxic or he doesn't trust it (as unsure of safety), but I know of so many positive anecdotes from it. I take a couple of tablespoons per month.
In total i assume. Otherwise that's insane. I took 1-2 teaspoon and my breath and body reeked turpentine for a day and some of it even came out the other end providing a natural poo-pourri. It did not feel particularly healthy but might be effective, i did not try to heal anything just learn.

Turpentine is an amazing steam fragrance and good foot bath to eradicate athletes foot the easy way.
Last edited:


Jan 10, 2023
what would be a good treatment for Mold and Candida overgrowth in the liver that’s not toxic to the liver?


Jan 10, 2023
Ozone therapy.
I don’t really wanna mess with ozone again, I bought an ozone machine to get rid of mold out my room. And it caused like extreme anger and bipolar episodes in not just me but my family. It also must have reacted with pesticides in the new duvet in my room and other stuff creating toxic byproducts, because I felt awful when I first turned it on in my room and even 8 hours later after turning it off. Where as when I turned it on in the kitchen I didn’t feel bad at all.

What I didn’t know was that this was an industrial ozone machine 20,000mg/h not meant to be used in bedrooms and meant for much larger spaces.

And I’ve seen countless chronically ill people who have said ozone worsened them.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I don’t really wanna mess with ozone again, I bought an ozone machine to get rid of mold out my room. And it caused like extreme anger and bipolar episodes in not just me but my family. It also must have reacted with pesticides in the new duvet in my room and other stuff creating toxic byproducts, because I felt awful when I first turned it on in my room and even 8 hours later after turning it off. Where as when I turned it on in the kitchen I didn’t feel bad at all.

What I didn’t know was that this was an industrial ozone machine 20,000mg/h not meant to be used in bedrooms and meant for much larger spaces.

And I’ve seen countless chronically ill people who have said ozone worsened them.
Well, breathing ozone is much different than internal ozone therapy done properly, and it can cause problems. In your case, if the ozone caused your problems, it was not well regulated in the room, since breathing in ozone is not to be done, since our lungs are sensitive to it. And, if it was the pesticides, than you can't blame the ozone. Obviously, you were also using a machine that was not indicated for residential use.
Ozone therapy is quite safe, and has been used successfully for over 100 years. It was the only thing that get rid of my fungal infections {and I have tried them all for 30 years, ozone was the winner, and would never get rid of my ozone generator}. Where exactly have you seen countless people worsen from ozone? I have researched ozone for 20 years and have not heard or seen 'countless' people get worse { just like here on this forum or other places, people correlate problems to things that have nothing to do with the core problem they have}. I would keep an open mind and do more research on ozone therapy.


Nov 6, 2022

"Candida Overgrowth Is A Major Factor In (alcoholic) Liver Damage / Cirrhosis"​

wondering how much of a factor it is in non alcoholic liver disease (NALD)


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
I don’t really wanna mess with ozone again, I bought an ozone machine to get rid of mold out my room. And it caused like extreme anger and bipolar episodes in not just me but my family. It also must have reacted with pesticides in the new duvet in my room and other stuff creating toxic byproducts, because I felt awful when I first turned it on in my room and even 8 hours later after turning it off. Where as when I turned it on in the kitchen I didn’t feel bad at all.

What I didn’t know was that this was an industrial ozone machine 20,000mg/h not meant to be used in bedrooms and meant for much larger spaces.

And I’ve seen countless chronically ill people who have said ozone worsened them.
Ozone generators will create toxic nitrogen oxides unless they use pure oxygen as the "feed gas." This is why the room must be thoroughly aired out after running the unit.

In medical ozone therapy, oxygen is fed into the generator preventing formation of the harmful gas.
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