Can you reverse boob growth resulting from years of estrogen dominance?


Mar 15, 2014
In my experience, very estrogen dominant women are skinny, weak and deflated looking, not busty or robust.
Are you saying this based on labs you've checked? I always imagined estrogen dominant to be fatter and possibly even "attractive" by conventional standards through having larger hips/butt/etc


May 13, 2015
Are you for real? Because of all the reasons I have listed in my post. Read. Would you enjoy a giant pair of balls that makes it hard for you to find pants that fit, or run without pain. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I generally don't have huge issues with digestion, I have 1-2 normal bowel movements each day, but I do experience mild bloating sometimes in the evening, and I get the "period poops" lol 🥲

Yes, I was somewhat thinner but honestly not that much. I wasn't "skinny" by any means. I've always been more on the curvy side but it was within proportion. I gained a lot of weight after quitting keto, until I started tracking calories on a more prometabolic diet, walking and lifting weights. The first place I lost weight was my waist / belly. Boobs have remained the same although my chest circumference has gone down. I'm now down 11kg overall since starting fat loss on and off a year ago.

haha thanks 😜 I think I definitely need to give my liver some love! Bowels are ok though far as I can tell ...

No, I don't. I was diagnosed hyper at 13 but never got treated for it, and I was quite underweight. I went on the pill age 14, and quit the pill about 10 years later, and I think there may be a connection that my hyper went hypo due to hormonal havoc, and I have never been officially diagnosed hypo or treated for it. Saving up for medichecks well woman advanced blood test though cause I have zero trust in NHS.

Very interesting! I had progest-e but I never used it because I was worried I could do more harm than good not knowing my levels. Now I can't find where I put it 🥲 But once I've done my medichecks test I will look into buying it again!
I never got my levels checked; I just knew I was strongly estrogen dominant by my symptoms. I've found progesterone to be very helpful.

Have you listened to these Ray Peat interviews? I found them very helpful.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
Are you saying this based on labs you've checked? I always imagined estrogen dominant to be fatter and possibly even "attractive" by conventional standards through having larger hips/butt/etc
I am saying this based on several women I know who have or had breast cancer or melanoma. I am assuming unopposed estrogen is most likely the driving factor in their diagnosis.


Jul 17, 2021
I thought progesterone was the main driver of breast growth? I also thought that the breast growth that is stimulated by estrogen was more tubular in nature?


Nov 6, 2022
I'm 37 yo and I remember a time in my 20s when I had what I would consider normal sized boobs, I could wear a B-D cup no problems, and running wasn't a big deal. Fast forward a decade later and my boobs are monstrous. I have to wear HH+ bras and I can't find bras that work for me and forget running / jogging / doing any kinds of jumping activity without discomfort or pain. I'm convinced it's hormonal due to years of estrogen dominance and it developed slowly over years and years of crappy lifestyle, veganism, keto phase, and generally not knowing what I'm doing lol, and I already am doing things to remove excess estrogen from my system now and trying to improve my overall thyroid function but I really want to know if fixing estrogen dominance will reverse my boobs to a normal size or am I stuck like this for the rest of my life? I absolutely hate it because clothes don't fit right, they make me look fatter than I actually am (though I could still stand to loose a bit of body fat I already lost 11kg since last year, but my boobs are so wide set and low hanging (almost down to my belly button, cringe) they make me look wider than my actual rib cage and waist actually are), people stare at me, if I try to dress modestly I look ginormous, if I wear skin tight I draw too much unwanted attention, I really can't stand my oestrogen boobs it makes me want to cry. Sorry for rambling, but bottom line: is it possible to "shrink" your boobs by balancing hormones, nutrition / supplementing specific nutrients etc I'm desperate, any advice will be greatly appreciated.
I guess you could if you haven’t already. But if my understanding is right they say the extra blood vessels one develops when one gets more rotund are there to stay even if one slims back down. Don’t know how that factors in health wise .
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