Can a person or animal SENSE when their loved one has PASSED ?


Mar 18, 2021
That is incredible, I was not familiar with quantum entanglement until now

Instinctively, I always wondered if I thought about someone I was close to, would they be able to "feel" me thinking about them even if they were far away? I think they would
Nobel prize in physics 2022 was awarded to researchers of quantum entanglement for the experiments done in 1972, although it was demonstrated experimentally by Chien-Shiung Wu in 1949 at Columbia University (she never got credit for it) and by others in the 1800s. The effect has been known for a very long time but it was deliberately kept outside of mainstream science and (ab)used by various organizations. The technology is very mature now and it will revolutionize every single aspect of life. "Revolutionize" is not even enough to describe it. But it will probably not be fully implemented until there is a completely controlled society.


Sep 21, 2014
That is incredible, I was not familiar with quantum entanglement until now

Instinctively, I always wondered if I thought about someone I was close to, would they be able to "feel" me thinking about them even if they were far away? I think they would
Not my own experience, but I read stories (maybe it was in this forum) where someone dreamed about another person (not close friends or family members). And that other person reported the same thing, but reversed. Could be a coincidence, but I think there's more to it.


Jan 6, 2019
. The technology is very mature now and it will revolutionize every single aspect of life. "Revolutionize" is not even enough to describe it. But it will probably not be fully implemented until there is a completely controlled society
Why wiil it not be implemented before that and how precisely will it impact everything?


Mar 18, 2021
Why wiil it not be implemented before that and how precisely will it impact everything?
Because it's so powerful that a single person will be able to destroy the whole planet, some say even the whole galaxy. Many physicists caution against the experiments done at CERN, they consider them very dangerous. It will impact everything from healthcare, aging, longevity, transportation, communication, agriculture, computing, every single industry. For example, complete organ regeneration has been demonstrated already. The technologies will likely be introduced gradually because the society needs to be prepared for them and to accept them. Imagine suddenly giving smartphones to everyone in the 1800s. It's not even a good example, because the new technology is fundamentally different from everything we know and it will be very difficult to accept it in our lives simply because it works and does what it says. It is psychological anathema. Because any human being will realize they are completely powerless against its misuse.


Jan 6, 2019
Because it's so powerful that a single person will be able to destroy the whole planet, some say even the whole galaxy. Many physicists caution against the experiments done at CERN, they consider them very dangerous. It will impact everything from healthcare, aging, longevity, transportation, communication, agriculture, computing, every single industry. For example, complete organ regeneration has been demonstrated already. The technologies will likely be introduced gradually because the society needs to be prepared for them and to accept them. Imagine suddenly giving smartphones to everyone in the 1800s. It's not even a good example, because the new technology is fundamentally different from everything we know and it will be very difficult to accept it in our lives simply because it works and does what it says. It is psychological anathema. Because any human being will realize they are completely powerless against its misuse.
For clarity, all this will result from applications of quantum entanglement in particular? Where could I read more about this?

Normal Human

Dec 6, 2022
@miquelangeles Not sure if you're aware of this specific book, but since you mentioned the work of Vitaly Petrov at Novosibirsk I assume you're familiar with many of the researchers and experiments. For others interested in these ideas, this book is a treasure trove of paradigm-shifting experimental work.

Anyone familiar with Ray's views on cosmology will know that he was inspired by the works of V.I. Vernadsky and N.A. Kozyrev. This book builds on their work and extends it in many domains. Basically, yes, the Soviets have indeed been working along these experimental lines for 100 years.

To answer @JamesGatz OP question - yes, there's an abundance of evidence for this phenomena existing.

I'm currently reading this book and taking an abundance of notes on it. Will likely make a thread on it in the future, but I encourage anyone interested in these ideas to investigate further for yourself.

Reflections on Life and Intelligence on Planet Earth


Mar 18, 2021
@miquelangeles Not sure if you're aware of this specific book, but since you mentioned the work of Vitaly Petrov at Novosibirsk I assume you're familiar with many of the researchers and experiments. For others interested in these ideas, this book is a treasure trove of paradigm-shifting experimental work.

Anyone familiar with Ray's views on cosmology will know that he was inspired by the works of V.I. Vernadsky and N.A. Kozyrev. This book builds on their work and extends it in many domains. Basically, yes, the Soviets have indeed been working along these experimental lines for 100 years.

To answer @JamesGatz OP question - yes, there's an abundance of evidence for this phenomena existing.

I'm currently reading this book and taking an abundance of notes on it. Will likely make a thread on it in the future, but I encourage anyone interested in these ideas to investigate further for yourself.

Reflections on Life and Intelligence on Planet Earth
I'm familiar with most of them and I am still researching their work for almost a year now. And every day you find another brilliant researcher and his work. It's a completely different world and perspective from what we have in the west. I was lucky enough to be introduced to some of them directly including colleagues of Akimov himself. I learned a lot and still flood them with questions every day. It has forever changed the way I see the world and life.


Mar 18, 2021
For clarity, all this will result from applications of quantum entanglement in particular? Where could I read more about this?
Gregg Braden has a pretty good YouTube channel and explains a lot of it in a very accessible manner.


Mar 18, 2021
For clarity, all this will result from applications of quantum entanglement in particular? Where could I read more about this?
Jack Kruse is a pretty good source too once you start figuring out what he's talking about. Because he tries to rebrand everything with his own words without giving due credit to the actual researchers, many of them from the former USSR.


Nov 7, 2022
I've noticed a phenomenon where people/animals can SENSE when a loved one has PASSED, even if they did not witness them passing away:

This is what I mean

In this video, a father passed away at the hospital from a gas explosion, apparently at the same time the father passed away, his baby daughter (at home) began to cry for a few seconds during sleep, then immediately stopped:


In this video, this man owned 2 dogs for several years, and one had to be euthanized, the other dog (even though he did not see the other dog pass away), began to howl at the sky an hour after his friend had passed


3rd example is not as clear as the first 2 examples, but this dog seems to understand that his friend has passed at the funeral for his dog and seems to visibly mourn for his friend.


Another thing I noticed: In crime documentaries, I notice sometimes mothers say that they had "sensed" something really bad happened to their son/daughter, like they knew something terrible happened to their child even before they discovered the news.

We all know animals MOURN, but do people and animals also sense when someone close to them has passed away?

I'm definitely interested in anecdotal experiences


Jan 6, 2019
Jack Kruse is a pretty good source too once you start figuring out what he's talking about. Because he tries to rebrand everything with his own words without giving due credit to the actual researchers, many of them from the former USSR.
Thanks. I recall reading Kruse years ago before I found Peat, back then most of it flew over my head. Perhaps I'm ready now.


Mar 18, 2021
Thanks. I recall reading Kruse years ago before I found Peat, back then most of it flew over my head. Perhaps I'm ready now.
It's actually very easy compared to the complexity of human metabolism for example. If you start with the basics it takes very little time to get familiar with everything. It's best to revisit the periodic table of elements and the structure of the atom. The atomic number, the number of electron shells etc. It's also very helpful if you have a minimum of practical experience with electromagnetism. After that, get familiar with the concept of particle spin and angular momentum. It's somewhat analogous to the rotation of objects in the macroscopic world, but different in some aspects. The experiments done by physicists are actually very simple in their essence, The complexity is in the mathematical formulas they try to devise in order to rationalize their observations into predictable laws. But you don't need to understand all that. To quote Murray Gell-Mann: "Quantum mechanics, that mysterious, confusing discipline, which none of us really understands but which we know how to use"


Jun 24, 2022
United States
@miquelangeles, so said... "quantum entanglement" , thoughts or opinion on how one would separate from that? If one were negatively impacted in that relation. Affirmations is about the only thing I've come up with so far.
I know this is seems woo for most, but I think there is something to it.


Mar 18, 2021
@miquelangeles, so said... "quantum entanglement" , thoughts or opinion on how one would separate from that? If one were negatively impacted in that relation. Affirmations is about the only thing I've come up with so far.
I know this is seems woo for most, but I think there is something to it.
Affirmations, magic rituals, meditation, prayer, the so-called cord cutting rituals. But it depends on the type of entanglement and whether it is from this life or from past lives or from a relative, or a curse etc. For example, a concept from family constellation therapy is that if you take the place of a missing member of the family, or the place of some other person, you will also take their karma upon you and even develop the same physical diseases they had. It may sound vague, but raising your consciousness will make you immune to negative influences because they have a lower vibration.
You have to keep in mind that everything that you come into contact with, through any of your senses, results in the creation of these connections. In the Hawaiian Huna tradition they are called aka threads, in others they are called chakra cords, relational cords, energy cords, energetic binds etc. All your personal objects and everything that you touch become entangled with you to various extents. Your clothes, the chair you are sitting on, anything. If you keep a glass of water between your hands it will get imprinted with your field. If you express feelings of love and appreciation, it will become coherent and structured. These terms are used frequently, with vague meaning. The molecular structure is almost never altered. It is the polarization of the elementary particle spin that is influenced. It can be either left-handed or right-handed. This allows for encoding of information in binary mode.
It is also how homeopathy works. The informational field of any substance can be encoded into distilled water or other homogenous medium.


Jun 24, 2022
United States
Thank you for the the reply, this helps alot. The type of entanglement is confusing, all I've come up with so far is possibly muscle testing to try to figure that out.
Have just recently come across homeopathy you speak of, it truly is fascinating. Some of the devices seem to be helping alot of folks.


Mar 18, 2021
Thank you for the the reply, this helps alot. The type of entanglement is confusing, all I've come up with so far is possibly muscle testing to try to figure that out.
Have just recently come across homeopathy you speak of, it truly is fascinating. Some of the devices seem to be helping alot of folks.
Most people are amazed when doing muscle testing for the first time. Have you tried any personal harmonization devices? For example pendants like Q-link, Ark Crystal, Amezcua pendant etc.
Also, if you haven't already, check my thread about EMF: Nothing in life comes free
You need to practice very strict EMF hygiene and ideally stop carrying a smartphone and switch to a dumbphone.
All EMFs have an additional component that mainstream science doesn't recognize (yet) which has a left-handed polarization and it cannot be shielded by any material. They change the polarization of elementary particle spin inside your body and cause DNA damage, as well as breaking coherence of all biofields. In virtually all EMF studies it is this informational component that is causing the most damage. If you harmonize the particles of an EMF (photons in this case) it will become beneficial and increase vitality. But it's always best to minimize EMF instead, because the increased vitality may come at the cost of decreased longevity.
Here's a random video from the web demonstrating such device (harmonized jewelry) with muscle testing:
Also a related thread:


Aug 9, 2019
Here's a random video from the web demonstrating such device (harmonized jewelry) with muscle testing:
Lol. That took a whole 60 seconds to disprove .

The very first time, he leans away from her, dragging her center of gravity away from her center. The second time around, he leans in, and her center of gravity stays more or less the same, and she is able to stand. Try this with someone you know. Interestingly, the person cannot sense this, even though visually, it's pretty obvious. Excellent grift, especially when a single bracelet costs $100.

I write this not to debate EMF, but to highlight human error, and how easy it is to fool others and yourself. Placebo, conformation bias, and other faults are real and are hard to avoid, especially when you arrogantly claim that you are above that. That arrogance blinds you, sir.
Last edited:


Mar 18, 2021
Lol. That took a whole 60 seconds to disprove .

The very first time, he leans away from her, dragging her center of gravity away from her center. The second time around, he leans in, and her center of gravity stays more or less the same, and she is able to stand. Try this with someone you know. Interestingly, the person cannot sense this, even though visually, it's pretty obvious. Excellent grift, especially when a single bracelet costs $100.

I write this not to debate EMF, but to highlight human error, and how easy it is to fool others and yourself. Placebo, conformation bias, and other faults are real and are hard to avoid, especially when you arrogantly claim that you are above that. That arrogance blinds you, sir.
I predict that within a year or two maximum, you will be wearing or using a similar device in your home. Either way, you will be using some kind of device in your day to day life that uses this technology and principles, and you will remember this post.
Even if by that time you will still remain skeptical and dismissive about this technology, you will still be using it because popular manufacturers will include it in their devices. As an example, it took 8 years for Apple to introduce blue light filter into iOS after the first f.lux version was launched.
Don't dismiss these devices as a hoax just because it sounds impossible to you or because you think it's just a grift and can't work. Or because someone you trust told you it was one of these. You can try them and find out yourself. You'll then be able to say that the device works or doesn't work because you tried it yourself. Don't take someone else's word for it. For example, you can try the Q-Link. The majority of these devices are overpriced, but grift or not, Q-Link has a 90 days, no questions asked, money back guarantee. But if the Q-Link doesn't work for you, you should try at least another one such as the ARK Crystal or the Amezcua Chi pendant or something else, there are so many now. It will be very difficult for you to deprogram yourself without direct experimentation. But once you do, you will become curious about how they work and you will start asking yourself questions and in the end your core beliefs and how you perceive and interpret the world will transform completely. These stupid (but useful) devices are just a tiny taste of the technology that is to come.


Mar 18, 2021
Lol. That took a whole 60 seconds to disprove .

The very first time, he leans away from her, dragging her center of gravity away from her center. The second time around, he leans in, and her center of gravity stays more or less the same, and she is able to stand. Try this with someone you know. Interestingly, the person cannot sense this, even though visually, it's pretty obvious. Excellent grift, especially when a single bracelet costs $100.

I write this not to debate EMF, but to highlight human error, and how easy it is to fool others and yourself. Placebo, conformation bias, and other faults are real and are hard to avoid, especially when you arrogantly claim that you are above that. That arrogance blinds you, sir.
And since you mention placebo so often, have you never been curious about the science and physics of the placebo effect?
Mainstream medicine acknowledges that the placebo is effective in up to 50% of the cases. That's pretty damn impressive (in reality it's more than 50%). The American Medical Association recognizes placebo as being so powerful that it is ethical to use placebos to enhance healing on their own.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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