Calorie Restriction, Fasting, Food Intolerance Ect


Oct 10, 2016
I've always felt that my hypothyroidism came about when I had a "lump in the throat" when I was about 9-years old. I didnt have an appetite so I ate very little, I also felt very anxious and had trouble breathing for that period wich lasted like 6 weeks. Me and my parents noticed after that period that I had developed alot of food intolerances and also a skin condition called Keratosis pilaris. I also felt very tired all the time and generally depressed from then on. A couple of years later an homeopath conviced me that a water-fast for 3 weeks would do the trick. And of course I did it because I didnt know better at the time and I was desperate to get rid of the skin condition that plagued me. I stopped when my mother noticed that my skin had turned yellow. Naturally that water-fast ****88 up my metabolism even more and I developed even more intolerances and the skin condition got worse lol.

I've heard a couple of others who have developed food intolerances after dieting and fasting. I can handle alot of the things that I used to be intolerant to by getting enough sugar as I eat them, but still, milk I dont tolerate, I get a stuffy nose everytime I drink it. I really want to be able to drink milk since its so convenient...I guess my thyroid havent healed enough yet to be able to handle it.

Anyway, I would very much like to hear some of your stories, specifically concerning food intolerances after calorie restriction.


Apr 30, 2015
Yeah, my health problems came from fasting on Fridays, and then a diet high in veggies and meat and low in carbs. Years on that did the damage. Lowing stress is key, but also taking thyroid seems to be getting me some good results so far. To heal you need both lower stress and proper metabolism.


Oct 10, 2016
Thanks for sharing, Yes I've noticed besides sugar, Coconut oil has done wonders for me...I've tried many different types of thyroid including armour thyroid, cynomel, cynoplus ect but have not responded to them at all.
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