Caffeine Having A Strange Effect


Jan 27, 2015
Hi all, I've started taking caffeine slowly in small doses but am having weird effects...

When taking it, it gives me a boost shortly after and seems to warm my body up quite well, I never feel a crash on it but tend to get hungry earlier which I attribute to increased glycogen burn. The weird part is when I drink my orange juice to compensate around 5 minutes after my pulse increases and I get an uneasy feeling in my body, no so much weakness but it just makes me feel uneasy. This tends to only last for around 10 - 20 minutes and I then go back to normal...

I'm currently only having a strong coffee in the morning and then 200mg around an hour after, I normally replenish with fructose around 2 - 3 hours after...

Due to this only happening once I have ingested more fructose I'm wondering if this would likely point to stress response due to it burning through my glycogen to quickly or is it possible I'm feeling mild hyperthyroid symptoms instead?

I'm currently on about 400g of carbs a day purely from fructose and lactose...

Thanks for reading...


Sep 3, 2016
What do we think is the cause of the OP's original post? I often burn through my glycogen so fast and get light headed on caffeine. It does anything but blunt my appetite, it increases it along with a burst of somewhat edgy energy. Feels too much like adrenaline. I consume adequate sugar, and am lean. I almost always feel best when I consume caffeine with plenty of saturated fat it seems like. Same thing happens when I take t3.


Jun 7, 2017
What do we think is the cause of the OP's original post? I often burn through my glycogen so fast and get light headed on caffeine. It does anything but blunt my appetite, it increases it along with a burst of somewhat edgy energy. Feels too much like adrenaline. I consume adequate sugar, and am lean. I almost always feel best when I consume caffeine with plenty of saturated fat it seems like. Same thing happens when I take t3.

Probably increased need for nutrients, thiamin comes to mind given its role in glucose metabolism. Caffeine, nicotine, t3 do increase our need for energy substrates, but that in turn means we need more protein, copper, selenium, zinc, retinol, b-vitamins, and everything else to support the innumerable physiological functions of our body. OJ has its benefits, but we need a lot more than what it has to offer by itself.


Sep 23, 2017
you are really messing with your energy system here. The caffeine makes the body release fatty acids and stimulates the adrenals....the OJ shuts off everything the Caffeine did. OJ is an anti adrenaline because of sugar which increases insulin and foliate which lowers methlyation turning off the adrenals.

you are stepping on the gas with the caffeine and you are slamming the breaks with the OJ.

the adrenals and pancreas antagonize each other. The adrenals say go go go and the pancreas says stop stop stop. you wold be better off drinking a caffeine free soda than OJ to some degree as soda has less glucose than OJ and will spike your insulin less. or just wait longer before you do the OJ.


Aug 6, 2015
you are really messing with your energy system here. The caffeine makes the body release fatty acids and stimulates the adrenals....the OJ shuts off everything the Caffeine did. OJ is an anti adrenaline because of sugar which increases insulin and foliate which lowers methlyation turning off the adrenals.

you are stepping on the gas with the caffeine and you are slamming the breaks with the OJ.

the adrenals and pancreas antagonize each other. The adrenals say go go go and the pancreas says stop stop stop. you wold be better off drinking a caffeine free soda than OJ to some degree as soda has less glucose than OJ and will spike your insulin less. or just wait longer before you do the OJ.

so what's the point of taking caffeine pills ?


Sep 23, 2017
so what's the point of taking caffeine pills ?

increase dopamine, alertness, lose weight as caffiene forces the body to release stored body fat. prevent parkinson, alzheimers, stimulate the adrenals incase they are low, and stimulate thyroid
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