Blood Test Results = Low Vitamin D, High Cholesterol, FBS, Neutrophils, Low Lymphocytes, Eosinophil

Dec 10, 2015
Hi these are my recent blood test. Any advice with the low vitamin d and does supplementation of D3 needed and what IU should i take? Also my elevated blood sugar and cholesterol. What to do with high Neutrophils , Low Lymphocytes and Eosinophil.

And also do i need to test for Prolactin and Lactate? The laboratory did not include this test because im over the hour limit. For prolactin upon rising 3 to 4 hours blood extraction. For lactate i was told if im taking some lactid acid and im not sure if whey protein is high on lactic acid so i did not take the test.


Bicarbonate(ENZYMATIC)*** 28.79 (22.00~30.00) meq/L

Vit.D Total (CMIA) 11.48 Low (> 30.00)ng/mL
28.70 Low (> 75.00) nmol/L

FBS (HEXOKINASE) 101.81 High (70.10~98.93) mg/dL

Lipid Profile

Cholesterol (CHOD-PAP) 242.08 High (< 200.77) mg/dL

Triglycerides (ENZYMATIC) 92.93 (< 149.57) mg/dL

HDL (DIRECT MEASURE- PEG) 60.23 (> 34.75) mg/dL

LDL 163.32 (49.03~172.59) mg/dL

VLDL 18.46 (< 30.00 ) mg/dL

CHOL/HDL Ratio 4.02 (< 5.70)

Creatinine (enzymatic) 0.79 (0.67~1.18mg/dL) umol/L

SGPT / ALT (kinetic ) 40.60 (10.00~50.00) U/L

SGOT / AST (kinetic ) 25.60 (10.00~50.00) U/L

Albumin (colorimetric) 4.46 (3.50~5.00) g/dL

Sodium (ise) 141.00 (135.00~148.00) meq/L

Potassium (ise) 3.88 (3.50~5.30) meq/L

T. Calcium (colorimetric) 8.92 (8.40~10.20) mg/dL

Magnesium (colorimetric ) 2.24 (1.70~2.43) mg/dL

CO2 (ENZYMATIC)*** 28.79 (22.00~30.00) meq/L

Ionized Calcium (ISE)*** 4.56 (4.40~5.40) mg/dL

FT3 (ECLIA) 4.47 (2.80~7.10) pmol/L
FT4 (ECLIA) 15.48 (12.00~22.00) pmol/L
TSH (ECLIA) 3.280 (0.27~4.20) uIU/mL

Complete Blood Count.

White Blood Cells 7.36 (4.23~9.07) X10^9/L

Red Blood Cells 5.40 (4.63~6.08) X10^6/mm^3

Hemoglobin g/L 16.50 g/dL (13.70~17.50)

Hematocrit 49.00 (40.00~51.00) %

Mean Corpuscular Volume 90.20 (79.00~92.20) u^3

Mean Corpuscular Hb 30.60 (25.70~32.20) pg

Mean Corpuscular Hb Conc. 33.90 (32.30~36.50)g/dL

RBC Distribution Width11.90 (11.60~14.60) %

Platelet Adequate

Mean Platelet Volume 10.70 (6.50~12.00) fL

Differential Count

Neutrophils 80.40 % High (34.00~68.00)

Lymphocytes 11.40 % Low (22.00~53.00)

Monocyte % 7.10 (5.00~12.00)

Eosinophil 0.70 % Low (1.00~7.00)

Basophil 0.40% (0.00~1.00)
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Apr 5, 2016
I wouldn't worry about the differential count - the rest of your blood count looks fine RBC, WBC, etc.

FT3, FT4, and CO2 seem fine which are good measures of Thyroid. Though TSH is a little high if you're not having symptoms I wouldn't worry about. TSH can bounce around from test to test. Though you'll want to get this down closer to 1.

Elevated Cholesterol can be due to Thyroid, Stress, Diet, Lifestyle - tough to say though your level is not obscenely high. If you don't have a disease and feel good without symptomatic issues don't obsess over cholesterol.

Vitamin D - does look low. You could supplement with A,D3,K2 to bring up the combination will be better then taking alone.

Fasting blood sugar is slightly elevated at 101. Did you have anything to eat prior to testing within a couple hours?
Dec 10, 2015
JohnHafterson ,

I do have symptoms of shakiness and labored breathing. If i supplement vitamin A and D3 should i buy in separate form. I saw a combine vitamin a and d3 from fish liver oil. Or its better the d3 comes from sheep wool oil? and the vit A the synthetic form retinyl palmitate?

About the K2 i saw from the label Mk4 to Mk10?

About my fasting blood sugar, i only ate after the bloodtest.

Sleep is still not productive because of the skakiness, im planning of supplementing glycine and taurine.


Mar 29, 2016
I agree with John's points.

Your TSH is above 1. There is possibility that you are low thyroid. Since there is no available reverse T3 tests in the Philippines, you may check your waking temperature, and temperature before and after breakfast, and another time say in the afternoon. Low temperature, the further away from 37 C could indicate a low thyroid condition. Using a regular digital thermometer, I would leave it in place (armpit or under tongue) for about 12 minutes, disregarding the beep sound of the thermometer.

Your calcium and d3 are low. In the tropics, you can easily increase vitamin d by being outdoors more often, or if indoors, be by an open window to keep the window panes from filtering UV-B rays. Many homes are air-conditioned and sunlight thru windows does not enable vitamin d production. For the time being, I would recommend you to take Vitamin D3 of 5,000 IU daily. But it would be better to take advantage of the free Vitamin D from sunlight, and incorporate going out for a walk for about 15-30 minutes daily. Contrary to what many people believe, it's not the morning sun that is better. When the sun is located 50 degrees and above from the horizon, that is the best time for sun exposure. Since the time window for ideal sun exposure varies by season, a simple rule is to go get exposure from 11 am to around 2 pm, Philippine time (which is our common time).

For calcium, eat plenty of cooked leafy vegetables as leaves contain almost all the calcium in plants. This should amount to a daily amount of 1500 mg of calcium daily. You can get similar quantity of calcium with taking 4 grams of eggshell powder daily. That may not be practical. If drinking 2 quarts of milk is just as impractical, consider eating 1500 mg worth of calcium of cheese. Or you can take calcium supplements such as the locally available Calvit Gold (600 mg/tablet) which is around P8/tablet. I'm just not sure how bioavailable the calcium in this product is, so I'm not really recommending such high calcium content per tablet. I would rather get needed vitamins and minerals from food, as I believe taking them from food sources ensure their absorption, as the food has co-factors that enable assimilation.

You mention shakiness. When does it happen? I wonder if it has to do with low blood sugar.

As for labored breathing, when does it happen? All the time? Does it happen even when you are at rest? Or after strenuous exercise or activity? I wonder how efficient your blood is at delivering oxygen to your cells. Do you have plenty of mercury amalgam fillings? Your CO2 is fine, so bag breathing may not be the answer, but you can try bag breathing and see if that helps. Also, keep your mouth closed so that you are breathing through your nose all the time.


Apr 5, 2016
Agreed - there could be some blood sugar issues involved. Shakiness can be symptomatic of hypoglycemia with or without thyroid issues.

Labored breathing likely stress, magnesium, thyroid as well.

I think it's good to focus on health but if it becomes a preoccupation to the point where one becomes overly stressed it's counterproductive.

Find ways to relax and hobbies which get you off the computer/cell phone into new and/or gratifying experiences etc.
Dec 10, 2015
I agree with John's points.

Your TSH is above 1. There is possibility that you are low thyroid. Since there is no available reverse T3 tests in the Philippines, you may check your waking temperature, and temperature before and after breakfast, and another time say in the afternoon. Low temperature, the further away from 37 C could indicate a low thyroid condition. Using a regular digital thermometer, I would leave it in place (armpit or under tongue) for about 12 minutes, disregarding the beep sound of the thermometer.

I will try that. So just ignore the beep and wait for 12-15 minutes for an accurate reading?

Your calcium and d3 are low. In the tropics, you can easily increase vitamin d by being outdoors more often, or if indoors, be by an open window to keep the window panes from filtering UV-B rays. Many homes are air-conditioned and sunlight thru windows does not enable vitamin d production. For the time being, I would recommend you to take Vitamin D3 of 5,000 IU daily. But it would be better to take advantage of the free Vitamin D from sunlight, and incorporate going out for a walk for about 15-30 minutes daily. Contrary to what many people believe, it's not the morning sun that is better. When the sun is located 50 degrees and above from the horizon, that is the best time for sun exposure. Since the time window for ideal sun exposure varies by season, a simple rule is to go get exposure from 11 am to around 2 pm, Philippine time (which is our common time).

Yes will try the noon sun thats really hot when summer comes. For the supplemental vitamin d3 what do you suggest thats available locally? The popular supplement store in the philippines malls are not peaty because of magnesium stearate/silica.... But i saw a d3 from wool oil.

For calcium, eat plenty of cooked leafy vegetables as leaves contain almost all the calcium in plants. This should amount to a daily amount of 1500 mg of calcium daily. You can get similar quantity of calcium with taking 4 grams of eggshell powder daily. That may not be practical. If drinking 2 quarts of milk is just as impractical, consider eating 1500 mg worth of calcium of cheese. Or you can take calcium supplements such as the locally available Calvit Gold (600 mg/tablet) which is around P8/tablet. I'm just not sure how bioavailable the calcium in this product is, so I'm not really recommending such high calcium content per tablet. I would rather get needed vitamins and minerals from food, as I believe taking them from food sources ensure their absorption, as the food has co-factors that enable assimilation.

What do you suggest leafy vegetables. Right now we have plenty of okra. is this ok? And how do you cooked your veggies? Is the calvit gold from the leading drugstore or supplement shop in the mall?

You mention shakiness. When does it happen? I wonder if it has to do with low blood sugar.

The shakiness is like vibrating insdie not the parkinson type. When i lie down thats when i really feel the vibration so my sleep is not good. Im trying to figure which will diet will correct this.

As for labored breathing, when does it happen? All the time? Does it happen even when you are at rest? Or after strenuous exercise or activity? I wonder how efficient your blood is at delivering oxygen to your cells. Do you have plenty of mercury amalgam fillings? Your CO2 is fine, so bag breathing may not be the answer, but you can try bag breathing and see if that helps. Also, keep your mouth closed so that you are breathing through your nose all the time.

The labored breathing is accompanying symptoms of the shakiness. Its like a "one pulse feeling in the body" From the center of the chest and the head. Right now i have two amalgam filling but a decade ago i went to a conventional dentist to remove the amalgam. Not really sure if he remove it all. There was a time he kept asking me while drilling my molar to remove the amalgam if its painful. So im not sure if there are still a leftover amalgam in the tooth and just filled on the top composite fillings. I know amalgam is silver in color. Do conventional dentist know if all amalgams are remove? He kept asking me if its painful if he is hitting something not to be hit.


Mar 29, 2016
I will try that. So just ignore the beep and wait for 12-15 minutes for an accurate reading?
12 minutes is long enough.

Yes will try the noon sun thats really hot when summer comes. For the supplemental vitamin d3 what do you suggest thats available locally? The popular supplement store in the philippines malls are not peaty because of magnesium stearate/silica.... But i saw a d3 from wool oil.
Healthy Options has 5,000 IU Vitamin D3.

What do you suggest leafy vegetables. Right now we have plenty of okra. is this ok? And how do you cooked your veggies? Is the calvit gold from the leading drugstore or supplement shop in the mall?
I don't know about okra, as I'm not familiar with eating okra as a leaf. Calvit Gold you can get from Mercury Drug Store.

The shakiness is like vibrating insdie not the parkinson type. When i lie down thats when i really feel the vibration so my sleep is not good. Im trying to figure which will diet will correct this.
Where is the vibration coming from within? So only when lying down? Does it go on all day or all night? Does it ever stop? Does it have something to do with your nerves?

The labored breathing is accompanying symptoms of the shakiness. Its like a "one pulse feeling in the body" From the center of the chest and the head. Right now i have two amalgam filling but a decade ago i went to a conventional dentist to remove the amalgam. Not really sure if he remove it all. There was a time he kept asking me while drilling my molar to remove the amalgam if its painful. So im not sure if there are still a leftover amalgam in the tooth and just filled on the top composite fillings. I know amalgam is silver in color. Do conventional dentist know if all amalgams are remove? He kept asking me if its painful if he is hitting something not to be hit.
I doubt there would be leftover amalgam.

As for labored breathing, when does it happen? All the time? Does it happen even when you are at rest? Or after strenuous exercise or activity?

Your CO2 is fine, so bag breathing may not be the answer, but you can try bag breathing and see if that helps. Also, keep your mouth closed so that you are breathing through your nose all the time.
Dec 10, 2015
Healthy Options has 5,000 IU Vitamin D3.

Any form is ok ? Is says made from fish oil?

And im reading it best tocombined it with k2? They have two kinds of k2 - from mk7 and the other mixture of mk4 to mk10.

Where is the vibration coming from within? So only when lying down? Does it go on all day or all night? Does it ever stop? Does it have something to do with your nerves?

yes it all day but its more pronounce when lying down like im feeling the pulse in my chest, back of throat and inside head.

As for labored breathing, when does it happen? All the time? Does it happen even when you are at rest? Or after strenuous exercise or activity?

Its been months that i have not do any strenous activity. Maybe i need to go to gym to restart my body.
Dec 10, 2015
Agreed - there could be some blood sugar issues involved. Shakiness can be symptomatic of hypoglycemia with or without thyroid issues.

Labored breathing likely stress, magnesium, thyroid as well.

I think it's good to focus on health but if it becomes a preoccupation to the point where one becomes overly stressed it's counterproductive.

Find ways to relax and hobbies which get you off the computer/cell phone into new and/or gratifying experiences etc.

Is it better to get magnesium from food?
Dec 10, 2015
Update - Blood pressure 112 over 73 Heart rate fluctuates around 95 to 103

What supplement or meds that normalize heart rate but does not make blood pressure low.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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