Billy Craig's 6000 Kcal Diet


Nov 21, 2012
I've consulted Billy once.
He's not a fraud,I believe he really did that experiment. The thing is though,that he's very intelligent,accurate&knowledgeable,so he would know exactly what he was doing. Whereas most people don't.
He mentioned that at the ending it was very uncomfortable,bc he even couldn't sit still anymore. That's why he doesn't recommend 6000cals of good food for the average beginners.
(That comment kinda reminds me of this YouTuber Maxx Chewning,he comes across as high energy while being quite lean yet very strong. But he doesn't eat nowhere near 6000calories,nor healthconscious. He apparently has a very good metabolism,that he can get away with the food he eats not paying attention to anything,just paying attention to his macros.)

I tend to agree with Pboy on the fatgain theory. I'm starting to believe that if you eat only (well most weeks) unprocessed nutritious foods,you probably won't get massively obese. If you do there's an imbalance/system hormonalfailure somewhere. Besides that,I think it's hard to overeat bc your body will become adequate at telling you what it needs when you listen carefully. From my own experiences,I'm starting to believe that a lot of the 'fatgain' is locked away toxins.

Billy wasn't the only one to eat high calories,here's a testimonial by Scott Schlegel (at the end) in the 180DegreesHealth January newsletter. Based within a Peat paradigm.
He aso came from a lowcarb Paleo background,if you look at the picture from that period,you'll probably think:" Wow!That guy is ripped!" but when you read his story it doesn't come across as that he was happy&healthy at the time. It seems that having and maintaining such a lean body isn't doable for most people in the end.


Mar 29, 2014
Not about his diet, but he's just posted a nice little blog about the theoretical and actual n=1 effects of endurance exercise, with quotes from RP: ... e-exercise

Last Saturday I took part in the 100th Scott Trial, an arduous test of both man and machine. I've long been an advocate of avoiding endurance exercise, in fact it made me increasingly unpopular with the bosses at Virgin Active when I often recommended against such exercise for the majority of their membership base.

However, Saturday saw me once again push the limits of my endurance along with 200 other competitors. It must be said that none of us were doing this for health or fitness, ...


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I can believe this Billy Craig stuff.

I'm down to my highschool weight and I'm probably eating 3000 - 4000 kcal a day. I'm not one to calorie count, though. I'm worried about losing any more weight.

When I started Peating I was drinking 3 quarts of 1% milk/day on most days. I now drink 3 quarts of 3.25% milk/day on most days. This with 1 quart of OJ, dates, dark chocolate, a banana, 2 egg yolks on most days.

Then I make this fatty Hamburger Hash quite a bit here lately, gonna have left overs later on tonight. That's roughly 1/2 pound of ground chuck with 2 medium potatoes with 1 tbsp butter, 14 grams of gelatin protein added in too.

There's also the calf liver atleast twice a week (8 oz.) Occasional oysters too. Haagen Dazs ice cream sometimes. Sweet tea, sometimes 4 cups a day with 12 tsp sugar total. Coffee just 12 oz/day here lately on work days. Days off lately I've been getting Red Eyes at Starbucks very sweet, get the cheap refill too.

I'm not pushing the envelope like Billy Craig seemed to do, but sometimes I really wonder just where all these calories I consume are going... :?:

EDIT: The more I think about it, it's probably just that my metabolism has greatly improved. It's safe to say that I am trending in Billy Craig's way though...


Mar 29, 2014
3000 is normal for a healthy adult man - more needed for those who do a lot of physical work/play. Sounds good if your metabolism is improving. If I remember right you do a physical job - if you keep losing and it seems too much, you might need to eat more to support the work. Oh no, not more icecream. :)


Apr 17, 2013
I can believe this Billy Craig stuff.

I'm down to my highschool weight and I'm probably eating 3000 - 4000 kcal a day. I'm not one to calorie count, though. I'm worried about losing any more weight.

When I started Peating I was drinking 3 quarts of 1% milk/day on most days. I now drink 3 quarts of 3.25% milk/day on most days. This with 1 quart of OJ, dates, dark chocolate, a banana, 2 egg yolks on most days.

Then I make this fatty Hamburger Hash quite a bit here lately, gonna have left overs later on tonight. That's roughly 1/2 pound of ground chuck with 2 medium potatoes with 1 tbsp butter, 14 grams of gelatin protein added in too.

There's also the calf liver atleast twice a week (8 oz.) Occasional oysters too. Haagen Dazs ice cream sometimes. Sweet tea, sometimes 4 cups a day with 12 tsp sugar total. Coffee just 12 oz/day here lately on work days. Days off lately I've been getting Red Eyes at Starbucks very sweet, get the cheap refill too.

I'm not pushing the envelope like Billy Craig seemed to do, but sometimes I really wonder just where all these calories I consume are going... :?:

EDIT: The more I think about it, it's probably just that my metabolism has greatly improved. It's safe to say that I am trending in Billy Craig's way though...

Did you gain weight at first, or did you just start losing from the beginning?

Morning Star

Feb 11, 2016
(That comment kinda reminds me of this YouTuber Maxx Chewning,he comes across as high energy while being quite lean yet very strong. But he doesn't eat nowhere near 6000calories,nor healthconscious. He apparently has a very good metabolism,that he can get away with the food he eats not paying attention to anything,just paying attention to his macros.)
That guy is an enigma. Watch him chow down on cheeseburgers, fries and diet coke than smash a 610 lb deadlift.
A truly mystifying element of our experience is that we all follow a hyper strict regimen, carefully controlling every conceivable variable only to repeatedly encounter individuals who, with almost no regard for what they put into their bodies, surpass us, whether in terms of strength or aesthetics. Such anomalous cases give us pause and force us to question the validity of our beliefs. However we mustn't neglect remember that these men and women are anomalies for a reason, in that the majority of others who adopt a similar practice of feckless and haphazard eating end up fat, sick, weak and stupefied, which is to say "average".


Aug 3, 2021
Recent interview:



Dec 8, 2016
Oct 15, 2015
I once saw a documentary about an overfeeding experiment. I can't find it now but it was really interesting. They had group of people eat substantially over their normal calories. The results were different for each person. Some just gained weight as you would expect. Some literally could not do it and would vomit if when they forced themselves to do it. And then the most surprising was one person who put on a ton of muscle and looked ripped. I think also some of the people developed fidgeting habits. Their bodies seemed to be compelled to burn off the extra calories. Anyway, it appears to be different for every person.


Nov 4, 2017
That guy is an enigma. Watch him chow down on cheeseburgers, fries and diet coke than smash a 610 lb deadlift.
A truly mystifying element of our experience is that we all follow a hyper strict regimen, carefully controlling every conceivable variable only to repeatedly encounter individuals who, with almost no regard for what they put into their bodies, surpass us, whether in terms of strength or aesthetics. Such anomalous cases give us pause and force us to question the validity of our beliefs. However we mustn't neglect remember that these men and women are anomalies for a reason, in that the majority of others who adopt a similar practice of feckless and haphazard eating end up fat, sick, weak and stupefied, which is to say "average".
Right. Billy Craig is a professional mountain biker (former?) with a profuse amount of mitochondria from the multi-system training that's required of mountain biking. Depending on ones energetic state, genetic variance, nervous system dominance, etc. that allow them to overcome the metabolic damage of something like this, it's certainly not applicable to the majority of people! In my experience, when these people do break, they break much harder than the "average" person because the amount of stress they have endured with both that kind of eating as well as the wear and tear of their sport/activity.


Jun 7, 2016
Those people are hypothyroid and have a wasteful metabolism. It’s not a good thing. Just like people who eat hardly anything and keep getting fatter.

If anyone wants to understand this, look at Rays personal life. He used to consume 10000 calories, couldn’t put on weight or muscle, once he took thyroid he was able to eat 3500 calories and maintain his weight.


Apr 15, 2015
Those people are hypothyroid and have a wasteful metabolism. It’s not a good thing. Just like people who eat hardly anything and keep getting fatter.

If anyone wants to understand this, look at Rays personal life. He used to consume 10000 calories, couldn’t put on weight or muscle, once he took thyroid he was able to eat 3500 calories and maintain his weight.
He also mentioned he took too much thyroid once and his thyroid gland shrank .
Does wasteful metabolism term differ from high/low mentabolism ?


Jun 7, 2016
He also mentioned he took too much thyroid once and his thyroid gland shrank .
Does wasteful metabolism term differ from high/low mentabolism ?
Yeah I remember him saying that and how one can feel the thyroid to check.

He explained it to haidut only after kept asking further and has mentioned it many times overtime but he never really explains it.

From what I understand, low metabolism person won’t be eating much calories but overweight, gaining weight and is hypothyroid.

The wasteful fast metabolism is when the person is consuming huge calories and skinny, losing weight but they are hypothyroid as well.

There is two extremes in hypothyroid which can be rectified by taking thyroid, from my limited knowledge.

Hyperthyroid is rare and probably only achievable with taking too much thyroid.


Apr 15, 2015
Yeah I remember him saying that and how one can feel the thyroid to check.

He explained it to haidut only after kept asking further and has mentioned it many times overtime but he never really explains it.

From what I understand, low metabolism person won’t be eating much calories but overweight, gaining weight and is hypothyroid.

The wasteful fast metabolism is when the person is consuming huge calories and skinny, losing weight but they are hypothyroid as well.

There is two extremes in hypothyroid which can be rectified by taking thyroid, from my limited knowledge.

Hyperthyroid is rare and probably only achievable with taking too much thyroid.
to me it seems like a fringe science...
I'm a really skinny guy, eat tons of foods but nothing stays on me. If my metabolism were so fast I would produce lots of heat to burn all those calories ... but my morning temperature is 35.5C and by midday 36.3. At that I have a sedentary job all day , I exercise no more than couple times a week. Where is all my energy wasted ?
My blood test and ultrasound scan show completely normal thyroid.


Jun 7, 2016
to me it seems like a fringe science...
I'm a really skinny guy, eat tons of foods but nothing stays on me. If my metabolism were so fast I would produce lots of heat to burn all those calories ... but my morning temperature is 35.5C and by midday 36.3. At that I have a sedentary job all day , I exercise no more than couple times a week. Where is all my energy wasted ?
My blood test and ultrasound scan show completely normal thyroid.
Yeah Ray is probably the only one on Earth to come to remotely understand it.

The normal thyroid is questionable due to they keep lowering the normal ranges in order to avoid pandemic of hypothyroid people apparently.

I’m at work but when I finish I’ll track down when he said it because haidut asked him where all the energy goes and I can’t remember.


Apr 15, 2015

1:10.30 ray says hypothyroid can’t retain magnesium in cells, the magnesium allows atp to accumulate. Hypothyroid people has to keep making atp and that’s where the energy goes.

I wish RP was wrong on this.
It is imposible somehow to measure or confirm that I'm really hypothyroid apart from relying on basal temperature. Who knows maybe there are othere things involved apart from thyroid.
Per ray peat the only solution would be supplemeting thyroid and it gives me heart palpitations and no improvements.


Jun 7, 2016
I wish RP was wrong on this.
It is imposible somehow to measure or confirm that I'm really hypothyroid apart from relying on basal temperature. Who knows maybe there are othere things involved apart from thyroid.
Per ray peat the only solution would be supplemeting thyroid and it gives me heart palpitations and no improvements.
I read somewhere why this occurs but can’t find what is was. Possibly it was bacterial infection.

How long have you been doing low pufa? I’ve been doing this RP stuff for 6 years and still improving.


Jun 29, 2018
I haven't read through this whole thread so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this. I am reading a book: How To Become Naturally Thin By Eating More by Jean Antonello which seems to be based on the consistent eating concept. She is not advocating very high calories just snacking throughout the day, never letting blood sugar drop too low. Basically listen to your bodies hunger signals and satisfying them. I'm liking the book so far.
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